41. It's All About The Immune System For anyone suffering from CFS, EBV, lupus, fibromyalgia, hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, HIV/Aids, sinusitis, and cancer. By Jesse A. Stoff, M.D. one of the world's leading viroimmunologists. http://immunedisorders.homestead.com/ |
@import url(http://www.homestead.com/~media/elements/Text/font_styles.css); The material on this web site involving the immune system is offered to you for informational purposes only and is not meant to be interpreted as medical advice to diagnose, treat or cure any immune system disorder. You should consult with a qualified health professional whenever your health is in question. Immune System Etc.com focus: immune system, how to boost the immune system with immune support, what you need to be aware of when you use immune system boosters, what is immune system balancing, combating immune system stressors, what weakens or causes a low immune system, immune system deficiencies including autoimmune disorders and how you can help the body heal. "Every severe and chronic disease is directly associated with immune dysfunction.... Picture a world where healing occurs from within, not from without, a world where illness is viewed as a pathway to good health. Picture a world where immune suppressing drugs are only used in the most unusual cases, or perhaps not used at all. To reach such a world we will need effective immune modulation through nutrition and supplementation." Dr. Jesse Stoff. | |