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Hairy Leukoplakia: more detail |
81. Worldbook Medical Encyclopedia > Labia Majora - Lysozyme > Leukoplakia hairy leukoplakia; smoker s keratosis female vulva (the external names hairy leukoplakia; smoker s keratosis female vulva (the external http://www.s-books.com/wbmedical/31865/31926/1.htm | |
82. PathoPic - Oral Hairy Leukoplakia - Addtl Findings - Clinical Findings- Comment - Info for non-medical...... Diagnosis oral hairy leukoplakia (6497) Synonyms kaposi sarcoma http://alf3.urz.unibas.ch/pathopic/idx/e/006/006497.htm | |
83. AIDSinfo - HIV / AIDS Glossary Terms starting with the letter H , HAART. hairy leukoplakia. HALFLIFE. HAM/TSP. hairy leukoplakia See Oral hairy leukoplakia. Click here for the Spanish version. http://aidsinfo.nih.gov/ed_resources/glossary/default.asp?id=311&letter=h |
84. AIDSinfo - HIV / AIDS Glossary ORAL hairy leukoplakia (OHL). ORGANELLE. OROPHARYNGEAL. ORAL hairy leukoplakia (OHL) A whitish lesion that appears on the side of the tongue and inside cheeks. http://aidsinfo.nih.gov/ed_resources/glossary/default.asp?id=589&letter=o |
85. Health Encyclopedia Alternate Names. hairy leukoplakia; Smoker s keratosis. Definition. hairy leukoplakia may be one of the first signs of infection with HIV. Symptoms. http://healthcontent.baptistnortheast.com/adamcontent/ency/article/001046.asp | |
86. Oral Manifestations Of AIDS Back to Classification. Oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL). The classically described intraoral lesion of AIDS is oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL). http://www.dent.ucla.edu/pic/members/oralaids/viral/ohl/ohl.html | |
87. HIV And Oral Airy Leukoplakia home index map editor for autors about us contact us. Oral hairy leukoplakia. leuvill2.jpg (16758 byte) leuvill3b.jpg (26253 byte). top page. editor home index. http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/Aidsimaging/leucovill/Aleucovill.htm | |
88. PillSupplier.com - Conditions And Diseases/Infectious Diseases/Viral/Epstein-Bar Category hairy leukoplakia. HOME Login . Conditions and Diseases/Infectious Diseases/Viral/EpsteinBarr Virus/hairy leukoplakia. Links http://www.pillsupplier.com/dir/1030/ | |
89. Oral Hairy Leukoplakia Is Not A Specific Sign Of HIV Infection But Related To Im Oral hairy leukoplakia is not a specific sign of HIV infection but related to immunosuppression in general. J Oral Pathol Med 1989182831. Julkaisutiedot. http://www.uku.fi/wwwdata/julkaisutoiminta/julkaisut/1989/8900472.html | |
90. Leukoplakia hairy leukoplakia; Smoker s keratosis. Causes, incidence, and risk factors hairy leukoplakia may be one of the first signs of infection with HIV. Symptoms http://www.shands.org/health/information/article/001046.htm | |
91. Disease - Leukoplakia, North Carolina Alternative Names hairy leukoplakia; Smoker´s keratosis. Causes And Risk hairy leukoplakia may be one of the first signs of infection with HIV. Prevention http://www.uhseast.com/11486.cfm | |
92. Karger Publishers Morsicatio linguarum versus Oral hairy leukoplakia I. TomásCarmona a , J. Cameselle Tejeiro b , P. Diz Dios a , J. Seoane Lestón a , M. Castro Ferreiro a http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Doi=18483 |
93. May Newsletter Vol. 1, No.1, September 1, 1998 CLINICAL CORRELATION hairy leukoplakia Dr. Anne Cale Jones. hairy leukoplakia is a unique form of hyperkeratosis caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). http://onepath.uthscsa.edu/news/May04.htm | |
94. Diagnosis Of Epstein-Barr Virus Infection In Hairy Leukoplakia By Using Nucleic December; 28 (12) 2775 2778 Diagnosis of EpsteinBarr virus infection in hairy leukoplakia by using nucleic acid hybridization and noninvasive techniques. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=268272 |
95. Identification Of Epstein-Barr Virus Strain Variants In Hairy Leukoplakia And Pe 76 (19) 9645 9656 Identification of EpsteinBarr Virus Strain Variants in hairy leukoplakia and Peripheral Blood by Use of a Heteroduplex Tracking Assay. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=136523 |
96. Oral Hairy Leukoplakia Oral hairy leukoplakia. This article submitted by on 1/18/99. Email Address Does anyone know what this looks like? the descriptions http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/forum/HIVandInfect.DiseaseF/1.18.998.17PMOralHa | |
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