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Beryllium Disease: more detail | |||||
81. Beryllium Sensitization Progresses To Chronic Beryllium Disease 4285.0 Tuesday, November 14, 2000 522 PM. Abstract 17077. Beryllium Sensitization Progresses to Chronic beryllium disease. Lee http://apha.confex.com/apha/128am/techprogram/paper_17077.htm | |
82. Your Health - Berylliosis Berylliosis. (beryllium disease). by Rick Alan. Definition. Berylliosis is an occupational lung disease. It occurs in people who work with beryllium. http://www.aurorahealthcare.org/yourhealth/healthgate/getcontent.asp?URLhealthga |
83. Airborne Particulate Matter Research Projects Project Title beryllium disease Surveillance/Research. Grant/Contract Keyword(s) beryllium, respiratory disease, genetic susceptibility, workers. http://www.pmra.org/pmra/PM.nsf/WebProj/0A675BA9E5C4CB0B852568D3001E8A60 | |
84. Beryllium And What You Need To Kown Total Sensitized 14. Chronic beryllium disease 7. KCP Former workers and Subcontractors as of 8/31/02. What is beryllium disease (Berylliosis)? http://www.lodge778.org/beryllium.htm | |
85. Beryllium Disease Expert To Lecture In Mid-Columbia beryllium disease expert to lecture in MidColumbia. Mid-Columbia doctors should be better prepared to treat chronic beryllium disease after this week. http://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/2001/0115/Story5.html | |
86. HLA-DPB1 And Chronic Beryllium Disease HLADPB1 and chronic beryllium disease. HLA-DPB1 and Chronic beryllium disease is one in a series of reviews available from the Human http://bioresearch.ac.uk/cgi/fullRecord.cgi?key=20056610&gateway=bioresearch |
87. HLA-DPB1*E69 And Chronic Beryllium Disease HLADPB1*E69 and chronic beryllium disease. HLA-DPB1*E69 and Chronic beryllium disease is one in a series of fact sheets available http://bioresearch.ac.uk/cgi/fullRecord.cgi?key=20056572&gateway=bioresearch |
88. Policy Analysis And Clinical Research On Occupational Beryllium Exposure At DOE Adoption of this standard has effectively eliminated the presence of acute beryllium disease. Laboratory Research on Chronic beryllium disease. http://www.cresp.org/dcwrkshp/posters/be/be.html | |
89. Consortium For Risk Evaluation With Stakeholder Participation - CRESP Update: Ha Winter 1999. Worker Health and Safety. Hanford Workers Studied For beryllium disease. by Deirdre Grace*. Dr. Timothy Takaro, Technical http://www.cresp.org/update/hanwin99.html | |
90. Seminar At WVU To Focus On Chronic Beryllium Disease Friday August 30, 2002. Seminar at WVU to focus on Chronic beryllium disease. CONTACT Ainsley Weston, NIOSH CDC, 304285-6221. A toxicologist http://www.nis.wvu.edu/2002_Releases/BeryilliumDisease.htm | |
91. Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program-Provides Information And Resources Chronic beryllium disease Prevention Program Provides information and resources on the health and safety aspects of beryllium More information is available at http://www.scitechresources.gov/Results/show_result.php?rec=1280 |
92. Chronic Beryllium Disease And Cancer Risk Estimates With Uncertainty For Berylli Chronic beryllium disease and Cancer Risk Estimates with Uncertainty for Beryllium Released to the Air from the Rocky Flats Plant, atmospheric transport http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/docs/1999/107p731-744mcgavran/abstract.html | |
93. Rates Of Beryllium Disease On The Rise beryllium disease slowly destroys the lungs after the dust is inhaled. Newspaper Article Source Toledo Blade. Beryllium dangers were kept secret. http://www.biomed.lib.umn.edu/hmed/1999/03/19990329_ber.html | |
94. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent Chronic beryllium disease immunemediated destruction with implications for organ-specific autoimmunity. AP Fontenot 1 + , BL Kotzin 1. beryllium disease. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1046/j.1399-0039.2003.00160.x/full | |
95. Beryllium Disease, "A Disaster Waiting To Happen," Chicago Tribune Investigation smallRW.gif (2706 bytes), beryllium disease, A Disaster Waiting To Happen, Chicago Tribune Investigation. CHICAGO, July 28 /PRNewswire http://www.riskworld.com/PressRel/2001/01q3/PR01a008.htm | |
96. Berylliosis Lawsuit Overview - Find Trial Lawyers And Attorneys With Experience Berylliosis, also known as chronic beryllium disease (CBD), can occur after long term exposure to the metal beryllium. Berylliosis http://www.injuryboard.com/view.cfm/Topic=286 | |
97. EPA: Federal Register: Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Programs; Worker Saf Chronic beryllium disease Prevention Programs; Worker Safety and Health , Federal Register document. http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-IMPACT/2003/December/Day-08/i30287.htm | |
98. Am. J. Epidemiol. -- Abstracts: McCanlies Et Al. 157 (5): 388 of Public Health HUMAN GENOME EPIDEMIOLOGY (HuGE) REVIEW. HLADPB1 and Chronic beryllium disease A HuGE Review. Erin C. McCanlies http://aje.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/157/5/388 | |
99. Ingenta: Article Summary -- HLA-DPB1 And Chronic Beryllium Disease: A HuGE Revie Article HLADPB1 and Chronic beryllium disease A HuGE Review American Journal of Epidemiology 1 March 2003, vol. 157, no. 5, pp. http://www.ingenta.com/isis/searching/ExpandTOC/ingenta?issue=pubinfobike://oup/ |
100. Groups Warn Of Beryllium Lung Disease CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/conditions/09/03/health.metal.reut/index.html |
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