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101. 2002 National Guideline For The Management Of Chlamydia Trachomatis Genit Brief Summary. GUIDELINE TITLE. 2002 national guideline for the managementof chlamydia trachomatis genital tract infection. BIBLIOGRAPHIC SOURCE(S). http://www.guideline.gov/summary/summary.aspx?doc_id=3029&nbr=2255 |
102. Guideline Cover Management of Genital chlamydia trachomatis Infection. Laboratory tests 2.1Laboratory tests for chlamydia trachomatis 2.2 Obtaining specimens; http://www.sign.ac.uk/guidelines/fulltext/42/ | |
103. Chlamydia Care Quality Improvement Toolbox chlamydia Care Quality Improvement Toolbox, Developed free . chlamydiaScreening and Treatment Practice Guidelines (CPG) (Revised). http://www.ucsf.edu/castd/toolbox/ | |
104. Chlamydia Pneumoniae THE ROLE OF chlamydia PNEUMONIAE IN ATHEROSCLEROSIS Aristo Vojdani, Ph.D.,MT. A. Laboratory Gold Standards For Detection Of chlamydia Pneumoniae. http://www.immuno-sci-lab.com/html/chlamydia_pneumoniae.html | |
105. Nature Genome Gateway - Papers - Chlamydia Pneumoniae chlamydia pneumoniae. chlamydia pneumoniae is a obligate intracellular eubacterium,that is a natural pathogen of humans, and causes pneumonia and bronchitis. http://www.nature.com/genomics/papers/c_pneumoniae.html | |
106. Chlamydia chlamydia. (genital infection). What is chlamydia? chlamydia is a sexuallytransmitted disease caused by a parasite, chlamydia trachomatous http://www.dphhs.state.mt.us/hpsd/pubheal/disease/commdis/diseases/chlam.htm | |
107. Go Ask Alice!: Chlamydia? Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). chlamydia? Could you tell me about thesymptoms of chlamydia and if one test is enough to detect that disease? http://www.goaskalice.columbia.edu/0959.html | |
108. New UNC Research Finds High Rate Of Chlamydia In U.S. Young Adults than one in 25 young adults in the United States is infected with the organism thatcauses the sexually transmitted disease known as chlamydia, according to http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/05/040512044859.htm | |
109. HPA - Infections | Topics A-Z | Chlamydia chlamydia (chlamydia trachomatis). Genital chlamydia PID. Screening for genitalchlamydia infection may reduce PID and ectopic pregnancy. The http://www.hpa.org.uk/infections/topics_az/hiv_and_sti/sti-chlamydia/chlamydia.h | |
110. MSNBC - Chlamydia Affects 4 Percent Of Young Adults sponsored by. Sexual Health. chlamydia affects 4 percent of young adults.Disease is more common among blacks than whites, researchers say. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4954264/ | |
111. Chlamydia (Clamidia) - Online Diagnosis. New Treatments, March 2, 2004 Online diagnosis of chlamydia (Clamidia) based on the patient s symptoms.New Treatments, March 2, 2004. chlamydia (clamidia) Online Diagnosis. http://www.medical-library.org/journals/mddx/sexually_transmitted_disease/1_chla | |
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