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161. Dietary Interventions In Autism An Experimental Intervention For autism. Text in brackets are my additions.. The Use of Gluten and Casein Free Diets with People with autism . http://www.princeton.edu/~lisas/gfpak.htm | |
162. Autism Spectrum Product Catalog Supplements, dietary products, and software for children in the autism spectrum. http://autismcoach.com | |
163. Www.students.uiuc.edu/~bordner/ani.html autism and Developmental Disorders A Developmental Approachautism and Developmental Disorders A Developmental Approach. A sitemaintained by David G. Nelson, MS, LAPC in Atlanta , Georgia . http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~bordner/ani.html |
164. Björn Ahlstedts Home Page (Täby, Sweden) Contains stories about Aspergers syndrome and discrimination in an icehockey club in Sweden. http://hem.passagen.se/edtbat/autism.htm | |
165. Autism-Diet.com Welcome! autismDiet.com is dedicated to the research of J Robert Cade, MDand R Malcolm Privette, PA-C into the causes and treatment of autism. http://www.autism-diet.com/ | |
166. Autism Society Of Illinois Home Page autism Society of Illinois is committed to serving individuals with autism throughinformation and referral, local chapter support, education and training http://www.autismillinois.org/ | |
167. Commonwealth AUtism Service Commonwealth autism Service provides sponsorship and logistical support toTrain police officers in the understanding of autism Spectrum Disorders. http://www.autismva.org/ | |
168. CARE autism books, autism videos, and other autism, asperger syndrome and related resources. http://www.canadianautism.com/ | |
169. Autism Research Centre - Current Research Welcome to ARC. What is the ARC? The autism Research Centre (ARC) wasestablished at Cambridge University in 1997. It brings together http://www.autismresearchcentre.com/arc/default.asp | |
170. Hope TLC Philanthropic organisation offers workshops and information on living with autism related disorders. Also publish a manual (some of which is provided on this site). http://hope-tlc.autistics.org/ | |
171. Autism Autoimmunity Project Incidence and Cost of autism. Studies that Count, Studies that Dont Dr. Yazbak. autism Clock. autism Incidence Rates. autism ALERT. http://www.autismautoimmunityproject.org/ | |
172. Autism Information om LSS f¶r m¤nniskor med autism. http://www2.pedc.se/dv/autism.htm | |
173. Welcome To AiA - Allergy Induced Autism http://www.autismmedical.com/ |
174. Dr. D. S. Lee, Board Certified Behavioral Psychologist - ABPP Research and services Applied Behavior Analysis and interventions for children with autism, and behavioral rehabilition/management for traumatic brain injury. http://www.behavioral-solutions.com/ | |
175. ATTENTION DEFICIT SPECIALISTS ADD/ADHD treatment using EEG biofeedback, a nondrug approach also used with learning disabilities, behavior problems, sleep disorders, and autism. Free introductory seminars. Located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. http://addsolutions.com | |
176. Aspire : Asperger Syndrome Association Of Ireland The Asperger Syndrome Association of Ireland supports people with autism and related disorders, and their families and carers. Information about their activities, and ways to get involved. http://www.aspire-irl.com/ | |
177. Autism Today, Latest News And Resources For Autism And Autism Related Issues A free searchable listing service for autism conferences worldwide. http://autismtoday.com/searchtool/search_events.asp | |
178. Call4aCure Phone Fundraising For Autism Sells phone services to raise money for autism. http://www.call4acure.com |
179. Division TEACCH - Treatment And Education Of Autistic And Related Communication http://www.teacch.com/ | |
180. Www.sagepub.co.uk/journals/details/j0192.html http://www.sagepub.co.uk/journals/details/j0192.html |
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