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Bulging Disk: more detail |
61. WaterCooler RSD . ughhhh but i have degernative disk from cspine to L-spine with bulging disks that showed up in 2000 on MRI and things http://boards.health.msn.com/message.asp?message_id=6682003 |
62. Injured Workers Compensation Survey Results_Florida_zurich arteries, recessed eye, optic nerve damage, shoulder impingement, rib cage dysfunction, C23,3-4,4-5,5-6, bulging disks, T7-8, herniated disk causing rib cage http://www.workerscompensationinsurance.com/survey_results/ny_multiple.htm | |
63. Acupuncture: Pain Management problems at 70 years old. She has a bulging disk in her neck, has had Ulnar Nerve surgery in both arms, etc . The surgery got rid of http://experts.about.com/q/1829/1129265.htm | |
64. Fantasy Baseball: Player News Archive 16, Dayto-day, Nixon (bulging disk, pinched nerve) is tentatively scheduled to take batting practice for the first time this spring, the Boston Herald reports. http://games.espn.go.com/cgi/flb/playernewsarchive?statsId=5731 |
65. Fantasy Baseball: Player News ToDay, SKINNY Nixon (bulging disk, pinched nerve) is tentatively scheduled to take batting practice for the first time this spring, the Boston Herald reports. http://games.espn.go.com/cgi/flb/request.dll?PLAYERNOTESARCHIVE&Param0=5731 |
66. CollegeSports.com - Women's Volleyball After playing through the 2003 volleyball season with a bulging disk in her back, Lynch is ready for a healthy 2004 after recovering from offseason back surgery http://www.collegesports.com/sports/w-volley/uwire/032504aaa.html | |
67. Is This Severe A Surgery Warranted? Surgery Scheduled For 4/21/00 I just found out about the bulging disks in the thoracic region of which the doctor wasn t aware of before. At T4-T5, there is a small central disk bulge. http://www.medhelp.org/forums/neuro/messages/30523a.html | |
68. INSIDE HOCKEY - Inside Hockey Is The Ultimate Ice Hockey Site. Get Inside! NHL, surgery. Over the summer, it was discovered that Nolan had a fractured vertebrae in addition to a bulging disk. Eventually, Nolan http://www.insidehockey.com/gordsgold/2003_09_22.html | |
69. PSI TECH, Inc. Technical Remote Viewing - Medical RV Session At the L5S1 level, which appeared to be transitional, a hard bulging disk was found. There were no other pertinent operative findings. http://www.psitech.net/projects/med1.htm |
70. Types Of Musculoskeletal Disorders And Injuries Radiculopathy (from either acute disk bulge or osteoarthritis), Nerve roots become irritated by pressure from a bulging disk or by narrowing between vertebrae. http://www2.umdnj.edu/eohssweb/ergo/msd.htm | |
71. Bulging Disc Resources a bulging disc; lumbar disc degeneration bulging disk hydration; water pillow and bulging disc; bulging disc and epidural; what is bulging http://www.answers-about-fifths-disease.com/bulging-disc.html | |
72. Www.NFL.com - San Francisco 49ers Team News DE Carter to miss game due to bulging disk. NFL.com wire reports. SANTA CLARA, Calif. (Nov. Louis on Sunday with a bulging disk in his back. http://www.nfl.com/teams/story/SF/6797365 | |
73. The Baseball Ticker 24 Week Of August 25, 2003 in the air. Rick Reed (SP, Twins) Will likely miss the rest of the season with a bulging disk in the back. Eric Young (2B, Giants http://www.athomeplate.com/ticker24.shtml | |
74. Disease Directory : About Me And My Bulging Disks, Spinal Cord Compression ... ruptured disk) c67 w/ cord compression and nerve bulging disk c3-4; Compression fracture (wedge) t12 Degenerative Disk Disease - multiple...... http://www.diseasedirectory.net/detailed/19713.aspx | |
75. Welcome To Preferred Health Systems - Members Pain and/or numbness in back, arms, legs, which is intense as bulging disk presses on nerve. Comes on gradually with no improvement over two days. http://www.phsystems.com/members/html/healthnotes/sourcebook/sc_back.php | |
76. Low Back Pain - Today --- HealthandAge Close to 40% of asymptomatic adults over 60 have one of the following abnormalities on MRI a herniated disk, a bulging disk, a degenerative disk, spinal http://www.healthandage.com/PHome/gm=20!gid2=1244 | |
77. OCC-ENV-MED-L Archives -- August 2003 (#16) EDU From Verne Backus, MD, MPH vbackus@ADELPHIA.NET Organization Occupational Consultations Subject Re central bulging disk phenomenon Comments To http://list.mc.duke.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0308&L=occ-env-med-l&F=&S=&P=1693 |
78. OCC-ENV-MED-L Archives -- July 2003 (#211) Public Health Professionals OccEnv-Med-L@MC.DUKE.EDU From richard sall resallmd@HOTMAIL.COM Subject Re central bulging disk phenomenon Comments To http://list.mc.duke.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0307&L=occ-env-med-l&F=&S=&P=25861 |
79. Lef Medical Updates November 1998 The release of these chemicals, and the pressure that bulging disks might exert on nearby nerves, may cause the pain associated with disk degeneration. http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag98/nov98_medup.html | |
80. Good Op's I was hit by a car while sitting in a building about a year ago and have torn ligaments in my back, fractured vertebrea, 6 bulging disk and a herniation. http://www.rxlist.com/rxboard/vicodin.pl?read=22576 |
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