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41. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Craniosynostosis craniosynostosis. abnormally shaped skull. Causes, incidence, and risk factors Return to top. The cause of craniosynostosis is unknown. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001590.htm | |
42. HealthlinkUSA Craniosynostosis Links Kanoodle.com. You can find craniosynostosis right now at Info.com. Click here for page 1 of craniosynostosis information from the HealthlinkUSA directory. http://www.healthlinkusa.com/420ent.htm |
43. HealthlinkUSA Craniosynostosis Links Thursday May 13, 2004. The healthy way to search today s best sites. Links to websites which may include treatment, cures, diagnosis http://www.healthlinkusa.com/420.asp |
44. NeurosurgeryToday.org | What Is Neurosurgery | Patient Education Materials | Cra craniosynostosis is a congenital deformity of the infant skull that results when the skull sutures (fibrous joints) between various skull bones fuse improperly http://www.neurosurgerytoday.org/what/patient_e/craniosynostosis.asp | |
45. Classification Of Previously Unclassified Cases Of Craniosynostosis Classification of previously unclassified cases of craniosynostosis. Key Words * craniosynostosis * complex disease * cranial suture. http://www.neurosurgery.org/journals/online_j/dec96/1-6-p1.html | |
46. Craniosynostosis Q & A craniosynostosis Q A. What is craniosynostosis? Most cases are sporadic, although there are several genetic syndromes with craniosynostosis. http://www.neurosurgery.org/pubpages/patres/faq_cranio.html | |
47. Craniosynostosis / Craniofacial Anomaly - Plastic Surgery Health Guide Definition, causes, diagnosing and treatments of craniosynostosis / craniofacial anomaly. Plastic Surgery. craniosynostosis (Craniofacial Anomaly). http://www.umm.edu/plassurg/cranio.htm | |
48. Craniosynostosis craniosynostosis. Some forms of craniosynostosis are associated with syndromes of multiple congenital (cranial and noncranial) anomalies. http://uscneurosurgery.com/glossary/c/craniosynostosis.htm |
49. UAB Health System | Craniosynostosis (Craniofacial Anomaly) craniosynostosis (Craniofacial Anomaly). Other conditions in which craniofacial anomalies may occur Apert s webbed. What is craniosynostosis? http://www.health.uab.edu/show.asp?durki=18576&site=785&return=18559 |
50. Craniosynostosis - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention home musculoskeletal disorders congenital anomalies craniosynostosis craniosynostosis. Information Diagnosis Treatment Prevention. http://www.healthcyclopedia.com/musculoskeletal-disorders/congenital-anomalies/c | |
51. AllRefer Health - Craniosynostosis (Premature Closure Of Sutures) craniosynostosis (Premature Closure of Sutures) information center covers causes, prevention, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, incidence, risk factors, signs http://health.allrefer.com/health/craniosynostosis-info.html | |
52. Craniosynostosis.Info craniosynostosis refers to the early (premature) fusion of the sutures of the bone of the skull. craniosynostosis.Info. Definition http://www.plagiocephaly.org/cranio.htm | |
53. CCDD: Craniosynostosis The Center for Craniofacial Development and Disorders (CCDD), at Johns Hopkins University, has a comprehensive list of craniosynostosis links and articles. http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/craniofacial/Gateway/Craniosynostosis.cfm | |
54. CCDD: Family: Education: Descriptions Of Disorders: Craniosynostosis Incidence craniosynostosis occurs approximately 1 in 3000 births. The most obvious manifestations of craniosynostosis is an alteration of head shape. http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/craniofacial/Education/Article.cfm?ArticleID=64&S |
55. Craniosynostosis -- Topic Overview craniosynostosis Topic Overview What is craniosynostosis? What causes craniosynostosis? The causes of craniosynostosis are not fully understood. http://my.webmd.com/hw/health_guide_atoz/hw180327.asp | |
56. Craniosynostosis craniosynostosis. What is craniosynostosis? The normal skull consists of several plates of bone that are separated by sutures. What causes craniosynostosis? http://www.chw.org/display/PPF/DocID/1810/router.asp | |
57. Health Info Topic craniosynostosis, Back to previous page. Topic Overview What is craniosynostosis? craniosynostosis (craniostenosis http://www.pamf.org/health/healthinfo/index.cfm?page=article&sgml_id=hw180325 |
58. Disease Directory : Musculoskeletal Disorders : Congenital Anomalies : Craniosyn About craniosynostosis Childrens Hospital San Diego - About craniosynostosis - Childrens Hospital San Diego, serving the communities of Chula Vista, National http://www.diseasedirectory.net/Musculoskeletal_Disorders/Congenital_Anomalies/C | |
59. Craniosynostosis craniosynostosis Trigonocephaly. Brachycephaly. Frontal Plagiocephaly. Sagittal Synostosis (Scaphocephaly) Most common craniosynostosis form (1 in 4200 births); http://www.fpnotebook.com/NIC71.htm | |
60. About Craniosynostosis - Childrens Hospital San Diego About craniosynostosis Childrens Hospital San Diego, serving the communities of Chula Vista, National City, El Cajon, Oceanside, El Centro, Rancho Bernardo http://www.chsd.org/11005.cfm | |
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