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1. Body Dysmorphic Disorder flaw or perceived defect. Along with eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) has become a growing concern for teens. http://kidshealth.org/parent/emotions/feelings/body_dysmorphic.html | |
2. Body Dysmorphic Disorder Diagnosis and treatment of body dysmorphic disorder ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder. body dysmorphic disorder. Panic. Agoraphobia. Separation Anxiety Disorder body dysmorphic disorder, (BDD) is http://www.ncpamd.com/body_dysmorphic_disorder.htm | |
3. Body Dysmorphic Disorder Characteristics and treatment of body dysmorphic disorder who answers questions about body image and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Athealth.com Tell the features or characteristics of body http://www.athealth.com/Consumer/disorders/BDDInterview.html | |
4. OCD CENTER OF LOS ANGELES - Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) Specializing in the treatment of ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder (OCD), OC Spectrum Disorders, phobias, and related anxiety disorders. 310) 335-5443. body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) The primary distinguishing feature of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is an obsessive http://www.ocdla.com/bodydysmorphicdisorder.html | |
5. Body Dysmorphic Disorder ( BDD ) Offers an abstract examining clinical aspects and treatment strategies. http://www.biopsychiatry.com/bdd.html | |
6. Body Dysmorphic Disorder At Beauty Worlds Essay focusing on how changes in American views of beauty are related to BDD symptoms. Includes clinical description of the condition. http://www.beautyworlds.com/bodydd.htm | |
7. About Body Dysmorphic Disorder, BDD, Eating Disorders What is body dysmorphic disorder, BDD? About BDD diagnosis, treatment for body dysmorphic disorder, eating disorders. about.body.dysmorphic.disorder. http://www.healthyplace.com/Communities/Eating_Disorders/peacelovehope/bdd.html | |
8. Ethan Frome Answers to common questions about the nature and treatment of this condition. Written by British psychiatrist Dr. David Veale. http://www.btinternet.com/~david.veale/bddinfo.html | |
9. Body Dysmorphic Disorder Clinic Information on research and treatment for this disorder. Treatment includes CognitiveBehavioral Therapy and/or medication. Located at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and affiliated with Harvard University. http://www.mgh.harvard.edu/psychneuro/bdd.htm | |
10. Behavioral Treatment Of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Article on behavioral therapy for this condition. Written by Dr. Fred Penzel of Western Suffolk Psychological Services in Long Island, New York. http://www.homestead.com/westsuffolkpsych/BDD.html | |
11. BehaveNet® Clinical Capsule: Body Dysmorphic Disorder DSMIV body dysmorphic disorder. Preoccupation with a real or imagined defect in body appearance may lead to diagnosis of this Somatoform Disorder. Diagnostic criteria for 300.7 body dysmorphic disorder ( cautionary statement) A. http://www.behavenet.com/capsules/disorders/bodydysdis.htm | |
12. Body Dysmorphic Disorder: The Ugly Disease Information for teens regarding symptoms of this condition. From Nutricise.com. http://www.efit.com/servlet/article/teens/789.html | |
13. Body Dysmorphic Disorder Professor leads way in recognizing, treating body dysmorphic disorder. By Kristen Lans Phillips, director of the body dysmorphic disorder and Body Image Program at Butler Hospital http://www.brown.edu/Administration/George_Street_Journal/v22/v22n5/dysmorph.htm | |
14. BDD Referral Listings List of psychotherapists across the world who specialize in treatment of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). (From Butler University BDD Program.) http://www.butler.org/body.cfm?id=130 |
15. Body Image Program Information on research and treatment for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Located at Butler University in Rhode Island, and directed by Katherine Phillips, author of The Broken Mirror Understanding body dysmorphic disorder . http://www.butler.org/body.cfm?id=123 |
16. Body Image Problems This kind of obsession with a particular body part is called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Read this article just for teens to understand more about BDD. http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/body_image/body_image_problem_p2.html | |
17. Institute Of Psychiatry - Eating Disorders Unit s of less common eating disorders including body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), Pica, Night Eating Syndrome and Sleep Eating Disorder (SEDNOS. From the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, University of London....... http://www.iop.kcl.ac.uk/IoP/Departments/PsychMed/EDU/OtherED.shtml | |
18. Body Dysmorphic Disorder - Symptoms And Treatment someone becomes intensely preoccupied with what they believe to be a defect in their appearance, then they may be suffering from body dysmorphic disorder, BDD. http://www.healthyplace.com/radio/articles/bdd.htm | |
19. Buy Xenical A group clinical practice dedicated to the treatment of neurobiological disorders including OCD, trichotillomania, body dysmorphic disorder, Tourette's syndrom, ADHD, panic disorder, and phobias. http://www.wspsdocs.com/ | |
20. Body Dysmorphic Disorder Slide 7 of 12 http://campus.houghton.edu/orgs/psychology/abn7a/sld007.htm |
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