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         Fainting:     more books (100)
  1. Accidental Deaths: John Ii Komnenos, Fainting Game, Iain Borb Macleod, Edmund Cambridge, Son Bonds, Gabriel Brown, John Embree, John Dunbar
  2. Trickster and the Fainting Birds - 1999 publication. by Howard ANorman, 1999
  3. The Carotid Sinus in Health and Disease: its Role in the Causation of Fainting and Convulsions. by Soma & BAKER, James Porter. WEISS, 1933
  4. Fainting: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Neurological Disorders</i> by Juli Berwald, 2005
  5. Fainting: An entry from Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 3rd ed.</i> by Carol Turkington, 2006
  6. Four Fat Frogs Fanning Fainting Flies and Other Nonsense Numbers and Alphabets
  7. The Case of The Drowsy Mosquito; Motto for Murder; The Affair of The Fainting Butler by Erle Stanley; Mace, Merlda; Knight, Clifford Gardner, 1943
  8. Trickster & the Fainting Birds by Howard ANorman, 1999
  9. Four Fat Frogs Fanning Fainting Flies by Alice Mills, 1998
  10. Weary Warriors, Fainting Saints: How You Can Outlast Every Attack of the Enemy --2002 publication. by Joyce Meyer, 2002-01-01
  11. Good News In Evil Times For Fainting Believers: Or The Summ Of A Lecture Upon Jeremiah 45 Chapter (1708) by Michael Bruce, 2010-09-10
  12. Good News In Evil Times For Fainting Believers: Or The Summ Of A Lecture Upon Jeremiah 45 Chapter (1708) by Michael Bruce, 2010-09-10
  13. The choking game.(Behavioral Consult)(incidence of deaths and brain injuries from fainting games): An article from: Pediatric News by Michael S. Jellinek, 2006-11-01
  14. Death Has Three Lives 3, Mike Shayne Mystery by Brett (Shayne, Mike) Halliday, 1955-01-01

61. EMedicine Health - Fainting
fainting, Choose from the links below to learn about the signs, symptoms, and firstaid procedure for fainting. Dizziness, fainting, Allergy Insect Sting, Anxiety,
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Fainting Choose from the links below to learn about the signs, symptoms, and first-aid procedure for fainting. Dizziness Fainting Allergy: Insect Sting Anxiety ... Smoke Inhalation Search
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62. Fainting Or Syncope
fainting or Syncope, fainting is usually caused by a relatively minor event such as the sight of blood or just prior to receiving an injection.
Fainting or Syncope
Fainting, or syncope, is a sudden brief loss of consciousness that may only last a few seconds and is followed by full recovery within two minutes. Fainting is usually caused by a relatively minor event such as the sight of blood or just prior to receiving an injection. The casualty usually makes a full recovery once he or she is laid flat.
There are many causes of fainting, including:
  • dizziness or feeling light headed
  • nausea
  • pale, cool and clammy skin
  • anxious
  • collapse
  • loss of consciousness
  • rapid recovery after being laid flat
  • if unconscious - stable side position
    • raise the legs if possible
  • if conscious - lay the casualty flat and raise the legs if possible
Heat Syncope
  • stable side position
  • cool casualty by fanning
  • loosen and remove excessive clothing
Do not confuse fainting with a loss of consciousness from other causes. Fainting in elderly people is often due to a more serious underlying problem. Privacy Anaphylaxis Asthma Hyperventilation ... Bites and Stings

63. Fainting
fainting In fact, fainting is the body s way of getting you to lie down so that blood, and the oxygen it carries, can reach the brain more easily.
Fainting Suddenly feeling weak and unsteady, and momentarily passing out; caused by a momentary shortfall in oxygen supply to brain. In fact, fainting is the body's way of getting you to lie down so that blood, and the oxygen it carries, can reach the brain more easily. Fainting can be a symptom of Low blood pressure (if it happens after a few days in bed, or as you stand up from a stooping or sitting position), Hypoglycaemia (if you are diabetic or have not eaten for some time) hyperventilation (after fasting or prolonged shallow breathing), Cervical spondylosis (if person is over 50 and has only to turn head slowly to feel faint) Anaemia (increasing shortness of breath and tiredness), or Heat exhaustion (after several hours in sun or in hot, stuffy surroundings); can also be a side effect of drugs given for high blood pressure; coughing, stretching, breath-holding, and unusually strenuous exercise can also cause fainting, as can Constipation , menstruation, and pregnancy. If person is unconscious, put in recovery position (see First Aid); if person feels faint, get him or her to lie down with legs raised or sit with head between knees (see First Aid); if heat exhaustion is suspected, (see First Aid). If faints last for more than a minute or two, or occur quite frequently, see your GP.

64. First Aid Fainting
fainting. Temporary loss hunger. Some people are particularly prone to fainting, but usually recover rapidly and completely. However
Fainting Temporary loss of consciousness caused by disruption of blood flow to the brain, brought on by emotional upset, pain, or hunger. Some people are particularly prone to fainting, but usually recover rapidly and completely. However, if a faint lasts for longer than a few minutes, internal or external Bleeding should be suspected; this in turn may lead to Shock If the person has fainted but is breathing normally, put him or her in the recovery position (select Unconsciousness ). When he or she comes round give reassurance, and a few sips of cold water. If internal bleeding is suspected, call 999, check the pulse at 5-minute intervals, and be prepared to give artificial respiration (select Breathing ) or cardiac resuscitation (select Circulation ) if necessary. If the person is feeling faint - the signs are nausea unsteadiness, pallor, and a slow or weak pulse - sit him or her down, encourage a few deep breaths, and gently push the head towards the knees. Alternatively, get the person to lie down in the recovery position (select Unconsciousness ). Loosen any tight clothing and allow plenty of fresh air. Lift up to increase blood flow to brain.

65. Welcome To - Health Encyclopedia: Fainting
fainting. Definition fainting is a temporary loss of consciousness as a result of decreased blood flow to the brain. The occurrence

66. Go Ask Alice!: Coming And Fainting: Is It Possible To Pass Out From An Orgasm?
COMING AND fainting IS IT POSSIBLE TO PASS OUT FROM AN ORGASM? Dear Alice,. I have a question. I just heard that a woman can faint
Mac users: please note that our site is optimized for the Safari browser Orgasms Coming and fainting: Is it possible to pass out from an orgasm? Originally Published: May 03, 2002 / Updated on: January 16, 2004 Dear Alice, I have a question. I just heard that a woman can faint while having an orgasm and if so, is this normal? What causes this? Dear Reader, Another explanation is that the brain doesn't receive enough oxygen and other nutrients because of reduced blood flow. This happens because sexual arousal causes blood to flow from the brain to the genitals. This may produce an altered state of awareness or, some say, a true loss of consciousness. Some people intentionally deprive the brain of oxygen to heighten sexual pleasure and orgasm. This practice of auto-erotic asphyxiation Fainting after orgasm could also be a symptom of a serious health condition, such as an abnormal heart rhythm. During daily activities, people with this condition may feel fine. However, when they exert themselves during exercise or sexual activity, their heart can't maintain adequate blood pressure. When the exertion ends, their heart rate decreases, but the blood vessels from the muscles remain dilated, causing them to feel faint or pass out. If fainting happens to someone you know, or to a partner, laying flat is usually all that is needed to recover. Raising the person's legs can increase blood flow to the brain and to the heart. Once the person comes to and feels better, slow movements towards an upright position will help her or him get on her or his feet. To be safe, it's a good idea for anyone who repeatedly has these fainting "spells" to talk with her or his health care provider.

67. Fainting
fainting. (Illustration by Electronic Illustrators Group.). Definition fainting is loss of consciousness caused by a temporary lack of oxygen to the brain.

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If a person is feeling faint, unconsciousness may be prevented by sitting with the head between the knees, as shown in the illustration above, or by lying flat with the legs raised. (Illustration by Electronic Illustrators Group.) Definition
Fainting is loss of consciousness caused by a temporary lack of oxygen to the brain. Known by the medical term "syncope," fainting may be preceded by dizziness , nausea, or a feeling of extreme weakness. Description
When a person faints, the loss of consciousness is brief. The person will wake up as soon as normal blood flow is restored to the brain. Blood flow is usually restored by lying flat for a short time. This position puts the head on the same level as the heart so that blood flows more easily to the brain. A fainting episode may be completely harmless and of no significance, but it can be a symptom of a serious underlying disorder. No matter how trivial it seems, a fainting episode should be treated as a medical emergency until the cause is determined.
Extreme pain , fear, or stress may bring on fainting. This type of fainting is caused by overstimulation of the vagus nerve, a nerve connected to the brain that helps control breathing and circulation. In addition, a person who stands still or erect for too long may faint. This type of fainting occurs because blood pools in the leg veins, reducing the amount that is available for the heart to pump to the brain. This type of fainting is quite common in older people or those taking drugs to treat high blood pressure.

68. Fainting, UPMC | University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
A comprehensive resource describing the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of fainting from the health care experts at the University of Pittsburgh
Fainting is the sudden loss of consciousness. Read more Overview

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69. Shock And Fainting
Shock and fainting. by Dr Howard Lee. Both conditions occur when there has been a fall in blood pressure, which reduces the amount,,181036_181923,00.h
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Shock and Fainting by Dr Howard Lee
Both conditions occur when there has been a fall in blood pressure, which reduces the amount of blood and oxygen flowing to the brain. This leads to feelings of faintness, dizziness, and confusion. Shock may also occur:
  • After any accident, especially when there has been loss of blood.
  • After any serious infection which has involved loss of fluids.
  • After a serious burn.
When a person suffers shock they can:
  • Go pale.
  • Become sweaty, cold and clammy.
  • Feel dizzy.
  • Have a weak, fast pulse.
  • Have slow, shallow breathing.
  • Have low advertisement
    blood pressure.
  • Seem anxious and restless.
  • Lose consciousness.
What to do if someone is shocked or feels faint
  • Lay them down, raising and supporting their legs.

70. Dizziness And Fainting During Pregnancy
Home Pregnancy Prenatal Health Dizziness and fainting during pregnancy Approved by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board. By the BabyCenter editorial staff.
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Dizziness and fainting during pregnancy
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Is it common to feel lightheaded during pregnancy?
It's not uncommon to occasionally feel lightheaded or dizzy when you're pregnant. During this time, your cardiovascular system undergoes dramatic changes: Your heart rate (pulse) goes up, your cardiac output (the amount of blood that your heart pumps per minute) increases, and your total blood volume expands by an average of 40 to 45 percent. The capacity of your circulatory system also increases as blood flows to your enlarging uterus and placenta.) And if you're having a normal pregnancy, your blood pressure decreases, reaching its lowest point in the middle of your pregnancy. Most of the time, your cardiovascular and nervous systems are able to adjust appropriately to all of these changes, but occasionally they don't, and that might leave you feeling lightheaded or a bit dizzy on occasion. If you actually faint, though, that could be a sign that something is wrong, and you should call your practitioner.

71. Fainting (syncope) - Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2, Type 1, And Metabolic Disorders
fainting (syncope) Partial or complete loss of consciousness with interruption of awareness of oneself and ones surroundings. fainting (syncope) Index.

72. Fainting With Happiness
fainting With Happiness,

73. Fainting Articles, Support Groups, And Resources
fainting articles, support groups, and resources for patients from Med Help International ( Health fainting. Medical
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74. Fainting
fainting. Definition fainting is a temporary loss of consciousness due to a drop in blood flow to the brain. The episode is brief
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Definition: Fainting is a temporary loss of consciousness due to a drop in blood flow to the brain. The episode is brief (lasting less than a couple of minutes) and is followed by rapid and complete recovery. You may feel lightheaded or dizzy before fainting. A longer, deeper state of unconsciousness is often called a coma.
Alternative Names: Passed out; Lightheadedness - fainting; Syncope; Vasovagal
Considerations: When you faint, you not only experience loss of consciousness , but also loss or muscle tone and paleness in your face. You may also feel weak or nauseated just prior to fainting and have the sense that surrounding noises are fading into the background.
Common Causes: Fainting may occur while you are urinating, having a bowel movement (especially if straining), coughing strenuously, or when you have been standing in one place too long. Fainting can also be related to fear, severe pain, or emotional distress.

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76. Fainting
fainting. What is fainting? Most people suffer at least one fainting attack during the course of their lifetime. While fainting attacks

77. EMedicine - Fainting : Article By James Kimo Takayesu, MD
fainting fainting occurs because blood flow to the brain may temporarily be inadequate. Poor blood flow can occur with many conditions
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Last Updated: April 28, 2003 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: vasovagal syncope, passing out AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 6 Author Information Introduction Symptoms Treatment ... Bibliography
Author: James Kimo Takayesu, MD , Staff Physician, Department of Emergency Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital/Massachusetts General Hospital James Kimo Takayesu, MD, is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy of Emergency Medicine , and American College of Emergency Physicians Editor(s): N Stuart Harris, MD, MFA , Staff Physician, Department of Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Francisco Talavera, PharmD, PhD , Senior Pharmacy Editor, Pharmacy, eMedicine; Ivette Motola, MD

78. Fainting-
fainting is a temporary loss of consciousness due to a drop in blood flow to the brain. You may feel lightheaded or dizzy before fainting.A longer . . .

79. Fainting -
Total results found 507 documents. Your selection launched a customized search of our library of health information articles related to fainting.

80. Fainting (Syncope) --- HealthandAge
fainting (Syncope). fainting (Syncope). August 23, 2001 (Reviewed May 1, 2003). Answer. Syncope (pronounced sing koh-pee) is the medical term for fainting.!gid7=20
June 2, 2004

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Fainting (Syncope) Fainting (Syncope) August 23, 2001 (Reviewed: May 1, 2003) Question I keep feeling I am going to faint, or that I am lightheaded. It always seems to happen when I'm on the computer. I am 63 years old. My friends say it is due to lack of sleep - do you think this is correct? I've had my eyes tested and they are fine.
Answer Syncope (pronounced sing'-koh-pee) is the medical term for fainting. Syncope is the sudden loss of consciousness or near fainting, due to lack of sufficient blood and oxygen to the brain. It can occur with or without warning.
Fainting, or lightheadedness, can occur with or without warning, as an isolated event, or frequently over time. Some causes of syncope are relatively harmless, and others can be life-threatening.
Cardiac causes of syncope can be among the most serious. One of the most common heart-related causes is an abnormal heart rhythm (an arrhythmia), where the heart beats too slowly, too rapidly or too irregularly to pump enough blood to key parts of the body, including the brain.
Other causes of fainting include some neurological disorders, stress, and causes as obvious as standing up too fast or being in a hot room. Sometimes a medication you are taking, or lack of fluids (dehydration) can be responsible. These factors contribute to making syncope difficult to diagnose.

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