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41. A Directory For Asperger Syndrome A Directory for Asperger syndrome. This directory hopes to help you find the information you need by categorizing links available for Asperger syndrome. http://www.kandi.org/aspergers/index2.html | |
42. Asperger's Syndrome ADD Special Kids Community Asperger s syndrome Support, addsupportlogo.jpg (6609 bytes), zone news logo click here. http://www.homeschoolzone.com/add/aspergers.htm | |
43. Autism Society Of America: Aspergers Asperger syndrome. More Information. Working with an Individual with Asperger syndrome Educational Issues. Adults with Asperger syndrome http://www.autism-society.org/site/PageServer?pagename=Aspergers |
44. Asperger's Syndrome - Suite101.com Recent Articles, 28 Apr 2004 Featured Article Teaching Social Skills Social skills are not intuitive for those with Asperger syndrome they have to be learned. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/aspergers | |
45. The Advocacy Center For Adults With Asperger Syndrome, Autism And Related Disabi domain names and web hosting and url forwarding from V3. The Advocacy Center for Adults with Asperger syndrome, Autism and Related Disabilities. http://welcome.to/aspergers | |
46. The DRM WebWatcher: Asperger's Syndrome A Disability Resources Monthly guide to the best online resources about Asperger s syndrome (AS). http://www.disabilityresources.org/ASPERGERS.html | |
47. Do2Learn definition Asperger s syndrome (AS) is another PDD which like autism, affects communication skills, social interactions and behavior. http://www.do2learn.com/areasofconcern/disabilities/aspergers.htm | |
48. DSM IV Diagnostic Criteria For Asperger's Syndrome Diagnostic Criteria for 299.80 Asperger s Disorder. The following is from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM IV . http://ani.autistics.org/dsm4-aspergers.html | |
49. Asperger Syndrome Information Asperger s syndrome Information Links. Return to PK Academy Homeschool. ASPERGER syndrome WEBRING. This Asperger s syndrome site is owned by The Mashburn s. http://www.fortunecity.com/millennium/sweetvalley/166/aspergers.html | |
50. I Have Asperger's Syndrome The following quotation is by Geraldine Robertson, a lady with Asperger syndrome who lives in Tasmania. Asperger s syndrome A Journey. John and Patricia Brine. http://www.hsc.mb.ca/autismprogram/aspergers.htm | |
51. Berkeley Parents Network: Asperger's Syndrome are tuned in to developmental problems, does not agree with the doctor, and has been sending my sister information on Asperger s syndrome, which apparently is http://parents.berkeley.edu/advice/health/aspergers.html | |
52. Asberger's Syndrome And Asperger's Disorder - Online Diagnosis. New Treatments, Online diagnosis of Asberger s syndrome and aspergers disorder based on the patient s symptoms. New Treatments, March 2, 2004. http://www.medical-library.org/journals/mddx/aspergers_syndrome/1_aspergers_synd | |
53. MFTSource Treatment: Aspergers Asperger s syndrome. DSM IV Diagnostic. Asperger s syndrome Page. Autism/Asperger s syndrome Links. OASIS Online Asperger syndrome Information and Support. http://www.mftsource.com/Treatment.asperger's.htm | |
54. Social Outcasts Aren't Who You Think | Metafilter Personally, I think I suffer from Sregrepsa syndrome the opposite of aspergers - which causes me great anxiety whenever the number of people within eyeshot http://www.metafilter.com/mefi/32785 | |
55. Asperger Syndrome: What Is It? What Is Asperger syndrome? By Barbara L. Kirby Founder of the OASIS Web site (www.aspergersyndrome.org) Coauthor of THE OASIS GUIDE http://www.udel.edu/bkirby/asperger/aswhatisit.html | |
56. ASPERGER DISORDER HOMEPAGE AN APPOINTMENT WITH DR. OZBAYRAK IS NOW AVAILABLE! VISIT HIS PRIVATE PRACTICE WEBSITE AT www.dro.medem.com. ASPERGER'S DISORDER HOMEPAGE. since 1/1/1996. What is Asperger's Disorder? What is the epidemiology of Asperger's Disorder? ASPERGER'S DISORDER HOMEPAGE. www.aspergers.com. by R. Kaan Ozbayrak, MD http://www.aspergers.com/ | |
57. Tony Attwood Home Page Tony's web site is a guide for parents, professionals, people with Asperger's syndrome, and their partners. http://www.tonyattwood.com/ | |
58. The Family Village / Library / Asperger Syndrome Asperger syndrome. See Also Autism Resources. Who to Contact. Where to Go to Chat with Others. Learn More About It. Web Sites. Search AltaVista for "Asperger syndrome" Who to Contact. Asperger syndrome Coalition of the United States, Inc. ( following neurological disorders Asperger's syndrome (AS); High Functioning Autism http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/lib_aspe.htm | |
59. Asperger Syndrome Online Asperger syndrome Information and Support. Welcome. http://www.udel.edu/bkirby/asperger/ | |
60. Online Asperger Syndrome Information Support (OASIS) Online Asperger syndrome Information Support (OASIS) Developed by a parent of a child diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, this site is directed at educators who teach children with AS, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.udel.edu/bkirby/asperger/&y=02C9 |
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