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61. Dercum's Disease Privat side af Dorrit Hvam med beskrivelse af sygdommen, og links. http://www.algon.dk/dercum/ | |
62. Dercum's Disease (Adiposis Dolorosa) Questionnaire This site discusses the symptoms, personal stories and research that has been done in the study of dercum's disease (Adiposis Dolorosa). This page is a Sufferer Questionnaire. Tell me when this http://dercums_data.tripod.com/questions.html | |
63. Francis Xavier Dercum (www.whonamedit.com) Associated with dercum s disease or syndrome. Who named it? Home. FB Wagner JrFrancis X dercum, MD, professor of nervous and mental diseases (19001925). http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/1425.html | |
64. Dercum's Disease Dorrit Hvams hjemmeside om, dercum S disease, Skriv i min gæstebog. alias Lipomatosis Dolorosa - alias Adiposis Dolorosa - alias http://www.algon.dk/dercum/index.php | |
65. Informationsseite Lipomatosis Dolorosa - Morbus Dercum - Universitaetsklinik Mag A German website on dercum's disease, created by a Doctor who is planning on doing research into the disease Dr Johann Steiner http://www.dercum.net/ | |
66. Emerging Worlds Chronic Illness And Viral Infections who goes beyond the mundane and researches the literature (or recalls a previouspatient with a similar problem) and the diagnosis of dercum s disease is made. http://www.emergingworlds.com/ch_article.cfm?link=Dercums_Disease.htm |
67. Englisch This page is the English translation of a German journal article on dercum's disease. Other information, in German, is available on the website. http://dercum.net/Einleitung/Englisch/englisch.html |
68. Dercum's Syndrome, Lipomatosis Dolorosa-Adiposis Dolorosa And Morbus Dercum, Generally describes the disease. The author thinks that it may respond to special diet. http://www.dstressdoc.com/dercum's.htm |
69. CANCER: CAUSES AND EFFECTS Chapter from Dr. Ed Friedlander's online textbook. Adiposis Dolorosa (dercum's disease) is mentioned (search for adiposis ). Even though the lipomas (tumors) are benign, they can cause problems just by being, and he lists a number of examples. http://www.pathguy.com/lectures/neo-2-3.htm | |
70. LIPOMAS, LIPOMATOSIS, AND CERTAIN CLINICAL TYPES OF ABNORMAL FAT DEPOSIT This is an older article (1974) that has a section describing the Adiposis Dolorosa (dercum's disease or dercum Syndrome), as well as other diseases affecting the fatty deposits. http://www.jeghers.com/annts/lipomas.htm | |
71. BONES AND SOFT TISSUES Section of an online medical/pathology text book by Dr. Ed Friedlander. Buried in here are some comments on dercum's disease (search for dercum to find them). http://www.pathguy.com/lectures/bones.htm | |
72. Lipomas, Lipomatosis, Dercums Disease, Health Discussion : Physiotherapy For Der Physiotherapy for dercum s disease Goto page 1, 2 Next. PostPosted Fri May 30, 2003224 pm Post subject Physiotherapy for dercum s disease, Reply with quote. http://www.lipomaforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=245 |
73. Brenner & Politi, Dermatologic Diseases And Problems Of Women Throughout The Lif Article by Brenner and Politi on women's dermatological problems from the International Journal of Dermatology. There is a section on dercum's disease toward the end of the article. http://www.vulvarpain.icomm.ca/brenner.html | |
74. Dercum's Hope - What Is Dercum's Disease? dercum s Hope What is dercum s disease? dercums disease is a progressivedisorder that causes the growth of painful adipose (fat) tissue. http://www.dercumshope.org/whatisit.php | |
75. Dercum's Disease (Adiposis Dolorosa) - PubMed MedLine References This is a listing of the references to dercum's disease culled from Medline, the National Library of Medicine data base. (aka dercum Syndrome, Adiposis Dolorosa) http://Dercums_Data.tripod.com/ref-list.html | |
76. DermIS / Main Menu / DOIA The DOIA, or Dermatological Online Image Atlas, is a listing of images relating to skin diseases. They do not have any pictures of dercum's disease, but they do ask for sufferers to fill out a questionnaire at the bottom of this page (the form doesn't always work properly, so save your answers elsewhere). http://www.dermis.net/doia/diagnose.asp?zugr=d&lang=e&diagnr=214003& |
77. Lipoma This site references some articles dealing with dercum's disease, and provides synopses of them. http://www.thedoctorsdoctor.com/diseases/lipoma.htm | |
78. Dercum's Disease / Adiposis Dolorosa dercum s disease. dercum s disease / Adiposis Dolorosa dercum s diseaseOnline. Founded 1998. Support for persons with dercum s disease http://my.webmd.com/hw/health_guide_atoz/shc29der.asp | |
79. Article: Corticosteroid-Induced Juxta-articular Adiposis Dolorosa (Dercum's Dise This article discusses a case of dercum's disease in the knee that was apparently caused by corticosteroid usage. http://dercums_data.tripod.com/greenbaum.html | |
80. Nunnies Story A description of one individual's long struggle to identify the disease, in the form of painful fatty tumors, that was wracking her body dercum's disease. http://dercums_data.tripod.com/nunnie1.html | |
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