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161. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Facts about this condtion. http://www.medbroadcast.com/condition_info_details.asp?disease_id=14 |
162. CNN.com - Survey: Attention-deficit Disorder Goes Undiagnosed - September 10, 20 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/children/09/10/health.adhd.reut/index.html | |
163. CNN.com - Conference Focuses On Attention-deficit Disorder - September 19, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/children/09/19/attention.deficit/index.html | |
164. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Information about attentiondeficit/Hyperactivity disorder. http://www.geocities.com/attentiondeficithyperactivitylve/ | |
165. ADD And ADHD Fraud. Find Out The Truth About ADD And ADHD. Exposing The Fraud Of Articles by neurologuist Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD arguing tghat ADHD/ADD is a fraud. Commentary, media appearances, and related sites also provided. http://www.adhdfraud.com/ | |
166. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Overview And Theories On Its Ca Seeks to present every therapy currently being used for attentiondeficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and to indicate the clinical evidence to support these treatments. Organized by theories of ADHD, therapies for ADHD, links to useful sites and articles on ADHD and a discussion group. http://www.healing-arts.org/children/ADHD/index.htm | |
167. ADHD Expectations Information and support on attention deficit Hyperactivity disorder, forums, articles of interest, editorials, links, and submission areas. http://www.adhd.com/ | |
168. About ADD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Taming the Triad An Educational Site About attention deficit By Margie C. Sweeney, MD. This site is about attention deficit/Hyperactivity disorder in children and adults and is designed to be informational. http://add.miningco.com/health/add/ | |
169. Taming The Triad - An Educational Site About Attention Deficit Disorders Margie C. Sweeney, M.D. attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adults. Articles, tips, and directory of related links. http://www.tamingthetriad.com/ | |
170. ADDResource.com - Your New Search Engine For ADD/ADHD, And Related Learning Disa ADD Resource is a search engine and directory for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disabilities. http://www.addresource.com/ | |
171. Www.chaddga.org Regional affiliate of nonprofit organization serving individuals with attention-deficit/ Hyperactivity disorder(AD/HD). Providing collaborative leadership, advocacy, research, education and support. http://chaddga.org |
172. Htgrep Error: Not Found Georgia section of national website providing contact and location information of support groups. http://www.catalog.com/cgibin/htgrep/file=/chadd/chapters.txt&hdr=findchap.h |
173. CHADD: Children And Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder http://www.chadd.org/movie1.html |
174. Connecticut Children's Medical Center: Psychiatry Provides an array of child and adolescent psychiatric services at both the Connecticut Children's Medical Center and at the Institute of Living for conditions such as attentiondeficit Hyperactivity Disorders, Mood Disorders including Depression, Developmental Disorders such as Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorders and Asperger's Syndrome, and Somatoform Disorders such as conversion and Somatization, and Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Illness. http://www.ccmckids.org/departments/psychiatry.htm | |
175. AD-IN Home Page The attention deficit Information Network, Inc. The attention deficit Information Network, Inc. is a non profit volunteer organization. http://www.addinfonetwork.com/ | |
176. Rands In Repose: N.A.D.D. I m certain Civil War enthusiasts would enjoy this book, it is not geared for someone with my particular disability Nerd attention Deficiency disorder http://www.randsinrepose.com/archives/2003/07/10/nadd.html | |
177. Welcome To Attention.com Home. http://www.attention.com/ | |
178. ADD Main Table Of Contents Welcome to the WWW ADD FAQ Site. If you were using a Javaenabled browser, you would see a scrolling text sign instead of this paragraph. Table of Contents http://www3.sympatico.ca/frankk/contents.html | |
179. NYU School Of Medicine - Department Of Psychiatry The ONLINE SCREENING for ANXIETY (OSA) (NYU); The ONLINE SEXUAL DISORDERS SCREENING for Women (SDS) (NYU); The ONLINE SEXUAL DISORDERS http://www.med.nyu.edu/Psych/public.html | |
180. One ADD Place - URL Change This web site address has been changed to http//www.oneaddplace.com. Please update your bookmark. http://www.greatconnect.com/oneaddplace/ | |
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