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         Anosmia:     more detail
  1. Anosmia - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References by ICON Health Publications, 2004-08-31
  2. Anosmia. Nostalgia for a Forbidden Sense. by Ezza Agha Malak, 2008-11-10
  3. Anosmia: An entry from Thomson Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Neurological Disorders</i> by J., MD Polsdorfer, 2005
  4. Anosmia (1890) by John Edwin Rhodes, 2009-01-13
  5. Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine: Anosmia by J. Ricker Polsdorfer MD, 2002-01-01
  6. Anosmia; or, Cases illustrating the physiology and pathology of the sense of smell by William Ogle, 1870
  7. Anosmia: An entry from Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 3rd ed.</i> by J., MD Polsdorfer, 2006
  8. Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine: Smelling disorders by Liz Swain, 2002-01-01
  9. Smelling Disorders: An entry from Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 3rd ed.</i> by Liz Swain, 2006
  10. Ask Dr. Nan.(probiotics for healing colon): An article from: Women's Health Letter by Nan Kathryn Fuchs, 2005-01-01
  11. Taste and Smell Disorders: Rhinology and Sinusology by Allen Seiden, 1997-01-15
  12. Defects of smell after head injury by A. D Leigh, 1943

21. The Simian Line: Anosmia
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22. Anosmia In Medical Journals, Part 2
MR evaluation of patients with congenital hyposmia or anosmia. Eight individuals had Kallmann’s syndrome (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with anosmia).
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anosmia is the absence or impairment of the sense of smell. 7% of the people in India suffer from impaired sense of smell. General Info about anosmia.
About Us Contact Us Feedback Portfolio ... Log In June 2, 2004 Medical News Directories Professionals Consumer Health ... Disease/Health Information ANOSMIA / LOSS OF SMELL A B C D ... Z
Other Diseases . Achondroplasia
. Acne

. Acute bronchitis

. Alcoholic liver d..
. Wax blockage

General Info about Anosmia Anosmia is the absence or impairment of the sense of smell. 7% of the people in India suffer from impaired sense of smell. It can be partial or complete.
What are the causes of Anosmia ? Anosmia occurs from either an obstruction in the nose or nerve damage. An obstruction prevents odors from reaching the delicate nerve fibers of the nose. They could be caused due to natural aging process or most commonly due to common cold. They can also follow a head injury or an acute or chronic attack of allergies. Many medications may change or decrease the ability to detect odors. The sense of smell is often lost with disorders like tumours, Nasal, sinus or surgery of the brain. It may also be due to zinc deficiency. Tobacco smoking is the most concentrated form of pollution that most people will ever be exposed to. It impairs the ability to identify odors. Hormonal disturbances or dental problems are also a cause. Anosmia can occur as a part of other loss of function of the brain.
What are the symptoms of Anosmia ?

anosmia / LOSS OF SMELL. General Info about anosmia. anosmia is the absence or impairment of the sense of smell. What are the causes of anosmia ?
About Us Contact Us Feedback Portfolio ... Log In June 2, 2004 Medical News Directories Professionals Consumer Health ... Disease/Health Information ANOSMIA / LOSS OF SMELL A B C D ... Z
Other Diseases . Achondroplasia
. Acne

. Acute bronchitis

. Alcoholic liver d..
. Wax blockage

General Info about Anosmia Anosmia is the absence or impairment of the sense of smell. 7% of the people in India suffer from impaired sense of smell. It can be partial or complete.
What are the causes of Anosmia ? Anosmia occurs from either an obstruction in the nose or nerve damage. An obstruction prevents odors from reaching the delicate nerve fibers of the nose. They could be caused due to natural aging process or most commonly due to common cold. They can also follow a head injury or an acute or chronic attack of allergies. Many medications may change or decrease the ability to detect odors. The sense of smell is often lost with disorders like tumours, Nasal, sinus or surgery of the brain. It may also be due to zinc deficiency. Tobacco smoking is the most concentrated form of pollution that most people will ever be exposed to. It impairs the ability to identify odors. Hormonal disturbances or dental problems are also a cause. Anosmia can occur as a part of other loss of function of the brain.
What are the symptoms of Anosmia ?

25. Other_stuff
anosmia ( loss of the sense of smell ) I ve never had any sense of smell at all. Not ever having had one, its not something I’ve ever missed.


- Things that drive me Absolutely Insane

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Anosmia ("loss of the sense of smell"): I've never had any sense of smell at all. Not ever having had one, its not something I’ve ever missed. It has advantages and disadvantages; I can’t smell flowers or perfume, but neither can I smell other peoples bodily effluences (you know, when the husband/partner lets one off under the bed covers and sighs, “Woa, that’s a goodun.”). At school, whenever one of the boys let off Yet Another Stink Bomb in science class, it was always me the teachers came to get – I was the only person who could go into the ‘smelly’ classroom to open windows and retrieve bags for the next lesson. One of the Definite Downsides of being unable to smell is that I changed every single ‘full’ nappy for all three of my sons because, my husband said, “I couldn’t smell it” (no, but I can see it). I blame my lack of culinary skills on anosmia (well, I have to blame it on something). I can’t smell anything cooking, its all fresh air to me. Burning? How would I know? In fact, I only know something is amiss when I see smoke curling out of the oven. How my three sons survived childhood on my cooking alone is a mystery. I used to put meals in front of them and they’d prod it and ask, “What is it? Is it edible?” “Of course it is,” I’d say gaily, “Carbon is good for you.” “In such huge quantities?” they’d drawl.

26. Anosmia
anosmia. nasal or sinus disease (commonest cause). frontal lobe tumour (overlying olfactory tract). Kallman s syndrome gonadotrophin deficiency + anosmia.
ANOSMIA nasal or sinus disease (commonest cause) frontal lobe tumour (overlying olfactory tract) Kallman's syndrome [gonadotrophin deficiency + anosmia] tabes dorsalis cerebral anoxia damage to 1st order fibres: infective damage trauma to cribriform plate click here to return to the main contents page of Differential Diagnoses in General Medicine

27. ::: La Anosmia: Vivir Sin Olfato [Pág. 1 De 4]
anosmia vivir sin olfato Afecta al 2% de la población, casi en la misma medida que la ceguera o la sordera,
consumer. es versión para discapacitados RSS mapa web diario ... consumaseguridad
2 junio 2004
Nuestros especiales
La anosmia: vivir sin olfato
Afecta al 2% de la población, casi en la misma medida que la ceguera o la sordera

La detección a tiempo de un escape de gas puede salvarnos la vida. ¿Cómo logramos captarlo? Evidentemente, a través del olfato. Pero, ¿qué ocurre cuando este sentido está deteriorado o ausente del organismo? Es lo que los médicos denominan anosmia, es decir, la reducción máxima o desaparición de la percepción de los olores. Es una dolencia desconocida que puede acarrear graves consecuencias físicas y psicológicas a las personas que la padecen. César Martín para Febrero 2004 ¿Quieres imprimirlo? CONTENIDO DE ESTE ESPECIAL Problemas para relacionarse
El olfato es uno de los cinco sentidos que conectan al ser humano con la realidad que le rodea y, quizás, el más infravalorado de todos ellos. Su función nos permite degustar los alimentos y mantenernos alerta ante peligros evidentes como escapes de gas, incendios u otras circunstancias similares. La alteración del mismo incapacita al individuo que la sufre para relacionarse con su entorno. En este sentido, el principal trastorno es la total ausencia de la percepción olfativa. Lejos de parecer una disfunción anecdótica, la anosmia afecta hasta al 2% de la población. Esta cifra no puede despreciarse, pues otras anomalías sensoriales aparentemente más comunes, como la ceguera o la sordera, afectan al 2,2% y al 2,3% de la población, respectivamente, según desvelan desde el servicio de otorrinolaringología del Hospital de Txagorritxu, en Vitoria.

28. ::: La Anosmia: Vivir Sin Olfato
Translate this page el diario del consumidor. NUESTROS ESPECIALES La anosmia vivir sin olfato Afecta al 2% de la población, casi en la misma medida que la ceguera o la sordera.

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NUESTROS ESPECIALES La anosmia: vivir sin olfato
Afecta al 2% de la población, casi en la misma medida que la ceguera o la sordera
La detección a tiempo de un escape de gas puede salvarnos la vida. ¿Cómo logramos captarlo? Evidentemente, a través del olfato. Pero, ¿qué ocurre cuando este sentido está deteriorado o ausente del organismo? Es lo que los médicos denominan anosmia, es decir, la reducción máxima o desaparición de la percepción de los olores. Es una dolencia desconocida que puede acarrear graves consecuencias físicas y psicológicas a las personas que la padecen. César Martín para Febrero 2004 Un problema difícilmente detectable El olfato es uno de los cinco sentidos que conectan al ser humano con la realidad que le rodea y, quizás, el más infravalorado de todos ellos. Su función nos permite degustar los alimentos y mantenernos alerta ante peligros evidentes como escapes de gas, incendios u otras circunstancias similares. La alteración del mismo incapacita al individuo que la sufre para relacionarse con su entorno. En este sentido, el principal trastorno es la total ausencia de la percepción olfativa. Lejos de parecer una disfunción anecdótica, la anosmia afecta hasta al 2% de la población. Esta cifra no puede despreciarse, pues otras anomalías sensoriales aparentemente más comunes, como la ceguera o la sordera, afectan al 2,2% y al 2,3% de la población, respectivamente, según desvelan desde el servicio de otorrinolaringología del Hospital de Txagorritxu, en Vitoria.

29. Anosmia - Medical Dictionary Definitions Of Popular Medical Terms
anosmia No sense of smell, due to loss of the sense of smell or failure for it to develop. Head trauma is also a cause of anosmia.

30. Anosmia
anosmia. Definition. The term anosmia means lack of the sense of smell. It may also refer to a decreased sense of smell.
Encyclopedia Index A Home Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Index A Anosmia
The term anosmia means lack of the sense of smell. It may also refer to a decreased sense of smell. Ageusia, a companion word, refers to a lack of taste sensation. Patients who actually have anosmia may complain wrongly of ageusia, although they retain the ability to distinguish salt, sweet, sour, and bitterhumans' only taste sensations. Description Of the five senses, smell ranks fourth in importance for humans, although it is much more pronounced in other animals. Bloodhounds, for example, can smell an odor a thousand times weaker than humans. Taste, considered the fifth sense, is mostly the smell of food in the mouth. The sense of smell originates from the first cranial nerves (the olfactory nerves), which sit at the base of the brain's frontal lobes, right behind the eyes and above the nose. Inhaled airborne chemicals stimulate these nerves. There are other aberrations of smell beside a decrease. Smells can be distorted, intensified, or hallucinated. These changes usually indicate a malfunction of the brain. Causes and symptoms The most common cause of anosmia is nasal occlusion caused by rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal membranes). If no air gets to the olfactory nerves, smell will not happen. In turn, rhinitis and

31. Anosmia
anosmia Resource Center. anosmia anosmia Resource Center Online. Provides mailing list and resources for people with anosmia (lacking the sense of smell).
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You are in Medical Library Choose a Topic Our Content Sources Ask A Question Clinical Trials Health Guide A-Z Health Topics Symptoms Medical Tests Medications ... Anosmia Resource Center Anosmia Anosmia Resource Center Online. Provides mailing list and resources for people with anosmia (lacking the sense of smell). WEBSITE: VERIFIED: 5/29/2003 The above information is based upon information available through the "verified" date at the end of each listing. Since American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse's resources are limited; it is not possible to keep every entry in American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse database completely current and accurate. Please check with the organizations listed for the most current information. For additional information and assistance about self-help groups, please contact the American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse in Cedar Knolls, New Jersey, by email at:

32. Anosmia - Health Information
home senses smell and taste anosmia anosmia. anosmia UK Support Site A support site for those who have lost their sense of smell.

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Related Topics: Neurological Disorders/Neurologic Manifestations
Health News: Search millions of published articles for news on Anosmia Modern Medicine Aging The Ardell Wellness Report HealthFacts Medical Post Medical Update Men's Health and the National Women's Health Report Note: Subscription required to access the full text of articles. Web Directory: Anosmia from Intranasal Zinc Administration Discusses evidence that new "homeopathic" nasal congestion remedies containing zinc compounds such as oxymetazoline are associated with a risk of permanent loss of the sense of smell in adults. Anosmia Pages Anosmia information and personal experiences of having no sense of smell from birth (congenital anosmia). Anosmia UK Support Site A support site for those who have lost their sense of smell. Provides resources, links and a forum to discuss this disability.

33. From The Grand Rounds Archive At Baylor
literature. anosmia September 15, 1994 Willard C. Harrill, MD. With these two olfactory tests, the Etiology of anosmia has been examined. Three
Grand Rounds Archives
The information contained within the Grand Rounds Archive is intended for use by doctors and other health care professionals. These documents were prepared by resident physicians for presentation and discussion at a conference held at The Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. No guarantees are made with respect to accuracy or timeliness of this material. This material should not be used as a basis for treatment decisions, and is not a substitute for professional consultation and/or peer-reviewed medical literature. ANOSMIA
September 15, 1994
Willard C. Harrill, M.D. Chemosensory disorders affect approximately two million adults in the U.S. It was found that from 1975 to 1976, over 500,000 visits to physician's offices were for evaluation of possible chemosensory dysfunction. Not until this past decade, has a focused, scientific effort been directed to the study of chemosensory disorders and their diagnosis and treatment. The NIH, in 1979, funded the establishment of several chemosensory research centers. It is through the efforts of these centers that a comprehensive understanding of the diagnosis and treatment of smell disorders have been obtained. The role of MRI is more limited in its usefulness. Its role should be limited to the evaluation of intracranial processes that are not easily evaluated with CT scans, such as Multiple Sclerosis or when tumor extension into the cranial cavity, especially in the region of the skull base. Other than these specific indications, the routine use of these expensive diagnostic tests has an extremely low cost-benefit ratio and should not be used. The cornerstone for the diagnosis of olfactory dysfunction is olfactory testing and taste testing. The discrimination of taste from smell dysfunction is important because the two senses are integrally related in their ability to providing chemosensory information.

34. Smell Loss (Anosmia) Research
Find a Doctor Clinic Maps and Directions Patients are needed for a research study Smell Loss (anosmia) J. Enrique ComettoMuniz, Ph.D.
Find a Doctor Clinic Maps and Directions Patients are needed for a research study
Smell Loss (Anosmia)
J. Enrique Cometto-Muniz, Ph.D.

About this research study
    Have you lost your sense of smell after head trauma, or have you never been able to smell? A research group at the UCSD School of Medicine is interested in volunteers lacking the sense of smell for a research study. This study is testing the sensory response of persons with a normal sense of smell and those lacking a sense of smell to airborne substances commonly present indoors.
This project accepts normal volunteers. This is an outpatient study. Who is eligible?
  • Both males and females are eligible to participate Minimum age: 18 This study accepts normal volunteers and persons who have anosmia (lack of sense of smell) between age 18 and 70 and in good health
Are research subjects paid?
    If you are accepted to participate in this study you will be paid $8.00/hour ($150.00 for completing study)
For more information contact...
    Rene Loya or Dr. Cometto-Muniz

35. Anosmia Means Loss Of The Sense Of Smell.
Loss of the sense of smell is called anosmia, while hyposmia means reduced smell sensitivity. anosmia means loss of the sense of smell.

36. Anosmia
MAIN SEARCH INDEX. anosmia. Definition. The term anosmia means lack of the sense of smell. It may also refer to a decreased sense of smell.
The term anosmia means lack of the sense of smell. It may also refer to a decreased sense of smell. Ageusia, a companion word, refers to a lack of taste sensation. Patients who actually have anosmia may complain wrongly of ageusia, although they retain the ability to distinguish salt, sweet, sour, and bitterhumans' only taste sensations.
Of the five senses, smell ranks fourth in importance for humans, although it is much more pronounced in other animals. Bloodhounds, for example, can smell an odor a thousand times weaker than humans. Taste, considered the fifth sense, is mostly the smell of food in the mouth. The sense of smell originates from the first cranial nerves (the olfactory nerves), which sit at the base of the brain's frontal lobes, right behind the eyes and above the nose. Inhaled airborne chemicals stimulate these nerves. There are other aberrations of smell beside a decrease. Smells can be distorted, intensified, or hallucinated. These changes usually indicate a malfunction of the brain.
Causes and symptoms
The most common cause of anosmia is nasal occlusion caused by rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal membranes). If no air gets to the olfactory nerves, smell will not happen. In turn, rhinitis and

37. Anosmia Resources Presented On
anosmia sources. A comprehensive concussion syndrome. anosmia, click here to enter! anosmia resources available on
anosmia resources available on
anosmia resources available by clicking above
How serious a brain injury will become, based upon the way in which the patient interacts with medical professionals.
Does Concussion involve permanent brain damage? Contact us for more information.
Serving the rights of persons with traumatic brain injuries and commited to understanding the anatomic, medical, psychological aspects of TBI.
Why do some people have apparent full recoveries, while others, are profoundly effected by a similar injury?
Does Concussion disable? Often, but usually not for extended periods. is a website with a mission to educate with respect to the magnitude of brain injury.
Concussion, PCS, Mild Brain Injury, Post-Traumatic Syndrome. All of these old labels equal Subtle Damage to Our Minds.
Certainly, if there was no concussion, there isn't likely to be a brain injury.
This site is brought to you by the advocates of the Brain Injury Law Group.
Far too much of the focus in the study of what the researchers always call "mild" brain injury. Our current research into neuropathology indicates that significant regeneration of these neural connections can occur.

38. Anosmia Information Presented At
anosmia resources. A comprehensive treatment post concussion syndrome. anosmia. anosmia information presented at
anosmia information presented at
anosmia resources available by clicking above
Our current research into neuropathology indicates that significant regeneration of these neural connections can occur. is a website with a mission to educate with respect to the magnitude of brain injury.
Does Concussion involve permanent brain damage? Contact us for more information.
How serious a brain injury will become, based upon the way in which the patient interacts with medical professionals.
Certainly, if there was no concussion, there isn't likely to be a brain injury.
This site is brought to you by the advocates of the Brain Injury Law Group.
Concussion, PCS, Mild Brain Injury, Post-Traumatic Syndrome. All of these old labels equal Subtle Damage to Our Minds.
Far too much of the focus in the study of what the researchers always call "mild" brain injury.
Why do some people have apparent full recoveries, while others, are profoundly effected by a similar injury?
Diffuse Axonal Injury. Concussion results in organic injury to the brain by the mechanism of diffuse axonal injury.

39. Anosmia
Zicam Loss of Smell (anosmia) Lawsuits and Class ActionAlexander, Hawes Audet Zicam Loss of Smell (anosmia) Lawsuits. (Emphasis added, footnotes omitted). Zicam and anosmia Links ^. Organizations.
Philip M. Parker, INSEAD.
Definition: Anosmia
. Absence of the sense of smell (as by damage to olfactory nasal tissue or the olfactory nerve or by obstruction of the nasal passages). Source: WordNet 1.7.1
Etymology: Websters 1913 "Anosmia" is a common misspelling or typo for: anemia anomic anomie
Specialty Definitions: Anosmia
Domain Definitions
Absence of the sense of smell; called also anosphrasia and olfactory anaesthesia. ( references Source: compiled by the editor from various references ; see credits. Top
Specialty Definition: Anosmia
(From Wikipedia , the free Encyclopedia) Anosmia is the lack of olfaction, or a loss of the sense of smell. It can be either temporary or permanent. A temporary loss of smell can be caused by a stuffy nose while a permanent loss of smell may be caused by death of olfactory cells in the nose, or brain injury in which there is damage to the olfactory nerve or damage to the part of the frontal lobes of brain itself that detect and process smell. Source: adapted by the editor from Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia under a copyleft GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) from the article " Anosmia Top
Crosswords: Anosmia
Non-English Usage: Anosmia " is also a word in the following languages with English translations in parentheses.

40. Anosmia - Patient UK
anosmia Patient UK. A directory of UK health, disease, illness and related medical websites that provide patient information. anosmia (loss of smell).
Anosmia (loss of smell)
UK sources of information and / or support
Osme Fellowship
Information and forum page for people suffering from loss of smell and taste.
Congenital Anosmia Pages
Congenital anosmia information and personal experience.
Further sources / More detailed information
Some non-UK sites
The following list popular non-UK health information sites, mainly from the US. They have not been checked to see if anosmia is included but these large sites are comprehensive.
Evidence Based Medicine
For sites and information on Evidence Based Medicine.
Searching Medline
For information on Medline and how it is used to find detailed medical and health information.

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