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41. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent Pain in diabetic neuropathy case study whole patient management.P diabetic neuropathies The Nerve Damage of Diabetes. Available http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/j.1471-0552.2004.00795.x/enha | |
42. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent MEDLINE Abstract ISI Abstract. 4. Dyck PJ, Giannini C. Pathologic alterationsin the diabetic neuropathies of humans a review. diabetic neuropathies. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/j.1399-543X.2004.00041.x/enha | |
43. PNS Meeting Poster Abstracts - Diabetic And Other Metabolic Neuropathies in the regulation of nerve damage, and suggest a potential effect of antiinflammatoryand/or anti-immune drugs in the treatment of diabetic neuropathies. http://pns.ucsd.edu/PostH.abstracts.html | |
44. Ask NOAH About: Diabetes Trial Type 1 Diabetic Foot Ulcers - CenterWatch Diabetic Gastroparesis - CenterWatchdiabetic neuropathies - ClinicalTrials.gov Diabetic Neuropathy http://www.noah-health.org/english/illness/diabetes/diabetes.html | |
45. Diabetic Complications: Nephropathic Complications diabetic neuropathies can be divided into the focal and diffuse forms, and thelatter may be further divided into small and large fiber neuropathies. http://www.diabetesliving.com/comps/neurpthc.htm | |
46. Medication That Treats Seizures Might Also Relieve Debilitating Leg Aches In Dia diabetic neuropathies nerve damage caused by diabetes can affect practicallyany organ system, including the digestive tract, heart and sex organs. http://www.slu.edu/readstory/newsinfo/1802 | |
47. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Health > ... > Neurological Disorders > Peripheral diabetic neuropathies Subjects Health Neurological Disorders Peripheral Nervous System diabetic neuropathies. Sort http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=594595&mode=general |
48. (ATN) Neuropathy Nutrient Therapies nutrient therapies for HIVrelated neuropathies, there has been a fair amount ofresearch (mostly in other countries) on their use for diabetic neuropathies. http://www.aegis.com/pubs/atn/1996/atn25009.html | |
49. Burning Feet Due To Diabetic Neuropathy diabetic Neuropathy. The neuropathies are the most common of all the late complicationsof diabetes and give rise to much suffering among diabetic patients. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/460912 |
50. U.S. Pharmacist diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. Several anticonvulsants have been used effectivelyto treat painful neuropathies, including diabetic peripheral neuropathy. http://www.uspharmacist.com/index.asp?show=article&page=8_996.htm |
51. Diabetic Foot, The: Diagnosing And Managing Chronic Painful Diabetic Neuropathy One common classification scheme is based on anatomical distribution and includestwo main types of diabetic neuropathy diffuse neuropathies and focal http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m0MDQ/1_7/114708489/p1/article.jhtml | |
52. Neurometer® CPT Technical Report: SNCT Evaluation Of Diabetic Neuropathy 6,7) These types of neuropathies can be treated with IvIg and other types of therapiesbut if left undetected they can ultimately condemn a diabetic patient to http://www.neurotron.com/diab001.html | |
53. Neuropathy Trust: An Introduction To Diabetic Neuropathy Perhaps the common shingles virus may prove, in the future, to be involvedin the diseaseprocess of some neuropathies of unknown cause. http://www.neuropathy-trust.org/mainpages/education/phn/intro.htm | |
54. Neuropathy Trust: The Spectrum Of Diabetic Neuropathy As with other peripheral neuropathies, diabetic neuropathy may involve one nerve(mononeuropathy) or several specific nerves (mononeuritis multiplex). http://www.neuropathy-trust.org/mainpages/education/dn/page6.htm | |
55. Medical Encyclopedia diabetes, diabetic, early, expectations, factors, groups, health, incidence, injuries,injury, levels, may, nerve, nerves, neuropathies, neuropathy, pain http://www.medstarhealth.org/body.cfm?id=124&action=display&articlenum=693 |
56. Neurodiagnostic Skin Biopsies At MGH: Small Fiber Neuropathies Painful diabetic neuropathy can come on in the very earliest stages of diabetes,before any other symptoms of the disease develop and before the diabetes has http://neuroskinbiopsy.mgh.harvard.edu/smallfiber.htm | |
57. DiabetoValens.com - The Diabetes Guide Diabetes The Body. diabetic Neuropathy Complication Of The Nerves.Diabetes and nerves? Other neuropathies involving diabetics are http://my.diabetovalens.com/complications/neuropathy.asp | |
58. Peripheral Neuropathy Wellness Center Peripheral neuropathies, other than diabetic, have responded to some nutrientssuch as vitamins B3, niacinamide, folic acid, potassium, vinpocetine and http://www.rxwellnesscenter.com/Neuropathy.asp | |
59. Details For ABC Of Diabetes the diabetic foot; diabetic neuropathy 2 autonomic neuropathy; diabetic neuropathy3 - mononeuropathy and acute painful neuropathies; nephropathy; pregnancy http://www.bmjbookshop.com/shop/product_display.asp?productid=0727911899&product |
60. Graduate Program In Neuroscience At The University Of Minnesota 1. In skin of patients with peripheral neuropathies of different types with emphasison diabetic patients undergoing pancreas or Islet transplantation. http://www.neuroscience.umn.edu/ProStu/facprof/kennedy.html | |
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