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Duane Retraction Syndrome: more detail | ||||
81. GeneCard For DURS1 Approved UCL/HGNC/HUGO Human Gene Nomenclature database symbol DURS1 (duane s retractionsyndrome 1). DUS (LL); duane s retraction syndrome 1 (GDB, LL, HUGO). http://genecards.bcgsc.ca/cgi-bin/carddisp?DURS1 |
82. GeneCard For DURS1 Approved UCL/HGNC/HUGO Human Gene Nomenclature database symbol DURS1(duane s retraction syndrome 1). duane s retraction syndrome 1. http://www6.unito.it/cgi-bin/cards/carddisp?DURS1 |
83. Le Syndrome De Rétraction De Stilling Duane. Étiopathogénie Clinique. Régula retraction syndrom (muscular http://orthoptie.net/jfo/jfo08/spielmann76.html | |
84. Increased Binocular Enhancement Of Contrast Sensitivity And Reduced Stereoacuity Increased Binocular Enhancement of Contrast Sensitivity and Reduced Stereoacuityin Patients with duane s retraction syndrome. Purpose http://www.city.ac.uk/avrc/groups/vpp/example4.html | |
85. Karger Publishers Associated ocular malformations, such as microphthalmos, anisocoria, ptosis and epibulbardermoids are known to be associated with duane s retraction syndrome. http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowFulltext&ProduktNr= |
86. GeneCard For DURS1 Approved UCL/HGNC/HUGO Human Gene Nomenclature database symbol DURS1(duane s retraction syndrome 1). DUS; duane s retraction syndrome 1. http://bioinformatics.postech.ac.kr/cgi-bin/cards/carddisp?DURS1 |
87. Journal Of Pediatric Ophthalmology And Strabismus patients (222 eyes) with Duanes retraction syndrome seen between January 1990 and patient age, type of Duanes retraction syndrome, horizontal strabismus, and vertical tropia http://www.journalofpediatricophthalmology.com/showAbst.asp?thing=5431 |
88. Duane Syndrome JOURNAL ARTICLES Appukuttan B, et al., Localization of a gene for duane retractionsyndrome to chromosome 2q31. Am J Hum Genet. 1999;65163946. http://www.bchealthguide.org/kbase/nord/nord224.htm | |
89. Türk's Syndrome (www.whonamedit.com) This limitation of muscular function is one of the component of duane s retractionsyndrome; hence, Türk s syndrome is regarded as an incomplete form of the http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/1937.html | |
90. Genetic Approaches To Ocular Motility Disorders MG Hotchkiss, NR Miller, AW Clark, et al. Bilateral duane s retraction syndromeA clinicalpathological case report. Arch Ophthalmol 1980;98870-874. http://mediswww.meds.cwru.edu/dept/neurology/ocular/ab020.html | |
91. Reviews By Subspecialty 11 Jpn J Ophthalmol. 2004 MarApr;48(2)148-53. Classification of duane sRetraction syndrome Two Additional Electromyogram Types. http://www.ophthal.org/ORJ/journal/Jpn J Ophthalmol.shtml |
92. Le Syndrome De Duane-Stilling-Türk : Cas Clinique (Palladino 1997) retractionsyndrome and discuss etiopathogenesis and clinical features. http://orthoptie.net/jfo/jfo29/palladin97.htm | |
93. Dr. Sugin Guo: Publications 7. Caputo AR, Wagner RS, Guo S, Santiago AP. Infantile abduction deficitDuane s retraction syndrome or abducens palsy? A study of 24 cases. http://www.umdnj.edu/eyeweb/library/suginbib.html | |
94. New Syndrome - 2003 Parentin Solitary median maxillary central incisor, duane retractionsyndrome, growth hormone deficiency and duplicated thumb phalanx http://www.rusmedserv.com/genetics/newsynd/2003.htm |
95. Karger Publishers External Resources 4 Miller NR, Kiel SM, Green WR, Clark AW Unilateral duane sretraction syndrome (type I). Arch Ophthalmol 1982;10014681472. http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowFulltext&ProduktNr= |
96. Neurological Disorders, Ocular Motility Disorders, Duane Retraction Syndrome » Submit your URL to iSeekHealth.com. iSeekHealth Website SubmissionForms Take advantage of iSeekhealth s low cost, onetime website http://www.iseekhealth.com/index.php?method=show_submit_site&directory_id=2100 |
97. Ocular Motility Disorders From Linkspider UK Health Directory Tolosa Hunt syndrome A description of this disorder, its symptomsand diagnosing. NORD - Tolosa Hunt syndrome - A general discussion http://linkspider.co.uk/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/NeurologicalDisorders/Ocula | |
98. SearchBug Directory: Health: Conditions_and_Diseases: Neurological_Disorders: Oc Search the Web Web. Open Directory. Search duane RetractionSyndrome, http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurologi | |
99. Gimenei >> Health >> Conditions_and_Diseases >> Neurological_Disorders >> Ocular Gimenei.com, Search for Scope All Words, Results per page 10.Request Timeout 2, http://www.gimenei.com/directory/top/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurological | |
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