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Bacillary Angiomatosis: more detail | ||
1. OI: Bacillary Angiomatosis -- ÆGIS bacillary angiomatosis is an infection caused by bacteria from the genus Rochalimaea.thatis characterized by the eruption of cutaneous and subcutaneous nodules http://www.aegis.com/topics/oi/oi-bacillary.html | |
2. EMedicine - Bacillary Angiomatosis : Article By KoKo Aung, MD, MPH, FACP bacillary angiomatosis bacillary angiomatosis (BA) is the vascular proliferative form of an infection with Bartonella organisms. BA was first described in 1983 in a patient infected with the Rochalimaea quintana. Epithelioid angiomatosis was renamed bacillary angiomatosis. Later, the same JE, Tappero JW bacillary angiomatosis and bacillary peliosis in patients infected http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic196.htm | |
3. EMedicine - Bacillary Angiomatosis : Article By Robert A Schwartz, MD, MPH bacillary angiomatosis bacillary angiomatosis (BA) is a systemic diseasefirst described by Stoler and associates in 1983. bacillary angiomatosis. http://www.emedicine.com/derm/topic44.htm | |
4. Cat-Scratch Disease Research article on Bartonella infections. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol1no1/regnery.htm | |
5. Angiomatosis, Bacillary - HIV: Health And Medical Information About HIV And AIDS Angiomatosis, bacillary A bacterialinfection due to a cat scratch most often seen today in people with bacillary angiomatosis is so characteristic today of AIDS that it is an http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=17239 |
6. Thoracic Manifestations Of Bacillary Angiomatosis In Aids. Thoracic manifestations of bacillary angiomatosis In Aids. EH Moore, LA Russell, and JS Klein (Univ. of California, Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA 95817 and Barrows Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ) Purpose and Methods imaging, and pathologic findings of five AIDS patients with bacillary angiomatosis involving the thorax are described http://www.thoracicrad.org/STR_Archive/ScientificSession/MooreEH.html | |
7. Molecular Epidemiology Of Bartonella Infections In Patients With BACKGROUND bacillary angiomatosis and bacillary peliosis are vascular proliferativemanifestations of infection with species of the genus bartonella that http://www.aegis.com/aidsline/1998/mar/M9831151.html | |
8. Your Search: bacillary angiomatosis is an infection caused...... OI bacillary angiomatosis ÆGIS. bacillary angiomatosis "cat scratch disease" This on Opportunistic Infections http://www.i-une.com/cgi-bin/meta/search.cgi?lang=en&keywords=Bacillary Angi |
9. Bacillary Angiomatosis bacillary angiomatosis. Definition. A lifethreatening but curableinfection that causes an eruption of purple lesions on or under http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/ency/bacillary_angiomatosis.html | |
10. HIV And Bartonella Bacillary Angiomatosis And Peliosis Knowledge Base Infections Bartonella. HIV and Bartonella bacillary angiomatosis and Peliosis. Introduction. Historical Perspective. Epidemiology. Clinical Presentation. Cutaneous bacillary angiomatosis. Osseous bacillary angiomatosis Culture of Bartonella Species from the Blood of Patients with bacillary angiomatosis and Bacillary Peliosis http://hivinsite.ucsf.edu/InSite.jsp?doc=kb-05-01-03&page=kb-05 |
11. . DermNet NZ bacillary angiomatosis information for patients. NZ DermNet is an online dermatologyresource for patients, GPs and dermatologists. bacillary angiomatosis. http://www.dermnetnz.org/dna.catscratch/bacillary-angiomatosis.html | |
12. Www.dermnetnz.org/pre/dna.catscratch/bacillary-angiomatosis.html bacillary angiomatosis BacillaryAngiomatosis. Information Diagnosis Treatment Prevention. http://www.dermnetnz.org/pre/dna.catscratch/bacillary-angiomatosis.html |
13. DermIS / Main Menu / DOIA Angiomatosis, Bacillary, Angiomatosis, Bacillary Epithelioid, Angiomatosis, Epithelioid, Bacillary Angiomatoses, bacillary angiomatosis, Bacillary http://www.dermis.net/doia/diagnose.asp?zugr=d&lang=e&diagnr=9810&to |
14. Entrez PubMed The agent of bacillary angiomatosis. RESULTS. Tissue from three unrelated patientswith bacillary angiomatosis yielded a unique 16S gene sequence. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=2 |
15. Entrez PubMed Catscratch disease and bacillary angiomatosis. Chomel BB. Publication Types Review;Review, Tutorial. MeSH Terms Angiomatosis, Bacillary/complications*; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9 |
16. Bacillary Angiomatosis From Dermatology / Bacterial Infections bacillary angiomatosis bacillary angiomatosis (BA) is a systemic disease first described by Stoler and associates in 1983. They reported a 32-year-old patient with bacillary angiomatosis. Synonyms, Key Words, and Related Terms epithelioid angiomatosis, bartonellosis JE, Tappero JW bacillary angiomatosis and bacillary peliosis in patients http://arabmedmag.com/issue-31-07-2003/dermatology/main01.htm |
17. Bacillary Angiomatosis bacillary angiomatosis Page, Dermatology Index. http://www.fpnotebook.com/HIV6.htm | |
18. Masson bacillary angiomatosis, bacillary angiomatosis is an infectious vasoproliferativelesion caused by rickettsial organism Rochalimaea henselae. http://www.geocities.com/sampyroy2000/masson.html | |
19. Disease Directory : Infectious Diseases : Bacterial : Bacillary Angiomatosis Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia b bacillary angiomatosis /b - Bacillaryangiomatosis literature review and iconographic documentation *. SUMMARY. http://www.diseasedirectory.net/Infectious_Diseases/Bacterial/Bacillary_Angiomat | |
20. Disease Directory : Bacillary Angiomatosis MedicalProfessionals only, registration required. bacillary angiomatosis,....... Directory Listing. Title bacillary angiomatosis http://www.diseasedirectory.net/detailed/29291.aspx | |
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