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81. Asperger Syndrome Help, Support, Care And Information Help, Support, Care and Information relating to Asperger syndrome for individuals and their families. Asperger Norfolk, UK. http://www.asperger.org.uk/ | |
82. Www.ummed.edu/pub/o/ozbayrak/asperger.html , Criteria, Causes, Symptoms Asperger s syndrome Description, Criteria, Causes, Symptoms, Treatments and Medications. Asperger s syndrome. Also known as Description....... Asperger s syndrome http://www.ummed.edu/pub/o/ozbayrak/asperger.html |
83. Home needs. The site includes information about autism and Asperger syndrome, and about the support and services available in the UK for http://www.nas.org.uk/ | |
84. What Is Asperger Syndrome? Home About autistic spectrum disorders What is Asperger syndrome? What is Asperger syndrome? 3. What causes Asperger syndrome? http://www.nas.org.uk/nas/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=212 |
85. Asperger's Syndrome ADD Special Kids Community Asperger s syndrome Support Asperger s syndrome What is it does your child have it? by Sue Spataro http://www.homeschoolzone.com/add/aspergers2.htm | |
86. Adhd&as Asperger s syndrome and ADHD information from a mother s view. Information, chat room, links, pen pals and messgae boards. http://www.angel-images.com/adhd&as.htm |
87. MAAP Services - The Autism Source - A Global Information And Support Network MAAP Services A nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information and advice to families of persons with Asperger s syndrome, HighFunctioning Autism http://www.maapservices.org/ | |
88. Home PDD/Asperger Support Group 60 Lealand Street Bridgeport, CT 066061230. World Prime Time Thursday October 26, 2000; The Little Professor syndrome By LAWRENCE http://www.pddaspergersupportct.org/ | |
89. Marc Segar 1974-1997 back to contents. The Battles of the Autistic Thinker. A survival guide for people with Asperger syndrome. Marc Segar. April 1997 Edition. Contents. Introduction *. http://www.shifth.mistral.co.uk/autism/marc2.htm |
90. Autism And Asperger Syndrome jkp home all publications autism and asperger syndrome. Autism and Asperger syndrome. Our ASK ME about Asperger s syndrome. Access http://www.jkp.com/catalogue/index.php?cat=autism |
91. Aspergers Syndrome: A Developmental Puzzle Provides information on Asperger s syndrome including diagnosis, treatment and guidelines for parents and teachers. Asperger syndrome Through the Life Span. http://www.childdevelopmentinfo.com/disorders/asperger.shtml | |
92. Adults With Asperger's Syndrome Asperger s syndrome patients share certain common characteristics. Find out what these are and how they affect the lives of individuals http://autism.about.com/cs/adultswithasd/a/adults_w_asperg.htm | |
93. Asperger's Syndrome - Suite101.com Asperger s syndrome is a neurological disorder very similar to Autism. Asperger s syndrome Note This topic has been archived and is available for Adoption! http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/aspergers_syndrome | |
94. WEBPAGE HAS BEEN MOVED Website Closed. to respect the privacy of our glorious daughter. to God be the glory! And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. http://djensen.ourfamily.com/aspergers/ | |
95. Asperger's Syndrome Internet Support Network A virtual bulletin board for parents of children with AS to network. http://djensen.ourfamily.com/asisn/ |
96. Aspergers Syndrome In Women: A Different Set Of Challenges? Aspergers syndrome in Women A Different Set of Challenges? Catherine Faherty Aspergers syndrome in Women A Different Set of Challenges? http://www.autismtoday.com/articles/Aspergers_in_Women.htm | |
97. AutiAutism Spectrum Disorders OASIS Online Asperger syndrome Information and Support This site was created by the parent of a child diagnosed with Asperger s syndrome. http://interact.uoregon.edu/wrrc/autism.html | |
98. MedlinePlus: Asperger's Syndrome Asperger s syndrome. Printerfriendly version, E-mail this page to a friend. Search MEDLINE for recent research articles on Asperger s syndrome. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/aspergerssyndrome.html | |
99. Esmerel's Collection Of Asperger Syndrome Resources Asperger syndrome (Mild Autism) Resources. (Courtesy This page is for disability resources that are dedicated to asperger syndrome. If http://www.esmerel.org/specific/asperger.htm | |
100. THE GRAM: Asperger's Syndrome - A Developmental Puzzle Asperger s syndrome A Developmental Puzzle. by Michael McCroskery. Disclaimer. © Michael McCroskery. One such obstacle is Asperger s syndrome (AS). http://www.ldaca.org/gram/croskery.htm | |
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