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Buergers Disease: more detail | |||||
61. Top Search Results For Diseases, Disorders At Resultball.com Disorders Bowel Disease Bowel Disorders Brain Disease Brain Diseases Brain Disorder Brain Disorders Breathing Disorders buergers disease Cancer Canine Diseases http://www.resultball.com/ballknows.cgi/id=36/Diseases,_Disorders | |
62. PharmGKB: Thromboangiitis Obliterans Alternate Names Buerger Disease; Buerger s Disease; buergers disease; Disease, Buerger; Disease, Buerger s; Thromboangitis Obliterans. PharmGKB Primary Data. http://www.pharmgkb.org/do/serve?objId=PA445844&objCls=Disease |
63. All.info: Science And Health / Health And Medicine / Heart Disease / The most comprehensive site for the public to learn about peripheral arterial disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm, buergers disease and other vascular diseases. http://all.info/directory/Science_and_Health/Health_and_Medicine/Heart_Disease/2 | |
64. Australian Policy Online such as damage to womens reproductive health, miscarriage, impotence in men, sudden infant death syndrome, blindness, deafness, buergers disease (leading to http://www.apo.org.au/webboard/items/00143.shtml |
65. KoreaMed - Basic Search 9%) and the other 10 cases included buergers disease, gas gangrene, sudden deafness and uncommon dermatologic disorder s such as scleroderma and pyoderma http://www.koreamed.org/SearchBasic.php?RID=107748&DT=1&QY=Korean J Anesthesiol |
66. La Trobe University - Department Of Podiatry - Vascular Assessment - Vasospastic 2) Raynauds phenomenon is secondary to underlying disease, such as atherosclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma and buergers disease. http://www.latrobe.edu.au/podiatry/vascular/vasospastic.html | |
67. Circulation Test Buttock pain when walkingsometimes an indicator of buergers disease (severe damage to the arteries especially in younger men associated with smoking) (4). http://www.connectmedical.com/help_pages/circulation.html | |
68. Hitt Improvisational Teen Theatre the extremities. In serious cases buergers disease can lead to gangrene (death of body tissue) and even amputation of a limb Aging. http://hitt.org/tobaccofacts.html | |
69. Help!! Severe Pain And Numbness I m concerned that I may have buergers disease or some other form of vasculitis or possibly Lyme (ELISA test=neg) that is causing PN. http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/forum_2/PeripheralNeuropathyF/8.16.994.40PMHelp | |
70. ThinkQuest : Library : The History And Future Of Amputation And Prosthetics buergers disease or thromboangitis obliterans is a condition where there is swelling of mainly the blood vessels (arteries and veins) and nerves in the legs http://library.thinkquest.org/C0110311/mainamputationcauses.shtml | |
71. Herbs For Holistic Healing Medicinal Reference Guides Other Namesdillweed. Dong quai. Parts UsedRoots ground. Used Forabcesses,buergers disease,chronic runny nose,constipation,chonstant fetal movement,gynecologic http://www.traditionalvisionpagan.org/herbshealingpg2.html | |
72. Crataegus Cardiac failure, or earlier myocardial weakness, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, buergers disease, paroxysmal tachycardia. Angina pectoris. http://www.westernbotanicalmedicine.com/crataegus1.html |
73. Taking The Waters At Soap Lake Lake was famous for its spas and resorts where tourists came to take the waters. It is best known for the successful treatment of buergers disease, but skin http://www.flakehq.com/soaplake.htm | |
74. Karger Publishers Resources 7 Schindl L, Kainz A, Kern H Effect of low power laser irradiation on indolent ulcers caused by buergers disease Literature review and case report. http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowFulltext&ProduktNr= |
75. ¿¥ÆĽº > °Ç°, ÀÇÇÐ http//home.megapass.co.kr/~sgh3533/large_intestinal_07.htm. buergers disease ? ? , ? ? . http://dir.empas.com/Health/sub_eng.html | |
76. Bliley PM Documents should be reduced); 8. Nicotine has certain beneficial effects; and Subsidiary points (1. Tobacco amblyopia; 2. buergers disease; and 3. Nicotine is a http://tobaccodocuments.org/bliley_pm/?field_id=7&field_value=addiction&total_co |
77. Medical Elective In North India - HealthServe On the ward round we saw a man with buergers disease who had had four toes amputated the previous week. He had now given up smoking. http://www.healthserve.org/pubs/a0053.htm | |
78. The Hindu : Tribal Population Threatened By Crippling Disease The TAO, commonly known as buergers disease, is the outcome of the largescale use of narcotic substances and excessive smoking. http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/2002/01/17/stories/2002011703390300.htm | |
79. Health, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Tobacco: Effects Man Learned Firsthand One Effect of Smoking Tobacco products (both cigaretets and spit tobacco) cause buergers disease, which plugs up your arteries and veins http://www.combose.com/Health/Addictions/Substance_Abuse/Tobacco/Effects/ | |
80. Revista De Gastroenterología Del Perú 23(2), 2003_contenido Translate this page reporte de un caso. Intestinal effects of buergers disease (thromboangitis obliterans) case report. Cecilia Arana Yim Jesús Anchorena http://sisbib.unmsm.edu.pe/BVRevistas/gastro/Vol_23N2/indice.htm | |
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