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41. NIP: Vacsafe/Concerns/Autism/MMR & Autism Main Page Vaccine Safety MMR Vaccine and autism Theory. Contains Vaccine Safety Issues of Interest autism Vaccines and autism Theory. At http://www.cdc.gov/nip/vacsafe/concerns/autism/ | |
42. ABA Resources For Recovery From Autism/PDD/Hyperlexia Resources for behavioral intervention for autism research, professionals, schools, support groups, curriculum materials, and special education and legal resources. http://rsaffran.tripod.com/aba.html | |
43. Center For The Study Of Autism Provides resources for both professions and family members of individuals with autism. Includes interventions, family support, and stories of persons with autism. http://www.autism.org/ | |
44. Autism/Pervasive Developmental Disorders The autism Spectrum, including autism, PDD, Pervasive Developmental Disorders,Asperger s and Rett Syndrome, is one of the most challenging health issues http://autism.about.com/ | |
45. Massachusetts Resources Provides a directory of disability resources available to individuals dealing with autism. http://www.unc.edu/~cory/autism-info/massachu.html | |
46. Autism Information Center, NCBDDD, CDC Link to Developmental Disabilities page Developmental Disability Topics. autismSpectrum Disorders. About autism What are autism spectrum disorders? http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/dd/ddautism.htm | |
47. Big's Place - ADD/ADHD/Aspergers/ODD Links to resources regarding ADD/ADHD, autism, and Asperger's plus a blog of personal challenges. http://www.bigsplace.com/ADD.html | |
48. RSRF - Rett Syndrome Research Foundation Promotes biomedical research for the treatment of Rett Syndrome, often misdiagnosed as autism and Hypotonia. Offers detailed information, links, studies, support groups, and information on the Rett Syndrome gene MECP2 recently discovered. http://www.rsrf.org | |
49. The Autism Depot A resource for parents of autistic children. This site includes reviews of bookson autism. The autism Depot. Organizations. autism Society of America (ASA). http://home.ptd.net/~rjd/autism/ | |
50. MMR And Autism - Can A Controversy Be More One-sided? Objective information provided by Health Watch UK. http://www.healthwatch-uk.org/mmr.pdf |
51. Www.autism-uk.ed.ac.uk/ autism Network InternationalWelcome to the homepage for autism Network International, an autisticrun self-helpand advocacy organization for autistic people. (Last updated 19 Feb 2004.). http://www.autism-uk.ed.ac.uk/ |
52. Camp Huntington High Falls, NY Coed, overnight, 7-week program serving 6-21 year old campers with Learning and Developmental Disabilities, ADD, PDD, autism and other special needs. Located in High Falls, New York. Activities, daily schedule, facilities, dates, rates, and information request form. http://www.camphuntington.com/ | |
53. Unlocking Autism Skip Intro Enter Site . Site Designed and Managed by SkuFlow InventorySystems Copyright 1998 Present. Unlocking autism. All Rights Reserved. http://www.unlockingautism.org/ | |
54. Support For Siblings Of People With Autism And Asperger Syndrome Personal experiences, ideas, support, and reading list. http://www.nas.org.uk/family/siblings/index.html |
55. UNLOCKING AUTISM Help Defeat autism In Jesus Name. FEATURED ITEM. autism Awareness Bracelets areavailable. BREAKING NEWS. UNLOCKING autism NATIONAL CALL CENTER 866366-3361. http://www.unlockingautism.org/main.asp | |
56. Siblings Of Children With Autism And Related Disorders A place for the siblings of kids with autism to share experiences. http://www.siblingsofautism.com | |
57. Autism National Committee autism advocacy organization dedicated to Social Justice for All Citizens withautism through a shared vision and a commitment to positive approaches. http://www.autcom.org/ | |
58. StarThrowers For Autism Fund raising for therapy for a young autistic boy. http://www.starthrowers.org/default.asp?fid=donate&cid=reirdm |
59. AAPC - Autism Asperger Publishing Company Books on learning disabilities and autism. http://www.asperger.net | |
60. Autism And Vaccination autism and Vaccination. Introduction. There is an increasing amount of researchbeing conducted into the possible link between autism and vaccination. http://osiris.sunderland.ac.uk/autism/vaccine.htm | |
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