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         Bronchitis:     more books (100)
  1. Saw Palmetto: Hormone Enhancer: Safe and Effective Self-Care for Impotence, Asthma, and Bronchitis (Natural Care Library) by Stephanie Pederson, 2000-02-15
  2. The Natural History of Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema by Charles Fletcher, etc., 1976-11
  3. The Respiratory Solution: How to Use Natural Cures to Reverse Respiratory Ailments : Finally, Relief from Asthma, Bronchitis, Mold, Sinus Attacks, Allergies, Sore Throats, cold by Cassim Igram, Cass Ingram, 2002-03
  4. HEALTHY CHILDREN (108 Childhood diseases: asthma, bronchitis, anemia, allergies, etc) (Kindle Edition) by jorge valera, 2010-06-07
  5. DIAGNOSING CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE The importance of differentiating asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis (Postgraduate Medicine) by MD Fernando J. Martinez, 2010-06-29
  6. Childhood Diseases by John R. Christopher, 1976
  7. The Ultimate Collection Of Tips To Stop Bronchitis From Getting Worse: Basic Details On Symptoms And Treatment Of Chronic Bronchitis And Acute Bronchitis ... Breathe Easily And Have Healthy Lungs Again! by K M S, 2010-07-07
  8. Asthma, Emphysema, and Chronic Bronchitis: Expert Drug Therapy Video Series by Blanchard-Loeb, 2001-01-01
  9. Herbal Treatment for Asthma, Cough and Bronchitis (Herbal Cure) by Vaidya Bhagwan Dash, 2003-06-30
  10. For Those who Live and Brath with Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis by Thomas Petty, 1967
  11. My Physician Guide to COPD:Top Experts on What You Need to Know about Emphysema and Bronchitis
  12. How To Win Your War Against Bronchitis - Discover Some Of The Most Effective Tips That Can Curb Bronchitis! AAA+++ by W.O.S., 2009-11-06
  13. Deaths From Bronchitis: Henry Walter Bates, Andries Stockenström, Henry Lucy, William Gaskell, Lyall Howard, June Allyson
  14. Vectorcardiographic assessment of acute hypoxia effects in pulmonary hypertension due to chronic bronchitis.(Original Investigation)(Clinical report): ... of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi) by Zulpukar Kudaiberdiev, 2007-07-01

101. Lung Diseases: COPD - Lung Association Of Saskatchewan
A description of chronic bronchitis with paths to other lung diseases.
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C hronic (continual, permanent, incurable)
O bstructive (blocks)
P ulmonary (pertaining to the lungs)
D isease (condition with signs and symptoms) COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has no single definition. COPD is a disease of the lungs. It is caused by blocking of the airways in the lungs, and it has no cure. COPD refers to a number of chronic lung disorders that obstruct the airways. Asthma is is not usually considered a form of COPD because "pure" asthma symptoms can be reversed. COPD is permanent. The most common form of COPD is a combination of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Chronic bronchitis occurs when the airways in your lungs have become narrow and partly clogged with mucus. Chronic Bronchitis is the presence of cough and sputum for more than three months for two consecutive years. If there is airways obstruction in addition to chronic bronchitis, COPD is indicated. Emphysema occurs when some of the air sacs deep in your lungs have been damaged.

102. Asthma And Bronchitis
ASTHMA AND bronchitis. Obstructive and allergic lung diseases affect many cats and are sometimes called asthma, bronchitis, or & Bronchitis in Cats.htm
ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS Obstructive and allergic lung diseases affect many cats and are sometimes called "asthma," "bronchitis," or "bronchial asthma." Unfortunately, these diseases are not easily classified and probably represent a variety of lung disorders. They do share a common finding of "hyper-responsive" (over-reactive) airways. When the airway of the cat is sensitive to certain stimuli, exposure to these agents leads to narrowing of the airways. The inciting agents are usually direct irritants to the airways or things which provoke an allergic response in the respiratory tract. Regardless of the cause, the end-result is the same: muscle spasms in the bronchi (breathing tubes), buildup of mucus, and accumulation of cellular material. In particular, the inability to clear the bronchi of this material leaves the cat susceptible to secondary infections. The cat is most stressed during the period of expiration (forcing air out of the lungs). The difficulty with expiration is typical with obstructive disease of the lung. Air may become effectively trapped in the lungs, causing them to overinflate. In some cases, this trapping leads to development of emphysema in the cat. Are some cats more likely to get asthma?

103. The Methodist Hospital - Data Not Available
s of acute bronchitis and explains the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.......
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104. Allergy, Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough,Short Of Breath Holistic Treatment Center
The alternative, holistic treatment of allergy,asthma, bronchitis, short of breath with Chinese Herbal Doctor Remedies in order to reduce or eliminate asthma
Allergy, Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough, Short of Breath Holistic Treatment Center
We would like to introduce to you several Chinese Herbal Doctor Remedies which has been used in Chinese medical history for thousand years in order to help you reduce or eliminate asthma attack, bronchitis, short of breath and persistent cough. You are probably using Alupent, Ventolin, Atrovent, Intal, Tilade, Serevent... inhalers or steroid inhaler, or taking prednisone, presnisolone to reduce allergic reaction or taking Theo Dur, Alupent , Ventolin , Hydrophed, aminophyllin tablets for long term therapy. Now you can take these Herbal Doctor Remedies as a therapeutic suppliments which will help you reduce the dosage or totally eliminate the prescription drugs need.
Here is what Herbal Doctor recommends for Asthma :
During Asthma attack
  • BLUE DRAGON # 18 : for "cold type" of patients with short breath, chest tightness, noise in the throat, white tongue coating and slippery, chiliphobia, symptoms may be triggered by cold weather. If chest tightness you need also take System Harmonizer # 19 ASMA OFF # 52 : for "hot type" of patients with heavy breathing, more noise in the throat, yellow or white thick phlegm, sweating, red face, thirsty, red tongue with yellow coating.This formula may be taken with "ASMA AID" #76 to enhance its therapeutic effects.

105. Akupunktur Aktuell - Patienteninformation - Chronische Bronchitis Und Bronchiala
Translate this page ENTER drücken. Omikron Publishing © Omikron Publishing. Chronische bronchitis und Bronchialasthma Chronische bronchitis. Bei dieser
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... Ärzteadressen Wissenschaft Grundlagen Klinik Akupunktur Geschichte Politik Linkliste News-Archiv Praxis Allgemeines Krankheitsbilder Chin. Syndrome Kursskripte ... Energiemedizin Aus-, Weiter-, Fortbildung Kursangebote Curricula Kongresse Inhalt Inhaltsverzeichnis Autoren Literatur Impressum ... E-Mail E-mail Newsletter (14-tägig) So bleiben Sie informiert: E-mail Adresse eintippen und ENTER drücken. Omikron Publishing Chronische Bronchitis und Bronchialasthma von Gabriel Stux Chronische Bronchitis Bei dieser Erkrankung liegt meist ein chronischer Reizzustand vor mit der Unfähigkeit, den Schleim aus den Bronchien abzuhusten. Auch chronische entzündliche Reaktionen halten häufig diesen Reizzustand aufrecht. Bei den Beschwerden stehen Husten, Atemnot und oft auch übermäßige Schleimproduktion im Mittelpunkt. Gerade der Reizhusten kann den Patienten extrem belasten, da er rasch zu Atemnot führt. Nach chinesischer Vorstellung liegt eine Schwächestörung der Lunge vor, in chronischen Fällen oft begleitet von einer Nierenschwäche. Zusätzlich findet man häufig eine Schleimstörung in der Lunge. Die Therapie zielt auf die Stärkung dieser geschwächten Organsysteme und hat einen ausgleichenden Einfluß auf die Lungenfunktion. Akupunktur beseitigt den Reizzustand und damit auch den chronischen Husten. Daneben fördert sie durch die Wiederherstellung des normalen Fließens der Lebensenergie in der Lunge eine harmonische Atmung. Auch die übermäßige Schleimproduktion wird durch die Nadelung bestimmter Akupunkturpunkte normalisiert.

Detailed information on acute and chronic bronchitis, its symptoms, treatments and related nutritional and herbal supplements.

107. Emphysema And Bronchitis/COPD
Emphysema and bronchitis/COPD Diseases We Treat at National Jewish Medical and Research Center 1 Respiratory Hospital in America. Emphysema and bronchitis/COPD.
Emphysema and Bronchitis/COPD
Emphysema and Bronchitis (COPD) Programs COPD Disease Management Programs Understanding COPD Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency ... Emphysema and Bronchitis (COPD) Research Our new COPD Lung Profiler is a free interactive treatment decision support tool COPD Bytes Emphysema Bytes Bronchitis Bytes COPD live chat summary Feel free to call the LungLine at 1-800-222-LUNG to talk with a registered nurse about your COPD care.
National Jewish established the Emphysema/COPD Center to assist patients and physicians in managing and controlling the disease. Our specialists evaluate: Emphysema Chronic Bronchitis Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency/Inherited Emphysema Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program National Emphysema Therapeutic Trial (NETT)
Dedicated to care and discovery. Since 1899.
Ranked the #1 Respiratory Hospital in America for 6 consecutive years
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108. National Jewish-Bronchitis Bytes
Diseases We Treat Chronic bronchitis from National Jewish Medical and Research Center 1 Respiratory Hospital in America. CHRONIC bronchitis.
  • Chronic bronchitis kills 3,500 Americans each year and affects as many as 7.5 million people. Chronic bronchitis is a common condition that includes coughing and/or sputum production for three or more years. Symptoms include a productive cough (with yellow or green sputum), shortness of breath and coughing spells which intensify during colder seasons. Cigarette smoking is the most common cause of chronic bronchitis. Air pollution and allergies also may cause chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis often can lead to emphysema if left untreated and exposure to lung irritants continues. In the early stages of chronic bronchitis a cough usually occurs in the morning. As the disease progresses, coughing persists throughout the day, eventually interfering with a person's quality of life. Mucous production in the lungs provides a good environment for infection, causing inflammation and swelling of the bronchial tubes, which result in a reduction in the amount of air flow in and out of the lungs and shortness of breath. Spirometry is a simple diagnostic test that assesses lung function and air capacity. Spirometry can detect the presence of chronic bronchitis.

INFECTIOUS bronchitis AND ITS EFFECT ON EGG PRODUCTION AND EGG QUALITY By Dr. Gary D. Butcher and Dr. Richard Miles*. Infectious

110. Acute Bronchitis
bronchitis can be acute or chronic. Acute bronchitis is the sudden inflammation of the b tracheobronchial tree /b , which comprises
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Asthma Bronchitis ... Solitary Pulmonary Nodule Tuberculosis RESOURCES Anatomy Clinical Trials Links MDLocator ... What Is a Pulmonologist? ABOUT US Pressroom Testimonials Overview
Acute bronchitis is the sudden inflammation of the tracheobronchial tree , which comprises the trachea, or windpipe (tube that leads from the throat to the lungs) and the bronchi (bronchial tubes, air passages of the lungs). It is typically associated with a viral upper respiratory tract infection (URI), such as the common cold, and is usually mild. In patients with chronic lung or heart disease, acute bronchitis is more severe, and can become chronic and progress to pneumonia. Infection causes the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes to become inflamed and produce thick, sticky mucus. The overproduction of mucus reduces the normal defensive function (called clearing function) of the cilia, the small hairlike structures of the bronchial tubes responsible for moving secretions and debris out of the lungs. Inflammation and accumulated mucus narrow the airways, restrict respiration, and promote bacterial infection. The viruses that cause this condition are often transmitted when they are expelled through coughing, sneezing, and talking. They can also be transmitted through contact with infected drinking glasses and eating utensils.

111. Section G1: Bronchitis And Emphysem
BREATHE EASY bronchitis and Emphysema COPD . WHY ARE bronchitis AND EMPHYSEMA CONSIDERED TOGETHER? Chronic WHAT IS bronchitis? bronchitis
BREATHE EASY Bronchitis and Emphysema: "COPD" WHY ARE BRONCHITIS AND EMPHYSEMA CONSIDERED TOGETHER? Chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema are the main causes of respiratory disability in the United States. They account for over 50,000 deaths each year. Between five and ten million Americans are partially or totally disabled from these conditions. Because the diseases share many common characteristics, they are often referred to as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD for short. (Some physicians use the term chronic obstructive lung disease or COLD; since this can be confused with the common cold, COPD is the preferred abbreviation). Figure 1 illustrates how most physicians view the two conditions. Although there are specific differences, and some patients have predominantly chronic bronchitis or emphysema, most patients suffering from "COPD" have elements of both. To put these diseases in perspective, questions on bronchitis will be answered first, followed by questions on emphysema. Keep in mind the common cause (smoking) and clinical overlap in most cases.

112. Encyclopaedia Topic : Bronchitis, Section : Introduction
NHS Direct Online Health Encyclopaedia. bronchitis. Search. Introduction. bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the air tubes of the lungs, the bronchi.

113. Respiratory Problems: Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Pulmonary Embolism
treatments. Respiratory Problems. Asthma; Acute bronchitis; Chronic bronchitis; Emphysema; Pulmonary Edema; Pleurisy; Bacterial Pneumonia;
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114. Chronic Bronchitis: From
A complete explanation of Chronic bronchitis including risks, what to expect and when to call the doctor. Chronic bronchitis. Advertising. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW.
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Chronic bronchitis is one of the lung disorders classified as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In bronchitis, tissue in the airways leading to the lungs swells up, making the passages narrower. Chronic bronchitis affects the larger airways first, later reaching the rest of them.
Cigarette smoking is the leading cause. Others are air pollution, allergies, and infections. Dust or chemical-filled air at work can cause bronchitis. The disease becomes more likely as we get older.
The main sign is a cough that lasts for at least 3 months, two years in a row. Other signs are trouble breathing, coughing up thick sputum, wheezing, and chest tightness. As chronic bronchitis worsens, the skin and nailbeds become pale or a bluish color. You may also have repeated lung infections and swelling in your hands and feet.

115. Acute Bronchitis -- Topic Overview
Acute bronchitis Topic Overview What is acute bronchitis? In a small number of people, acute bronchitis can come back and may become longlasting.
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You are in Medical Library Choose a Topic Our Content Sources Ask A Question Clinical Trials Health Guide A-Z Health Topics Symptoms Medical Tests Medications ... Credits Acute Bronchitis Topic Overview What is acute bronchitis? Acute bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial tubes leading to the lungs (the lower respiratory system ). It usually develops rapidly and lasts fewer than 2 to 3 weeks. In a small number of people, acute bronchitis can come back and may become long-lasting. (This should not be confused with chronic bronchitis , which may be treated differently.) Older adults are most susceptible to acute bronchitis. See an illustration of acute bronchitis What causes acute bronchitis? Acute bronchitis is usually caused by a virus . It is more common during the winter months and often develops after an upper respiratory illness such as influenza (flu) or a cold caused by a virus such as coronarvirus, adenovirus, or a rhinovirus.

116. Acute Bronchitis - Patient UK
Most bouts of acute bronchitis are caused by viral infections, and usually soon go. This leaflet serious illness. Acute bronchitis.

117. Emphysema/bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis. Mucous gland hyperplasia, the histologic correlate of chronic bronchitis is defined as a seromucous
Chronic Bronchitis Chronic bronchitis Mucous gland hyperplasia, the histologic correlate of chronic bronchitis is defined as a seromucous gland to wall thickness greater than 1/3. In this case the seromucous gland thickness (arrows) is more than 1/2 of the distance between the perichondrium and the epithelial basement membrane. Note also the goblet cell hyperplasia in the epithelium. The normal percentage of goblet cells is 20%. Small airways disease In patients with chronic bronchitis/emphysema, lumens of small airways may be distorted and narrowed by mural smooth muscle hyperplasia, fibrosis, or chronic inflammation and by luminal exudate or mucus. In emphysema, airways tend to collapse because of the loss of alveolar wall supports, as seen here. Mural inflammation and luminal exudate are also shown. Contents

118. Bronchitis
MAIN SEARCH INDEX. bronchitis. bronchi). bronchitis can either be of brief duration (acute) or have a long course (chronic). Acute
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the air passages between the nose and the lungs, including the windpipe or trachea and the larger air tubes of the lung that bring air in from the trachea (bronchi). Bronchitis can either be of brief duration (acute) or have a long course (chronic). Acute bronchitis is usually caused by a viral infection, but can also be caused by a bacterial infection and can heal without complications. Chronic bronchitis is a sign of serious lung disease that may be slowed but cannot be cured.
Although acute and chronic bronchitis are both inflammations of the air passages, their causes and treatments are different. Acute bronchitis is most prevalent in winter. It usually follows a viral infection, such as a cold or the flu, and can be accompanied by a secondary bacterial infection. Acute bronchitis resolves within two weeks, although the cough may persist longer. Acute bronchitis, like any upper airway inflammatory process, can increase a person's likelihood of developing pneumonia Anyone can get acute bronchitis, but infants, young children, and the elderly are more likely to get the disease because people in these age groups generally have weaker immune systems. Smokers and people with heart or other lung diseases are also at higher risk of developing acute bronchitis. Individuals exposed to chemical fumes or high levels of air pollution also have a greater chance of developing acute bronchitis.

119. Clinical Trial: Yoga For Treating Shortness Of Breath In Chronic Obstructive Pul
Condition, Treatment or Intervention, Phase. Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive Lung Diseases, Obstructive Pulmonary Emphysema Chronic bronchitis, Behavior
Home Search Browse Resources ... About Yoga for Treating Shortness of Breath in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) This study is completed. Sponsored by National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of yoga in reducing shortness of breath in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Patients in this study must have moderate to severe COPD and be primarily limited by shortness of breath. Condition Treatment or Intervention Phase Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive
Lung Diseases, Obstructive
Pulmonary Emphysema
Chronic Bronchitis
Behavior: yoga
Phase I

Phase II

related topics: Bronchitis COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Emphysema
Study Type: Interventional
Study Design: Treatment, Randomized, Open Label, Active Control, Parallel Assignment, Safety/Efficacy Study Official Title: Efficacy of Yoga for Self-Management of Dyspnea in COPD Further Study Details: Management of dyspnea (shortness of breath) is a major concern for patients with COPD. The efficacy of complementary exercises to manage dyspnea is unknown. Complementary exercises may be more congruent with patients' lifestyles and values than traditional exercise programs and can be adapted to changes in illness severity and disability. Yoga practice is a complementary therapy that people use to manage their dyspnea. The aims of this study are to: 1) develop a safe and feasible yoga program for patients with COPD; 2) test the efficacy of this program; and 3) determine whether physical performance, psychological well being, and health-related quality of life are positively affected by yoga practice.

120. What Is Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis is one of the three primary diseases qualifying under the umbrella term of COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a term used to
Search The Web Site COPD International Your International Support Network You can learn to control this disease instead of letting it control you! What is COPD? Emphysema? Bronchitis? Chronic Asthma? ... Related Conditions What is Chronic Bronchitis? Return to
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Chronic bronchitis is an inflammation of the main air passages (bronchi) to the lungs, which results in the production of excess mucous, a reduction in the amount of airflow in and out of the lungs and shortness of breath. In chronic bronchitis, there is excessive bronchial mucus with a productive cough for three months or more over two consecutive years without any other disease that could account for these symptoms.

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