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101. Healthy Pet | Diseases: What Is Dry Eye? What is dry eye? Back to FAQ Menu Answer. Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (KCS), or dryeye, involves inflammation of the cornea due to decreased tear production. http://www.healthypet.com/FAQ/pet_diseases-16.html | |
102. PILS Leaflet L52; Dry Eyes; (Version=14) dry eyes. dry eye syndrome ( dry eyes ) is a common cause of eye irritation.It mainly affects older people. Artificial Who gets dry eyes? Dry http://www.prodigy.nhs.uk/clinicalguidance/releasedguidance/webBrowser/pils/PL52 | |
103. Prodigy Guidance - Dry Eye Syndrome Prodigy Guidance dry eye syndrome. Have I got the right guidance ? www.prodigy.nhs.uk/guidance.asp?gt=dryeye syndrome. January 2003 - minor formatting update. http://www.prodigy.nhs.uk/guidance.asp?gt=dry eye syndrome |
104. ### ¾È±¸°ÇÁ¶Áõ(Dry Eye Syndrome)### The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://user.chollian.net/~pain7575/dryeye.htm | |
105. Sjogren's Syndrome Study documents incidence of and risk factors for dry eye in older persons. Therole of the lacrimal functional unit in the pathophysiology of dry eye. http://www.sclero.org/medical/symptoms/sjogrens/a-to-z.html | |
106. HortFACT - Dry Eye Rot (Botrytis Cinerea) In Apples And Pears dry eye rot, sometimes called blossom end rot, is caused by Botrytis cinerea onapples. Up HortFACT dry eye rot (Botrytis cinerea) in apples and pears. http://www.hortnet.co.nz/publications/hortfacts/hf205012.htm | |
107. Dry Eye Syndrome dry eye syndrome is a common condition. In some instances, it is characterizedby dry, irritated eyes due to a lack of lubricating tears. dry eye Syndrome. http://www.steen-hall.com/dry.html | |
108. Dry Eye Syndrome dry eye syndrome causes acute discomfort for millions, but advances in treatmentcould bring relief. Antiinflammatory drugs for dry eye are in the works. http://www.iconocast.com/H/Health3_News02_04/Health9I.htm | |
109. 'Dry Eye' In Women May Be Linked To Sex Hormones Women whose ovaries prematurely cease functioning may be at a greater risk for dryeye symptoms, according to an article in the February issue of The Archives http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/02/040212084949.htm | |
110. Discuss Dry Eyes And Pain - Forum Powered By Infopop Holly. some question about dry eye? Jose Mason. dry eye and bad vision,Jose lopez, 1, Sun April 11 2004 0149 PM by Grant Mason. demodex http://surgicaleyes.infopop.cc/eve/ubb.x?a=frm&s=4686011394&f=7686055494 |
111. Ask A Doctor About Dry Eyes And Pain - Forum Powered By Infopop dry eye Treatment, Grant Mason, 0, Thu April 08 2004 0427 PM. scleral lensfor dry eye, Jose lopez, 1, Sun March 21 2004 1207 AM by Grant Mason. http://surgicaleyes.infopop.cc/eve/ubb.x?a=frm&s=4686011394&f=7886055494 |
112. Dry Eye - Novartis Ophthalmics dry eye. Introduction epitheliopathies. The two main causes of dry eyeare decreased tear production and increased evaporative loss. http://www.novartisophthalmics.com/consumers/dryeye.shtml | |
113. Inspire Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Dry Eye Disease dry eye, an ocular surface disease, is the general term for a condition in whichabnormalities in the eye s tear film lead to burning, painful, red, irritated http://www.inspirepharm.com/dryeye.html | |
114. DRY EYE PRODUCTS (ARTIFICIAL TEARS) - A Patient's Guide dry eye PRODUCTS (ARTIFICIAL TEARS) a patient s guide Natalie Gauld - PharmacyEducator. Brands Ointments Lacrilube, Duratears. Use dry eyes. http://www.medic8.com/healthguide/articles/dryeyeproducts.html | |
115. Dry Eyes dry eyes are caused by a lack of tears. Tears are necessary for the normal lubricationof your eyes and to wash away particles and foreign bodies. dry eyes. http://www.pennhealth.com/ency/article/003087.htm | |
116. Eye Drops For Dry Eyes Contact Lens, Irritated Eyes Doctors have reported Viva Drops to be effective in preventing and treating manytypes of dry eye disorders and contact lensrelated complications such as http://www.health-marketplace.com/Viva-Drops.htm | |
117. Tears Again Night & Day Dry Eye Relief - AC Lens Tears Again Night Day dry eye Relief. Price $9.95. Tears Again NIGHT AND DAY LubricantGel provides longlasting relief from the symptoms of Dry-Eye Syndrome. http://www.aclens.com/da.asp?ID=38 |
118. Eye Advisory - Dry Eye: Often Ignored dry eye Often Ignored. But there may be more than 10 million Americans who havea significant dry eye condition that may be related to other symptoms. http://www.eyeadvisory.com/dry_eyes.html | |
119. Dry Eye Syndromes And Altered Tear / Lid Function NORA Home » Patient Area » dry eye Syndromes. dry eye Syndromes and Altered Tear/ Lid Function. Our eyelids work much like the windshield wipers on our cars. http://www.nora.cc/patient_area/dry_eye_syndrome.html | |
120. Rosehip Oil Natural Skin Care For Scar, Wrinkle, Sunburn Tissue, Anddry Ecsema S Topical treatment and natural moisturizing product for sensitive, sun damaged, dry skin, eye wrinkles, scar tissues, and dark spots. http://rosehipoil.com/r-scientific.htm | |
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