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         Atrial Fibrillation:     more books (100)
  1. Antithrombotic therapy in atrial fibrillation with ximelagatran: can it be an alternative to warfarin?/Atriyal fibrilasyonda ximelagatran ile antitrombotik ... of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi) by Hatice Selcuk, M. Timur Selcuk, et all 2007-03-01
  2. New drugs could redefine atrial fibrillation Tx.(Cardiovascular Medicine): An article from: Internal Medicine News by Mitchel L. Zoler, 2006-03-15
  3. Atrial fibrillation cases, deaths peak in December. (Respiratory Infections May Play Role).(Brief Article): An article from: Family Practice News by Bruce Jancin, 2002-10-15
  4. Atrial Fibrillation and the Risk of Stroke. (Mindfull Practice).: An article from: Internal Medicine News by Rendell W. Ashton, Jon O. Ebbert, et all 2001-11-15
  5. Is catheter ablation the treatment of choice for atrial fibrillation after one failed antiarrhythmic drug? (Pro & Con).(Brief Article): An article from: Family Practice News
  6. Angiotensin receptor blocker cuts atrial fibrillation: Val-HeFT and life trials.(Clinical Rounds): An article from: Family Practice News by Bruce Jancin, 2004-02-01
  7. Use of Dabigatran Versus Warfarin for Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (Postgraduate Medicine) by Robert Guthrie, 2010-08-04
  8. Leisure activities could help reduce AFib risk: keeping in shape can help you avoid this "nuisance" arrhythmia.(PREVENTION)(atrial fibrillation): An article from: Heart Advisor by Unavailable, 2008-12-01
  9. Atrial fibrillation linked to poor cardiovascular outcomes.(Cardiovascular Medicine): An article from: Internal Medicine News by Sharon Worcester, 2004-11-15
  10. Atrial fibrillation risk higher in male runners.(Cardiovascular Medicine): An article from: Internal Medicine News by Bruce Jancin, 2005-01-15
  11. Combo of [beta]-blocker plus digoxin affirmed in atrial fibrillation.(Cardiovascular Medicine): An article from: Family Practice News by Bruce Jancin, 2005-09-15
  12. Valsartan may cut new-onset atrial fibrillation.(Cardiovascular Medicine): An article from: Family Practice News by Bruce Jancin, 2006-10-01
  13. New drugs give new ways to treat, prevent AF.(Cardiovascular Medicine)(atrial fibrillation): An article from: Internal Medicine News by Mitchel L. Zoler, 2007-03-15
  14. Atrial fibrillation in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: mechanisms, embolic risk and prognosis/ Hipertrofik kardiyomiyopatide atriyal fibrilasyon: Mekanizmalar, ... of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi) by Ajith Nair, Avi Fischer, 2006-12-01

101. Atrial Fibrillation
Heart Information. atrial fibrillation. What is atrial fibrillation? atrial fibrillation is a heart arrhythmia. Arrhythmias (or dysrhythmias

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Atrial Fibrillation
What is atrial fibrillation?
Atrial fibrillation is a heart arrhythmia. Arrhythmias (or dysrhythmias) are abnormal rhythms of the heart, which cause the heart to pump less effectively. Normally, as the electrical impulse moves through the heart, the heart contracts about 60 to 100 times a minute. Each contraction represents one heartbeat. The atria contract a fraction of a second before the ventricles so their blood empties into the ventricles before the ventricles contract. This exact route must be followed to ensure the heart pumps properly. The process should work like this:
  • the heartbeat starts in the right atrium when a special group of cells (the sinus node or "pacemaker" of the heart) sends an electrical signal the signal spreads throughout the atria and to the atrioventricular (A-V) node the A-V node connects to a group of fibers in the ventricles that conduct the electric signal the impulse travels down these specialized fibers to all parts of the ventricles
Under some conditions almost all heart tissue is capable of starting a heartbeat, or becoming the pacemaker. An arrhythmia occurs when:

102. Atrial Fibrillation
atrial fibrillation. Presenter. Dr. Denis Roy. Cardiologist. Montreal Institute of Cardiology. Moderator Dr. Thao Huynh. Site Director MUHC/MGH Cardiology.
Atrial Fibrillation
Presenter Dr. Denis Roy Cardiologist Montreal Institute of Cardiology Moderator Dr. Thao Huynh Site Director MUHC/MGH Cardiology Presented at McGill Cardiology Rounds 2001
Montreal Quebec, Canada Approved for Royal College of Canada Section 1 credit and
Category 1 credit towards the AMA Physicians Recognition Award
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Web Presentation by McGill under license from Dr. D. Roy

103. JHBMC Healthy Directions: Atrial Fibrillation
atrial fibrillation (AF) What is atrial fibrillation? atrial fibrillation is one of the most common arrhythmias or heart beat disorders.
Atrial Fibrillation (AF)
What is Atrial Fibrillation?
Atrial Fibrillation is one of the most common "arrhythmias" or heart beat disorders. It is a very irregular and fast heart rhythm involving the upper chambers (atria) of the heart.
What causes Atrial Fibrillation?
Atrial fibrillation occurs in otherwise healthy individuals without any apparent cause. It is seen more frequently however, in persons with high blood pressure, heart disease, or overactive thyroid glands. It is also very common in older individuals.
What are the symptoms of Atrial Fibrillation?
Although some people have no symptoms, others experience mild shortness of breath, chest discomfort, or palpitations and fluttering in the chest. A few can develop serious symptoms such as fainting, severe and persistent chest pain, shortness of breath or stroke, all of which requires immediate treatment.
What happens in the heart during Atrial Fibrillation?
Describing how the normal heart beat helps to explain what happens during atrial fibrillation. The heart is a muscular pump divided into four chamberstwo chambers called atria on top, and two chambers called ventricles, on the bottom. Normally the atria contain the natural pacemaker of the heart which sends an electrical signal to the rest of the heart. As the signal travels through the heart, the heart contracts. The whole heart contracts regularly between 60 and 100 times per minute.
During atrial fibrillation, the atria beat very rapidly and out of rhythm with the rest of the heart. This causes the heart beat to be very rapid and irregular which interferes with the overall pumping function of the heart.

104. Atrial Fibrillation
In atrial fibrillation, the atrium contracts in a disorganized and inefficient way. Receive HealthLink via email! Subscribe now . atrial fibrillation.
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Atrial Fibrillation
I was about to have some dental work done but had to delay it because my dentist told me my heart was fibrillating. I saw my doctor who did an EKG, which confirmed that I did have something, called atrial fibrillation and recommended further testing and blood thinning medication. I was feeling pretty good about my health until this happened. Is this a serious problem and if so what can I expect?
A: Your heart has four chambers. There are two receiving chambers for blood returning to the heart called the left and right atrium. There are two pumping chambers called the left and right ventricles. The atrium receives blood and also has a gentle and regular pumping ability that helps to fill the ventricle. Your heart also has a kind of internal wiring that begins in the atrium before going to the ventricle so that there is a sequence of the atrium pumping blood into the ventricle before the ventricle pumps blood to your lungs and the rest of your body. In atrial fibrillation, the atrium contracts in a disorganized and inefficient way and can also effect the conduction of electrical impulses to the ventricle that may cause your heart to beat too fast. Most people with atrial fibrillation notice an irregular heartbeat. Blood can sometimes form into clots in the fibrillating atrium that can be life threatening if they find their way into your blood vessels causing strokes or damage to your lungs. Usually a sound wave picture of the heart will be done called an echocardiogram to look at the way your heart beats and to identify the presence of a clot if one exists. Often you will be asked to take a blood thinning drug called Coumadin or aspirin to reduce the likelihood of clot formation and the problems clots can cause.

105. University Of Chicago Hospitals: Surgical Treatment For Atrial Fibrillation
University of Chicago heart surgeons are leaders in performing radiofrequency ablation during surgery to treat atrial fibrillation.
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Surgical Treatment for Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of abnormal heart rhythm. With atrial fibrillation, electrical impulses don't follow a normal pathway through the heart. As a result, the heart doesn't beat properly or pump blood correctly. Atrial fibrillation can lead to:
  • Blood clots Chronic fatigue Stroke Heart failure Heart attack Increased mortality
University of Chicago Hospitals Cardiac Center heart surgeons have more experience than other Chicago area surgeons at performing the latest techniques to treat atrial fibrillation. Our surgeons are actively researching better treatments for the condition, and have developed some of the newest techniques being used to treat this common problem.
Intra-Operative Radiofrequency Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation (Modified Maze Procedure)
University of Chicago cardiac surgeons are leaders in performing radiofrequency ablation during surgery to treat atrial fibrillation. This innovative approach uses radiofrequency waves (modified electrical energy) to create small scars on the heart's surface. These scars stop the erratic impulses of atrial fibrillation by directing the impulses to follow a normal electrical pathway through the heart.

106. Resource Library Find Information On Atrial Fibrillation/flutter
Find information on atrial fibrillation/flutter at MerckSource. Learn more atrial fibrillation/flutter. Definition atrial fibrillation

107. Treatment Of Atrial Fibrillation, Mayo Clinic In Rochester, Minn.
Treatment of atrial fibrillation at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia. More than two million Americans have it.
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Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation at Mayo Clinic in Rochester
Atrial fibrillation is a form of supraventricular tachycardia, in which the atria (the entire upper chambers of the heart) quivers due to chaotic, uncoordinated electrical activity that wanders throughout these top chambers of the heart. This results in rapid and irregular impulses (up to 300 per minute). Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia. More than two million Americans have it. Your chances of developing atrial fibrillation increase as you age. Fewer than one in every 100 people in their 50s has atrial fibrillation, but about 10 in every 100 people in their 80s have it. Most people with atrial fibrillation need more than one type of treatment. For example, some people benefit from using medications along with atrial pacing or ablation. Others benefit from using several types of partially effective treatments. A treatment strategy that works for one person may not work for another because each person's situation is unique. Careful evaluation by a physician is required to determine the proper treatment strategy for each patient.
Treatment Options
Medication Medication is usually the first treatment that physicians will use with the goals of:
  • Slowing the ventricular heart rate (the rate at which the ventricles contract)

108. Treatment Of Atrial Fibrillation, Mayo Clinic In Jacksonville, Fla.
Treatment of atrial fibrillation at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia. More than two million Americans have it.
Home About Mayo Clinic Contact Us Mayo Clinic Locations: Arizona Florida Minnesota Mayo Clinic ... Medical Services Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation Treatment Causes of Atrial Fibrillation Effects of Atrial Fibrillation Appointments ... Medical Services
Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville
The atria are the heart's "upper" receiving chambers for blood returning from the body (right atrium) or the lungs (left atrium). The atria contract to push blood into the ventricles, the "lower," strong pumping chambers that send blood from the heart throughout the body or to the lungs. Normally, the atria contract in coordination with the ventricles. Usually, the atria contract in response to an electric stimulus that occurs spontaneously in the sinus node about 60 to 100 times second. In atrial fibrillation, the atria quiver due to chaotic, uncoordinated electrical activity that wanders throughout these top chambers of the heart. When this happens, the built-in mechanism (atrioventricular node) that controls the conduction of electrical impulses to the ventricles transmits impulses rapidly and irregularly, making a person's heart beat up to 150 times per minute or more (in rare cases as many as 300 per minute). Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia. More than two million Americans have it. Your chances of developing atrial fibrillation increase as you age. That is, fewer than one in every 100 people in their 50s has atrial fibrillation, but about 10 in every 100 people in their 80s have it.

109. Atrial Fibrillation - St. Luke's Episcopal Health System
atrial fibrillation is a common heart problem in the United States, found in about 2 million people, with 160,000 new cases diagnosed every year. Fibrillation

110. Dr. Koop-Finding Atrial Fibrillation In Stroke Patients
Finding atrial fibrillation in Stroke Patients. atrial fibrillation (AF) occurs when the heart s two upper chambers quiver, instead of beating normally.

111. TFT Stops Atrial Fibrillation/hrv
Case Study TFT Stops atrial fibrillation in an Intensive Care Unit. By Roger Callahan, PhD. The night after I returned home from
Case Study: TFT Stops Atrial Fibrillation in an Intensive Care Unit By Roger Callahan, PhD. The night after I returned home from Las Vegas, we received a phone call from an individual in intensive care due to atrial fibrillation. He was not responding to the medical treatment. He had suffered with heart problems for many years. The hospital was giving him Dr.ugs for the atrial fibrillation condition but he seemed to be getting worse. Note: Later, after discharge, his doctor discovered they had given him a drug to which he was known to be severely allergic! His cardiologist was out of town and evidently they did not see this on his patient record. At the time of his call he was worried. If his heart did not go into sinus rhythm before morning, they would need to stop and re-start his heart. Since I had just witnessed the dramatic results of my TFT algorithm on the sophisticated equipment measuring HRV aspects of the heart, I decided to see what TFT Voice Technology(VT) might accomplish. I took him through six VT prescribed treatments and we hung up (the algorithm would not have helped this gentleman!). In about 45 minutes he phoned to tell us his heart had gone back into sinus rhythm thirty minutes after the VT treatment and that he was doing fine for the last fifteen minutes. We now have three dramatic HRV readings on this patient. These readings show clearly TFT algorithm level treatment helped him slightly, but TFT VT causal diagnosis balanced his automatic nervous system (ANS) in a matter of minutes.

112. - Medifocus Guides - Atrial Fibrillation
HealingWell Medcenter Medifocus Guide. atrial fibrillation. atrial fibrillation (AF) is characterized by an irregular and rapid beating of the heart s atrial
Search Site: Search Web: HealingWell Medcenter Medifocus Guide
Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is characterized by an irregular and rapid beating of the heart's atrial chambers and results when the normal electrical conduction system of the atria is not functioning properly. In AF, there is a storm of electrical activity across both atria causing them to fibrillate (quiver) 300-600 times per minute.
Only a small number of these impulses are picked up by the ventricles, but the ventricular rate can approach 180 or higher. Whether at high or low heart rates, the irregular rhythm renders the ventricle unable to pump efficiently. This leads to pooling of the blood within the heart and insufficient amounts of blood being supplied to the body. This can result in a variety of symptoms and problems.
AF affects approximately 2 million people, with 160,000 new cases being diagnosed each year. It is estimated that AF is responsible for over 70,000 strokes each year in the United States. The prevalence of AF increases with age.
Treatment of atrial fibrillation requires medication, and often one of a variety of surgical procedures. Cardioversion refers to the restoration of the heart's normal rhythm and is commonly the first step in treating AF. Cardioversion can be accomplished in two ways: electrically (direct-current cardioversion) or pharmacologically.

113. Stroke Prevention - Atrial Fibrillation
Stroke Prevention by the Practitioner Prevention in atrial fibrillation and Other Cardiac Sources of Embolism.

Stroke Prevention by the Practitioner

Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation and Other Cardiac Sources of Embolism Question 1
What Is the Percentage of Ischemic Stroke of Cardioembolic Origin?
Question 2
Is It Possible to Identify Cardioembolic Origin from Clinical Presentation in Patients Suffering Stroke?
What Is the Role of Echocardiography in the Management of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation?
Question 1
What Is the Percentage of Ischemic Stroke of Cardioembolic Origin?
The percentage of ischemic stroke from cardioembolic origin is approximately 15-25%. Atrial fibrillation is the most common cause of cardioembolic stroke, accounting for nearly half of the cases. Among these cases, 70% have nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, 20%i have atrial fibrillation associated with rheumatic valve disease, and the re-maining 10%) have no obvious heart disease (lone atrial fibrillation). As compared with people without atrial fi-brillation, nonvalvular atrial fibrillation carries a 5-fold increase in the risk of stroke, while atrial fibrillation asso-ciated with rheumatic valve disease is associated with an approximately 18-fold increase in risk. Patients with lone atrial fibrillation are at lower risk for embolic complications (a 2- to 4-fold increase in risk).

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