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Cri Du Chat Syndrome: more detail | |||||
81. SAIDA - Cri-du-Chat Support Group A support group for parents with children with the cridu-chat syndrome was established in 1995. cri-du-chat syndrome Support Group. http://sunsite.wits.ac.za/saida/disorders/criduchat_society.htm | |
82. Cri-du-chat Syndrome - General Practice Notebook cridu-chat syndrome. cri-du-chat syndrome derives its name from the weak, cat-like cry of the sufferers. It is a consequence of http://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/cache/335937541.htm | |
83. Cri-du-chat Syndrome: Clinical Profile And Prenatal Diagnosis. Tullu MS, Muranja cridu-chat syndrome clinical profile and prenatal diagnosis. Abstract. Prenatal diagnosis of cri-du-chat syndrome is described in 2 pregnancies. http://www.jpgmonline.com/article.asp?issn=0022-3859;year=1998;volume=44;issue=4 |
84. Cri-du-Chat Syndrome: Toward A Behavioral Phenotype net. cridu-chat syndrome Toward a Behavioral Phenotype Kim Cornish, Ph.D., CPsychol, David Bramble, MD Penny Standen, Ph.D. Individuals http://www.mhaspectsofdd.com/abstracts/Vol4Num4/5.htm | |
85. Cri-Du-Chat Syndome (5p-) - FISH Analysis cridu-chat syndrome (5p-) FISH ANALYSIS. http://www.bcmgeneticlabs.org/tests/cyto/criduchat.html | |
86. OMIM - CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/dispomim.cgi?id=123450 |
87. Cri-du-chat.html origin of the novel ends of chromosomes 4p and 5p in a patient with the WolfHirschhorn syndrome and in 4 patients with the cri-du-chat syndrome by chromosome http://www.indiana.edu/~pietsch/cri-du-chat.html | |
88. Health.iafrica.com | Doc Online | Ask The Doctor | Infants & Children Cri-du-cha INFANTS CHILDREN cridu-chat syndrome Posted Tue, 30 May 2000. Question. Please may I have some information about cri-du-chat syndrome? Answer. http://health.iafrica.com/doconline/qa/children/criduchat.htm | |
89. OMIM - CRI-DU-CHAT SYNDROME http://www3.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/dispomim.cgi?id=123450 |
90. Ingenta: Article Summary -- ''Cri-du-chat'' Syndrome In A Patient Born To A Moth Therefore, as might have been expected, maternal paracentric inversion of chromosome 5q and cridu-chat syndrome presented by the daughter were not related http://www.ingenta.com/isis/searching/ExpandTOC/ingenta?issue=pubinfobike://els/ |
91. AFCC - Association Francophone Du Syndrôme Du Cri Du Chat - CH-1485 Nuvilly Translate this page Association traitant de la maladie du syndrôme du cri du chat - CH-Nuvilly (FR) Suisse http://www.criduchat.ch/ |
92. Cri Du Chat, Maladie : Sites Et Documents Francophones http://www.chu-rouen.fr/ssf/pathol/criduchatmaladie.html | |
93. Cri Du Chat Oireyhtymä cri du chat. cri du chatlapsi saatta kehittyä ensimmäisten elinkuukausien aikana melko hyvin, mutta puheen kehitys on alusta asti dramaattisen heikkoa. http://www.saunalahti.fi/kup/syndroma/cridu.htm | |
94. CRI-DU-CHAT - Site Map - UK Shopping Directory - UK Shops Popular Searches for cridu-chat, cri-du-chat. Shopping online for cri-du-chat or just looking for more information about cri-du-chat? http://www.ishop.co.uk/site-map/cr/cri_du_chat/index.shtml | |
95. Welcome To The 5P- Society March 2002. 5P Minus Society. About 5P syndrome. 5P- Society s Role, Homepages, Annual Conference, Key Resources, Picture Gallery, Recent Newsletter, Coming Soon. http://www.fivepminus.org/ | |
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