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Bacillary Angiomatosis: more detail | ||||
61. Startplane /Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Infectious_Diseases/Bacterial/Bacilla bacillary angiomatosis. Links. bacillary angiomatosis A comprehensive resourceon bacillary angiomatosis, sometimes called cat scratch disease, from AEGIS. http://www.startplane.com/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Infectious_Diseases/Bac | |
62. ACTA Jul1996: Fine Needle Aspiration Diagnosis Of Intramuscular Bacillary Angiom Title Fine Needle Aspiration Diagnosis of Intramuscular bacillary angiomatosisA Case Report Authors Miguel A. Sanchez, MD, and Edwarda Rorat, MD Background http://www.acta-cytol.com/Abs/Acta/ACTA107.htm | |
63. Karger Publishers bacillary angiomatosis in HIVInfected Patients - An Epidemiological and ClinicalStudy A. Plettenberg a , T. Lorenzen a , BT Burtsche a , H. Rasokat d , T http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Doi=51547 |
64. Bacillary Angiomatosis bacillary angiomatosis. From A van Binsbergen. Hello histonetters Canyou help please? We need to demonstrate bacillary angiomatosis http://www.histosearch.com/histonet/Oct01A/bacillaryangiomatosis.html |
65. BARTONELLA CULTURE SYNONYMS Bartonella henselae, cat scratch disease, bacillary angiomatosis TESTINCLUDES Blood culture LABORATORY Microbiology SPECIMEN Blood submitted in http://healthsystem.virginia.edu/internet/labtests/clinical/b/blcroc.cfm | |
66. ProCAARE PROCAARE RELATED EPIDEMICSbacillary angiomatosis. Subject PROCAARE RELATEDEPIDEMICSbacillary angiomatosis; From Albert Shaw ashaw@usa.healthnet.org ; http://www.procaare.org/archive/procaare/199605/msg00003.php | |
67. ProCAARE PROCAARE Epidemiology of bacillary angiomatosispeliosis. Molecular epidemiologyof Bartonella infections in patients with bacillary angiomatosis-peliosis. http://www.procaare.org/archive/procaare/199712/msg00029.php | |
68. Questions You May Have About Your Cat And Your Health CSD is not the same as a cat scratch. Most cat scratches do not developinto CSD or bacillary angiomatosis. What is bacillary angiomatosis? http://www.mspca.org/Advocacy/HIV-AIDS Support/176.aspx |
69. The Body Pro Ask Your Colleagues Your browser does not support script The Body Pro, Email a colleague.SEARCH bacillary angiomatosis. Posted Oct 15, 2003 QUESTION http://www.thebodypro.com/Forums/AIDS/Treatment/Archive/Clinical/Q174.html |
70. OncoLink | The Web's First Cancer Resource bacillary angiomatosis and Kaposi s sarcoma can coexist in HIV-positivepatients. WESTPORT, May 15 (Reuters Health) - While infrequently http://www.oncolink.com/resources/article.cfm?c=3&s=8&ss=23&Year=2000&Month=5&id |
71. Reporte De Un Caso De Angiomatosis Bacilar En Un Niño Con Infección Por VIH - bacillary angiomatosis and bacillary splenitis in inmunocompetent adults. Rochaliameahenselae causes bacillary angiomatosis and peliosis hepatitis. http://sisbib.unmsm.edu.pe/BVRevistas/folia/Vol14_N3/derma_biblio.htm | |
72. Atteinte Hépatique De La Maladie Des Griffes Du Chat Translate this page The agent of bacillary angiomatosis. Rochalimaea henselae sp. nov., a cause ofsepticemia, bacillary angiomatosis, and parenchymal bacillary peliosis. http://www.hepatoweb.com/hepatobase/chat.html | |
73. PetPlace.com - Article: Bartonellosis (Cat-scratch Disease) Bartonella organisms cause a wide range of clinical diseases in people,including CSD, bacillary angiomatosis, endocarditis and meningitis. http://www.petplace.com/Articles/artShow.asp?artID=2904&conID=20563 |
74. Images.MD: View Collection Disseminated cutaneous papules in cutaneous bacillary angiomatosis. Click Deepred nodules of bacillary angiomatosis in HIV disease. Click http://images.md/users/explore_chapter.asp?ID=AID0801-08&colID=AID0801&coltitle= |
75. ACR Learning File Web Click here for ordering information. Diagnosis bacillary angiomatosis. Returnto top. Copyright © 1994 2002 American College of Radiology. http://www.learningfile.com/learning_file/viewcase.php?section=vi&case_num=B111 |
76. Bacillary Angiomatosis bacillary angiomatosis Equivalent term Angiomatose bacillaire Use for Broader term(s)Skin conditions Narrower term(s) Related term(s) Scope notes Source http://www.catie.ca/thesaurus.nsf/0/063c1fe83ebaaf69852565090058de95?OpenDocumen |
77. ARUP Bartonella Quintana Antibodies, IgG And IgM By IFA , bacillary angiomatosis (BA). Bartonella quintana antibodies may be seen inpatients with bacillary angiomatosis and/or parenchymal bacillary peliosis. http://www.aruplab.com/guides/clt/tests/clt_al87.jsp |
78. PathoPic - Bacillary Angiomatosis The dermis shows a vascular proliferation with...... Diagnosis bacillary angiomatosis (7353) Synonyms bartonellosis, epithelioidangiomatosis http://alf3.urz.unibas.ch/pathopic/idx/e/007/007353.htm | |
79. Cat Scratch Disease R. henselae also causes Bacteremia, bacillary angiomatosis, BacillaryPeliosis Hepatitis, and can invade virtually any organ. R. quintana http://www.ccm.lsuhsc-s.edu/bugbytes/Volume1/bb-v1n3.htm |
80. Case 213 Case 213. Bartonellosis (bacillary angiomatosis) in AIDS (29 yo M), Key words Bartonella henselae, bacillary angiomatosis, AIDS. opportunistic infection. http://www.yamagiku.co.jp/pathology/case/case213.htm | |
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