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Arteriohepatic Dysplasia: more detail |
41. Zangger Halvorsen RA Jr; Garrity S; Kuni C; du Cret RP; Letourneau JG; Bloomer J arteriohepatic dysplasia (Alagille s syndrome) unusual hepatic architecture and http://radiologie-dijon.chez.tiscali.fr/Biblio/Halvorsen.htm | |
42. Daniel Alagille (www.whonamedit.com) M. Gautier, M. Odièvre, JP Dommergues Syndromic paucity of interlobular bile ducts (Alagille syndrome or arteriohepatic dysplasia) review of 80 cases. http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/153.html | |
43. Alagille's Syndrome (www.whonamedit.com) Bibliography GH Watson, V. Miller arteriohepatic dysplasia. Familial pulmonary artery stenosis with neonatal liver disease. Archives of Disease in Childhood. http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/729.html | |
44. Alagille Syndrome Alagille Syndrome. arteriohepatic dysplasia; Dysplasia, Arteriohepatic; arteriohepatic dysplasias; Dysplasias, Arteriohepatic; Syndrome, Alagille. http://medical.webends.com/kw/Alagille Syndrome | |
45. Alagille Watson Syndrome Alagille Syndrome, sometimes called arteriohepatic dysplasia, is an autosomal dominant disease with highly variable expressivity. http://ibis-birthdefects.org/start/alagsyn.htm | |
46. Birth Defects - Syndromes - Malformations - Anomalies Muscle; Apraxia Manual; Arene Oxide Detoxification Defect; Arnold Chiary; Arsenic; arteriohepatic dysplasia; Arthrogryposis; Arthrogryposis http://ibis-birthdefects.org/start/drophealth.htm | |
47. Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction It may occur in tetralogy of Fallot, Williams syndrome, Noonan syndrome, VSD, arteriohepatic dysplasia or congenital Rubella syndrome. http://www.rbh.nthames.nhs.uk/Cardiology/Consensus/rightventricular.htm | |
48. Alagilles Syndrom - Små Och Mindre Kända Handikappgrupper Syndromic paucity of interlobular bile ducts (Alagille syndrome or arteriohepatic dysplasia) review of 80 cases. J Pediatr 1987; 110 195200. http://www.sos.se/smkh/1998-29-079/1998-29-079.HTM | |
49. .: In There, Always There, RadioThere :. Bone dysplasia overran. That shall arteriohepatic dysplasia by against. These atrio digitalis dysplasia your. Cemental dysplasia periapical forward. http://www.radiothere.net/?w=dysplasia |
50. PharmGKB: Alagille Syndrome Alternate Names arteriohepatic dysplasia; arteriohepatic dysplasias; Dysplasia, Arteriohepatic; Dysplasias, Arteriohepatic; Syndrome, Alagille. http://www.pharmgkb.org/do/serve?objId=PA446376&objCls=Disease |
51. ADULT CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE GLOSSARY ACHD, Adult Congenital Heart Disease. Alagille syndrome, see arteriohepatic dysplasia. ALCAPA, Anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery. http://www.cachnet.org/achd_a.html | |
52. Radiology Cases In Pediatric Emergency Medicine Subject Index V3C18, V3C19, V4C10, V6C18 appendicolith V3C18, V4C10, V6C18 appendicolith series V6C18 Apt test V2C14 arteriohepatic dysplasia V6C5 arthrocentesis ankle http://www.hawaii.edu/medicine/pediatrics/pemxray/zindex.html | |
53. Radiology In Ped Emerg Med, Vol 6, Case 5 What bony abnormality is present? Teaching Points 1) Alagille syndrome (arteriohepatic dysplasia) is characterized by a paucity of intrahepatic bile ducts. http://www.hawaii.edu/medicine/pediatrics/pemxray/v6c05.html | |
54. International Society For Adult Congenital Cardiac Disease ACHD Adult Congenital Heart Disease Alagille syndrome see arteriohepatic dysplasia ALCAPA Anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery. http://www.isaccd.org/profres/a.php | |
55. Mental Retardation, Directory Alagille Syndrome, eMedicine, Ann Scheimann Alagille Watson Syndrome, IBIS arteriohepatic dysplasia (Alagille Syndrome), The Transplant Center JAG1, CancerGene http://www.saunalahti.fi/kup/engl/directory.htm |
56. Dy : On Medical Dictionary Online Spastic Dysphonias, Spastic Pseudobulbar Dysplasia Epiphysialis Punctata Dysplasia, Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia, arteriohepatic dysplasia, Branchio http://www.online-medical-dictionary.org/?q=~Dy |
57. JMG Online -- Table Of Contents (24 [10]) 616620. Abstract. The Alagille syndrome (arteriohepatic dysplasia) RF Mueller J Med Genet 1987; 24 621-626. Brachmann-de Lange http://jmg.bmjjournals.com/content/vol24/issue10/index.shtml | |
58. J Med Genet -- Abstracts: Krantz Et Al. 34 (2): 152 Also referred to as the Alagille Watson syndrome, syndromic bile duct paucity, and arteriohepatic dysplasia, it is a significant cause of neonatal jaundice http://jmg.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/abstract/34/2/152 | |
59. Alagille Syndrome Today Riely CA, Cotlier E, Jensen PS, Klatskin G. arteriohepatic dysplasia a benign syndrome of intrahepatic cholestasis with multiple organ involvement. http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/100/201/300/cdn_medical_association/cim/vol-19/0325 | |
60. The EOPS Author Index - J 9148 Alagille s syndrome (arteriohepatic dysplasia) hepatocellular carcinoma associated with the syndrome in a 4-year old girl; http://www.helsinki.fi/laak/silk/perus/EOPSAUTJ.html | |
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