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1. What Is Aspergers Syndrome? - Diagnostic Criteria And Links To Other Definitions What is aspergers syndrome? Diagnostic Criteria and Links to Other Definitions, by someone who has it and is raising an Aspergers son to earth description. Asperger's Syndrome is a term used few people with Asperger's syndrome are very successful and a list of aspergers syndrome characteristics. Most have been http://www.isn.net/~jypsy/whataspe.htm | |
2. Asperger_intro_e Personal account and art work. English, French http://people.sca.uqam.ca/~huard/asperger_intro_e.html | |
3. A Directory For Asperger Syndrome A Directory for Asperger Syndrome, aspergers syndrome What is it, Who has it and Why should I care? Asperger Syndrome Web Ring http://www.kandi.org/aspergers/ | |
4. AS Interactive Program Investigating the use of virtual reality to teach social skills to people with Autistic Spectrum disorders. http://www.virart.nott.ac.uk/asi | |
5. WEBPAGE HAS BEEN MOVED Information about AS, our 11 year old daughter, and a personal testimony about how AS affects our entire family. http://djensen.ourfamily.com/aspergers/index.html | |
6. Hardin MD : Aspergers Syndrome From the University of Iowa, the *best* lists of Internet sources in aspergers syndrome. 2004 aspbergers syndrome, asbergers syndrome, asberger's syndrome, asberger syndrome, aspberger's syndrome, aspberger http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/aspergers.html | |
7. Aspergers Syndrome Internet Support Network An electronic bulletin board for parents of children with AS to meet and find comfort and support. http://djensen.ourfamily.com/asisn/index.html |
8. Speech And Language Therapists - Julie Andrews UK Julie Andrews Speech and Language Therapy information and free advice on communication difficulties including Autism/aspergers syndrome and Semantic Pragmatic difficulties http://www.jaspeech.co.uk/index.htm |
9. Björn Ahlstedts Home Page (Täby, Sweden) Contains stories about aspergers syndrome and discrimination in an icehockey club in Sweden. http://hem.passagen.se/edtbat/autism.htm | |
10. Autistic Children In Most Of Essex: Home Page Support group for parents of children diagnosed as being on the autistic spectrum (including aspergers syndrome and ADHD). http://beehive.thisisessex.co.uk/ACME | |
11. Index Of /autism Ad articles about treatment and views on autism and aspergers syndrome, written by a person with the disorder herself. http://home.swipnet.se/autism | |
12. Asperger Syndrome Support Group WA (Inc) Support group for parents and carers of those with aspergers syndrome in Western Australia. A resource library available to members (CDs, books, papers), and advice about education and legal rights. http://www.users.bigpond.com/pjjcdenton/ | |
13. Living With Asperger's Syndrome || Kuro5hin.org It s proven by SoupIsGoodFood, 05/22/2004 030353 AM EST (none / 1). And aspergers syndrome fall into that by Pholostan, 05/20/2004 075312 PM EST (none / 3) http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/5/17/172914/576 | |
14. What Is Asperger's Syndrome? aspergers syndrome is a neurological disorder that is often described as a milder variant of autistic disorder, and both conditions are grouped under the broad http://nd.essortment.com/whatisasperger_rhcv.htm | |
15. Autism/Asperger's Syndrome/PDD Links For AUTINET FORUM Me Asperger Syndrome Some Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention Yale/LDA Social Learning Disabilities Study) aspergers syndrome What Is it? http://www.iol.ie/~wise/autinet/anflinks.htm | |
16. Asperger Syndrome-FAQ Methods Identifiers Amendments; *aspergers syndrome; Individuals with Disabilities Educ Act Amend 1997; *New Jersey; Pervasive Developmental Disorders. http://ericec.org/faq/asperger.html | |
17. Asperger Syndrome Support Group WA (Inc) Asperger Syndrome Support Group WA (Inc). The group is based in Perth, Western Australia, to support families or carers of those with aspergers syndrome. http://www.looksmart.com/cgi-bin/go/t=LSSitelist:1-37-7-US;g=strak;ref=1/http:// | |
18. Aspergers Syndrome Asperger Syndrome is a neurobiological disorder named after the Viennese physician, Hans Asperger, who in 1944 published a research paper which described a http://www.psychnet-uk.com/dsm_iv/aspergers_syndrome.htm |
19. Autism And Aspergers S Syndrome Autism and aspergers syndrome areas of research, information and academic interest. Autism and Asperger s Syndrome From the center for the study of Autism. http://www.psychnet-uk.com/clinical_psychology/clinical_psychology_developmental |
20. Asperger's Syndrome Hub Autism, Asperger s syndrome and semanticpragmatic disorder Where are the boundaries? aspergers syndrome and discrimination in Swedish icehockey. http://www.healthubs.com/asperger/ | |
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