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81. Preventing Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) And ADHD By Dr. Lorraine Day A child is given the diagnosis of attention deficit disorder (ADD), also called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) when he is considered overactive http://www.drday.com/attentiondeficit.htm | |
82. Camp Nuhop - "Where Friends Are Made" A summer residential program for any youngster from 6 to 16 with a learning disability, behavior disorder, or attention deficit disorder. http://www.campnuhop.org/ | |
83. Learning Disabilities OnLine: LD In-Depth: Gifted Students With Learning Disabil information on learning disabilities, gifted, gifted/ld, learning disorders, attention deficit disorder, ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dysnomia, speech disorder, reading difficulties, special education, parenting, teaching, psychologists, pediatricians. http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/gt_ld/jld_gtld.html | |
84. ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER DECADE OF THE BRAIN Hartmann, T. attention deficit disorder A New Perception. Lancaster, PA UnderwoodMiller, 1993. Weiss, L. attention deficit disorder in Adults. http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov/cic_text/health/attendef/adhd.htm | |
85. FEARLESS FOCUS Book by Dr. Lucy Jo Palladino, a psychologist, teaches the use of focus skills for attention deficit disorders (ADD ADHD) and learning disability. http://www.fearlessfocus.com | |
86. Living With ADD (attention Deficit Disorder, ADHD , AD/HD) What is ADD? ADD Stands for attention deficit disorder This is one of the only times that I will refer to ADD as attention deficit disorder. http://www.livingwithadd.com/ | |
87. Awesome Library - Special_Education Here Home Library Special Education attention deficit disorder. attention deficit disorder. Also Try http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Library/Special_Education/Attention_Deficit_Disord | |
88. Page Title A private, nonprofit day school for children in grades 4-10 with language learning disabilities and/or attention deficit disorder. Rye, NH. http://www.lsa.pvt.k12.nh.us/ | |
89. Attention Deficit Disorder: What Is ADD Describes attention deficit disorder with and without Hyperactivity. Therapist Finder Content Mental Health Journal. attention deficit disorder. What is ADD? http://www.therapistfinder.net/Attention-Deficit-Disorder/ | |
90. Attention Deficit Disorder In Adults attention deficit disorder in Adults Indicators, Evaluation, Treatments and Akron, Ohio Support Groups. Updated 8/8/02. attention deficit disorder in Adults. http://www.akrongeneral.org/add/add1.html | |
91. Learning Disabilities OnLine: LD In-Depth: Section 504 & IDEA: Basic Similaritie Articles relating to attention deficit disorder, including an introduction to the subject, the legal rights of parents and children, classroom techniques for teachers and students, and effective parenting. http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/legal_legislative/edlaw504.html | |
92. Mental Health: A Report Of The Surgeon General - Chapter 3 Organizations such as Children and Adults with attention deficit disorder (CHADD) and the National attention deficit disorder Association can be helpful http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/mentalhealth/chapter3/sec4.html | |
93. Mathworks1 Provides information on identifying and working with giftedness, dual exceptionality, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, and different learning styles. Boston Metrowest area. http://www.Mind-Works.org | |
94. Shirley J. Fingerman Attention Deficit Disorder In The Classroom attention deficit disorder in the Classroom. by This WebQuest will focus on meeting the learning needs of students diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. http://www.berksiu.k12.pa.us/webquest/Fingerman/ |
95. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Part I Weekly newsletter and links to ADD resources. http://athealth.com/Practitioner/Newsletter/FPN_2_36.html | |
96. What Causes Attention Deficit Disorder? Information on attention deficit disorder (ADD) the underlying causes of this disorder. What causes attention deficit disorder? http://okok.essortment.com/attentiondefici_refz.htm | |
97. ADD - ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Attention Deficit Disord An overview of the symptoms of attention deficit disorder in children. http://www.aspeneducation.com/factsheetadhd.html | |
98. Resources On ADD And ADHD attention deficit disorder. attention deficit disorder Resources. PYCNOGENOL ADD attention deficit disorder 1st person experience. http://teis.virginia.edu/go/cise/ose/categories/add.html | |
99. Soon You Will Be Able To Receive Quarter Academic Credits By Taking One Of The E A source for information on dyslexia, dysgraphia, attention deficit disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Bipolar disorder, offering professional seminars, workshops, continuing education and Online Degrees. http://www.ldiec.com/Forms/course_information.htm | |
100. CNN.com - Study TV May Cause Attention Deficit - Apr 5, 2004 about the children s TV viewing habits and rated their behavior at age 7 on a scale similar to measures used in diagnosing attention deficit disorders. http://www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/parenting/04/05/toddler.tv.ap/ |
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