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21. Entrez PubMed Click here to read factor v leiden mutation and pregnancy complications Article in Lithuanian Abraitis V, Mongirdiene A, Mockeviciene A. Clinic of http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1 |
22. Factor V Leiden - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention home blood disorders blood coagulation factor v leiden factor v leiden. Information Diagnosis Treatment Prevention. http://www.healthcyclopedia.com/blood-disorders/blood-coagulation/factor-v-leide | |
23. Factor V Leiden factor v leiden Factor 5 Leiden. PCR for factor v leiden Responsible for 95% of APC resistance; Does NOT require that patient be off Anticoagulation. http://www.fpnotebook.com/HEM26.htm | |
24. Factor V factor v leiden / APC resistentie. 1 op de 5 mensen is drager van factor v leiden. Hiervan Wat is factor v leiden / APC resistentie? Factor http://www.factorvleiden.nl/factor5.htm | |
25. Factor V Leiden Beginpagina Ziekten en aandoeningen factor v leiden factor v leiden Meer informatie. factor v leiden startpagina; Lotgenotencontact; http://www.erfocentrum.nl/zena/facto.php | |
26. PT 20210 Why get the factor v leiden test and PT 20210 test; when to get the factor v leiden test and PT 20210 test for venous thromboembolism; what sample is needed. http://www.labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/pt_20210/glance.html |
27. Factor V Leiden And PT 20210: The Test Explains how factor v leiden and PT 20210 are used; when factor v leiden and PT 20210 are used; what the results of factor v leiden and PT 20210 might mean. http://www.labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/factor_v_and_pt20210/test.h | |
28. UAB Health System | Blood Disorder (Factor V) Answer You are probably asking about a condition called factor v leiden, since Factor V deficiency is a very rare bleeding disorder. http://www.health.uab.edu/show.asp?durki=61617&site=734&return=18687 |
29. Factor V Leiden: Should All Pregnant Women Be Tested For Clotting Disorders? factor v leiden Should all pregnant women be tested for clotting disorders? One of my friends experienced a stillbirth. It was http://www.parentsplace.com/pregnancy/trimester1/qas/0,,166389_433344,00.html | |
30. Public Health Genetics Unit: Thrombophilia And Leiden Factor V factor v leiden is the most common form of hereditary thrombophilia in the UK. Hormone replacement therapy and the factor v leiden mutation. Arterioscler. http://www.phgu.org.uk/info_database/diseases/thrombosis/thrombophilia.html | |
31. Genaissance - Solutions - GLP Genotyping - Factor V Leiden factor v leiden is associated with the following complications venous thrombosis (blood clots, especially with oral contraceptives); deep vein thrombosis (DVT http://www.dna.com/products_services/capabilitiesServices_cg_factor.asp | |
32. Factor V Leiden - Medical Dictionary Definitions Of Popular Medical Terms MedicineNet Home MedTerms medical dictionary AZ List factor v leiden. Advanced Search. http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=25022 |
33. Factor V Leiden / Thrombophilia factor v leiden Mailing List and Digest. factor v leiden / Thrombophilia factor v leiden Mailing List and Digest Online. Mailing http://my.webmd.com/hw/health_guide_atoz/shc29fac.asp | |
34. Factor V Leiden Genetic Testing distributed. Professor FE Preston, Rutledge Mews 3 Southbourne Road Sheffield S10 2QN, factor v leiden, P20210A, Citrated whole blood. http://www.ukneqas.org.uk/Directory/HAEM/fact5lei.htm | |
35. Factor V Leiden Mutation - Encyclopedia Article About Factor V Leiden Mutation. encyclopedia article about factor v leiden mutation. factor v leiden mutation in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Factor V Leiden mutation | |
36. Factor V Leiden - Encyclopedia Article About Factor V Leiden. Free Access, No Re More results from encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com PDF CPPCPP http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Factor V Leiden | |
37. Circulation -- Ornstein And Cushman 107 (15): 94 Cardiology Patient Page. factor v leiden. The clot remains in place while other enzymes repair the damaged blood vessel. What Is factor v leiden? http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/107/15/e94 | |
38. Resistance To Activated Protein C Resistance to activated protein C due to Factor V R506Q (factor v leiden). THE PREVALENCE OF factor v leiden IN THE GENERAL POPULATION. http://www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/bandolier/bandopubs/keeling.html | |
39. Factor V Leiden Mutation Analysis factor v leiden Mutation Analysis. Number. 511154. CPT. Use. Detection of Leiden mutation in factor V gene, causing increased risk of thrombosis. Limitations. http://www.labcorp.com/datasets/labcorp/html/chapter/mono/mg001200.htm |
40. UCHSC DNA Diagnostic Laboratory-Factor V Leiden Testing UCHSC DNA Diagnostic Laboratory DNA Analysis for Venous Thrombosis (factor v leiden Mutation). General Information The Factor V http://www.uchsc.edu/sm/peds/dnalab/fv.htm | |
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