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         Chlamydia:     more books (100)
  1. The wrong women are screened for Chlamydia. (Screen Younger Women).: An article from: Family Practice News by Betsy Bates, 2002-11-15
  2. Chlamydia trachomatis Linked To Squamous Cell Cervical Ca.: An article from: Family Practice News by Bruce Jancin, 1999-09-01
  3. Lack of macrolide resistance in Chlamydia trachomatis after mass azithromycin distributions for trachoma.(DISPATCHES)(Report): An article from: Emerging Infectious Diseases by Kevin Cyrus Hong, Julius Schachter, et all 2009-07-01
  4. Chlamydia urine test: males still underscreened: noninvasive screening test.(Infectious Diseases): An article from: Pediatric News by Sherry Boschert, 2004-08-01
  5. Chlamydia; Diagnosis.: An article from: NWHRC Health Center - Chlamydia
  6. Prevalence of chlamydia trachomatis among active duty male soldiers reporting to a troop medical clinic for routine health care.(Original Article)(Clinical ... An article from: Southern Medical Journal by Jeffery P. Greene, Elisabeth Stafford, 2007-05-01
  7. Only 10% of teens retested after chlamydia treatment.(Infectious Diseases): An article from: Family Practice News by Timothy F. Kirn, 2005-07-01
  8. Chlamydia; Prevention.: An article from: NWHRC Health Center - Chlamydia
  9. Patient-delivered Tx for partners reduces gonorrhea, chlamydia rates.(News): An article from: OB GYN News by Kate Johnson, 2005-03-15
  10. BV + Leukorrhea Triples the Risk For Chlamydia, Gonorrhea.(Brief Article): An article from: Family Practice News by Sherry Boschert, 2000-09-01
  12. Chlamydia Pneumoniae Infection by Luigi Allegra, Francesco Blasi, 1995-10-27
  13. Chlamydia screening programs: a review of the literature. Part 1: issues in the promotion of chlamydia testing of youth by primary care physicians.: An ... The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality by Alexander McKay, 2006-03-22
  14. U.S. sees increase in syphilis and chlamydia rates: gonorrhea rate falls but resistance an issue.(News): An article from: OB GYN News by Timothy F. Kirn, 2005-12-01

81. EMedicine - Chlamydia : Article By Debra E Houry, MD, MPH
chlamydia chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate, intracellular bacterium with 15immunotypes, as follows AC cause trachoma (chronic conjunctivitis endemic in
(advertisement) Home Specialties CME PDA ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Patient Education Advanced Search Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Emergency Medicine Infectious Diseases
Last Updated: April 24, 2001 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: STD, sexually transmitted diseases AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 10 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials ... Bibliography
Author: Debra E Houry, MD, MPH , Associate Director, Center for Injury Control, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Emory University Debra E Houry, MD, MPH, is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy of Emergency Medicine American College of Emergency Physicians American Medical Association American Public Health Association , and Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Editor(s): Richard Lavely, MD, JD, MS, MPH , Lecturer in Health Policy and Administration, Department of Public Health, Yale University School of Medicine; Francisco Talavera, PharmD, PhD

82. EMedicine - Chlamydia Pneumonia : Article By Yuji Oba, MD
chlamydia Pneumonia The genus chlamydia includes 3 species that are pathogenicto humans chlamydia pneumoniae, chlamydia psittaci, and chlamydia trachomatis
(advertisement) Home Specialties Resource Centers CME ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Patient Education Advanced Search Consumer Health Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Medicine, Ob/Gyn, Psychiatry, and Surgery Pulmonology
Chlamydia Pneumonia
Last Updated: June 5, 2002 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: Chlamydia pneumoniae pneumonia, Taiwan acute respiratory pneumonia, TWAR pneumonia, ornithosis, psittacosis, parrot fever, Chlamydia trachomatis pneumonia, Chlamydia psittaci AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 10 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials ... Bibliography
Author: Yuji Oba, MD , Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Truman Medical Center, University of Missouri at Kansas City Coauthor(s): Gary A Salzman, MD, FCCP Tannaz Sahebjamei, MD , Consulting Staff, Research Medical Center of Kansas City, MO Yuji Oba, MD, is a member of the following medical societies: American College of Chest Physicians American Thoracic Society , and Society of Critical Care Medicine Editor(s): Helen M Hollingsworth, MD

83. Chlamydia Trachomatis
chlamydia trachomatis Gene Image Map. chlamydia trachomatis databaseoverview, The chlamydia trachomatis serovar D circular genome
Chlamydia trachomatis
Gene Image Map
Chlamydia trachomatis database overview The Chlamydia trachomatis serovar D circular genome of 1.045 Mb was sequenced in 1998 by teams at Stanford and UC-Berkeley working under the aegis of the STD Branch, NIAID/NIH. Several sequences have been available for the 7.5 Kb plasmid, however it is the plasmid studied in conjunction with this genomic work that is primarily featured herein. The key publication describing this newly sequenced genome is "Genome Sequence of an Obligate Intracellular Pathogen of Humans: Chlamydia trachomatis " by R.S. Stephens, S. Kalman, C.J. Lammel and colleagues, Science 282:754-759, 1998. Approximately 800 additional references pertaining to Chlamydial species can be extracted from the Molecular Subset of MEDLINE ( C.trachomatis References ). A comparison of the C. trachomatis and C. pneumoniae genomes is presented in the bacterial analysis section ( Chlamydia proteome comparisions
The core information in this relational database is the table of annotated records for each gene. CT001 through CT875 and pCT01 through pCT08 identify the genomic and plasmid genes in C.trachomatis

84. Chlamydia Pneumoniae
chlamydia pneumoniae Gene Image Map. chlamydia pneumoniae databaseoverview, The chlamydia pneumoniae circular genome of 1.23 Mb was
Chlamydia pneumoniae
Gene Image Map
Chlamydia pneumoniae database overview The Chlamydia pneumoniae circular genome of 1.23 Mb was sequenced in 1999 by teams at Stanford and UC-Berkeley (with funding by Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc.). The strain was CWL029. The key publication describing this newly sequenced genome is "Comparative Genomics of Chlamydia pneumoniae and C. trachomatis " by S. Kalman, et al., Nature Genetics 21: 385-389, 1999. Approximately 800 additional references pertaining to Chlamydial research can be extracted from the Molecular Subset of MEDLINE ( C.trachomatis references C. pneumoniae is not an STD pathogen, however it is included in this collection of bacterial genomic databases for comparative purposes. A comparison of the C. trachomatis and C. pneumoniae genomes is presented in the bacterial analysis section ( Chlamydia proteome comparisions ). Complex rearrangements as well as horizontal transmissions characterize the genomes of chlamydia (in contrast to the relatively conserved synteny of the Mycoplasmas). The core information in this relational database is the table of annotated records for each gene. CPn0001 through CPn1073 identify the genes in

85. Chlamydia
ENGLISH VERSION. chlamydia is de meest voorkomende geslachtsziekte,die met name jonge vrouwen treft. Mogelijke symptomen bij meiden

Chlamydia is de meest voorkomende geslachtsziekte , die met name jonge vrouwen treft.
Mogelijke symptomen bij meiden zijn onder andere:
slijmerige, pusachtige vaginale afscheiding;
bloedverlies tussen de menstruaties en bij seksueel contact;
anale irritatie, jeuk of slijmerige afscheiding.
In 40 tot 80% van de gevallen hebben vrouwen helemaal geen klachten! Dit is gevaarlijk, want de aandoening kan onvruchtbaarheid veroorzaken.
Mogelijke symptomen bij jongens zijn:
branderig gevoel bij het plassen;
waterige tot pusachtige afscheiding van de penis;
anale irritatie, jeuk of slijmerige afscheiding. In 10% van de gevallen zijn er geen klachten. Lees verder 2003, 2004. De adviezen zijn vrijblijvend. Ga met medische problemen naar je huisarts.

86. NHG-Patiëntenbrief: Vaginale Afscheiding: Chlamydia
Vaginale afscheiding chlamydia Versiedatum september 1998. Deze patiëntenbriefis oorspronkelijk Wat is chlamydia? chlamydia is een seksueel
Vaginale afscheiding
Versiedatum: september 1998
Deze patiëntenbrief is oorspronkelijk bedoeld als ondersteuning van het consult door de huisarts. De huisarts geeft de brief mee aan patiënten met de betreffende ziekte of aandoening. De tekst gaat ervan uit dat de patiënt al door de huisarts is gezien en dat de informatie uit de brief is besproken.
De adviezen in de brief gelden alleen voor mensen bij wie de diagnose is gesteld. De informatie dient niet als vervanging van een consult door de huisarts. Bedenk bij het lezen dat uw gezondheidssituatie anders kan zijn als in de teksten wordt beschreven.

Wat is Chlamydia?
Chlamydia is een seksueel overdraagbare aandoening die wordt veroorzaakt door een bacterie. Deze bacterie kan een infectie van de plasbuis en/of van de vagina en baarmoedermond veroorzaken. Als de geslachtsorganen met de slijmvliezen van de mond of anus in contact komen, kan een infectie van de keel of anus ontstaan.
Wat zijn de verschijnselen?
Slechts een kwart van de vrouwen die met Chlamydia zijn besmet, heeft klachten. De vaginale afscheiding kan toenemen of veranderen. Het plassen kan pijn doen en u kunt pijn in de onderbuik krijgen. Tijdens of na het vrijen kan pijn of bloedverlies optreden. Ook kunnen er tussen de menstruaties bloedingen optreden. Mannen krijgen na besmetting soms een beetje afscheiding uit de plasbuis en pijn bij het plassen.
Hoe ontstaat het?

87. Chlamydia
chlamydia (The Number One STD!). chlamydia is the MOST common sexuallytransmitted disease. THREE tested. Why chlamydia Is Dangerous?
Chlamydia (The Number One STD!) Chlamydia is the MOST common sexually transmitted disease. THREE MILLION Americans will get Chlamydia every year, but it can be treated! But, you don't have to be one of them. Chlamydia trachomatis and is spread by sexual intercourse. If it is left untreated, chlamydia can cause serious damage to a woman's and a man's reproductive organs. The good news is that chlamydia is easy to treat with antibiotics, but most people with chlamydia do not know they have it. If you have had sex, you may need to be tested, even if you feel healthy. Get tested for chlamydia if you have not used condoms every time during sex, and make sure your sexual partner is also tested. Why Chlamydia Is Dangerous? At present chlamydia affects between 3 and 5 million people a year. It can be very harmful to women because it can lead to sterility. The infection can spread up the fallopian tubes and leaves scar tissue there so an egg can't get through. If this happens a woman can never get pregnant in her uterus. This also increases the risk of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy, which is a pregnancy that can not go be completed. This is a serious medical condition and if a tubal pregnancy ruptures you can die. In men, chlamydia can cause a discharge from the penis and pain when urinating. In rare cases, it can make a man sterile (unable to father children).

88. Chlamydia
Pamphlets. chlamydia The unknown sexually transmitted disease. Anyonecan carry chlamydia without regard to age or sex. Diagnosis
Wilfrid Laurier University Official Web Site Search:
Health Services
Date Posted: June 19, 2002
Pamphlets Chlamydia
The unknown sexually transmitted disease
Chlamydia infections, which may cause serious complications, are the most common STD's (sexually transmitted diseases). This bacteria is peculiar because it lives and grows inside cells and is therefore difficult to identify. Anyone can carry chlamydia without regard to age or sex. Diagnosis Frequently, people with chlamydia show no symptoms; such people are called asymptomatic carriers. These carriers can transmit the bacteria without being aware of it. However, an infected person can have one of many symptoms. To diagnose chlamydia, the doctor takes a sample of cells from the cervix in women or the penis in men. It is difficult to be specific about the development of the disease. Sometimes there is no history of recent sexual contact. Infection can be present for a period of months or years before symptoms appear. In Men:
  • Most men have no symptoms Urethritis; a clear or viscous discharge from the penis, often not noticeable

89. Chlamydia Pneumoniae AR39 Information chlamydia in Women; (Version=21)chlamydia in Women. chlamydia is the most common sexually transmittedinfection in the UK. It often What is chlamydia? chlamydia is

90. Chlamydia
chlamydia spp. Collection sites, homepages. chlamydia Health). Fact sheets,consumer guides, general information on chlamydia trachomatis. chlamydia
Jump to Category: Choose Category What Are Bacteria Pathogenic Bacteria How We Fight Bacteria Evolution Bacterial Species Special feature files
Chlamydia spp
Collection sites, home-pages
Fact sheets, consumer guides, general information on Chlamydia trachomatis
Fact sheets, consumer guides, general information on Chlamydia psittaci

91. Chlamydia: The Test
chlamydia. Formally known as chlamydia trachomatisRelated tests Gonorrhea.
TESTS Test not listed? A/G Ratio ACE ACT ACTH AFB Culture AFP Maternal AFP Tumor Marker Albumin Aldosterone Allergies ALP Alpha-1 Antitrypsin ALT Amylase ANA Antibody Tests Apo A Apo B ApoE Genotyping aPTT AST Autoantibodies Bilirubin Blood Culture Blood Gases Blood Smear BMP BNP Bone Markers BRCA BUN C-peptide CA-125 CA 15-3 CA 19-9 Calcium Cardiac Risk CBC CEA Celiac Disease Tests CF Gene Mutation Chlamydia Chloride Cholesterol CK CK-MB CMP CMV Coagulation Factors Complement Levels Cortisol Creatinine Creatinine Clearance CRP CRP, high-sensitivity Cystatin C D-dimer DHEAS Differential DLDL EGFR Electrolytes Electrophoresis ESR Estrogen Estrogen Receptors Factor V Leiden Fecal Occult Blood Ferritin fFN Fibrinogen Flu Tests Folate Fructosamine FSH Genotypic Resistance GFR GGT Glucose Gonorrhea Gram Stain Growth Hormone H-pylori hCG HDL Hematocrit Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Variants Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Her-2/neu Herpes HIV Antibody HLA-B27 Home Tests Homocysteine HPV hs-CRP IGF-1

92. Chlamydia
Overview of chlamydia, a silent sexually transmitted disease (STD). RelatedTest Pap smear. chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease.
TESTS Test not listed? A/G Ratio ACE ACT ACTH AFB Culture AFP Maternal AFP Tumor Marker Albumin Aldosterone Allergies ALP Alpha-1 Antitrypsin ALT Amylase ANA Antibody Tests Apo A Apo B ApoE Genotyping aPTT AST Autoantibodies Bilirubin Blood Culture Blood Gases Blood Smear BMP BNP Bone Markers BRCA BUN C-peptide CA-125 CA 15-3 CA 19-9 Calcium Cardiac Risk CBC CEA Celiac Disease Tests CF Gene Mutation Chlamydia Chloride Cholesterol CK CK-MB CMP CMV Coagulation Factors Complement Levels Cortisol Creatinine Creatinine Clearance CRP CRP, high-sensitivity Cystatin C D-dimer DHEAS Differential DLDL EGFR Electrolytes Electrophoresis ESR Estrogen Estrogen Receptors Factor V Leiden Fecal Occult Blood Ferritin fFN Fibrinogen Flu Tests Folate Fructosamine FSH Genotypic Resistance GFR GGT Glucose Gonorrhea Gram Stain Growth Hormone H-pylori hCG HDL Hematocrit Hemoglobin Hemoglobin Variants Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Her-2/neu Herpes HIV Antibody HLA-B27 Home Tests Homocysteine HPV hs-CRP IGF-1

93. Chlamydia May Be As Common In Men
Defying previous research and popular belief that chlamydia affects womenfar more often, a new study indicates that America s most common bacterial
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94. Complications: Chlamydia
chlamydia is a bacterial infection that can cause reproductive problemsprior to and during pregnancy. If an chlamydia. What you
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Chlamydia What you need to know:
Chlamydia is a bacterial infection. About 3 million new cases occur each year in both men and women, making it one of the most common sexually transmitted infections.
If a pregnant woman gets chlamydia and goes untreated, she may miscarry or have a premature baby. If a baby becomes infected during delivery, he or she may develop eye problems or pneumonia.
Chlamydia infection usually does not cause symptoms, but some women will have pain when urinating and a change in their vaginal discharge.
What you can do: Ask your health care provider to screen you for chlamydia early in pregnancy. If you are infected, you can get antibiotics to treat the infection. This will prevent any complications for you and your baby. Your partner should also be treated because the infection can pass back and forth between the two of you. Condoms can help prevent the spread of chlamydia if used correctly and consistently. You can protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections by following these guidelines:
  • Have sex with only one partner who does not have sex with anyone else and who does not use drugs.

95. Virtual Hospital: Chlamydia Questions And Answers
For Patients. chlamydia Questions and Answers. What is chlamydia? chlamydiais a sexually transmitted bacteria that infects men, women and infants.
For Patients
Chlamydia Questions and Answers
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
First Published: 1997
Last Revised: January 2003 What is chlamydia?
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted bacteria that infects men, women and infants. Nearly 4 million Americans get chlamydial infections each year making it one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in the United States. What are the symptoms of a chlamydial infection?
The symptoms of chlamydial infections may be minimal or severe and usually appear within one week to one month after a person has been exposed to someone with the infection. Untreated, chlamydia can remain in the genital tract for months to years without symptoms.
Men Women Painful burning sensation with urination Vaginal discharge Milky white to yellow discharge from the penis Painful, burning sensation with urination Redness and swelling around the opening of the penis Bleeding between menstrual periods Pain and swelling in the testicles Lower abdominal pain and fever How are chlamydial infections transmitted?

96. Best Practice Of Medicine - Patient Guide - Chlamydia
chlamydia. Written by Byron E Batteiger, MD Patient Guide. Basics chlamydiais the most common sexuallytransmitted bacterial disease (STD) in the US.

97. InteliHealth: Chlamydial Infection
listed and crossreferenced in an AZ format. chlamydia. Health A toZ, Reviewed by the Faculty of Harvard Medical School chlamydia
  • What Is It? Symptoms Diagnosis Expected Duration ... Additional Info
  • What Is It? Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) spread by having unprotected sex with someone infected with bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis.

    98. Women's Health Matters Network: Health Centres: Sexual Health: Infections And Sa
    chlamydia. What is it? Do not have unprotected sex with an untreated partnerbecause you can be reinfected. How can I protect myself from chlamydia?
    What is it?
    Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted disease in Canada. It is caused by the bacteria , Chlamydia trachomatis. Because it is transmitted in body fluids and doesn't survive outside the body, chlamydia is most often spread by having unprotected vaginal or anal sex with an infected person or from an infected mother to her child during birth. This infection is rarely, if ever, passed from one woman to another during sex. A person can carry and transmit the infection for years until they are properly treated.
    What are the symptoms?
    Most women (80 percent) don't have symptoms and neither do about 50 percent of men. Some possible symptoms if you do have them are:
    • vaginal discharge
    • irritation
    • unusual vaginal bleeding
    • deep pain with intercourse
    • painful urination
    Male symptoms include:
    • frequent urination with a burning sensation
    • watery discharge from the penis
    • burning or itching around the opening of the penis
    • epididymitis (swelling of the testicles)
    How is it diagnosed?

    99. Chlamydia
    chlamydia. chlamydia organisms are similar to mycoplasmas or virusesin that they can only live inside the cells of the host animal.

    Help for sleepless parents
    Encyclopedia Index C chlamydia Search
    Chlamydia organisms are similar to mycoplasmas or viruses in that they can only live inside the cells of the host animal. Like mycoplasmas, they can be treated with antibiotics Chlamydia trachomatis infection is most significant for the young infant because it can be transmitted from the mother to the infant during delivery or thereafter and cause eye infection (conjunctivitis) and more significantly a type of progressive pneumonia. A young infant with an eye infection ( conjunctivitis ) and a severe hacking cough may have chlamydia pneumonia and needs to see the doctor

    100. Chlamydia Psittaci
    chlamydia psittaci also referredto as Psittacosis, Parrot Fever or chlamydiosis. The...... chlamydia psittaci.
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    -Select- Avian Disease Center Aspergillosis Avian Influenzavirus Avian Tuberculosis Candida Chlamydia Clostridium Cryptosporidium Escherichia (E. coli) Giardia Newcastle Disease Pacheco's PBFD Polyoma Disease Salmonella West Nile Virus Chlamydia psittaci Description: Chlamydia psittaci - also referred to as Psittacosis, Parrot Fever or chlamydiosis. The word Psittacosis comes from the Greek word Psittakos, meaning parrot. Chlamydia are gram negative, spherical, (0.4-0.6 micron diameter), intracellular parasites that people sometimes referred to as "energy parasites" because they use ATP (a crucial energy containing metabolite) produced by the host cell, hence, the term "energy parasites. Incubation periods in caged birds vary from days to weeks and longer. Most commonly this period is approximately 3 to 10 days. Latent infections are common and active disease may occur several years after exposure. The incubation period of this disease is however difficult to assess due to these chronically infected birds that develop persistent, asymptomatic infections.

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