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         Cryptosporidiosis:     more books (55)
  1. Bovine neonatal cryptosporidiosis: Prevalence and public health issues (Extension extra) by Kelly Namminga, 1998
  2. The non-neonatal pig as a model for cryptosporidiosis. by Mark C. Healey,
  3. Report of Waterborne Cryptosporidiosis Subcommittee of the Scientific Advisory Committee
  4. Human cryptosporidium and cryptosporidiosis by Bruce Lawhorn, 1996
  5. An outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in North Humberside, December 1989/January 1990: Lessons for water supply by R. J Vincent, 1993
  6. A swimming-pool-associated outbreak of cryptosporidiosis (News from KDHE) by Larissa Wilberschied, 1995
  7. Safe water practices in the back country, avoiding giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis (EC) by Helen Conner, 1993
  8. The Non-neonatal Pig As a Model for Cryptosporidiosis. by Mark C Healey, 1980
  9. Table II. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending February 21, 2009, and February 16, 2008 (7th week).(Statistical ... from: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report by Gale Reference Team, 2009-02-27
  10. Table II. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, week ending October 17, 2009, and October 11, 2008 (41st week).(Statistical ... from: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report by Unavailable, 2009-10-23
  11. Table II. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending August 11, 2007, and August 12, 2006 (32nd Week) *.(Table): An ... from: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report by Gale Reference Team, 2007-08-17
  12. Table II. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending August 18, 2007, and August 19, 2006 (33rd week) *.(Table): An ... from: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report by Gale Reference Team, 2007-08-24
  13. Table II. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending January 10, 2009, and January 5, 2008 (1st week).(Statistical ... from: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report by Gale Reference Team, 2009-01-16
  14. Table II. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending January 17, 2009, and January 12, 2008 (2nd week).(Statistical ... from: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report by Gale Reference Team, 2009-01-23

41. Gastroenteritis - Cryptosporidiosis.
cryptosporidiosis is a type of gastroenteritis (gastro) caused by the parasite Cryptosporidium. Gastroenteritis cryptosporidiosis.

42. Cryptosporidiosis
cryptosporidiosis. Once believed not to be a pathogen in humans, these little creatures live in the brush border of the gut and are
Cryptosporidiosis Once believed not to be a pathogen in humans, these little creatures live in the brush border of the gut and are an important cause of diarrhea worldwide. In people who are immunocompromised, it can be hard to shake the infection. Next
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43. UAB Health System | Cryptosporidiosis
cryptosporidiosis. What is cryptosporidiosis? cryptosporidiosis is a diarrheal infection caused by the parasite Cryptosporidium.

44. Cryptosporidiosis - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention
home infectious diseases parasitic cryptosporidiosis cryptosporidiosis. Information • Diagnosis • Treatment • Prevention.

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Related Topics: Food and Water Borne Infectious Diseases/Zoonoses Open Directory: Science/Environment/Water Resources/Drinking Water Medical Definition: University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Medical Dictionary: "cryptosporidiosis" Health News: Search millions of published articles for news on Cryptosporidiosis Modern Medicine Aging The Ardell Wellness Report HealthFacts Medical Post Medical Update Men's Health and the National Women's Health Report Note: Subscription required to access the full text of articles. Web Directory: CDC Division of Parasitic Diseases - Cryptosporidiosis Fact sheet with cause, symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Cryptosporidiosis This pamphlet was prepared by the inter-agency Working Group on Waterborne Cryptosporidiosis, and describes various methods of protection from the one-celled parasite, Cryptosporidium parvum.

45. Health Topics A - Z
Health Topics A Z cryptosporidiosis, cryptosporidiosis. cryptosporidiosis is an infection of the intestines caused by a very small parasite.

46. Cryptosporidiosis
cryptosporidiosis. cryptosporidiosis is a parasitic infection caused by the protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum. cryptosporidiosis publications.
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Cryptosporidiosis publications
Documents about cryptosporidiosis, including updates and reports from the Chief Medical Officer and articles on zoonoses (diseases and infections transmissible between animals and man) from DEFRA and the Health and Safety Executive. Cryptosporidiosis publications
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cryptosporidiosis key documents. Publications about cryptosporidiosis. Getting ahead this section. Current section cryptosporidiosis.
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Getting ahead of the curve: a strategy for combating infectious diseases (including other aspects of health protection)
Common zoonoses in agriculture
Health and Safety Executive agricultural information sheet 2. Common zoonoses in agriculture factsheet, on the HSE website (external link)
Zoonoses Report United Kingdom 2000
Report from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) containing information about the occurrence of cryptosporidium in animals and humans. This is a link to a PDF document.

48. Cryptosporidiosis
An illness caused by the protozoan Cryptosporidium parvum and characterized......cryptosporidiosis. Disease Code 11580. Clinical
CRYPTOSPORIDIOSIS Disease Code: 11580 Clinical Description: An illness caused by the protozoan Cryptosporidium parvum and characterized by diarrhea, abdominal cramps, loss of appetite, low-grade fever, nausea, and vomiting. Infected persons may be asymptomatic. The disease can be prolonged and life-threatening in severely immunocompromised persons. Laboratory Criteria for Diagnosis: Demonstration of Cryptosporidium oocysts in stool, OR Demonstration of Cryptosporidium in intestinal fluid or small bowel biopsy specimens, OR Demonstration of Cryptosporidium antigen in stool by a specific immunodiagnostic test such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Case Classification: Confirmed, symptomatic: A laboratory-confirmed case associated with one or more of the symptoms described in the Clinical Description: Confirmed, asymptomatic: A laboratory-confirmed case not associated with any of the clinical symptoms. Reporting Procedure: All reports should be filed on Wyoming form WYEPI1.96 on the day of diagnosis.

49. NJDHSS, Communicable Disease Service: Cryptosporidiosis
What You Should Know About. . . cryptosporidiosis. What is cryptosporidiosis? cryptosporidiosis Who gets cryptosporidiosis? Anyone
Disease Index NJ InTouch What You Should Know About. . . Cryptosporidiosis What is Cryptosporidiosis? Cryptosporidiosis is an intestinal illness caused by the parasite, Cryptosporidium parvum . The parasite multiplies in the intestine and produces cysts which are passed from the body in the stool (bowel movement). Who gets Cryptosporidiosis? Anyone can get cryptosporidiosis, but those individuals with a weakened immune system, such as that caused by AIDS/HIV infection, cancer and transplant patients who are taking certain immunosuppresive drugs, and those with inherited diseases that affect the immune system are at a higher risk for a more serious illness. How is Cryptosporidiosis spread? A person becomes infected with Cryptosporidium by eating or drinking something that was contaminated with infected stool or sewage. What are the symptoms of Cryptosporidiosis? Some individuals infected with Cryptosporidium have no symptoms. Others may have diarrhea with loose or watery stool, stomach cramps, upset stomach, and a slight fever. How soon do symptoms occur?

50. Cryptosporidiosis Fact Sheet
cryptosporidiosis. (*PDF version) for printing. What is cryptosporidiosis? cryptosporidiosis is a parasitic infection caused by

DELS Home Page
Communicable Disease Control Epidemiology UDOH Public Health Lab
(*PDF version)
for printing. What is Cryptosporidiosis? Cryptosporidiosis is a parasitic infection caused by the protozoan Cryptosporidium parvum . Infectious oocysts (the state in the parasite's life cycle when the organism is surrounded by a protective shell) of C. parvum are small. They can survive for months in soil under cool dark conditions, for up to a year in low-turbidity water, and are more resistant to chemical agents (including chlorine) than the majority of protozoa. Infectivity appears to cease when oocysts are frozen, freeze-dried, boiled, or heated to 140 or above for 5 to 10 minutes. Who gets Cryptosporidiosis?

51. Cryptosporidiosis - Public Health - Institute Of Plumbing
disinfectants. cryptosporidiosis (the disease caused by the parasite) has no cure. diseases. cryptosporidiosis (Cryptosporidium parasite). What is it?
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Cryptosporidiosis (Cryptosporidium parasite)
What is it? Cryptosporidium means 'hidden spore', it is a microscopic parasite found in the faeces of infected humans or animals. It is transmitted via contaminated water and food or through touch of contaminated objects (to be caught in this way the victim must touch their mouths before washing their hands to be infected). The Cryptosporidium parasite is very hard to detect. Although it is reasonably rare in well maintained water systems, it is small enough to pass through most filtration systems and survives chlorination and other disinfectants*. Cryptosporidiosis (the disease caused by the parasite) has no cure. How is it caught and what happens?

cryptosporidiosis. cryptosporidiosis is a diarrheaproducing intestinal infection caused by the one-celled parasite Cryptosporidium parvum.

53. Communicable Diseases - Cryptosporidiosis
cryptosporidiosis. What is cryptosporidiosis? cryptosporidiosis is a moist environment. What are the symptoms of cryptosporidiosis? The

54. Krankheitserreger Im Wasser: Cryptosporidien
Translate this page Was ist cryptosporidiosis? Wie wird cryptosporidiosis übertragen? Die Dauerformen von Cryptosporidien (Oocysten) werden von Säugetieren ausgeschieden.
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  • Was ist Cryptosporidiosis? Welches sind die Symptome von Cryptosporidiosis? Was sollten Sie tun, wenn Sie vermuten, dass Sie Cryptosporidiosis haben? Behandlung von Cryptosporidiosis ...

  • Vorbeugung und Vermeidung von Cryptosporidiosis
    Was ist Cryptosporidiosis?
    Was sind die Symptome von Cryptosporidiosis?
    Was sollten Sie tun, wenn Sie vermuten, dass Sie Cryptosporidiosis haben?
    Behandlung von Cryptosporidiosis
    Vorbeugung und Vermeidung von Cryptosporidiosis KEINE
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    55. Cryptosporidiosis
    MAIN SEARCH INDEX. cryptosporidiosis. Definition. cryptosporidiosis refers to infection by the sporeforming protozoan known as Cryptosporidia.
    Cryptosporidiosis refers to infection by the spore-forming protozoan known as Cryptosporidia . Protozoa are a group of parasites that infect the human intestine, and include the better known Giardia Cryptosporidia was first identified in 1976 as a cause of disease in humans.
    Cryptosporidia are normally passed in the feces of infected persons and animals in the form of cysts. The cysts can remain in the ground and water for months, and when ingested produce symptoms after maturing in the intestine and the bile ducts. When viewed under the microscope, they appear as small bluish-staining round bodies. Most common sources of infection are other humans, water supplies, or reservoirs. These are contaminated by animals that defecate in these areas. An outbreak in Milwaukee in 1993 in which over 400,000 persons were affected was traced to the city's water supply. Cysts of Cryptosporidia are extremely resistant to the disinfectants that are commonly used in most water treatment plants and are incompletely removed by filtration. Most persons who experience significant symptoms have an altered immune system, and suffer from diseases such as

    56. Decoquinate To Control Cryptosporidiosis Infestation In Ruminants
    paragraph. I EVALUATION OF DECOQUINATE TO TREAT EXPERIMENTAL. cryptosporidiosis IN KIDS. The TO PREVENT. cryptosporidiosis IN CALVES.
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    Last Updated: Feb 4th, 2003 - 20:42:58 Articles - Home About - In The News Alternative Medicine Anatomy ... Youth-4-H Search
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    Parasites Decoquinate to control cryptosporidiosis infestation in ruminants

    57. Neonate Diarrheic Processes And Cryptosporidiosis
    clinical activity. NEONATAL cryptosporidiosis IN RUMINANTS. Figure losses implied. CURRENT IMPORTANCE OF cryptosporidiosis IN SPAIN. After
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    Parasites Neonate diarrheic processes and cryptosporidiosis By Martin Gomez

    58. Disease Directory : Infectious Diseases : Parasitic : Cryptosporidiosis
    AJTMH Collected Resources cryptosporidiosis cryptosporidiosis. cryptosporidiosis - Information resources on this opportunistic infection, from The Body.
    Wednesday, June 02, 2004 Infectious Diseases Parasitic
    African Trypanosomiasis

    ... Parasitic : Cryptosporidiosis
    • AJTMH Collected Resources : Cryptosporidiosis - Cryptosporidiosis. Citations 1-10 of 19 total displayed. Most recent content (1 Mar 2003): Articles INTERLEUKIN-8, TUMOR NECROSIS Congenital Txoplasmosis - Fact sheet about the disease in infants. Cryptosporidiosis - Information resources on this opportunistic infection, from The Body. Cryptosporidiosis - Cryptosporidiosis is an illness caused by the protozoan Cryptosporidium, a single-celled parasite. Cryptosporidiosis. What is cryptosporidiosis? Cryptosporidiosis - protozoa. Found in Cryptosporidium and Cryptosporidiosis, edited by Ronald Fayer, CRC Press, 1997, Disease, Cryptosporidiosis. Responsible Cryptosporidiosis - CRYPTOSPORIDIOSIS. (This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical care. What is cryptosporidiosis? Cryptosporidiosis - Cryptosporidiosis. What is it? Cryptosporidiosis, or "crypto" for short, is a disease caused by an organism called Cryptosporidium parvum. Cryptosporidiosis - ACSSJR.

    59. Cryptosporidiosis
    cryptosporidiosis. Question A caller from Virginia was concerned about cryptosporidiosis and municipal drinking water supplies
    The Environmental Health Clearinghouse
    Last modified on: Thursday, January 13, 2000 16:34:04
    Question: A caller from Virginia was concerned about cryptosporidiosis and municipal drinking water supplies... Answer: Cryptosporidiosis was not known as a human disease until 1976. It is caused by the parasite Cryptosporidium parvum and gained national attention in 1993, when over 400,000 people in Milwaukee, Wisconsin became ill with diarrhea when the municipal water supply was contaminated with the parasite. The parasite has been around for a long time, but never was considered a menace until the outbreak in Milwaukee. The parasite is commonly excreted by cattle and other animals and reaches surface waters through the watershed. Cryptosporidium means "hidden spore" and the parasite is troublesome because of the difficulty in detecting it. Current methods are labor intensive, require 3 days to complete, and are somewhat subjective in nature. New, more sophisticated methods that provide results in hours and readily quantitate the number of parasites are under investigation. One more of the worrisome problems is knowing that the parasite is in much of the untreated surface water in the US and that even new, state-of-the-art water treatment facilities have trouble filtering or killing it. Most people can tolerate small numbers of the parasite in their drinking water and most people in Milwaukee recovered in one to two weeks with nothing more than a case of diarrhea. However, for people who have weak immune system, i.e., persons with AIDS or recent recipients of an organ transplant, cryptosporidiosis can be life-threatening. Federal health officials have recommended those most susceptible to cryptosporidiosis to boil their water for drinking, cooking, or making ice.

    60. Cryptosporidiosis
    cryptosporidiosis. What is cryptosporidiosis? cryptosporidiosis is a disease caused by a parasite called Cryptosporidium parvum. Who can get cryptosporidiosis?
    What is cryptosporidiosis? Cryptosporidiosis is a disease caused by a parasite called Cryptosporidium parvum . Cryptosporidiosis was responsible for a large drinking water outbreak of diarrheal disease in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1993.
    Who can get cryptosporidiosis? Anyone, but it may be more common in persons with impaired immune systems and in children in daycare centers.
    Where is this parasite found? Cryptosporidium is found in the digestive systems of infected animals and humans. Any pet, farm animal or wild animal, including birds, fish, and reptiles, can become infected. Calves are the most likely animals to be infected. When infected animals or humans go to the bathroom, they pass Cryptosporidium oocysts (egg-like forms of the organism) in their stools.
    How is cryptosporidiosis spread? People or animals become infected by swallowing the oocysts. This can occur after touching stools from infected humans or animals or after handling objects contaminated with infected stool material. Unwashed hands can then transfer the oocysts to the mouth. Persons and animals can also become infected by drinking water or eating raw or undercooked food contaminated with stool material from infected animals or humans. Some people have become sick after swimming in public pools contaminated with stools from infected persons.
    What are the symptoms of cryptosporidiosis?

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