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121. Cervical Cancer CTFPHC Systematic Reviews Recommendations. Please select the format in which you want to view this review Screening for cervical cancer. http://www.ctfphc.org/Sections/section10ch073.htm | |
122. Women's Health - Illinois Department Of Public Health Illinois Breast and cervical cancer Program. Frequently Asked Questions. What is the Illinois Breast and cervical cancer Program? http://www.idph.state.il.us/about/womenshealth/owhbccp.htm | |
123. FORCES - THE EVIDENCE - Smoking And Cervical Cancer SMOKING AND cervical cancer Index of studies indicating that new techniques prove that smoking has been falsely blamed for this disease. http://www.forces.org/evidence/evid/cervical.htm | |
124. Cervical Cancer / Cancer Of The Cervix cervical cancer / Cancer of the Cervix. cervical cancer occurs at the cervix which is the opening to the womb. The highest incidence http://www.eurohealth.ie/cancom/cercan1.htm | |
125. Treatment Of Cervical Cancer At Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic Medical Services cervical cancer. Treatment of cervical cancer at Mayo Clinic. The cervix (mouth of the womb) is the lower http://www.mayoclinic.org/cervicalcancer/ | |
126. HERO HealthHints - Women's Health: Focus On Cervical Cancer (March/April, 1998) Volume 2, Number 3 March/April, 1998 Women s Health Focus on cervical cancer. Editor Women s health Focus on cervical cancer From http://fcs.tamu.edu/health/Health_Education_Rural_Outreach/Health_Hints/1998/Mar | |
127. Breast And Cervical Cancer Control Program Breast and cervical cancer Control Program. Women s Cancer Screening Program in Michigan. 2. What are the recommended screening guidelines for cervical cancer? http://www.michigan.gov/mdch/1,1607,7-132-2940_2955-13487--,00.html | |
128. Hospital Practice: Human Papillomavirus And The Risk Of Cervical Cancer Human Papillomavirus and the Risk of cervical cancer ROBERT D. BURK Albert Einstein College of Medicine Human papillomavirus (HPV) is now recognized as the http://www.hosppract.com/issues/1999/11/burk.htm | |
129. SMJ June 1996 - Radical Hysterectomy For Stage IB Cervical Cancer:... Radical Hysterectomy for Stage IB cervical cancer Recurrence Interval as a Predictor of Survival. MICHAEL A. FINAN, MD, AHMED A. ABDOH http://www.sma.org/smj/96jun7.htm | |
130. Disease Category Listing (30): Cervical Cancer Clinical Trials cervical cancer. Georgia. New York. New York; ColumbiaPresbyterian Medical Center Study for patients with cervical cancer. Pennsylvania. http://www.centerwatch.com/patient/studies/cat30.html | |
131. Cancer Figures from the American Cancer Society. cervical cancer and partners circumcision status. In cervical cancer vaccine success. A http://www.circumstitions.com/Cancer.html | |
132. Hawaii Breast And Cervical Cancer Control Program Hawaii Breast and cervical cancer Control Program. Excluding skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among American http://www.state.hi.us/health/resource/cancer/ |
133. About Us Page For The Breast & Cervical Cancer Program Breast cervical cancer Program. Welcome to the Breast cervical cancer Program. DHHS has provided funding for a Breast and Cervical http://www.dhhs.state.nh.us/DHHS/BCCP/default.htm | |
134. Uterine And Cervical Cancer File: Promising New Treatments The Uterine and cervical cancer FileSM C E N T E R F O R C U R R E N T R E S E A R C H. The Uterine and cervical cancer File brings you the inside story on http://www.lifestages.com/health/uterinec.html | |
135. The Breast And Cervical Cancer Screening Program (BCCP) The Breast and cervical cancer Screening Program (BCCP). In 1992 the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene received a http://mdpublichealth.org/cancer/html/bccp.html | |
136. New Scientist Circumcision cuts cervical cancer rates. Increasing the rate of male circumcision could slash cases of cervical cancer in women, according to a new report. http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99992157 |
137. Conference Promotes Breast And Cervical Cancer Awareness In Nigeria In an unusual effort to create awareness of breast and cervical cancer risk, prevention, detection and treatment among African doctors and the public http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2004-05/uocm-cpb050704.php | |
138. National Cancer Institute - Cervical Cancer Treatment versions. Date Last Modified 01/20/2004, health professional. cervical cancer. return to top. General Information About cervical cancer. http://www.nci.nih.gov/cancerinfo/pdq/treatment/cervical/patient/ | |
139. Abnormal Pap Smear: Hpv Human Papillomavirus, Cervical Dysplasia Book by Lynda Rushing, M.D. and Nancy Joste, M.D. about pap smears test results and the human papillomavirus (HPV) and its connection to cervical dysplasia and cancer. Site includes excerpt from the book, ordering information, and profiles of the authors. http://www.abnormalpapsmears.com/ | |
140. CNN - Why Cigarettes Can Be A Woman's Worst Enemy - November 8, 1999 Smoking increases your risk of cervical and rectal cancer; worsens your period; damages your fertility; hurts your unborn baby; ages you; attacks your heart. http://cnn.com/HEALTH/women/9911/08/women.smoking.2.wmd/index.html | |
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