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         Ehrlichiosis:     more books (26)
  1. Ehrlichiosis: A Vector-Borne Disease of Animals and Humans (Current Topics in Veterinary Medicine)
  2. Ehrlichiosis: Webster's Timeline History, 1953 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2009-07-08
  3. The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Ehrlichiosis: A Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age by Icon Health Publications, 2002-10
  4. Tick-Borne Ehrlichiosis Is Rising in the South.: An article from: Family Practice News by Betsy Bates, 2000-09-15
  5. Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum Coinfection.(acute human granulocytic ehrlichiosis): An article from: Emerging Infectious Diseases by Micha Loebermann, Volker Fingerle, et all 2006-02-01
  6. Anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis--Maine, 2008.(Clinical report): An article from: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report by B. Cahill, C. Lubelczyk, et all 2009-09-25
  7. Lyme disease may not travel alone. (Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis).: An article from: Internal Medicine News by Nancy Walsh, 2002-10-01
  8. Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine: Ehrlichiosis by Belinda Rowland PhD, 2002-01-01
  9. Concomitant tickborne encephalitis and human granulocytic ehrlichiosis.(Dispatches): An article from: Emerging Infectious Diseases by Stanka Lotric-Furlan, Miroslav Petrovec, et all 2005-03-01
  10. Ehrlichiosis: An entry from Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 3rd ed.</i> by Belinda, PhD Rowland, 2006
  11. Cow Sense: Cutting in America / Saddle Pad Buyer's Guide / Stop That Splint / Six Steps to Easy Loading / Infection-Fighting Sugar / Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis / Stronger Hooves / Girth Lameness (Equus, Issue 223, May 1996)
  12. The bite of Ixodes tick can harbor three infections; looks like Lyme disease.(Infectious Diseases)(Lyme disease, human granulocytic ehrlichiosis, and babesiosis): An article from: Pediatric News by Sally Koch Kubetin, 2003-08-01
  13. Lyme disease coinfections on the rise, can complicate Tx. (Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis).: An article from: Family Practice News by Nancy Walsh, 2002-10-01
  14. Survey of Ixodid Tick Species in Missouri and Their Association with Pathogens Causing Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Tularemia, and Human Ehrlichiosis (University of Missouri-Columbia Dissertation) by Kamani Arunika Hewadikaram, 1993

1. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 13, Ch. 159, Rickettsial Diseases
Q Fever. Bartonellosis. click here for navigation help. ehrlichiosis. E. canis is now regarded as human monocytic ehrlichiosis. Symptoms, Signs, and Diagnosis.

2. Ehrlichiosis Facts
Newly discovered rickettsial diseases transmitted by ticks. Includes symptoms, treatment, and prevention.
  • Most infections are mild or without symptoms, but some can be severe and life-threatening. Ehrlichiosis can usually be treated with antibiotics. Prevention centers on avoiding exposure to ticks and removing attached ticks promptly.
What is ehrlichiosis? Ehrlichiosis is a newly recognized and potentially life-threatening disease that is spread by ticks. Since 1986, two types of human ehrlichiosis have been identified in the United States: human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) and human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE). The illnesses differ in the types of white blood cells they attack either monocytes or granulocytes. What is the infectious agent that causes ehrlichiosis? Ehrlichiosis is caused by specialized bacteria called rickettsiae. HME is caused by Ehrlichia chaffeensis . HGE is caused by a newly identified but as yet unnamed Ehrlichia Where is ehrlichiosis found? In the United States, HME has so far been concentrated in the southeast and south-central regions. HGE has been found mainly in the upper midwestern and northeastern states, but also in northern California. How do people get ehrlichiosis?

3. IGeneX, Inc. - Ehrlichiosis
ehrlichiosis. Human ehrlichiosis is a disease caused by rickettsial type organisms that are that carry Lyme disease. ehrlichiosis usually presents with high fever, malaise, headache

4. Ehrlichiosis
Short scientific article with bibliography on the disease in humans and animals.
Entomological Sciences Program
(21 July 1994) In response to questions resulting from the recent news reports of 'new tick-borne illness causing deaths in the Midwest,' the following information is provided: Ehrlichioses are diseases caused by rickettsia-like organisms, which are extremely small, intracellular bacteria belonging to the family Rickettsiaceae, genus Ehrlichia (Tansill 1984). Ehrlichiosis was first described in Algerian dogs in 1935 (Donatien et al. 1935, Bakken 1994), and in the 1960s, a number of military guard dogs stationed in Vietnam died from complications of a hemorrhagic illness caused by Ehrlichia canis (Keefe et al. 1982). Human ehrlichiosis is a more recently recognized disease. The first diagnosed case occurred in 1986 in a 51-yr-old man from Detroit who had been exposed to ticks in a rural area of Arkansas (Maeda et al. 1987). In 1990, the agent of human ehrlichiosis was isolated from the blood of a U.S. Army reservist at Fort Chaffee, AR (Dawson et al. 1991). The newly recognized organism was named E. chaffeensis

5. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 13, Ch. 159, Rickettsial Diseases
chaffeensis causes human monocytic ehrlichiosis and E. phagocytophilia or a related organism causes human granulocytic ehrlichiosis. E. canis is now
This Publication Is Searchable The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy Section 13. Infectious Diseases Chapter 159. Rickettsial Diseases Topics [General] Epidemic Typhus Murine (Endemic) Typhus Scrub Typhus ... Bartonellosis
A febrile illness resembling Rocky Mountain spotted fever caused by rickettsial-like bacteria of the genus Ehrlichia and transmitted to humans by ticks.
Etiology and Epidemiology
Ehrlichia are obligate, intracellular bacteria that appear as small cytoplasmic inclusions in lymphocytes and neutrophils. Infections are transmitted to humans via tick bites sometimes via contact with dogs that carry the brown tick. Most cases have been identified in the southeastern and south-central parts of the USA. Two species of Ehrlichia are human pathogens in the USA: E. chaffeensis causes human monocytic ehrlichiosis and E. phagocytophilia or a related organism causes human granulocytic ehrlichiosis. E. canis is now regarded as human monocytic ehrlichiosis.
Symptoms, Signs, and Diagnosis
Regardless of the species causing the infection, the symptoms and signs are similar. Although some infections are asymptomatic, most cause an abrupt onset of illness with fever, chills, headache, and malaise, usually beginning about 12 days after the tick bite. Some patients develop a maculopapular or petechial rash involving the trunk and extremities, although rash is rare with

6. Canine Ehrlichiosis
Arizona veterinary hospital providing high quality pet care while utilizing the most modern techniques. Practice includes Cardiopulmonary, Surgery, Dermatology, General Practice, Emergency ehrlichiosis, often called tick fever or tropical canine pancytopenia, is a ticktransmitted tick carries the organism causing ehrlichiosis and transmits the disease while feeding
Canine Ehrlichiosis What it is Symptoms The disease has two phases, acute and chronic. The acute phase occurs 1-3 weeks following tick exposure. Clinical signs of illness are rather nonspecific and may include listlessness, swollen lymph nodes, anorexia, fever, and discharge from the nose and eyes. The signs of the chronic phase may include those mentioned for the acute phase plus nosebleeds or other abnormal bleeding and weight loss. The chronic phase may occur several months following the acute phase. In both phases, the damage done to the body relates to destruction and decreased production of all blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets). This leads to anemia, decreased resistance to disease, infection and abnormal bleeding. German Shepherds seem especially susceptible to the disease. Diagnosis Although clinical signs and a history of prior tick infestation are helpful, accurate diagnosis depends upon blood testing. Treatment The acute phase of the disease usually responds to treatment within a short period of time. The chronic phase is difficult to treat and may require several months of therapy. Treatment for both phases usually involves specific antibiotics, but may include other supportive care.

7. Ehrlichiosis Fact Sheet
Disease Fact Sheet Series ehrlichiosis ( Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis) What is ehrlichiosis? ehrlichiosis is an acute disease of humans and animals caused by a group of bacteria named Ehrlichia .
Topics A-Z Reference Center Search Disease Fact Sheet Series:
(Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis)
What is ehrlichiosis?
Ehrlichiosis is an acute disease of humans and animals caused by a group of bacteria named Ehrlichia . These organisms, which are transmitted by ticks, can infect human white blood cells and cause illness. Where does ehrlichiosis occur?
One type of ehrlichiosis, caused by the bacterium Ehrlichia chaffeensis , occurs primarily in the south central and southeastern United States. This particular organism, which infects the white blood cells called monocytes, has been known to exist for years and is not uncommon in the southern states. A new type of Ehrlichia is now known to occur in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and certain northeastern states. This recently discovered Ehrlichia has not yet been named, but because it infects the white blood cells known as granulocytes, the illness it causes is referred to as human granulocytic ehrlichiosis. Who gets ehrlichiosis?

8. EMedicine - Ehrlichiosis : Article By Burke A Cunha, MD
ehrlichiosis ehrlichiosis is an infection of white blood cells that affects various mammals, including mice, cattle, dogs, deer, horses, sheep, goats, and humans.Ehrlichia are obligate, Horowitz HW, Wormser GP Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis a case series from a medical center chaffeensis, a new species associated with human ehrlichiosis. J Clin Microbiol 1991
(advertisement) Home Specialties CME PDA ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Patient Education Advanced Search Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Medicine, Ob/Gyn, Psychiatry, and Surgery Infectious Diseases
Last Updated: January 2, 2002 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: spotless Rocky Mountain spotted fever AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 10 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials ... Bibliography
Author: Burke A Cunha, MD , Professor of Medicine, State University of New York School of Medicine; Chief, Infectious Disease Division, Vice-Chair, Department of Internal Medicine, Winthrop-University Hospital Burke A Cunha, MD, is a member of the following medical societies: American College of Chest Physicians American College of Physicians , and Infectious Diseases Society of America Editor(s): Thomas J Marrie, MD , Chair, Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Alberta College of Medicine; Francisco Talavera, PharmD, PhD

9. Species Jump: Human Ehrlichiosis- Mutant Or Emergence?
Research article on the disease. Includes organism description, similar organisms, symptoms, bibliography, and speculation on the origin of the rickettsia.
By Belinda Williams
Species Jump: Human Ehrlichiosis-
Mutant or Emergence?
Ehrlichia are gram negative, nonmotile, obligate intracellular coccobacilli belonging to the family Rickettsiaceae with much similarity both in structure and disease to the pathogens responsible for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever,Q-fever, and Typhus. Ehrlichiosis is a tick borne zoonotic infection which passes into mammalian host blood via tick bites. Three tick species have been identified as vectors of Ehrlichia infection; Ixodes scapularis (deer tick), Amblyomma americanum (Lone Star tick), and Dermacentor variabilis (American Dog tick).
Clinical Signs and Symptoms:
Symptoms of ehrlichiosis in cattle, dogs, and horses resemble the human infection, although horses developswollen legs as well, which clues veterinarians to the possibility of Ehrlichia infection. One researcher, Dr. John E. Madigan at university of California Davis school of veterinary medicine has noted correlation between outbreaks of equine ehrlichiosis and human cases. "If horses are getting it (ehrlichiosis) in a certain geographical region, people are getting it also," he said. "Veterinarians are very skilled at identifying ehrlichiosis in horses. The appearance of the disease in horses should serve as a marker for public health officials to the potential of human infections occurring in the same area.
Ehrlichia bacteria are susceptible to a broad spectrum of antibiotics, with tetracycline and doxycycline the drugs of choice. Since these drugs can result in abnormal tooth coloration in children, infected children are usually treated with chloramphenicol as an effective alternative. Severe cases may require hospitalization in order to monitor organ function and leukocyte titers and to administer intraveinous fluid replacement. Additional antibiotics may be necessary if secondary infection occurs. There have been cases of spontaneous recovery in the absence of treatment.

10. E - Ehrlichia
ehrlichiosis. ehrlichiosis is caused by the rickettsial organism Ehrlichia canis. For ehrlichiosis, the most common vector is the brown dog tick.
Canine Encyclopedia

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Ehrlichiosis Ehrlichiosis is caused by the rickettsial organism Ehrlichia canis. Other examples of rickettsial organisms are Riskettsia rickettsi, which causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Ehrlichia risticii, which causes Potomac Fever in horses. These organisms tend to be carried by ticks and other insect vectors, in some cases. For ehrlichiosis, the most common vector is the brown dog tick. For this reason, ehrlichiosis occurs anywhere this tick occurs. At present, it has been reported in 34 states, with the northern states being spared in most instances. The southeastern and south central states are the most heavily affected. A few cases of Ehrlichia canis infection have been reported in people after tick bites. The best method of diagnosing this disease is through testing of serum from the dog using an immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) test. unfortunately, a positive test only indicates exposure. Still, in the presence of clinical signs or if the titer rises after treatment or stays consistently high, infection is strongly implied by the lab results. Back Vetinfo Canine Encyclopedia Feline Encyclopedia ... Links Last edited
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11. Virtual Hospital: University Of Iowa Family Practice Handbook, Fourth Edition: I
For Providers. University of Iowa Family Practice Handbook, Fourth Edition, Chapter 10. Infectious Disease ehrlichiosis. Philip M. Polgreen, MD. Department of Internal Medicine. University of Iowa
For Providers University of Iowa Family Practice Handbook, Fourth Edition, Chapter 10
Infectious Disease: Ehrlichiosis
Philip M. Polgreen, MD
Department of Internal Medicine
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

Peer Review Status: Externally Peer Reviewed by Mosby
  • Epidemiology
  • Onset . April to September, peaking in June and July; two thirds are rural residents. Human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) is more common in southeast and southcentral United States (Oklahoma, Georgia, Arkansas). Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE) is more common in Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, and Maryland. Pathogenesis
  • HME caused by Ehrlichia chaffeensis HGE caused by Ehrlichia equi. Transmitted by Ixodes scapularis and Dermacentor variabilis Clinical Characteristics
  • Fever, diaphoresis, myalgias, arthralgias, malaise, headache, nausea, vomiting. About 15% have severe complications: renal failure, DIC, pulmonary hemorrhage, interstitial pneumonitis, bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (BOOP), seizures, coma. Lab findings include leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and elevations of AST, ALT, LDH. May see morulae in circulating peripheral WBCs.
    Includes symptoms, carriers, prevention, and proper tick removal techniques.
    A recently discovered and sometimes fatal illness carried by ticks can be difficult to distinguish from Lyme disease . This illness, called Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis (HGE) , is spread by the deer tick, the same tick that carries Lyme disease. The following information has been compiled from various sources by Thomas H. Nicholls, research wildlife biologist, working on bird vectors of these diseases. The following key facts are designed to provide field workers with important information needed to protect themselves. The chief vector of both diseases is the deer tick, Ixodes scapularis=(I. dammini) . Both diseases are caused by bacteria. The white-footed mouse is the principal reservoir host for these bacteria in nature with deer being an important tick host. Early detection, disease identification, and treatment are critical in preventing long term complications caused by these diseases Laboratory diagnostic tests are not 100% reliable, especially during the first 3 weeks after infection. The most reliable readily available test is the Western blot and patients should be sure to ask for this to be performed. A more sophisticated test

    13. Human Ehrlichioses In The United States, Introduction
    Viral and Rickettsial Zoonoses Branch Human ehrlichiosis in the United States VRZB Home DVRD Home NCID Home,
    Viral and Rickettsial Zoonoses Branch
    Human Ehrlichiosis in the United States
    VRZB Home
    DVRD Home NCID Home
    Introduction The Organisms Natural History Epidemiology Laboratory Detection ... Glossary
    Introduction Toward the end of the 19th century, scientists began to understand the important potential for ticks to act as transmitters of disease. In the last decades of the 20th century, several tick-borne diseases have been recognized in the United States, including babesiosis Lyme disease , and ehrlichiosis. Ehrlichiosis is caused by several bacterial species in the genus Ehrlichia (pronounced err-lick-ee-uh) which have been recognized since 1935. Over several decades, veterinary pathogens that caused disease in dogs, cattle, sheep, goats, and horses were identified. Currently, three species of Ehrlichia in the United States and one in Japan are known to cause disease in humans; others could be recognized in the future as methods of detection improve. In 1953, the first ehrlichial pathogen of humans was identified in Japan. Sennetsu fever, caused by

    14. Human Ehrlichioses In The United States, Introduction
    States, including babesiosis, Lyme disease, and ehrlichiosis. ehrlichiosis is caused by several bacterial species in
    Viral and Rickettsial Zoonoses Branch
    Human Ehrlichiosis in the United States
    VRZB Home
    DVRD Home NCID Home
    Introduction The Organisms Natural History Epidemiology Laboratory Detection ... Glossary
    Introduction Toward the end of the 19th century, scientists began to understand the important potential for ticks to act as transmitters of disease. In the last decades of the 20th century, several tick-borne diseases have been recognized in the United States, including babesiosis Lyme disease , and ehrlichiosis. Ehrlichiosis is caused by several bacterial species in the genus Ehrlichia (pronounced err-lick-ee-uh) which have been recognized since 1935. Over several decades, veterinary pathogens that caused disease in dogs, cattle, sheep, goats, and horses were identified. Currently, three species of Ehrlichia in the United States and one in Japan are known to cause disease in humans; others could be recognized in the future as methods of detection improve. In 1953, the first ehrlichial pathogen of humans was identified in Japan. Sennetsu fever, caused by

    15. The Human Ehrlichiosis In The United States, Questions And Answers
    Viral and Rickettsial Zoonoses Branch Human ehrlichiosis in the United States VRZB Home DVRD Home NCID Home, Questions and Answers. What is ehrlichiosis?
    Viral and Rickettsial Zoonoses Branch
    Human Ehrlichiosis in the United States
    Home DVRD Home NCID Home
    Introduction The Organisms Natural History Epidemiology ... Glossary
    Questions and Answers What is ehrlichiosis?
    Ehrlichiosis is the general name used to describe several bacterial diseases that affect animals and humans. These diseases are caused by the organisms in the genus Ehrlichia . Worldwide, there are currently four ehrlichial species that are known to cause disease in humans. How do people get ehrlichiosis?
    In the United States, ehrlichiae are transmitted by the bite of an infected tick. The lone star tick ( Amblyomma americanum ), the blacklegged tick ( Ixodes scapularis ), and the western blacklegged tick ( Ixodes pacificus ) are known vectors of ehrlichiosis in the United States. Ixodes ricinus is the primary vector in Europe. What are the symptoms of ehrlichiosis?
    The symptoms of ehrlichiosis may resemble symptoms of various other infectious and non-infectious diseases. These clinical features generally include fever, headache, fatigue, and muscle aches. Other signs and symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, joint pains, confusion, and occasionally rash. Symptoms typically appear after an incubation period of 5-10 days following the tick bite.

    16. Tick-Borne Illness Memorial Page
    A memorial page dedicated to those who have died of tickborne illness- Lyme disease, Tularemia (aka Rabbit Fever ), Babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, Colorado Tick Fever, Relapsing Fever, Tick-Borne Encephalitis and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
    var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
    Tick-Borne Illness Memorial Page
    "Ill-favored ticks ...the foulest and nastiest creatures that be."
    - Pliny the Elder (23-79 A.D.)
    "Lyme disease is a real, national health threat."
    - Senator Joseph Lieberman, Connecticut, 1997.
    These pages are dedicated to those who have died of Tick-Borne Illness: Lyme disease, Bartonella, Q Fever, Tularemia, Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis, Relapsing Fever, Colorado Tick Fever, Tick-Borne Encephalitis, Rickettsia Helvetica, Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. If you have a loved one who has died of a tick-borne illness and you would like to see them on this page, you are more than welcome. Please email, given again at the bottom of this page. Please provide as much information as possible and any page preferences. This site also links to Memorial Pages made by people's families or friends. Even, if reading a newspaper, you find an article or Obituary about someone who has died of a Tick-Borne Illness, please email the contact person so they may be included. Most, but not all of the people on this site have a Tick-Borne Illness on their death certificate as Cause of Death.

    17. Tick Research Laboratory
    University of Rhode Island site engaged in research about tickborne diseases. Photo gallery and information about Lyme disease, babesiosis, and ehrlichiosis.
      The University of Rhode Island's
      Navigate this site Lyme Disease Information Tick Images and Movies Symptoms, Signs and Treatment Tick Links RI Agricultural Experiment Station University of Rhode Island Home THE TICK RESEARCH LABORATORY is a nonprofit adjunct of the Department of Fisheries, Animal and Veterinary Science at the University of Rhode Island. Major funding comes from the RI Agricultural Experiment Station . We are devoted to the study of various aspects of tick-borne diseases, especially Lyme disease, including epidemiology, prevention and control strategies.
      Since 1983, research on ticks and other ectoparasites of both mammals and birds has been in progress in this laboratory, and the results have been reported in scientific literature and at professional meetings. This work has been supported by various governmental and private agencies.
      NOTE: TICK TESTING AT URI HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Please see your health care provider for testing.

    18. IGeneX Inc, - Ehrlichiosis
    ehrlichiosis. Human ehrlichiosis is a disease caused by rickettsial type organisms that are transmitted in part by the SAME TICKS that carry Lyme disease.
    Human Ehrlichiosis is a disease caused by rickettsial type organisms that are transmitted in part by the SAME TICKS that carry Lyme disease. Ehrlichiosis usually presents with high fever, malaise, headache, myalgia, sweats, and nausea. Patients diagnosed with Ehrlichia should also be tested for Lyme disease due to the fact that co-infections have been documented in several patients. There are two forms of the disease caused by the Ehrlichia species: E. chaffeensis and E. phagocytophilia , which cause the human diseases, Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis (HME) and Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis (HGE), respectively. HME has been linked to the bites of Amblyomma Americanum (Lone Star Tick) and HGE has been closely linked to the bites of Ixodes Scapularis and Ixodes Pacificus . The Dermacentor Variabilis (dog tick) has also been suggested in the transmission of both. Seroconversion usually occurs between two and four weeks after infection. HME: First described in 1987 and confirmed in 30 states, predominately in the southeast and mid-atlantic states. HME has also been found in Europe and Africa.

    19. Animal And Zoonotic Disease Surveillance
    Federation of American Scientists' project for proactive surveillance of zoonoses and other animal diseases. Includes information on rabies, West Nile fever, ehrlichiosis, equine encephalitis, anthrax, Pfiesteria, mad cow disease, deformed frogs, and diseases of both wildlife and farm animals.
    ILIAD-Tanzania Agro-terrorism ProMED Search Project ... The Role of Disease Surveillance in the Watch for Agro-terrorism or Economic Sabotage FAS addresses these issues through public education and international collaboration. The project's operational arm, ILIAD-Tanzania , is a pilot test of a surveillance system designed for remote rural areas in developing or reorganizing countries. Eschewing passive surveillance in favor of a pro-active, response-oriented, continuously operating network that begins at the village level, this system offers the promise of timely and accurate disease detection, diagnosis, prevention, and control. As a fully collaborative program between veterinary service workers, local farmers, wildlife conservation personnel and local governments, it provides a logistical framework for treatment, education and outbreak reporting. It is anticipated that the program will, over time, alleviate poverty in remote villages by increasing livestock and poultry production, control zoonotic diseases in human populations, and prevent disease epidemics in wild animal populations. Special Reports and Outbreak Maps:
  • Chronic Wasting Disease in American Elk and Deer (map)
  • Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Afghan War Theatre (map)
  • Misconceptions about Anthrax
  • Anthrax in the United States: 1997-2002 (maps)
  • Bluetongue: Mediterranean Emergence
    - Chronicling the Spread from 1997-2002 (map)
  • Outbreak Map Archive
  • News:
  • ProMED-AHEAD-mail Outbreak Reports
    OIE Weekly Status Reports
  • AnimalNet Archives
    FAS Disease Archive Continuing Concerns:
  • 20. Hotline - Human Ehrlichiosis Update
    Includes bibliography, history of the disease, cause, symptoms, laboratory findings, treatment, and prevention.

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