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         Anorexia:     more books (100)
  1. Skinny Boy: A Young Man's Battle and Triumph Over Anorexia by Gary A. Grahl, 2007-10-01
  2. Insatiable: A Young Mother's Struggle with Anorexia by Erica Rivera, 2009-10-06
  3. Empty: A Story of Anorexia by Christie Pettit, 2006-07-01
  4. Feeding Anorexia: Gender and Power at a Treatment Center by Helen Gremillion, 2003-01-01
  5. Demystifying Anorexia Nervosa: An Optimistic Guide to Understanding and Healing (Developmental Perspectives on Psychotraumatology) by Alexander R Lucas, 2008-05-01
  6. Understanding Eating Disorders: Conceptual and Ethical Issues in the Treatment of Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa (Issues in Biomedical Ethics) by Simona Giordano, 2008-02-10
  7. Anorexia Nervosa: A Survival Guide for Families, Friends and Sufferers by Janet Treasure, 1997-12-01
  8. The Golden Cage: The Enigma of Anorexia Nervosa, with a New Foreword by Catherine Steiner-Adair, Ed.D. by Hilde Bruch, 2001-05-02
  9. Dying to Be Thin: Understanding and Defeating Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia--A Practical, Lifesaving Guide by Ira M. Sacker, Marc A. Zimmer, 1987-08-01
  10. Anorexic Bodies: A Feminist and Sociological Perspective on Anorexia Nervosa by Morag MacSween, 1995-12-22
  11. The Thin Woman: Feminism, Post-structuralism and the Social Psychology of Anorexia Nervosa (Women and Psychology) by Helen Malson, 1997-12-15
  12. Kid Rex: The Inspiring True Account of a Life Salvaged from Despair, Anorexia and Dark Days in New York City by Laura Moisin, 2008-11-01
  13. Breaking Free From Anorexia/Bulimi (Breaking Free Series) by LINDA MINTLE, 2002-11-07
  14. My Kid is Back: Empowering Parents to Beat Anorexia Nervosa by June Alexander, Daniel Le Grange, 2010-04-02

21. Essays - Against Pro-Anorexia Websites
A brief statement arguing the detriments of the proana movement. Written from a feminist perspective for a panel discussion on the topic.

reading journal
essential quizzes
"They Made Me Kill Her": The Fragmented Identity of Leland Palmer
Of Rest Cures and Talking Cures or How Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Bertha Pappenheim Recovered from Hysteria

Against Pro-Anorexia Websites*
The following was prepared for a panel discussion in my Abnormal Psychology class on the harmfulness of pro-anorexia websites.
As described in the DSM IV , the essential features of Anorexia Nervosa are the refusal to maintain a minimally normal body weight - meaning below 85% of what is considered normal for one's age and height - an intense fear of gaining weight which often increases as actual weight decreases, and distortion in the perception of the shape or size of one's body. Individuals with Anorexia develop a total pre-occupation with food and often devise elaborate rituals of how much they can consume and at what intervals. This behavior may also be accompanied by episodes of bingeing, followed by purging or the use of laxatives. According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders , 7 million women and 1 million men suffer from this debilitating disorder, numbers which may not reflect the actual incidence of anorexia, given it's clandestine nature. With the highest mortality rate of any psychological disorder ranging from 5-20%, anorexia claims approximately 1000 lives each year. Medical risks of self-starvation include heart failure, low blood pressure and pulse, weakened kidney and liver functions and increased risk for osteoperosis.

22. Campaigns - Changing Minds - The Royal College Of Psychiatrists
Introduction to the subject, its causes and symptoms, its consequences, and treatment options. From The Royal College of Psychiatrists.

23. Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Genetic Research -
anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, genetic research,An educationaltool for those afflicted with eating disorders and their families who are
A multi-site, international collaborative group of investigators is studying the genetics of anorexia and bulimia nervosa. These collaborative studies have generated a substantial amount of data on the clinical phenomena and genetics of eating disorders. This web site serves as a means for the dissemination of scientific information generated by the above mentioned studies. It is our intent that this web site will be an educational tool for those in academia as well as those afflicted with eating disorders and their families who are interested in learning about genetic research in eating disorders. Topics such as current research studies seeking participation, new research findings, eating disorder warning signs, and guidelines to treatment will be posted.
Support of the Price Foundation is acknowledged.
Last Modified 06 November 2002 Link to our new NIMH Genetics of Anorexia Nervosa study. Link to our brain imaging study.
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anorexia Nervosa familydoctor.orgDescribes what anorexia is, some of the key characateristics and how it differs from bulimia. There

Advanced Search Home Conditions A to Z Anorexia Nervosa What is anorexia nervosa? What is the difference between anorexia and bulimia? Why do people get anorexia? What are the problems caused by anorexia? ... How can family and friends help?
Anorexia Nervosa
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What is anorexia nervosa?
Anorexia nervosa is an illness that usually occurs in teenage girls, but it can also occur in teenage boys, and adult women and men. People with anorexia are obsessed with being thin. They lose a lot of weight and are terrified of gaining weight. They believe they are fat even though they are very thin. Anorexia isn't just a problem with food or weight. It's an attempt to use food and weight to deal with emotional problems. Return to top
What is the difference between anorexia and bulimia?
People with anorexia starve themselves, avoid high-calorie foods and exercise constantly. People with bulimia eat huge amounts of food, but they throw up soon after eating, or take laxatives or diuretics (water pills) to keep from gaining weight. People with bulimia don't usually lose as much weight as people with anorexia. Return to top
Why do people get anorexia?

25. Mother : Anorexia Nervosa Official WebSite
Read before entering any section of the site anorexia Nervosa stands against neometal,ross robinson other hardcore vermins, pacifism ecology, tolerance
Version Francaise English Version Caution! Read before entering any section of the site:
W e b m a s t e r
"Don't Underestimate The Power Of The Dark Side..."
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26. Anorexia Nervosa - Nervøs Spisevægring
Om symptomer og behandling.
[Forrige] [Indhold]
Diagnostiske kriterier for anorexia nervosa
  • Symptomer
    De psykiske symptomer er bl.a.:
  • De fysiske symptomer er bl.a.:
    • Forsinket pubertet og udebleven menstruation hos piger.
    • Familieterapi.
    • Individuel psykoterapi.
    • Gruppeterapi.
    [Forrige] [Top]
  • 27. Learning To Love Anorexia? ‘Pro-Ana’ Web Sites Flourish
    Article by Deirdre Dolan.

    28. Kenniscentrum Eetstoornissen Nederland
    Ontwikkelt, bundelt en verspreidt evidence en practice based kennis over anorexia en boulimia nervosa.
    Kenniscentrum Eetstoornissen Nederland Het Kenniscentrum Eetstoornissen Nederland ontwikkelt, bundelt en verspreidt evidence en practice based kennis over anorexia en boulimia nervosa. Kenniscentrum Eetstoornissen Nederland, anorexia nervosa, boulimia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, eetbuistoornis, binge eating disorder, bed, kenniscentrum eetstoornissen nederland, adolescenten, kinderpsychiatrie, jeugdpsychiatrie, psychische eetstoornissen, diagnose, EBM, evidence based medicine, psychiatrische diagnostiek, behandeling, behandelaanbod, klinisch, deeltijd, poliklinisch, therapie, creatieve, cognitieve therapie, psychomotorische therapie, CBT, psychotherapie, farmacotherapie, medicatie, sociotherapie, consultatie, Robert-Fleury Stichting, vraatzucht, magerzucht, eetprobleem, DSM-IV, ICD-10, medisch, geestelijke gezondheidszorg, GGZ, wetenschappelijk onderzoek, bijscholing, nascholing, lijnen, dieet, opname, Ursula, research, congres kalender, forum

    29. Introducing Anorexia Nervosa
    Introducing anorexia Nervosa. Dr Peter Rowan MBBS.MRCPsych. Causes ofanorexia Nervosa There are some aspects of cause that are unknown.
    Introducing Anorexia Nervosa Dr Peter Rowan MBBS.MRCPsych.
    General Features
    Anorexia Nervosa is an illness that mainly affects adolescent girls although it can occur both in boys or girls younger or older than this. The most common features are loss of weight coupled with a change in behaviour. The weight loss is slowly progressive and often starts with a perfectly normal weight reducing diet. It may only be after this has continued for several months that it seems a cause for worry, usually because by then the weight loss is extreme. To start with the girls are single minded in their determination to lose weight. Attempts to frustrate their efforts are generally met with anger or deceit or a combination of both. Confrontation, rational discussion, bullying or bribery will probably fail to cause more than a very brief change of eating behaviour. Continuing weight loss will lead to increasing concern by the family. A girl of average height will probably be unable to continue at school once her weight falls below around six stones. The personality changes that she may experience will be those of increasing seriousness and introversion. She will become less outgoing and less fun. She will usually begin to lose contact with her friends and may appear to lose interest in everything apart from food and academic work. She may show increased obsessional behaviour especially in the kitchen where she may become concerned with cleanliness, orderliness and precise timing of meals. She may well seem to wish to cook for the family and appear to encourage them to overeat. She will regress and appear to lose confidence. She may become less assertive, less argumentative and more dependant. At the same time her behaviour will increasingly control the lives of all around her.

    30. Pro Ana Y Mia
    Grupo MSN con fotos, foro y chat. Secci³n Ana dedicada a la anorexia y Mia dedicada a la bulimia. Poemas e historias.
    var nEditorialCatId = 88; Principal Hotmail Grupos y Gente Grupos ... Ayuda pro ana y mia Novedades Únete ahora Mensajes Imágenes ... Recomienda este grupo a un amigo Nuevos mensajes Ver todos Holaaaaa
    Hola chicas, nada más les escribo para preguntarles como andan? Si quieren charlar agreguenme a su msn. Ojala que todas anden ...
    MagicLuLiTa perder 15 kilos
    Angie, contá conmigo, yo me prendo, ya hace como 1 semana que empecé una dieta equilibrada, como para no ayunar de golpe, para no caer nuevamente. Porq las veces q empecé de golpe, no me fue bien...
    MagicLuLiTa como lo escondo en mi casa?
    hola a todos... hace un tiempo que soy ana... pero me gustaria saber que hacer cuando no tengo otro remedio mas que comer porq me obligan!!!!!!!! por favor me dan algun consejito graci...
    perder 15 kilos

    Hola!! yo tambien quiero perder eso kilos y seria mas facil si estoy acompañada por gente igaul que yo. Agregame paurizer@h...
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    gisele Álbumes con nuevas fotos Imágenes Advertencia: Microsoft no se hace responsable del contenido de este grupo.

    31. ICD-10-GM Version 2004
    Sowohl die anorexia wie auch die Bulimia nervosa, Essattacken und Pica sind in der ICD10 im Kapitel 5 Psychische und Verhaltensst¶rungen aufgef¼hrt (F-Klassifikation). f50

    32. EMedicine - Anorexia Nervosa : Article By Ron Waldrop, MD
    anorexia Nervosa anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized bysevere weight loss to the point of significant physiologic consequences.
    (advertisement) Home Specialties Resource Centers CME ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Patient Education Advanced Search Consumer Health Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Emergency Medicine Psychosocial
    Anorexia Nervosa
    Last Updated: July 23, 2003 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: self-starvation, malnutrition, severe weight loss, extreme weight loss, life-threatening weight loss, amenorrhea, eating disorder AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 10 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials ... Bibliography
    Author: Ron Waldrop, MD , Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Louisiana State University, Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center Editor(s): Edward Bessman, MD , Chairman, Department of Emergency Medicine, John Hopkins Bayview Medical Center; Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Johns Hopkins University; Francisco Talavera, PharmD, PhD , Senior Pharmacy Editor, Pharmacy, eMedicine; Robert C Harwood, MD, MPH

    33. | Fresh Perspectives On Anorexia/bulimia
    Understanding the problem of anorexia. Provides links to additional resources for sufferers, friends, and teens.
    Fresh persectives on anorexia/bulimia How the culture supports anorexia/bulimia Living with anorexia/bulimia Understanding anorexia/bulimia ... Audio Workshops
    Possibilities for Change:
    Fresh Perspectives on anorexia/bulimia
    In the battle against anorexia/bulimia, individuals, the community and social institutions, are either anorexia/bulimia-supporting or fighting against anorexia/bulimia - there is no middle ground. To treat anorexia/bulimia as a problem merely about food, to believe in a genetic basis of behavior, to simply see the problem as an individual pathology, or to treat the problem only through pharmaceuticals, is extremely pro-anorexic/bulimic. These strategies help to maintain the problem by denying the scope of the problem. Pro-anorexic/bulimic ideas would have us believe anorexia/bulimia exists in a vacuum: it is a freak of nature, that it is merely a case of bad genes, the temperment of spoiled, little, rich girls. To take a stance against the problem - to be anti-anorexic/bulimic - is to realize there is a definite and necessary place for medicine in the treatment of anorexia/bulimia. It is also important to realize there are a multitude of social factors living at the very heart of the problem.

    34. Medicine-Worldwide: Magersucht, Anorexia Nervosa
    Translate this page Seit 20 Jahren geht die anorexia nervosa immer wieder durch die Medien.Dieser Artikel anorexia nervosa (Magersucht). Seite 1 2 vor.
    Sie befinden sich hier: startseite krankheiten Psychische Krankheiten A ... Über uns
    Anorexia nervosa (Magersucht)
    Seite: vor Kapitelübersicht: Zusammenfassung Allgemeines Grundlagen und Ursachen Symptomatik ... Ratgeber
    Kaum eine andere psychische Störung ist in den letzten Jahren so häufig in der Presse erwähnt worden wie die Anorexie. Immer wieder wird von "Berühmtheiten", insbesondere von Models oder Schauspielerinnen behauptet, sie seien magersüchtig. Das Krankheitsbild der Anorexia nervosa ist erstmals bereits 1873 beschrieben worden. Diese Diagnose wird aber erst seit den 70er Jahren häufiger gestellt, wobei nicht eindeutig gesagt werden kann, ob die Krankheit in der heutigen Gesellschaft tatsächlich häufiger auftritt, oder ob die gestiegene Aufmerksamkeit dazu führt, dass die Krankheit häufiger diagnostiziert wird. Wörtlich übersetzt bedeutet Anorexie "Appetitverlust oder -verminderung" - eine irreführende Bezeichnung, da nicht unbedingt der Appetit, sondern in erster Linie das Essverhalten gestört ist. Der Zusatz "nervosa" weist auf die psychischen Ursachen der Essstörung hin.
    Grundlagen und Ursachen In westlichen Gesellschaften hat sich das Schönheitsideal seit Anfang der 60er Jahre immer mehr in Richtung eines sehr schlanken Körpers entwickelt. Paradoxerweise ist es auf der anderen Seite durch relativen Wohlstand und ein Nahrungsüberangebot gleichzeitig zu einem Anstieg des Durchschnittsgewichts gekommen. Übergewicht wird insbesondere bei Frauen gesellschaftlich sehr negativ bewertet. Übergewichtige Männer werden als stattlich bezeichnet, Frauen hingegen als fett. Durch Werbung und Filme erhält man den Eindruck, dass nur schlanke Frauen erfolgreich und beliebt sind, dicke Frauen sind entweder graue Mäuse oder "Ulknudeln". Gerade junge Frauen, die während der Pubertät körperliche Veränderungen durchlaufen und erst ein Gefühl für ihren "neuen" Körper entwickeln müssen, können durch dieses Schlankheitsideal stark verunsichert werden.

    35. Spreekbeurt Anorexia
    Deze verwante eetstoornissen worden in spreekbeurtvorm besproken.
    Deze spreekbeurt is online gezet door ANOREXIA EN BOULIMIA NERVOSA Ik houd mijn presentatie over anorexia en boulimia nervosa. Anorexie wordt omschreven als gebrek aan eetlust door nerveuze oorzaken. Boulimia wordt omschreven als eetlust als een os door nerveuze oorzaken. Dat is beide deels waar zoals je straks wel zult horen. Ik ben met beide indirect in aanraking gekomen en ik wilde er meer over weten. Als je vragen hebt als je iets niet begrijpt wat ik zeg of zo, zwaai even naar me. Maar als je echt een grotere vraag hebt dan doe ik dat na afloop. Ik zal jullie eerst dingen van anorexia en boulimia apart gaan vertellen. Dan zullen we kijken wat zij gemeenschappelijk hebben. Ik wilde graag iets weten over het gevoel van een meisje (want dat zijn het meestal) met een van beide ziekten. Zo kwam ik dit boek tegen. Echt een aanrader. Ik wil graag een klein stukje laten horen om jullie er een idee van te geven wat er in je omgaat. Blz. 51/52 tot en met eind van de bladzijde. Moeilijk om je voor te stellen hé. Anorexiapatienten hebben een onweerstaanbare drang om af te vallen. Alles wat te maken heeft met eten, gewicht, lichaamsomvang is een obsessie. Er zijn twee soorten anorexie.

    Tr¡s importantes informa§µes sobre essa doen§a. Com fatos, fotos e relatos.

    37. Informatie Over Anorexia En Boulimia Nervosa
    Deze discrepantie is er de oorzaak van dat steeds meer vrouwen voortdurend op dieetzijn. Wat is anorexia Nervosa? Wat zijn de gevolgen van anorexia Nervosa?
    Informatie over Eetstoornissen
    Op deze pagina's wordt informatie gegeven over alle aspecten van deze ziektes. Er wordt ingegaan op de belangrijkste kenmerken, de lichamelijke en sociale gevolgen, de mogelijke oorzaken en de verschillende behandelingsvormen. Deze informatie is ook als folder verkrijgbaar bij de Stichting Anorexia en Boulimia Nervosa
    Kies het onderwerp van je keuze uit de onderstaande lijst, of lees gewoon verder
    Lijnen vormt een belangrijke risicofactor voor het ontstaan van de eetstoornissen anorexia en boulimia nervosa. Tweederde van alle vrouwen wil graag afvallen. Daarom doet 50% van alle vrouwen permanent aan de lijn. In de Verenigde Staten heeft 50% tot 80% van de meisjes al voor hun dertiende jaar meer dan eens een serieuze lijnpoging ondernomen.
    Betekent dit dat tweederde van de vrouwen te dik is? Nee, het merendeel van de vrouwen heeft een gewicht dat volgens medische maatstaven gezond is. Veel vrouwen voelen zich dus te dik, al zijn ze het niet. Blijkbaar is er een verschil tussen medisch en 'modisch' gewenst gewicht.
    Wat 'modisch' gewenst is, wordt ons dagelijks via de media voorgehouden. Een generatie geleden woog het gemiddelde fotomodel nog 8% minder dan de gemiddelde Amerikaanse vrouw, terwijl zij nu 23% minder weegt. Door betere voedingsomstandigheden worden we steeds zwaarder, terwijl het zogenaamde 'ideale' gewicht steeds lager komt te liggen.

    38. The Anorexia Diaries
    One mother and her daughter share their accounts of the daughter's battle to overcome a deadly eating disorder.
    The Anorexia Diaries; A Mother and Daughter's Triumph over Teenage Eating Disorders offers a unique and compelling glimpse into the minds of one mother and daughter as they share their accounts of a daughter’s battle to overcome a deadly eating disorder. Taken from actual diary entries, a captivating story unfolds, revealing a buried history of deep family pain and sorrow. As mother and daughter reflect on the entries, each is stunned to discover how drastically their perceptions differed. The immense disparity between mother and daughter perspectives represents a beacon of light illustrating why parents and children have so much trouble communicating and helps bridge the gap between generations. An inspirational story of recovery, The Anorexia Diaries is the product of one family transforming their hidden pain into an uninhibited resource to help others cope with similar issues. Dr. Craig Johnson, one of the foremost experts in the treatment of eating disorders, provides valuable insight into this family’s struggles and successful recovery regimen. Incorporating groundbreaking research, he offers advice and resources for the identification and treatment of eating disorders and body image issues.

    39. - Beratungs- Und Informationsserver Essstörungen: Anorexie Magersu
    Translate this page Beratung- u. Information Essstörungen anorexia nervosa Anorexie MagersuchtAdipositas Fettsucht Bulimia nervosa Ess-Brech-Sucht binge Eating Ess
    anorexia nervosa - adipositas - bulimia nervosa - binge eating disorder
    Hier weiter zum ab-server...

    40. Detroit News Immigrant Girls Suffer From Anorexia
    Article on the pressures faced by immigrant girls seeking acceptance in US society.
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