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61. HealthyNJ--Information For Healthy Living Endocarditis. Endometriosis. Epilepsy. Erectile Dysfunction. Esophageal Cancer. esophageal diseases. Eye Cancers. F. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Fever. Fibroids. Fibromyalgia. http://www.healthynj.org/dis-con/diseasesconditions.html | |
62. Diseases Of The Esophagus Covers all aspects of the esophageal disease etiology, investigation and diagnosis, and both medical and surgical treatment. This is the official journal of the International Society for diseases of the Esophagus (ISDE). http://www.blackwell-science.com/~cgilib/jnlpage.bin?Journal=des&File=des&am |
63. Heartburn-help Information For Heartburn, GERD, Hiatal Hernia And Other Digestiv Information for heartburn, gastro esophageal reflux disease, hiatal hernia and other digestive diseases. http://www.heartburn-help.com | |
64. University Of Chicago | Esophageal Cancer Gives a summary of topics related to esophageal cancer. http://gi.bsd.uchicago.edu/diseases/colorectandother/esoph.html | |
65. Bullous Diseases Of Esophagus a CHORUS notecard document about bullous diseases of esophagus Related documents esophageal webs and rings. esophageal strictures. achalasia http://chorus.rad.mcw.edu/doc/00052.html | |
66. The Longitudinal Muscle In Esophageal Disease 1. 1. Stiennon, O. Arthur, The Captive Bolus test and the pinchcock at the diaphragm an esophageal pump and some nondiseases of the esophagus. Am. http://www.mailbag.com/users/oesophagus/webdoc20.htm | |
67. BWH General And Gastrointestinal Surgery Benign Esophageal Overview Diagnosis Information Benign esophageal Overview. Benign diseases of the esophagus are primarily related to swallowing irregularities and the backflow of acid http://www.brighamandwomens.org/generalsurg/diagnosis/benign_esoph.asp | |
68. Esophageal Disease - New Treatments, March 2, 2004 As I hope Ive emphasized to you, dysphagia in the esophageal body is usually due to diseases that are intrinsic to the esophagus, whether itsa cancer http://www.medical-library.org/journals3a/esophageal_disease.htm | |
69. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (Acid Reflux, GERD) - Symptoms, Diagnosis And Tr Also, patients with diseases that weaken the esophageal muscles (see below), such as scleroderma or mixed connective tissue diseases, are more prone to develop http://www.medicinenet.com/Gastroesophageal_Reflux_Disease_GERD/article.htm | |
70. Disease Directory : The Longitudinal Muscle In Esophageal Disease diseases Digestive Disorders Stomach Indigestion The Longitudinal Muscle In esophageal Disease. Directory Listing. Title The http://www.diseasedirectory.net/detailed/9435.aspx | |
71. Esophageal Disease Medical Advocates for Social Justice HIV Infection/Disease. esophageal Disease General Reports esophageal Candidiasis. http://www.medadvocates.org/diseases/hiv/systemicdisorders/esophageal.html | |
72. ®ø¤Æ¾Ç ¹¹D½Òµ{ Specific Esophageal Disease Specific diseases of the Esophagus. Protracted vomiting ( poor nutrition or electrolyte depletion ) ? tears in the gastroesophageal mucosa ? blleding. http://docs.class.kmu.edu.tw/eso433.html | |
73. LookSmart - Article Search For " Esophageal Diseases Case Studies" FOR · Advanced Search · Help. You are Here Articles Search. Results for +esophageal +diseases +Case +studies from our Sponsors, About. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/PI/search.jhtml?isp=FA&cat=health&key=+Esopha |
74. LookSmart - Article Search For " Esophageal Diseases Care And Treatment" You are Here Articles Search. Results for +esophageal +diseases +Care +and +treatment from FindArticles (showing 1 10 of 276), About. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/PI/search.jhtml?isp=FA&cat=health&key=+Esopha |
75. Diseases/Treatments In Thoracic Surgery, Mayo Clinic In Rochester, Minn. Benign esophageal Disease (End stage achalasia, mega esophagus, esophageal perforations) Treatment. Esophagectomy (transhiatal THE, Ivor Lewis, extended). http://www.mayoclinic.org/thoracicsurgery-rst/diseases.html | |
76. University Of Chicago | Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) affects the lower esophageal sphincter the muscle connecting the esophagus with the stomach. http://gi.bsd.uchicago.edu/diseases/other/gastroesophageal.html | |
77. Pediatric GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease) And Your Otolaryngologist complications. The diseases associated with reflux are known collectively as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Physically http://www.entnet.org/KidsENT/GERD.cfm | |
78. Diseases Of Esophagus Translate this page diseases of Esophagus. Diagnosis, G/M, Organ, Caption. Normal, M, Esophagus, Normal esophageal and tracheal mucosa. Normal, M, Esophagus, normal http://radiology.uchc.edu/eAtlas/nav/msEsopha.htm | |
79. Digestive Disease Library including spasm) may result from a variety of causes including downstream obstruction, esophageal irritation, or neurological diseases affecting the autonomic http://www.hopkins-gi.org/pages/latin/templates/index.cfm?pg=disease3&organ=1&di |
80. Esophageal Disease Columbia University Medical Center in New York is recognized as one of the finest US treatment centers for esophageal Disease and Gastroesophageal Reflux http://www.columbiasurgery.org/divisions/cardiothoracic/dd_esophageal.html | |
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