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         Auto-immune Disorders:     more detail
  1. Multi-Systemic Auto-Immune Diseases: An Integrated Approach :Dermatological and Internal Aspects by Louis Kater, Harold Baart De LA Faille, 1999-04-01
  2. Did you ever...? by Alexander Walz, 2010-10-07
  3. Lupus: An International Journal (Methodological Issues in Controlled Clinical Trials in SLE, Volume 8 Number 8)
  4. Thyroid Guardian of Health by Philip G. Young M.D., 2006-07-06

1. Auto-Immune Disorders - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention
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Subtopics: Auto-Immune > Antiphospholipid Syndrome Auto-Immune > Microscopic Polyangiitis Auto-Immune > Myasthenia Gravis Auto-Immune > Myositis Auto-Immune > Sarcoidosis Auto-Immune > Sjogren's Syndrome Related Topics: Addison's Ankylosing Spondylitis Barth Syndrome Graves' ... Open Directory: Science/Biology/Immunology Medical Definition: University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Medical Dictionary: "autoimmune" Health Portals: : Food as medicine - Auto Immunity Health News: Search millions of published articles for news on Auto-Immune Disorders Modern Medicine Aging The Ardell Wellness Report HealthFacts Medical Post Medical Update Men's Health and the National Women's Health Report Note: Subscription required to access the full text of articles.

2. Journal Of Autoimmunity
Publishes papers about autoimmune disorders on topics such as the mechanism of self-recognition, regulation of responses, diagnostic tests, epidemiology, patho-physiology, and treatments. Journal may be ordered online.
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J. Bach

See editorial board for all editors information
The Journal of Autoimmunity publishes papers related to the diverse aspects of autoimmunity: the mechanism of self-recognition, regulation of autoimmune responses, experimental autoimmune diseases, diagnostic autoantibody tests, and the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of autoimmune diseases. Special, but not exclusive, attention will be given to papers dealing with genetic, molecular biology, and cellular aspects of the discipline.
Research Areas Include:
- Immunologic
- Molecular
- Cellular
- Genetic - Virologic Areas of Clinical Interest: ISSN: 0896-8411 Imprint: ACADEMIC PRESS Subscription for the year 2004, Volumes 22-23, 8 issues:

3. The Healing Path - Home
Lori Jacobs is a Reiki Master who specializes in treating alopecia and other autoimmune disorders. Located in Brodheadsville.
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Our line of specialty products has been selected with the greatest care for maximum safety and effectiveness. Only the freshest natural ingredients are chosen to be hand blended into our healing tinctures. ...are a way to restore balance to the body. Herbs gently provide the body what it needs to heal itself, unlike chemical medicines that override the body's innate intelligence. My herbals are formulated from the safest most proven herbs. As an added benefit, they are imbued with healing Reiki Energy . is another way of restoring health and balance by using a subtle yet powerful form of healing called "Reiki" or "laying on of hands". Healing energy is emitted through the hands of a person who has mastered "channel healing". This simply means that the healing energy does not originate from the healer but rather flows through her/him as water does through an open faucet.
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Lori now offers distance healing and her special Healing Pillow. Check out our fine

4. Auto-Immune Disorders
Categories Fun Stuff. autoimmune disorders. Just for the HEALTH of it! Open Directory - Health - Auto Immune. For complete Health Information visit Auto immune disorders are
'); document.writeln(' Click Here! Home Categories Fun Stuff Auto-Immune Disorders Just for the HEALTH of it! Open Directory - Health - Auto Immune The S.L.E. Foundation Women with Disabilities - Lupus The Many Shades of Lupus ... National Multiple Sclerosis Society For complete Health Information visit: Auto immune disorders are definately NO picnic! Imagine your body attacking itself. That is exactly what auto immune disorders, such as Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis, do. One's body mistakes good tissues and cells as bad tissues and cells and destroys them. Such disorders effect everyone differently, however, they are normally chronic and require life long treatment. Unfortunately, auto immune disorders more often strike women, mainly in their working and child bearing years. Some auto immune disorders can be made to look "cured" with medications, but can "reappear" or flare at any time. They can be devastating, they can be debilitating. Hopefully modern science will soon find cures.
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5. Auto-Immune Disorders Dis

6. Dot Pharmacy: Update On Auto-immune Disorders
Automatic, systematic. autoimmune disorders are thought to be at the root of many diseases and conditions. Jean Rothwell FRPharms
Automatic, systematic
Auto-immune disorders are thought to be at the root of many diseases and conditions. Jean Rothwell FRPharms, secretary of the South Lancashire LPC, investigates
  • To understand the immune process in auto-immune disorders
  • To be aware of the management strategies
  • To recognise the different diseases with auto-immune origins
  • To be aware of management of each of them
Auto-immune diseases are caused by a malfunction of the immune system. While our bodies normally recognise a harmful 'foreign invader' and produce antibodies to fight it, in an auto-immune disease the body is unable to distinguish between foreign invaders and the body's own tissue. The result is the production of antibodies which fight the body's own tissue as well as the foreign invader. The body produces a small number of self-hostile lymphocytes which would normally be 'policed' and destroyed by other lymphocytes. However, the process may be disrupted by various triggers, allowing the numbers of self-hostile lymphocytes to increase. It is thought that almost any virus, certain bacteria such as streptococci, or drugs (such as methyldopa) may play a part in triggering an auto-immune process in someone who already has a genetic pre-disposition.

7. Food And Behaviour Research: Allergies/Auto-Immune Disorders

8. FuturePundit: Autoimmune Disorders Treatable With Worms And Bacteria Wall Fragme
April 22, 2004. Autoimmune Disorders Treatable With Worms and Bacteria Wall have been advancing theories to explain some autoimmune disorders as being the
Future technological trends and their likely effects on human society, politics and evolution. Go Read More Posts On FuturePundit April 22, 2004 Autoimmune Disorders Treatable With Worms and Bacteria Wall Fragments A number of afflictions of humans in the modern era are a result of the fact that natural selection adapted us to environments so different than the environments of modern industrial societies. Obesity was not much of a problem in the past because for most of human history there was rarely much surplus food. The same is the case with salt cravings where, again, in the past there was usually not enough sodium in the foods our ancestors had to eat. Similarly, drug and alcohol addiction are obviously the result of the lack of human adaptiveness to substances they rarely encountered in the past. However, alcoholism susceptibility is less frequent among Mediterranean populations that have been growing grapes and making wine for centuries. So there are human populations that have developed at least partial genetic adaptations to ethanol consumption. Some scientists have been advancing theories to explain some auto-immune disorders as being the result of lack of exposure to diseases that used to be common in the human past. Among the diseases suspected as being a consequence of lack of exposure to diseases are the painful digestive tract disorders inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD) and Crohn's Disease.

9. Polymorphisms Associated With Auto-Immune Disorders
Listing. Polymorphisms Associated with autoimmune disorders. All the opportunities are now available in a searchable database. You
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B usiness O pportunities - Pharmaceuticals Back to Business Opportunities Pharmaceuticals Listing Polymorphisms Associated with Auto-Immune Disorders All the opportunities are now available in a searchable database. You need to Register to Search or Submit Business Opportunities.
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10. Information On Hypothyroidism (causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment) Produced
MedicineNet State of the Art Medical Information. Treatment of hyperthyroid disorders, including Graves' Disease which is an autoimmune disorder.
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What is hyperthyroidism?
Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which there is an excessive amount of thyroid hormones circulating in the blood because of an overactive thyroid gland. ("Hyper" means "over" in Greek). Thyrotoxicosis is a term that refers to a toxic condition that is caused by an excess of thyroid hormones from any cause. Thyrotoxicosis can be caused by an excessive intake of thyroid hormone and inflammation of the thyroid gland. Because both physicians and patients often use these words interchangeably, we will take some liberty by using the term "hyperthyroidism" throughout this article. What are thyroid hormones?
Thyroid hormones are produced by the thyroid gland. This gland is located in the lower part of the neck, below the Adam's apple. The gland wraps around the windpipe (trachea) and has a shape that is similar to a butterfly formed by two wings (lobes) and attached by a middle part (isthmus).
The thyroid gland incorporates iodine (mostly available from the diet in foods such as seafood, bread, and salt) and uses it to produce thyroid hormones. The two most important thyroid hormones are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) representing 99.9% and 0.1% of thyroid hormones respectively. The hormone with the most biological activity is actually T3. Once released from the thyroid gland into the blood, a large amount of T4 is converted to T3 - the active hormone that affects the metabolism of cells.

11. Autoimmune Disorders
Relatives of patients with autoimmune disorders, 525 and monitoring of systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases 3/40 patients with other auto-immune diseases (OAID
Background An autoimmune disease is perhaps one of the cruelest of all diseases. The body's normal immune system loses its ability to recognize its own cells and attacks itself. The result is a devastating disease process which spares no organ. This group of diseases is sometimes referred to as collagen vascular diseases because the soft tissue supporting tissues and blood vessels are frequently attacked. ANCA
Anti-Phospholipid Antibody Syndrome (Lupus Anticoagulant)

Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis

Churg-Strauss (Allergic Granulomatosis) ...
It should be noted that this list is not complete and indeed, there are many diseases found in other body sites which are also autoimmune in nature. A good example is pemphigus vulgaris, a devastating blistering disease of the skin and mucous membranes. Vasculitis, or inflammation of the blood vessels, is also frequently autoimmune. These latter diseases are found in the skin rash and blood vessel pages.

12. Novel Drug Fights Autoimmune Disorders - UM News
No one yet understands why these autoimmune disorders occur, but this drug may experience high rates of kidney failure because of an autoimmune syndrome that

March 03 , 2003 Print Novel drug fights autoimmune disorders A healthy immune system recognizes friend from foe to protect the body against invading bacteria and viruses. But in lupus and arthritis, the cells of the immune system fail to self-destruct and get out of the way as normal cells should, and can turn against the body's own tissues, damaging joints and organs. No one yet understands why these autoimmune disorders occur, but this drug may offer a way to slow or prevent the damage caused by these misbehaving immune system cells, the authors say. "Our compound is more selective than current drugs," said lead author Gary D. Glick, a charter faculty member of the U-M Life Sciences Institute who is the Werner E. Bachmann Collegiate Professor of Chemistry and a professor of biological chemistry in the U-M Medical School. "The lupus treatments in use now just wreck your bone marrow." Current treatments suppress normal immune system function in general, leaving patients more vulnerable to infection. But Bz-423 acts selectively, triggering the self-destruct mechanism in just the immune system cells that are malfunctioning. The bone marrow, where new immune system cells are manufactured, is unharmed by the drug.

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ADHD meds such as Adderall Ritalin online Methylphenidate Auto Immune disorders. ritalin adderall for adhd AdhdMeds Home Main

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Adderall is a drug that is typically prescribed for the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, more commonly known by the acronym ADHD. ADHD is simply a condition in which a person exhibits a very short attention span, and is easily distracted, overly emotional, excessively active, and maybe even highly impulsive. Adderall is typically used as part of a broader treatment plan, a treatment plan that should include psychological, educational, and even social measures. Adderall is also used to treat narcolepsy.
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14. Taking Charge Of Autoimmune Disorders
body being attacked can be thrown under the heading of autoimmune disorder So a psychologist is writing about autoimmune disorders because it turns out that
Taking Charge of
Autoimmune Disorders
Your immune system is there to keep your body safe from injury and invasion. It is on duty all the time. It is a complex system operating at all levels from the molecular to the systemic, always with the inborn goal of maintaining your body. In autoimmune disease, something goes wrong, and the immune system begins to attack parts of you. In multiple sclerosis, your nerve sheath, or myelin, is attacked. In psoriasis, your skin is attacked, and in more severe cases, your joints as well. In lupus, your internal organs are attacked. It is frightening to you and frustrating to your physicians who must prescribe medications with known harmful side effects to help control your symptoms by interfering with your immune system. Why, you wonder, have you opened a psychology web site and found an article on autoimmune disorders? Because there is an intimate link between the immune system and the nervous system. (Solomon) Both have memory, both react to stress, and both operate via peptides as information transmitters. When the nervous system is "out of whack", something that is commonly labeled "mental illness' results. If the nervous system is overactive, anxiety may result. If it is underactive, the result might be depression. When parts of the mind are not operating properly, people often experience the frightening process called psychosis, where reality is not what it seems to them. A variety of problems in adapting to life result from psychological or physiological problems in the nervous system.

15. Auto Immune Disorders And Transfer Factor - Natural Health, Auto Immune Disorder
Modulate your immune system to defend against allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue, sinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, fibromyalgia, crohn's disease, lupus, psoriasis, eczema. In Auto Immune disorders. Find out how you can modulate your immune system to many cases, these are Auto Immune disorders. Therapy for these types of disorders should include an immune
Auto Immune Disorders Find out how you can modulate your immune system to defend against: Allergies, Asthma, Chronic Fatigue, Sinusitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Type 1 Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Crohn's Disease, Lupus, Psoriasis , Eczema. In many cases, these are Auto Immune Disorders. Therapy for these types of disorders should include an immune system "modulator", such as the Transfer Factor. Infectious diseases, such as measles, strep, and staph killed 180,000 loved ones last year. A strong and modulated immune system is your best defense. A new breakthrough product, Transfer Factor Plus ™, is an immune system modulator. Tested by independent lab, it is 500% more effective than any of the 196 products tested. Some M.D.s are calling it a miracle product. They believe this amazing molecule called "transfer factor" is the answer to the declining state of health in our nation.
Transfer Factor
Some have recommended that Transfer Factor™ be used in autoimmune conditions. List of autoimmune disorders Neuromuscular system
  • Myasthenia gravis Emos-Lumbert myasthenic syndrome Stiff man syndrome Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis Multiple Sclerosis Gullain-Barre syndrome Chronic inflammatory demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy Multifocal motor neuropathy with Conduction block Chronic neuropathy with monoclonal Gammopathy Paraneoplastic neurologic disorders Opsoclonus-myoclonujs syndrome Cerebellar degneration Encephalomyelitis Rectimopathy Hepatobiliary system: Autoimmune chronic active hepatitis

16. Auto Immune Disorders And Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Break Out Story Auto immune disorders and Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy Lupus, Cerebral Vasculitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, including auto immune markers in the spinal fluid that
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Auto immune disorders and Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy
From: Susan Rodriguez
Date: 21 Jun 1999
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My story
Thank you so much for the honor of being included in your forum! Finally after many years of waiting I am able to give credit to the people who have helped us, and in turn may help other parents and their children as well. I intend to focus on my three little girls. However, I think it is also important to explain the illness that I had. In doing so I feel it would be easy to understand the familial disorder, and by using Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy we all were able to regain our health and lead a normal life style. In 1991 I was diagnosed with Lupus, Cerebral Vasculitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, including auto immune markers in the spinal fluid that indicated a demyelination process of acute Peripheral Neuropathy, all of which where documented by S.P.E.C.T. brain scans, blood test, skin biopsy, spinal taps, along with lower and upper EMG's. To shorten this story, I was treated using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or HBOT, for 28 treatments. I was sent back to the doctor who ordered additional S.P.E.C.T. brain scans, spinal taps, skin biopsy, EMG's and blood test. All of which returned to normal. My Doctors have since wrote many letters fully endorsing Hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment!

17. Molo-cure A.M.P. Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide Research
Molocure Research. Specializing in Disease Prevention and Digestive disorder cures. to full recoveries from incurable auto-immune and digestive diseases with A.M Acid Reflux, Hiatal Hernia

18. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Autoimmune Disorders
Autoimmune disorders. or lacking. Autoimmune disorders develop when the immune system destroys normal body tissues. This is caused
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Autoimmune disorders
Contents of this page:
Graves' disease Hashimoto's disease (chronic thyroiditis) Multiple sclerosis Rheumatoid arthritis ... Antibodies Definition Return to top Disorders caused by an immune response against the body's own tissues. Causes, incidence, and risk factors Return to top The immune system protects the body from potentially harmful substances (antigens) such as microorganisms, toxins cancer cells, and foreign blood or tissues from another person or species. Antigens are destroyed by the immune response, which includes production of antibodies (molecules that attach to the antigen and make it more susceptible to destruction) and sensitized lymphocytes (specialized white blood cells that recognize and destroy particular antigens).
Immune system disorders occur when the immune response is inappropriate, excessive, or lacking. Autoimmune disorders develop when the immune system destroys normal body tissues. This is caused by a

19. MedlinePlus: Autoimmune Diseases
Communication disorders); New Drug Shows Promise in MG and Other Autoimmune disorders (Muscular Dystrophy Association); NIAMS Researchers
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Autoimmune Diseases
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Lupus Multiple Sclerosis ... Immune System/AIDS

20. Discovery Health Autoimmune Disorders
search, autoimmune disorders. By Gail Hendrickson, RN, BS. Some autoimmune disorders, such as psoriasis, run in families and may have a genetic component.

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