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         Anxiety:     more books (100)
  1. Diagonally-Parked in a Parallel Universe: Working Through Social Anxiety by Signe A. Dayhoff, Ph.D., 2010-01-01
  2. Indigo Dreams: Relaxation and Stress Management Bedtime Stories for Children, Improve Sleep, Manage Stress and Anxiety (Indigo Dreams) by Lori Lite, 2004-05-03
  3. Managing Social Anxiety: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach Client Workbook (Treatments That Work) by Debra A. Hope, Richard G. Heimberg, et all 2004-11-11
  4. Overcoming Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Therapist Protocol (Best Practices for Therapy Series) by John R. White, 2008-10-16
  5. Conquering Math Anxiety (with CD-ROM) by Cynthia A. Arem, 2009-02-03
  6. Anxiety & Phobia Workbook (Volume 2 of 2) by Edmund J. Bournes, 2010-10-21
  7. The Anxiety Book by Jonathan Davidson, Henry Dreher, 2004-02-03
  8. Anxiety, Phobias, & Panic: A Step-by-Step Program for Regaining Control of Your Life by Reneau Z. Peurifoy, 1995-09-01
  9. The Handbook for Helping Kids With Anxiety and Stress by Tip Frank, Kim Frank, 2003-04
  10. Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents, Second Edition
  11. Just Enough Anxiety: The Hidden Driver of Business Success by Robert H. Rosen, 2008-03-13
  12. Indigo Ocean Dreams: 4 Children's Stories Designed to Decrease Stress, Anger and Anxiety while Increasing Self-Esteem and Self-Awareness by Lori Lite, 2005-04-30
  13. Anxiety Attacked: John Macarthur, Jr (Macarthur Study) by John MacArthur, 1993-07
  14. Separation Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: An Individualized Approach to Assessment and Treatment by Andrew R. Eisen PhD, Charles E. Schaefer PhD, 2007-02-13

121. OLD MURRAY STREET - A Story Of Hope, Healing And Recovery For Children At The 9/
Story of hope, healing and recovery for children suffering stress and anxiety at the 9/11 anniversary, including teacher's guide, classroom activities, links, and articles.


A Message of Hope,

Healing and Recovery

The non-profit "Old Murray Street" Project was developed to help children (and teens, and even adults) through the upcoming 9/11 anniversary. At a time when traditional media will be barraging us all with reminders of the tragedy, and solomn memorials (as appropriate as those last may be), " Old Murray Street " offers a message of hope, recovery and healing that children, especially, will be in need of.
It is well documented [ for example, two articles in the New York Times: May 13, " In Schools, a Hidden Toll of Sept. 11 " and May 14, 2002, " In Nightmares and Anger, Children Pay Hidden Cost of 9/11 ] that a great number of children, particularly in the New York City and surrounding areas have lingering problems (large and small) relating to stress and anxiety associated with the events of 9/11. The pervasive and repeated television images, and other media, after the disaster were inevitable, but probably intensified psychological problems. The upcoming anniversary will be a particularly important time to have an alternative media refuge such as the "Old Murray Street" Project. Our eventual plans call for the publication of a fully illustrated children's book. It will also include an afterward

122. Center For Anxiety And Related Disorders At Boston University
Information on ongoing research, assessment, and treatment programs for sufferers of anxiety and related disorders. Our
Our belief is that anxiety disorders are very treatable, and that no one has to live with excessive anxiety. The Center has been providing the most up-to-date Cognitive-Behavioral treatments for over 20 years. We offer treatment in both individual and group formats, and we also provide an in-depth assessment of psychological functioning for everyone who comes to our center. If you or someone you know is suffering from anxiety, we may be able to help you. Give us a call at 617 / 353 9610 or send us an email
David H. Barlow, Ph.D. Disorders Treated at the Center Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Panic Disorder


Social Phobia

Graywind Publications offers many of the treatment manuals used by the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders as well as many other practitioners throughout the world. There are both clinician and patient manuals available.
Adolescent Information What's New ... Home Artwork by Arthur Dove

123. "Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Smoking Cessation, Weigth Loss In Mount Prospect, IL. Q
Offers a variety of therapies for pain management, smoking cessation, weight loss, stress management, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, phobias, ADD, anger.
Center for Internal Change, Inc.
6 N. Pine Street Mount Prospect, IL 60056
Tel: (847) 259-0005
Fax: (312) 873-3868
Hypnosis In Mount Prospect, IL and Northwest Chicago Suburbs. John C Goodman, LCSW, MSOD is certified in hypnosis (hypnotherapy), NLP and EMDR. Hypnotherapy has many applications in a therapeutic setting. I have developed the following applications:
  • To Quit Smoking and Stop Smoking as you become a Non-Smoker
  • Building Confidence through hypnosis
  • Stress Management
  • Treating Your Phobia, Fear, Depression or Anxiety
  • Sleep Disorders and Disturbances
  • Interpersonal Problems
  • Depression
  • Sexual Difficulty
  • Psychosomatic Complaints
  • Post Trauma Relief
  • Pain Management
  • Relaxation During Childbirth
  • Habit Control
  • Academic Performance
  • Athletic Performance
  • Help with Life Transitions
  • Preparation for Medical/Dental Procedures
  • Blocks to Motivation and Creativity
  • Treatment of Grief and Loss
What is Hypnosis and Trance? Hypnosis is a method of communication that induces a trance or a trance-like state. Trance is a naturally occurring state in which one's attention is narrowly focused and heightened. Most of us are in and out of trances all day long. Anyone who is absorbed in a book or a TV program is in a trance. Attention may be focused either internally (e.g. on thoughts, self-talk, feelings and/or images) or externally (e.g. on a task, book, or movie). The narrowed focus of attention allows other stimuli in the environment to be ignored or blocked out of conscious awareness. Examples of trance states are daydreaming, driving a car, watching TV, and some forms of meditation.

124. SA-UK Is Currently Offline, As We Have Problems With Our Hosting
SAUK is currently offline, as we have problems with our hosting arrangements. We hope to be back soon. You can still access our

125. A Lighter Shade Of Blue
Post partum adjustment, depression and anxiety. A resource for women to learn about symptoms and treatments.
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
A Lighter Shade of Blue, the Cincinnati Chapter of Postpartum Support International (P.S.I.) and Depression After Delivery (D.A.D.), is filled with women who have suffered from Post Partum Depression. Post Partum Depression is a very painful and scary experience. Most of us have wondered "Why Me? Why this baby?" Most women have never experienced anything like this at any other time in their lives.
We have developed this site as a resource for women to learn more regarding the symptoms and treatments.
If you need a friend, support, or prayer, Please don't hesitate to contact uswe've been there!
-Rachael Bowling
There is a happy, healthy life after Postpartum Depression … Let's find it for you together!
You are Visitor
Email us with any questions or comments

Home Page
Founder's Story Links to Other Resources ... Purpose of Group
This site is a member of the Am-I-Pregnant.Com

anxietyPANIC-STRESS Home Page. Mail Search Contents. Nothing is so much to be feared as Fear. . . . Thanks for visiting anxiety-PANIC-STRESS.
Home Page
"Nothing is so much to be feared as Fear."
. . . Thoreau written in his Journal
A NXIETY-PANIC-STRESS.COM is dedicated to serving the needs of the thousands of Americans suffering from stymptoms related to stress and anxiety, such as:
heart pounding
loss of concentration
substance abuse
avoidance behaviors sleep disturbance appetite disturbance repetitive behaviors intrusive thoughts interpersonal conflict depression etc The copying for commercial purposes of information presented on this website is expressly prohibited without prior permission to do so.

127. Center For The Treatment And Study Of Anxiety
Research and clinical facility that offers treatment programs designed to deal with anxiety disorders. Includes news, faculty, staff, information for the public and professionals, directions and contact details.

Treatment for pediatric PTSD available for eligible children. The CTSA announces the startup of a panic disorder treatment program using individual or group cognitive behavioral therapy. Too shy? Too anxious in social situations? The CTSA is utilizing a new, cutting edge individualized cognitive behavioral treatment which has been shown to be more effective than group therapy. Now available: a treatment for children ages 8-17 with Trichotillomania (chronic hair-pulling). Contact us for more information.

128. Reduce Math Anxiety
Ten Ways To Reduce Math anxiety. 1. Overcome negative selftalk. 2. Ask questions. 3. Consider math a foreign language it must be practiced.
Ten Ways To Reduce
Math Anxiety Overcome negative self-talk.
Ask questions.
Consider math a foreign language it must be practiced.
Don't rely on memorization to study mathematics.
READ your math text.
Study math according to YOUR LEARNING STYLE
Get help the same day you don't understand.
Be relaxed and comfortable while studying math.
"TALK" mathematics.
Develop responsibility for your own successes and failures. e-mail BACK TO HOME PAGE

129. Personality & Emotion Tests & Psychological Consulting Services
Offers personality tests and software for empathy, selfesteem, emotional intelligence, achievement and success, optimism, sensation seeking, anxiety, depression, honesty and integrity, and a general personality inventory.
Albert Mehrabian, Ph.D.
Psychological Books of Popular Interest
Guidance for Students
Psychological Analyses of Software
Research Findings of Popular Interest
Background Information
Some Useful Related Links

130. Math Anxiety Test
Do You Have Math anxiety? A Self Test. 1 2 3 4 5. CHECK YOUR SCORE 4050 Sure thing, you have math anxiety. Check my 10 hints on how to reduce math anxiety.
Do You Have Math Anxiety?
A Self Test
Rate your answers from 1 to 5; add them up and check your score below. (1) = Disagree, (5) = Agree.
  • I cringe when I have to go to math class.
  • I am uneasy about going to the board in a math class.
  • I am afraid to ask questions in math class.
  • I am always worried about being called on in math class.
  • I understand math now, but I worry that it's going to get really difficult soon.
  • I tend to zone out in math class.
  • I fear math tests more than any other kind.
  • I don't know how to study for math tests.
  • It's clear to me in math class, but when I go home it's like I was never there.
  • I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up with the rest of the class. CHECK YOUR SCORE Sure thing, you have math anxiety. Check my 10 hints on how to reduce math anxiety
    No doubt! You're still fearful about math.
    On the fence!.
    Wow! Loose as a goose! Math anxiety is an emotional reaction to mathematics based on a past unpleasant experience which harms future learning. A good experience learning mathematics can overcome these past feelings and success and future achievement in math can be attained.
  • 131. Everyday Cat Care, Calming Your Cat
    An information source for learning how ease your cat's anxiety, to combat spraying and marking in inappropriate places, and how to help your cat deal with children, new people, and loud noises.
    Help The Nature of the Cat
    Independent and proud animals, cats strut with an air of indifference and immunity, often oblivious to the chaos they themselves may have created. As hard as they try though, even cats are susceptible to the anxieties and stresses inherent in modern life.
    Similar to people, different cat personalities may respond quite differently to potential stresses such as visits to the veterinarian, travel, vacation-boarding or moving to a new residence. Consider how confusing the introduction of new people or pets could be to your cat. What you might consider a "minor change," could be upsetting to your favorite feline. A COMFORTABLE ENVIRONMENT The level of intimacy a cat shares with its surroundings makes even the smallest change extreme and terrifying. Minimizing changes in your cat's environment can help promote a calm, well adjusted pet. Observe your cat's behavior for clues to stimuli that make your cat anxious…and eliminate or modify them if possible. (For example, things like overhead fans and loud noises
    Cats use pheromone markers to establish domain boundaries, and when these are absent or weak, cats feel out of place. From new furniture in the home, to the inside of your car, unmarked items loom threateningly in your cat's mind. Visit the

    132. Coping With Anxiety
    Coping with Writing anxiety. Brought apprehensive. It s important to remember that a moderate level of anxiety is helpful and productive.
    Please select a page. OWL Home Page Writing Lab and OWL Info Handouts and Materials Workshops and Presentations Internet Resources owl home writing lab and owl handouts workshops and presentations ... Get an Adobe PDF version of this page.
    Coping with Writing Anxiety
    Brought to you by the Purdue University Online Writing Lab For more advice on getting started writing, see the Purdue OWL handout, Overcoming Writer's Block Many situations or activities, such as writing, taking tests, competing in sports, or speaking before a large audience, may make us anxious or apprehensive. It's important to remember that a moderate level of anxiety is helpful and productive. That flow of adrenaline is a natural response that helps get us ready for action. Without it, we might not perform as well. If we let our anxiety overwhelm us, it can cause problems. If we control that anxiety, however, we can make it work for us. One way to do that is to use some of the coping strategies listed below.
    Coping Strategies:
    • Focus your energy by rehearsing the task in your head.

    133. A Resource For Depression And Anxiety
    Manufacturer, Wyeth Ayerst, provides information about the antidepressant that treats both depression and generalized anxiety disorder.'/tools/USR/firstVisit.html', 'newwindow', 'width=600,height=400,scrollbars=yes');
    The Change You Deserve Are these symptoms of depression interfering with your life?
    • Not involved with family and friends the way you used to be? Low on energy? Not motivated to do the things you once looked forward to doing? Not feeling as good as you used to?
    If you're experiencing symptoms of depression and you're not where you want to be, talk to your doctor about your treatment options. EFFEXOR XR is thought to work on both serotonin and norepinephrine Explore this site to learn about EFFEXOR XR, a treatment option that may help you get back to your life again. Ask your doctor if EFFEXOR XR is right for you.
    Important Product Information
    Before starting EFFEXOR
    About Your Condition

    How EFFEXOR XR Works
    Can EFFEXOR XR Make a Difference for Me? FAQs ... Info for Health Care Professionals

    134. Anxiety Disorders - The Caregivers
    anxiety disorders information and support for family members, schools, caregivers and employers. anxiety DISORDERS The Caregiver ©.
    ANXIETY DISORDERS - The Caregiver
    information and support for family and friends of those with anxiety disorders
    This volunteer site has been supplying information and support to caregivers of those with anxiety disorders since 1995.
    About this Site
    Some Common Questions
    and answers about anxiety
    Suggestions and Tips
    for various situations including going out together, driving, etc. Anxiety in the Workplace Anxiety and the School Student A Cry From the Heart
    A Caregiver in Distress Meet Ken
    your site maintainer
    the legal bit To tAPir
    The Anxiety Panic internet resource for those with Anxiety Disorders Panic Attacks - Why Do They Feel That Way?
    The reasons behind the strange feelings during a panic attack What's New?
    New Findings in the Areas of Anxiety and Depression A Caregiver and His Spouse Find Their Way A Story With a Successful Ending The Anxiety Disorders Bookshop A large selection of preselected books Contact Ken with suggestions, questions, comments or just to say 'Hello' Support For OCD Families Anxiety and the Law. Ways to help lessen the stress in courtroom situations, hearings, etc. Descriptions of Panic Attacks and Agoraphobia These will open a new window. Close it to return here.)

    135. PsychCanada
    Information about mood and anxiety disorders.

    136. How To Handle Separation Anxiety With Your Dog
    Articles OnlineHow to Handle Separation anxiety. by Brandy J. Oliver, MA. Other dogs for unknown reasons have a low tolerance for anxiety.
    How to Handle Separation Anxiety
    by Brandy J. Oliver, MA
    Flute/Wolves Music CD!
    Site Contents HOME FrontDoor

    The Puppy Place
    Sister Sites Free Advertising
    ... Search Most puppies and some dogs experience a high level of anxiety when left alone
    , even for very short periods of time. Most puppies learn that when they are left alone, nothing really bad happens to them, they are still alive, and their "people" come back. They learn how to entertain themselves while alone and gain confidence in their ability to be alone. As they grow up and gain confidence in themselves, their "people" can leave them for longer periods of time Some dogs, for various reasons, do not gain confidence in themselves. Some dogs are left alone too long when they are puppies and they become traumatized by the event. Other dogs are neglected or abused and therefore have a low self-esteem. These dogs can be bounced around from owner to owner and usually end up in an animal shelter. After they are adopted to well-meaning people they can still carry their low self-esteem and exhibit their learned behavior of separation anxiety. Other dogs for unknown reasons have a low tolerance for anxiety. And lastly, any dog can become traumatized unbeknownst to their "people" by some event and can spontaneously begin to experience separation anxiety. All of these types of dogs can show profound anxiety when being left alone

    137. Psychoeducational Workshops For Stress Reduction, Smoking Cessation And Weight L
    Treating anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addictions. Licensed clinicians working with adults, adolescents, children and couples.
    Browse Our Site Psychotherapy Regression Hypnosis Hypno Birth ... Shop Our Store
    Therapeutic Source
    We believe that the source of all therapeutic outcomes lies within the individual. We facilitate our client's journey to self discovery, enhancing their sense of well being and assisting them in creating a healthier and more meaningful life for themselves and their loved ones. What is Psychotherapy? Psychotherapy involves talking with a trained mental health professional in order to resolve problems or conflicts, change behaviors or gain insight into feelings like stress, sadness, loss, fear or anger. Psychotherapy is a working relationship between the client and the therapist, which involves discussing, analyzing, discovering, reflecting, experiencing and healing. What is Hypnosis? ... contact us

    138. Public Speaking
    Study Skills. anxiety and public speaking. anxiety can be increased if you have to talk to people who appear threatening or intimidating to you in some way.
    University Of Bradford Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering More Information
    Study Skills
    Anxiety and public speaking
    Introduction What can you do about it? Effective presentations Let's see what other places have to say on related topics.
    Many people feel anxious about giving a formal talk or presentation in public. Christine Stuart in her book, 'Effective Speaking' cites a survey in the USA where 3,000 adults were asked to list their ten worst fears. Speaking in Public came out as the number one fear - above even fears of financial ruin and death! Why do so many people feel anxious in this situation? The main reasons appear to be: * Unfamiliar Situation: because most people speak formally only rarely to an audience the novelty of the situation is a cause of apprehension. * Lack of Confidence: This stems often from a feeling that others are better speakers than ourselves, or that they know more about the topic in question. * Sense of Isolation: The speaker is alone, the centre of attraction - and vulnerable.

    139. Anxiety & Panic Pitstop
    A reference site for people with anxiety, depression and other mental disorders.
    var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded" Check out the NEW Hotbot Tell me when this page is updated
    The Place to find what you want to know about mental illness Suicide help is here Suicide help is here Sign my guestbook View my Guestbook Newsgroups that can here! We have tried to help
    People Feel Free to email me for more help in finding what you need
    or suggestions for this site.
    This Anxiety Ring site is owned by

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    140. Social Anxiety Disorder
    If your anxiety about social situations is so severe that it disrupts your daily life and relationships to the point where you are sick with worry, you may
    Social Anxiety Disorder
    It's more than just shyness Most people feel shy or self-conscious in social situations. Speaking in public, going on a job interview or even asking for a date can make anyone feel shy or anxious. The symptoms are familiar: your heart pounds, your hands tremble or you feel like you have "butterflies" in your stomach. But this type of anxiety is temporary, and once you get through the situation, life goes on as usual. If your anxiety about social situations is so severe that it disrupts your daily life and relationships to the point where you are sick with worry, you may have social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety disorder is an excessive, persistent fear of social or performance situations. This website is designed to help you understand social anxiety disorder so that you or a loved one can distinguish its symptoms from normal anxiety and get the necessary treatment and relief. To learn more about Social Anxiety Disorder, please select from the following: Frequently Asked Questions About Social Anxiety Disorder Signs and Symptoms Who Suffers from Social Anxiety Disorder? What Causes Social Anxiety Disorder? ... Feedback REFERENCES [ADAA Social Phobia booklet, p1]

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