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121. Disability Info: Autism And Pervasive Developmental Disorder Fact Sheet (FS1) autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder. arrow pointing upBack to top. Incidence.autism and PDD occur in approximately 5 to 15 per 10,000 births. http://www.nichcy.org/pubs/factshe/fs1txt.htm | |
122. Parentpals.com Special Education Guide Parent Pals is sponsored by AmeriCorp Speech and Hearing. Our goal is to provide special education and gifted information, continuing education, support, weekly tips, games, book resources, and news and views for parents and professionals. Therapists, audiologists, teachers, nurses and physicians contribute information on the following subjects ADHD, autism, deaf and hard of hearing, emotionally disturbed, homeschooling, gifted, learning disabilities, mental retardation, orthopedically impaired, otherwise health impaired, severe and/or multiple disabilities, speech and language impairment, stuttering, traumatic brain injury and, visually impaired. http://www.parentpals.com/index2.html | |
123. The Autism Autoimmunity Project autism Autoimmunity Project Addressing autism With Immunology PO Box 293144 Davie,Florida 33329 Phn (954) 5065654 Fax (954) 954-587-6509 Definition http://www.gti.net/truegrit/ | |
124. The Autism Support Center Provides information and support to parents or professionals dealing with autism, pervasive developmental disorder(pdd), or Asperger's disorder. Support is provided through a lending library, flexible funding, home visits, training, consultation, support groups, the community connections program and a newsletter. http://www2.primushost.com/~nsarc/ | |
125. The Autism Link Page A compilation of links to autismrelated sites all over the world, with short descriptions. English, http://www.transmil.nl/alp/ |
126. Studio By The Tracks A small non profit agency which every week provides safe harbor for individuals with autism who come to make art. http://www.studiobythetracks.com/ | |
127. Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Sorting Out Autism, Asperger's Syndrome And Other C Autistic Spectrum Disorders are explained, including autism, Asperger s Syndrome,and NonVerbal Learning Disabilities. High Functioning autism. http://www.pediatricneurology.com/autism.htm | |
128. NINDS Autism Information Page Brief description with some resources and links, compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/autismshortdoc.htm | |
129. Brain Balance Music For Right And Left Brain Stimulation Music for the treatment of ADD, ADHD, autism and other neurological problems in children and adults. http://www.i-waveonline.com/ | |
130. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Journal Of Autism And Developmental Disorders http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0162-3257/contents | |
131. Camp Jened - Rock Hill, NY Provides a vacation for adults who have a wide range of physical and developmental disabilities, such as Cerebral Palsy, Downs Syndrome, autism and Behavior Disorders. Located in New York. http://www.campjened.org/ | |
132. Ladders.ORG : Learning & Developmental Disabilities Evaluation & Rehabilitation Ladders.org. Ladders Friends of Ladders The autism Research Foundation CurrentTrends In autism Home. SITEMAP Home. Contact Us. The autism Research Foundation. http://www.ladders.org/tarf/TARF.htm | |
133. NAMI NC Home State site providing support, education and advocacy for the families and friends of people with mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, Tourette's syndrome, attention deficit disorder, autism, and pervasive developmental disorder. http://www.naminc.org/ | |
134. Autism Society Canadas Mission Is To Provide Support On A National Basis To Pe autism Society Canadas mission is to provide support on a national basis to peopleaffected by autism and related conditions through the collective efforts http://www.autismsocietycanada.ca/ |
135. Autism Biomedical Information Network Home Page Link to sciencebased biomedical information on autism/PDD; evidence-basedtreatments; unproven treatments. autism Biomedical Information Network. http://www.autism-biomed.org/ | |
136. Structured Autism Materials Educational materials for autism, Asperger's, and Down syndrome. http://www.angelfire.com/tx4/sam | |
137. MedlinePlus: Autism (autism Society of America). National Institute of Mental Health The primary NIHorganization for research on autism is the National Institute of Mental Health. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/autism.html | |
138. An Assessment Of Some Of The Unorthodox Forms Of Biomedical Intervention Current An assessment of some of the unorthodox forms of biomedical intervention currently being applied. http://osiris.sunderland.ac.uk/autism/durham95.html | |
139. Ahead With Autism Ahead with autism provides information and support to enhance the social, communicativeand life skill development of individuals with autistic spectrum http://www.aheadwithautism.com/ | |
140. Autism And Other Children's Books, FREE EBooks, Rhyming Poems, Stories, Printabl Children s books on autism, etc. by author, Richard Carlson. Are you lookingfor a way to help your family and relatives understand autism? http://www.hugsfeelgood.com/ | |
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