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1. What Is Halitosis? More than 90 million people suffer from chronic halitosis or bad breath. Inmost cases it originates from the gums and tongue. What Is halitosis? http://www.agd.org/consumer/topics/halitosis/main.html | |
2. Bad Breath Research Offers research about halitosis (bad breath). http://www.tau.ac.il/~melros/ | |
3. Halitosis halitosis. halitosis, also called bad breath, foul breath, malodor, foetor ex ore, and fetor oris is defined as an offensive odor emanating from the oral cavity. Bad breath is a common pet odor complaint. The most common cause of halitosis is periodontal disease caused by plaque http://www.dentalvet.com/vets/periodontics/halitosis.htm | |
4. Halitosis FAQ What is halitosis? halitosis, also called bad breath, is as an offensive odor emanating from the oral cavity What causes halitosis? The most common cause of halitosis is periodontal http://www.dentalvet.com/dentalvet/FAQs/halitosis_faq.htm | |
5. Bad Breath Treatment Center - Halitosis, Chronic Halitosis, Halitosis Treatment, Most effective halitosis, chronic halitosis, halitosis treatment, halitosis cure, and halitosis cause treatment program developed by Dr. Dailley. halitosis Causes. What causes a halitosis condition? There are a number of possible causes of halitosis. Below we have listed some possible causes and have separated them http://www.breathcure.com/halitosis.html | |
6. Halitosis Order Toll Free 800644-2538 or 1-909-396-6530 for International order. Live Operator on-line Monday - Friday 9am-5pm California Time . Fax 1-909-861-0588. Type in product Keyword or Brand Name to http://www.nutrimart.com/Ailments/halitosis.htm | |
7. Halitosis Offers possible causes and treatments. http://health4her.com/library/concerns/halitosis.cfm | |
8. Halitosis This section has articles on strong halitosis /strong . AGD Home News ReleasesDental Terms, Home Consumer Information Oral Health Resources halitosis. http://www.agd.org/consumer/topics/halitosis/ | |
9. Bad Breath, Halitosis, & Bad Breath Cures From TheraBreath & California Breath C Cure bad breath, halitosis, dry mouth, and sour tastes with various oral treatments available from the leaders of bad breath cures Therabreath, a company of California Breath Clinics and New Article Post Nasal Drip can turn bad breath into chronic halitosis! Read it now All international rights reserved. halitosis resources. , , http://www.123fresh.com/ | |
10. Post Nasal Drip Treatment Offers halitosis and post nasal drip products. http://www.freshbreathcures.com/ | |
11. Halitosis of the Condition Bad...... day! FEEDBACK. Home Library Health Concerns halitosis halitosis.Bad Breath, halitosis. Brief http://www.health4her.com/library/concerns/halitosis.cfm | |
12. Document Title Provides evaluation of safety and efficacy of products and treatments in the dental and medical field; conducts clinical trials for halitosis, periodontal dentistry, and electronic nose. http://www.uhrg1.com/ | |
13. Testing For Halitosis. Home AnimatedTeeth.com. halitosis / testing for halitosis / halitosiscures. What does the term halitosis mean? Just in case you http://www.animated-teeth.com/bad_breath/t1a_halitosis.htm | |
14. Door Develops, produces, and distributes oral care products for halitosis. Includes news, list of consumer and professional products, and information book. http://www.rowpar.com/ |
15. Mejor Aliento Productos para combatir la halitosis o mal aliento. Incluye secci³n de preguntas frecuentes y consejos. http://www.mejoraliento.com/ | |
16. Bad Breath Halitosis Dentist Directory Listing Of Periodontists And Dentists Who Bad Breath halitosis Dentist Directory. A directory listing of dentists and dental practices that offer Bad Breath halitosis services, products and technologies. Find a Bad Breath halitosis Bad http://www.badbreath-halitosis-dentist.com/ | |
17. Periogrup Clnica dedicada exclusivamente a periodoncia e implantes dentales. Tratamientos para el mal aliento o halitosis, enfermedad periodontal o piorrea. http://www.periogrup.com/ | |
18. Las Enfermedades - Preguntas Y Respuestas - Diccionario Medico Online -Directori enfermedades, enfermedad, diccionario online, directorio de enfermedades gratis en español, espanol, diccionario medico de medicina y salud, sintomas, sintoma, tratamiento, tratamientos, Versión http://www.lasenfermedades.com/index.php?op=view&t=787 |
19. ADA.org: Oral Health Topics: Bad Breath (Halitosis) This page provides current information about Bad Breath (halitosis) as itrelates to the public. Oral Health Topics AZ. Bad Breath (halitosis). http://www.ada.org/public/topics/bad_breath.asp | |
20. Pulp! An obese, greasy necrophilic hermaphrodite with halitosis and multiple STDs! (A Princeton Student.) http://www.princeton.edu/~eychao/ |
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