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Extrapontine Myelinolysis: more detail | ||||
81. IM Abstract 39-11 Case Reports 11 Slowly Progressive Dystonia Following Central Pontine and ExtrapontineMyelinolysis. A 28year-old woman was hospitalized with dysarthria http://www.naika.or.jp/im/im39/ab3911/c391111.html |
82. Thammasat Medical Journal ? 3 ? Central Pontine and ExtrapontineMyelinolysis A study of 3 cases in Ramathibodi hospital. http://www.med.tu.ac.th/Journal/journal2_2.html | |
83. úåãwG@2000N5E59ª5 The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.med.nihon-u.ac.jp/department/NUMA/No59-5/MRI.html | |
84. Sjukdom, Sjukdomslista På Engelska, Michel Tandläkare Ta Hand Om Dig Erythema Infectiosum. Erythema Multiforme. Esophageal Diseases. ExtrapontineMyelinolysis. F. Fabry s Disease. Facial Differences. Facial Paralysis. http://www26.brinkster.com/privtand/sjuk.htm | |
85. BrainTF19 -Porphyria_Text intermittent porphyria. MRI may show central pontine and extrapontinemyelinolysis and/or cortical laminar necrosis. These are not http://www.mribhatia.com/braintf19/braintf19text.html | |
86. NEWS Detail The evidence suggests that the neurological complication of pontine and extrapontinemyelinolysis is a consequence of the rapid correction of hyponatraemia http://www.imj.ie/news_detail.php?nNewsId=2899&nVolId=107 |
87. David B Methylphenidate Treatment of Neuropsychiatric. Symptoms of Central and ExtrapontineMyelinolysis. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 61657660, 2000. 12. http://www.uchsc.edu/sm/psych/dept/faculty/arciniegas_d.htm | |
88. Revista Médica De Chile - Mielinolisis Central Pontina E Hiponatremia: Un Probl http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-98872001000400012&l |
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