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Boecks Sarcoid: more detail | ||||
41. ORPHANET® : Base De Données Sur Les Maladies Rares Et Les Médicaments Orpheli Blue cone monochromatism Blue rubber bleb nevi syndrome, with multiple congenital anomalies Blue rubber bleb nevus Bod syndrome Boeck sarcoid Bone dysplasia http://www.orpha.net/Pat/GBB.html | |
42. Sarcoidosis / Boeck Website I am 26 years old and have just recently been diagnosed as having sarcoidosis or morbus Boeck . They discovered meningitis they believe to be sarcoid related http://www.xs4all.nl/~boeck/emaileng.html | |
43. Sarcoidosis/Boeck Webpage sarcoidosis/Boeck Webpage. www.xs4all.nl/~boeck . sarcoidosis Link Page. http//www.pinali.unipd.it/sarcoid/. In Canada, WSS http//www.worldsarcsociety.com/. http://www.xs4all.nl/~boeck/linkeng.html | |
44. From The Grand Rounds Archive At Baylor In 1899, Boeck described the skin manifestations in more detail and called the disease Boeck s sarcoidosis. He used sarcoid in the name because he thought it http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/oto/grand/3995.html | |
45. Grand Rounds Archives Topical steroid sprays have also been recommended for intranasal sarcoid. Case Presentation. Boeck C. Multiple benign sarkoid of the skin. http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/oto/grand/11192.html | |
46. Sjukdom, Sjukdomslista På Engelska, Michel Tandläkare Ta Hand Om Dig BlochSulzberger Syndrome. Blood Disorders. Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Boeck s sarcoid. Bone Disorders. Borderline Personality Disorder. Bourneville Pringle Syndrome. http://www26.brinkster.com/privtand/sjuk.htm | |
47. OMIM - #181000 SARCOIDOSIS 181000 sarcoidOSIS. Alternative titles; symbols. BOECK sarcoid. Gene map locus 6p21.3. TEXT. A number sign ( ) is used for this entry http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/dispomim.cgi?cmd=entry&id=181000 |
48. OMIM - Online Mendelian Inheritance In Man Alternative titles; symbols. BOECK sarcoid. Gene map locus 6p21.3. TEXT. A number sign ( ) is used for this entry because of evidence http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=OMIM&dopt=Detailed |
49. Tidsskriftet - Artikkel til riktig tidspunkt Boeck arrived at precisely the right moment with a recognizable truth. He coined an instantly acceptable term (sarcoid) that had been http://www.tidsskriftet.no/pls/lts/pa_lt.visSeksjon?vp_SEKS_ID=387853 |
50. Disease, Medication, Symptom Etc Database Index : B Diseases Database Weight loss Body mass index raised see Obesity Body odor see Body odour Body odour Body ringworm see Tinea corporis Boeck s sarcoid see sarcoidosis Boerhaave s http://www.diseasesdatabase.com/disease_index_B.asp | |
51. Untitled Document 3. von Lichtenberg F. sarcoidosis (Or Boeck s sarcoid). In Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease (Cotran RS, Kumar V, Robbins SL, eds.), 4th edn. http://internalmed.wustl.edu/divisions/dermsub/caseofmonth/2-2002a.html | |
52. Abstracts 6 98 Engl of sarcoidosis, viz. Boeck s sarcoid, BrocqPautrier angiolupoid, and Darier-Roussy hypodermic sarcoids. In addition, the patient http://www.mediasphera.aha.ru/dermatol/98/6/e6-98ref.htm | |
53. Visuals Unlimited Stock Photography: Sarcoidosis, Also Called Sarcoid Of Boeck I sarcoidosis, also called sarcoid of Boeck is a longterm disease of unknown origin marked by small, round bumps in tissue. It may http://www.visualsunlimited.com/browse/vu206/vu206152.html | |
54. Alphabetic List, Diseases And Disorders see Osteochondritis) Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome (not on MeSH) Body Dysmorphic Disorder ( see SOMATOFORM DISORDERS) Boeck s sarcoid ( see sarcoidosis http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/Alphalist.html |
55. Sarcoidosis » Medical Diagnosis SYNONYMS Loeffgren s syndrome (erythema nodosum, hilar adenopathy plus uveitis) BesnierBoeck disease Boeck s sarcoid Schaumann s disease http://www.medfamily.org/diagnosis/S/diagnosis-terms-Sarcoidosis.phtml | |
56. Karger Publishers External Resources 2 Spencer J, Warren S Boeck s sarcoid Report of a case with clinical diagnosis confirmed at autopsy. Arch Intern Med 1938;62285296. http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowFulltext&ProduktNr= |
57. TheWebWeWeaveWebSiteVersion02162001 http//www.blueflamingo.net/sarcoid Features ILACE. First Dutch Web Page for the sarcoidosis/Boeck s Disease (The Netherlands) Some information about http://www.sarcoidcenter.com/TheWebWeWeaveWebSiteVersion02162001.htm | |
58. IMAGE LINKS Benign tumor (mesenchymal) 1927051 Blastomyces on arteficial cardiac valve Heart Infectious disease (fungal) 0146015 Pulmonary Boeck s sarcoid Lung Storage http://www.pathinfo.com/imagsite.htm | |
59. AJRCCM -- RICHTER Et Al. 159 (6): 1981 1. Kveim, A.. 1941. En ny og spesifik kutanreakjon ved Boeck s sarcoid. Preliminary report on new and specific cutaneous reaction in Boeck s sarcoid. Nord. http://www.ajrccm.org/cgi/content/full/159/6/1981 | |
60. Thieme Medical Publishers : Sample Chapter: Steigleder, Pocket Atlas Of Dermatol Pyoderma (Bacterial Purulent Cutaneous Infections) Pseudopyoderma Cutaneous Tuberculosis Cutaneous Sign of sarcoidosis (Boeck s sarcoid) Leprosy Venereal http://www.thieme.com/SID2168326888220/productsubpages/samples/pubid1305519149.h | |
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