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1. Diseases Of The Basal Ganglia Diseases of the Basal Ganglia. As with brain research generally, much of what isknown about the basal ganglia comes from studying diseases which affect them. http://www.hitl.washington.edu/publications/prothero/node52.html | |
2. Basal Ganglia Diseases basal ganglia diseases. Free access to the fulltext version of the reviewrequires brief registration. basal ganglia diseases / genetics;. http://omni.ac.uk/browse/mesh/C0004782L0004782.html | |
3. ClinicalTrials.gov - Information On Clinical Trials And Human Research Studies: Nervous System Diseases basal ganglia diseases. Include trials that are no longer recruiting patients. 13. Recruiting. Parkinson's Diseases Susceptibility Genes and Pesticides http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct/screen/BrowseAny?path=/browse/by-condition/hier/BC1 |
4. BASAL GANGLIA DISEASES Terms of Use. basal ganglia diseases. Specialty Definition BASAL GANGLIADISEASES. Domain, Definition. Health. Top. Crosswords basal ganglia diseases. http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/definition/english/Ba/Basal Ganglia Di | |
5. NeuroGate.com Search results for "basal ganglia diseases" Cardioguide Matches 1 9 of 9 Search AltaVista for more on 'basal ganglia diseases' http://www.neurogate.com/neuro/result.php3?search=Basal Ganglia Diseases&sel |
6. A New Striatal Model And Its Relationship To Basal Ganglia Diseases A New Striatal Model and its Relationship to basal ganglia diseases A new model of the striatum has recently been proposed. This model suggests that the somatotopic regions of the striatum http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/313352.html&y=0 |
7. Basal Ganglia Diseases And Geriatric Psychiatry A New Approach Neurodegenerative diseases of the basal ganglia are common, and theprevalence of most basal ganglia diseases increases with age. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/463500 |
8. PharmGKB: Basal Ganglia Diseases basal ganglia diseases. Alternate Names Basal Ganglia Disease; BasalGanglia Disorder; Basal Ganglia Disorders; Extrapyramidal Disorder http://www.pharmgkb.org/do/serve?objId=PA443486&objCls=Disease |
9. Penn State Faculty Research Expertise Database (FRED) , Diseases of the BASAL GANGLIA includingthe PUTAMEN; GLOBUS PALLIDUS; claustrum; AMYGDALA; and CAUDATE NUCLEUS....... basal ganglia diseases. http://fred.hmc.psu.edu/ds/retrieve/fred/meshdescriptor/D001480 |
10. 22-02: Essentials Of Human Physiology As a result, basal ganglia diseases such as Parkinson s Disease are accompaniedby impaired ability to perform preparatory movements, and patients appear to http://www.geocities.com/hotsprings/3468/22-02.html | |
11. Genetic And Rare Diseases Information Center - Office Of Rare Diseases GARD can be reached at 888205-2311, 888-205-3223 (TTY), or by e-mail GARDinfo@nih.gov.Disease basal ganglia diseases. Synonyms Extrapyramidal disorders. http://ord.aspensys.com/asp/diseases/diseaseinfo.asp?ID=5895 |
12. Entrez PubMed to alcohol prenatally. MeSH Terms Adolescent; Basal Ganglia/pathology;basal ganglia diseases/diagnosis*; basal ganglia diseases/pathology; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8 |
13. Entrez PubMed 6tetrahydropyridine; Animals; basal ganglia diseases/complications*;Disease Models, Animal; Models, Neurological; Movement Disorders http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Citati |
14. Basal Ganglia Diseases http//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/disease/Brain.html. Parkinson_disease Praderwilli_syndromeRett_syndrome Spinocerebellar atrophy Williams_syndrome http://freesense.free.fr/Diseases/c/1111.htm | |
15. Detailed Record Congresses., Physiology, Basal ganglia, Congresses., Diseases, Basal Ganglia, Congresses.,physiology, basal ganglia diseases, Congresses., physiopathology http://worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/ow/df051796fa78a73da19afeb4da09e526.html | |
16. Project: Interactions Between Neuronal Systems Within The Basal Ganglia Studied This knowledge will yield potentially new strategies for the treatmentof basal ganglia diseases. Period, 03/1994 03/1997. Status, completed. http://www.niwi.knaw.nl/en/oi/nod/onderzoek/OND1250915/toon | |
17. Project: Studie Van Neuronale Interacties In De Basale Ganglia Met Behulp Van Si This knowledge will yield potentially new strategies for the treatment ofbasal ganglia diseases. Looptijd, 03/1994 03/1997. Status, afgesloten. http://www.niwi.knaw.nl/nl/oi/nod/onderzoek/OND1250915/toon | |
18. Programme - International Basal Ganglia Society: 8th Triennial Meeting: Crieff S 10.30am1.00pm, Poster Sessions 1 2, 2.00pm-4.00pm, Oral Session 2, Geneticmodels of basal ganglia diseases What do they tell us? M. Levine (Los Angeles), http://www.ibags.info/programme.html | |
19. Entrez PubMed with basal ganglia syndrome. Publication Types Case Reports. MeSHTerms Basal Ganglia/pathology; basal ganglia diseases/diagnosis*; http://www.biomedcentral.com/pubmed/11417619 | |
20. The University Of Birmingham The pathophysiology of basal ganglia diseases including Parkinsonsdisease, Huntingtons disease and tardive dyskinesia. Basal http://www.psychobiology.bham.ac.uk/staff/mitchell.htm |
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