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81. Gulf War Illness The committee was not asked to examine whether a unique gulf war syndrome exists or to review or evaluate the literature on gulf war syndrome or illnesses. http://www4.nationalacademies.org/ocga/testimon.nsf/0/8d33a7176aa3bef08525697a00 |
82. Gulf War Illness Controversy: Birth Defects (Morgana's Observatory) can cause diseases, says Dr. Howard Urnovitz, a microbiologist who has testified before the Presidential Advisory Committee on gulf war Veterans illnesses. http://www.dreamscape.com/morgana/defects.htm | |
83. Gulf War Syndrome & Related Illnesses gulf war Syndrome Related illnesses. Insider Index. Health. Veteran Health Programs. gulf war Syndrome Related illnesses. Go to Resources Homepage. http://www.military.com/Resources/ResourcesContent/0,13964,30985,00.html | |
84. Vietnow - Veterans - Vietnam To Now - Veterans Helping Veterans documents (including thousands of captured Iraqi documents) that by the CIAs own admission may have a bearing on the illnesses plaguing gulf war veterans. http://www.vietnow.com/artgulf2.htm | |
85. Gulf War Syndrome Article cites congressional report by the General Accounting Office criticized the Presidential Advisory Committee on gulf war Veterans illnesses for virtually http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/gulf_war.html | |
86. A Review Of Gulf War Illness 11. Presidential Advisory Committee on gulf war Veterans illnesses Interim Report (Washington, DC US Government Printing Office, February 1996). http://www.mod.uk/issues/gulfwar/map/coker.htm | |
87. 1990/1991 Gulf Veterans' Illnesses What s New. Policy on gulf veterans illnesses. Current British Government policy on 1990/1991 gulf veterans illnesses. MOD s position on gulf war Syndrome . http://www.mod.uk/issues/gulfwar/ | |
88. Panel Urges Gulf War Illness Research Tens of thousands of gulf war vets the precise number is in dispute returned home with a variety of illnesses, and some have become very sick. http://home.att.net/~vetcenter/urgeresrh.htm | |
89. Straus On Gulf War Illness / RESCIND In January, 1992, unexplained chronic illnesses were recognised among gulf war veterans in an army reserve unit based in Indiana, USA.6 Additional reports of http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/4277/gws-straus.html | |
90. Chemical Weapons Working Group: Gulf War More than 50 years of the Pentagon s reckless behavior on US soil have already resulted in illnesses similar to those experienced by gulf war veterans. http://www.cwwg.org/Gulfwar.html | |
91. Defining Gulf War Illness fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and multiple chemical sensitivity) to determine which definition best characterized gulf war veterans unexplained illnesses. http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/veterans/default2g.htm | |
92. PRESENCE OF SQUALENE - Breakthrough On Gulf War Illness I have been deeply concerned about this issue since it was first brought to my attention by veterans suffering from gulfwar illnesses, he says in a http://www.insightmag.com/main.cfm?include=detail&storyid=215367 |
93. OIL FIRES, gulf war ILLNESS. Presidential Advisory Committee on gulf war Veterans illnesses Final Report Washington, DC US Government Printing Office, December, 1996. http://www.penfield-gill.com/presentations/CDCall-final.htm | |
94. Gulf War Illness gulf war Illness. gulf war Syndrome is the title given by the media to dramatize the gulf war related illnesses that service personnel were suffering. http://www.britains-smallwars.com/gulf/GVA.htm | |
95. Resources For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) & Fibromyalgia (FMS) Although there are no markers for either CFIDS or gulf war Syndrome, there may be several advantages for the connection found between the two illnesses. . http://www.immunesupport.com/news/96jan002.htm |
96. Study May Link Gulf War, Vet Illnesses Study may link gulf war, vet illnesses. WASHINGTON (AP) Persian gulf war veterans who were near an accidental release of nerve http://www.lubbockonline.com/news/012297/studymay.htm | |
97. Dear Gulf War Illness Patient Dear gulf war Illness Patient We at the Institute for Molecular Medicine have been working with physicians (and now veterinarians) who have patients with http://www.gulfwarvets.com/letter2.htm | |
98. Gulf War Syndrome gulf war syndrome medical information and links gulf war syndrome. gulf war Syndrome. gulf war Syndrome. gulf war Syndrome Skeptic's page. gulf war Syndrome Appears Contagious, Survey Shows http://www.doctorpage.com/Diseases_and_Conditions/html/gulf_war_syndrome.htm | |
99. Gulf War Illness Update Institute of Medicine). Chamber House. Committee Veterans Affairs Committee. Subject gulf war Illness Update. Statement of Donald http://www4.nationalacademies.org/ocga/testimon.nsf/0/1524f74a5e9bec77852565fc00 |
100. Doctors Seek Cause Of Gulf War Illness Doctors Seek Cause of gulf war Illness. Part of the problem, many gulf war illness experts say, is that most people have the wrong idea about stress. http://home.att.net/~vetcenter/seekcase.htm | |
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