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         Graves Disease:     more books (100)
  1. The Genetics of Complex Thyroid Diseases
  2. Thyroid Diseases, Conditions, Autoimmunity and Cancers by James M. Lowrance, 2008-07-25
  3. Carotid Disease: The Role of Imaging in Diagnosis and Management
  4. Eye and Orbit in Thyroid Disease by Colum A. Gorman, Robert R. Waller, 1984-11
  5. Thyroid Eye Disease (Endocrine Updates, Volume 14) by Rebecca S. Bahn, Leonard L. Lance, et all 2001-06-01
  6. Graves' Ophthalmopathy: Developments in Diagnostic Methods and Therapeutical Procedures (Developments in Ophthalmology) by C. Renate Pickardt, 1989-10
  7. Emerging From the Cave Surviving Graves' Disease by Celia Marie, 2010-07-03
  8. THE MANY FACES OF GRAVES DISEASE Part 1. Eyes, pulse, skin, and neck provide important clues to diagnosisTHE MANY FACES OF GRAVES DISEASE Part 1. Eyes, ... neck provide important clues to diagnosis by MD Michael W. Felz, MD Peter P. Stein, 2010-06-17
  9. Digging Our Own Graves: Coal Miners and the Struggle over Black Lung Disease (Labor and Social Change) by Barbara Ellen Smith, 1987-10
  10. THE MANY FACES OF GRAVES DISEASE Part 2. Practical diagnostic testing and management options by MD Michael W. Felz, MD Peter P. Stein, 2010-06-18
  11. Beyond Graves' Disease Thoughts and Reflections by Celia Marie, 2010-07-01
  12. Graves' disease in pregnancy: choosing the Tx.(OBSTETRICS): An article from: OB GYN News by Christine Kilgore, 2009-07-01
  13. Graves' Disease with and without Exophthalmic Goitre by M.D., LL.D. William Hanna Thomson, 1904
  14. Graves' eye disease uncommon after radioiodine.(Endocrinology): An article from: Internal Medicine News by Miriam E. Tucker, 2005-07-01

21. MIR Teaching File Case Tr010
Rating D2, Q3. Diagnosis graves disease. Brief history Full history/Diagnosis is available below. Diagnosis graves disease. Full history

22. Graves Disease Resources
GRAVES DISEASE PATHFINDER. © 1999. Created and Maintained by Verma Walker. Graves Disease Search Terms. Alternative Subject Headings. Graves Disease.
GRAVES' DISEASE PATHFINDER © 1999. Created and Maintained by Verma Walker Graves' Disease is an autoimmune disease. This means that the body's own immune system produces antibodies that mistakenly "attack" the thyroid gland as if it were a virus. In the case of Graves' Disease, this forces the thyroid to over produce thyroid hormones that control metabolism. These hormones speed up or slow down the body's functions as needed. The over production of thyroid hormones can have serious consequences, depending upon the severity of the disease when diagnosed and the patient's age. Some of the symptoms include accelerated heart rate (which can be very serious in the older patient), insomnia, increased appetite, weight loss, mood swings, and irritability. No one knows what precisely causes Graves' Disease. It is hereditary and occurs mostly in women. It is believed that a stressful or life changing event, like the death of a spouse, can cause a genetically pre-disposed person to develop Graves Disease, but not all patients experience a stressful event. The good news is that Graves' Disease is easily treated. There are anti-thyroid drugs that can control the disease by inhibiting the production of thyroid hormones. Unfortunately, the illness often returns once the medication is discontinued. The most popular form of treatment is to destroy all or part of the thyroid gland with radioactive iodine. Since the radioactive iodine is absorbed only by the thyroid and is passed out of the body within days, this treatment is considered safe. Most patients develop hypothyroidism (shortage of thyroid hormones) within months, and must take hormone replacements (Synthroid) for the rest of their life. The third treatment option is to surgically remove part of the gland. This is not a popular treatment because radioactive iodine is considered to be safer and more efficient. In thyroid surgery there is a risk of damage to the other organs in the neck.
Search Terms Internet Links Books Electronic Resources

23. Thyroid Conditions And Graves Disease - Q & A.
Thyroid conditions and graves disease Q A. Our experts provide the answers. Q. I developed Graves disease after the birth of my first child 13 years ago.

24. Ask Dr Stoll - Graves Disease: Alternatives To RAI Treatment

25. Ask Dr Stoll - Graves Disease: Alternatives To RAI Treatment
Graves Disease Alternatives to RAI Treatment. A practical understanding of mechanisms of causation leads to alternatives. This
Graves' Disease: Alternatives to RAI Treatment A practical understanding of mechanisms of causation leads to alternatives. This condition is NOT a primary disease of the thyroid. It is caused by the hypothalamus being chronically overwhelmed by stress-effect storage which then tries to compensate by "turning up the metabolism" to cope. It does THIS by telling the pituitary to produce TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) which then does exactly what its name suggests. Actually, the condition is rarely recognized during this initial phase of high TSH although it is an absolutely universal stage of the condition. By the time the individual has the classical symptoms of Graves', the pituitary portion of the hypothalamic cascade is exhausted and the TSH is low. Unfortunately, by that time, the pathology of the Thyroid is running by itself. Graves' is determined by another of those idiosyncratic genetic susceptibilities that are determined by the individual's genetic makeup. Others might end up with allergies or arthritis, etc., from the exact same set of stressors and stored stress-effect which result was determined by THEIR genetic susceptibility factors. Typically, the Allopathic Monopoly is so simplistic that it only considers the end organ of this cascade. This is similar to the following scenario: Your neighbor is continually ringing your doorbell to warn you that your house is on fire. The noise is so annoying that you disconnect the doorbell so you can't hear the noise. In the meantime, your house burns down!

26. Radiotherapy Does Not Help Graves' Disease Eye Problems
Radiotherapy Does Not Help Graves Disease Eye Problems. This is probably 100% true for using it to treat the bulging eyes that are common in graves disease.
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Author of the
Total Health Program
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Essential Info Health Blog My Vision My Qualifications #1 Natural Health Site ... More... Health Resources Nutrition Plan Fewer Grains/Sugars More Omega-3 More Water ... Issue 257
September 22, 2001 Obesity and Diabetes Rise Diabetes Highly Preventable Cancer Risk Due to Arsenic in Water Soy Protein Formula Policy ... Print this Page document.write ( "E-mail to a Friend" ); document.write ( "" ); Radiotherapy Does Not Help Graves' Disease Eye Problems For years, radiation therapy to the eye has been used to treat eye problems associated with the thyroid condition Graves' disease. Now a new study questions whether this treatment is actually useful Graves' disease triggers an overproduction of hormones from the body's thyroid gland, a key regulator of metabolism and other vital functions. A small percentage of people with the disorder have a complication called Graves' ophthalmopathy, which is characterized by bulging eyes, double vision and other eye problems. To investigate the effectiveness of radiotherapy for these eye complications, investigators studied 42 patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy. The patients exhibited a variety of symptoms including higher-than-normal volumes of eye muscle and fat, bulging of the eyes, less eye range of motion and double vision.

27. Mayo Clinic: Graves Disease - Information And Treatment Options
Mayo Clinic provides information on graves disease, which can result in hyperthyroidism. Treatment of Graves Disease at Mayo Clinic.
Home About Mayo Clinic Contact Us Mayo Clinic Locations: Arizona Florida Minnesota Mayo Clinic ... Medical Services Graves' Disease Graves' Disease Treatment More on Diagnosis and Treatment Appointments Clinical Trials ... Medical Services
Treatment of Graves' Disease at Mayo Clinic
(Synonyms: Graves' ophthalmopathy) Graves' disease is thought to be caused either by a defect in the immune system or by a normal reaction of the immune system that results in damage to healthy tissues. Normally, the immune system uses antibodies, protein substances the body makes, to help protect itself against viruses, bacteria, and foreign substances (antigens) that invade the body. In Graves' disease the immune system attacks the thyroid gland, eyes, and skin of the lower legs, causing symptoms of the disease. Many of these symptoms can be successfully treated. Treatment of the disease at Mayo is a team effort involving specialists in Endocrinology, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Radiology, Dermatology and General Surgery. Thyroid (hyperthyroidism)
Graves' disease may cause your thyroid gland to become overactive and produce more hormones than your body needs. Your physician may suggest one of three treatments for hyperthyroidism:

28. Graves' Disease, By Jake George And Nancy Hord-Patterson, ARNP, PhD - DrDonnica.
Jake George and Dr. Nancy HordPatterson discuss treatment options for treating graves disease, an autoimmune disease. graves disease, In Our Own Words.
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Jake George and Nancy Hord-Patterson, ARNP, PhD
Mr. George is facilitator, support group leader and Webmaster of the National Graves' Disease Foundation. He is a civil servant with the Department of the Air Force and writes articles and lectures on Graves' disease and Native American issues. Dr. Hord-Patterson is the Founder and Executive Director of the National Graves' Disease Foundation. The NGDF is a founding member of Thyroid Federation International. When she is not counseling in private practice in Western North Carolina, Nancy is a consultant and lectures and leads patient seminars and conferences on Graves' disease. Jake George and Nancy Hord-Patterson are the co-authors of the new book Graves' Disease, In Our Own Words Graves' Disease "My doctor said I have Graves' Disease. What are my treatment options?" This is a question that is often asked of the National Graves' Disease Foundation (NGDF). The NGDF is a non-profit organization that strives to provide patient support and education on Graves' disease and its treatments. Treatments for Graves' disease include antithyroid drugs (ATDs), radioactive iodine therapy (R-131), and thyroidectomy (surgical removal of the thyroid gland). Once it is diagnosed, treatment for Graves' disease is fairly straightforward. Ideally, doctors assess patients to determine the best treatment options. Together, doctor and patient decide upon a treatment plan and treatment begins.

29. My Personal Battle With Autoimmune Thyroid Disease (Graves Disease And Hashimoto
About a year later, I found out what the problem was. I have autoimmune thyroid disease. I have both antibodies for Graves Disease and Hashimotos Thyroiditis.
My Journey to Good Heath, a Journal.
(My personal story about fighting autoimmune thyroid disease.)
By Pam Brisse Last Updated: May 15, 2003 Introduction
About me
September, 2001 Guest book ... The Short Version

Below is the story (a work in progress) of my journey to good health and the paths I have chosen to follow to get there. ( Want the short version? Click here. ) I'm writing this for my sanity, as writing lets me release and heal, and I'm publishing it online in the hope that it might help someone else in their journey. You may need an open mind to read this as it turns out that many of my choices are not the traditional ones.
I don't know if I've been unhealthy all my life, but looking back, I suspect I have been so on and off - for much of my adult life anyway. I remember taking a photography class and realizing that my hands shook a lot. Whenever I'd asked doctors about being tired all the time or feeling swollen after a workout, they've all said everything was normal. Maybe I should slow down and not work so much were the suggestion I got from a couple of them; it was true, I did work a lot and played hard too.
About a year later, I found out what the problem was. I have

30. Graves Disease Page
graves disease. This project is for my Mom, who has bravely and courageously been fighting graves disease for the last three years. What is graves disease?
Graves Disease
T his project is for my Mom, who has bravely and courageously been fighting Graves Disease for the last three years. I am excited to have the opportunity to present some outstanding web sites concerning this disease on this page. They have given me insight and knowledge into this awful affliction. I salute all those who have and are currently grappling with this illness. Hopefully all of the information that I have included below will be helpful to anyone who is interested. What is Graves Disease? T he Mayo Clinic is one of the hospitals/clinics leading the way in terms of diagnosing and treating Graves Disease. This page is easy to understand and offers a great, albeit simple, summary of the Disease. If one scrolls down the screen, there is a good section on the thyroid gland (one of the major players in Graves Disease). This page also offers info on symptoms such as: weight loss: irritability; changes in menstrual patterns; and an irregular heartbeat. There is a brief section on how Graves Disease affects the skin and eyes, and portion devoted to corrective procedures. The Thyroid Foundation of America T he Thyroid Foundation of America's (TFA) page on Graves Disease is interesting. The page give a brief description of the history of Graves Disease, which was something that I didn't find on any other web site. The TFA also has a section dedicated to the discussion of who gets Graves Disease and reasons why. There is a slightly more detailed list of symptoms, as well as a section pertaining to the diagnosis of Graves Disease.

31. Graves Disease - Allergies: Health And Medical Information About Allergens And A
graves disease Generalized diffuse overactivity ( toxicity ) of the entire thyroid gland which becomes enlarged into a goiter.

32. Graves-Basedow Disease - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
GravesBasedow disease. (Redirected from graves disease). Graves-Basedow disease is an immune disorder of the endocrine system that
Graves-Basedow disease
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Graves disease Graves-Basedow disease is an autoimmune disorder of the endocrine system that stimulates and attacks the thyroid gland, being the most common cause of hyperthyroidism . Also known simply as Graves' disease , it occurs most frequently in women (8:1 compared to men) of middle age. Symptoms include fatigue, weight loss and rapid heart beat. Because similar antibodies to those attacking the thyroid also affect the eye, blurred vision and eye irritation are also commonly reported. Graves' is a genetic disorder , and while treatable with anti-thyroid medications or removal of the thyroid, Graves' disease is incurable. Table of contents 1 Definition 2 Signs and symptoms 3 Historical background 4 Bibliography ... edit
Graves-Basedow disease is a disorder characterized by a triad of hyperthyroidism goitre , and exophthalmos (bulging eyeballs).
Etiology unknown, it may be related to a malfunction of the immune system. Female dominance, ratio 4: 1; onset is commonly in the third to fifth decades of life. The severe form of exophthalmos occurs only in a minority of patients with the disorder, and is also known as infiltrative opthalmopathy, Graves' opthalmopathy, or Thyroid Eye Disease (TED).

33. - Medifocus Guides - Graves Disease
HealingWell Medcenter Medifocus Guide. Graves Disease. Hyperthyroidism, also called thyrotoxicosis, results when the body s tissues are exposed to excessive
Search Site: Search Web: HealingWell Medcenter Medifocus Guide
Graves' Disease

Hyperthyroidism, also called thyrotoxicosis, results when the body's tissues are exposed to excessive levels of thyroid hormone. This condition can be caused by several different disorders. Graves' Disease (GD) is the most common form of hyperthyroidism in persons who are not taking thyroid hormones.
Graves' Disease is an autoimmune disorder, meaning that there is a defect in the immune system, causing production of immunoglobulins (antibodies) which stimulate and attack the thyroid gland, causing growth of the gland and overproduction of thyroid hormone. Antibodies also attack tissues in the eye muscles and in the skin on the front of the lower legs (tibial areas).
The choice of treatment modality is based on symptoms, individual preference, and the experience of the health care provider. Many of the treatment modalities for Graves' Disease render the thyroid gland non-functional and lifetime replacement of thyroid hormone by pill is required.
The Medifocus Guide on Graves' Disease provides answers to the following important questions and medical issues:
  • What are the most common symptoms of Graves' Disease?

34. Graves' Disease
Browse entry words starting with A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Other characters, Graves disease,. Print this article, III 1/GRAVES DISEASE Search for: Type a word or a phrase. All forms of the word are searchable. Browse entry words starting with: A B C D ... Other characters Graves' disease, (Robert James Graves, 17961853, Irish physician), also called Basedow's disease, toxic diffuse goitre , or a form of thyrotoxicosis resulting from excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. Women are affected predominantly. Among the clinical features are exophthalmos, enlarged thyroid, accelerated pulse rate, profuse sweating and increased metabolic rate.
The Encyclopaedia of Medical Imaging Volume III:1
GE Healthcare Making Waves

35. Graves' Disease
N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Other characters, Graves disease,. Print this article, (Robert James Graves, 17961853, Irish physician), see graves disease. VI 2/GRAVES DISEASE. Search for: Type a word or a phrase. All forms of the word are searchable. Browse entry words starting with: A B C D ... Other characters Graves' disease, (Robert James Graves, 17961853, Irish physician), see Graves disease
The Encyclopaedia of Medical Imaging Volume VI:2
GE Healthcare Making Waves

36. - The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook: Graves Disease
Ch.58, Gout. Ch.59, graves disease. Ch.60, Hangover. Graves Disease (Hyperthyroidism). Perhaps we should start referring to Graves disease as Bush disease.
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FOR BOOK TITLE: Introduction to the Green Pharmacy Ch.1 Introduction to the Green Pharmacy Ch.2 Entering the Green Pharmacy Ch.3 Putting Safety First Ch.4 Shopping and Harvesting the Green Pharmacy Ch.5 Using the Green Pharmacy Ch.6 Aging Ch.7 Allergies Ch.8 Altitude Sickness Ch.9 Alzheimers Disease Ch.10 Amenorrhea Ch.11 Angina Ch.12 Ankylosing Spondylitis Ch.13 Arthritis Ch.14 Asthma Ch.15 Athletes Foot Ch.16 Backache Ch.17 Bad Breath Ch.18 Baldness Ch.19 Bladder Infections Ch.20 Body Odor Ch.21 Breast Enlargement Ch.22 Breastfeeding Problems Ch.23 Bronchitis Ch.24 Bruises Ch.25 Bunions Ch.26 Burns Ch.27 Bursitis and Tendinitis Ch.28 Cancer Prevention Ch.29 Canker Sores Ch.30 Cardiac Arrhythmia Ch.31 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Ch.32 Cataracts Ch.33 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Ch.34 Colds and Flu Ch.35 Constipation Ch.36 Corns Ch.37 Coughing Ch.38 Cuts Scrapes and Abscesses Ch.39 Dandruff Ch.40 Depression Ch.41 Diabetes Ch.42

37. The MediBoard Network: Graves' Disease And Thyroid Discussion
28 PM. Seasonal rhinitis and recurrance of hyperthyroidism in patients with graves disease, K9Mom, 9, 0510-2004 0139 PM. Synthroid

38. Graves Disease
Self Help Clearinghouse. graves disease. National Graves Disease Foundation. National. 32 affiliated groups in 25 states. Founded 1990.
document.write(''); var hwPrint=1; var hwDocHWID="shc29gra"; var hwDocTitle="Graves Disease"; var hwRank="1"; var hwSectionHWID="shc29gra"; var hwSectionTitle=""; var hwSource="cn6.0"; var hwProdCfgSerNo="wsh_html_031_s"; var hwDocType="SHC";
Self Help Clearinghouse
Graves Disease
National Graves' Disease Foundation
National. 32 affiliated groups in 25 states. Founded 1990.
Aims is to establish patient-based Graves exclusive support groups to provide better treatment and to increase public awareness. Participates in research. Newsletter, information and referrals, phone support, national conferences, internet bulletin board, and weekly online chat room. Each group has medical back-up/resource.Guidlines available to assist in starting a similar group.
Nat'l Graves' Disease Fdn
c/o Dr. Nancy Patterson
P.O. Box 1969
Brevard, NC 28712
CALL: 828-877-5251
FAX: 828-885-7122
Grave's Disease and Thryoid Discussion

39. WebMD Health
Topic Diabetes Brunilda Nazario, MD Discussion graves disease by ybbil1. graves disease by ybbil1, on 5/13/2004 72716 PM I am a 35 year old female.

40. Hyperthyroidism (Graves Disease) - Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
Hyperthyroidism (graves disease) What is hyperthyroidism? graves disease in pregnant woman can result in stillbirth, miscarriage, or premature birth.
Diabetes Clinic


Diabetes and Other Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
Hyperthyroidism (Graves Disease)
What is hyperthyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism means overactivity of the thyroid gland, resulting in too much thyroid hormone in the bloodstream. The over-secretion of thyroid hormones leads to overactivity of the body's metabolism. In newborns, the most common cause of an overactive thyroid is called neonatal Graves disease, which can be life threatening. However, hyperthyroidism rarely occurs in children and adolescents.
What causes hyperthyroidism?
In newborns, the cause of hyperthyroidism (also called Graves disease) is a mother who has or has had Graves disease herself. Graves disease in adults is an autoimmune disorder characterized by the production of antibodies that stimulate the thyroid gland. When a pregnant woman has these antibodies, they can cross the placenta and affect the fetus' thyroid gland. Graves disease in pregnant woman can result in stillbirth, miscarriage, or premature birth.
What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism?

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