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         Anorexia:     more books (100)
  1. Sexual Anorexia: Overcoming Sexual Self-Hatred by Patrick CarnesPh.D., Joseph Moriarity, 1997-05-13
  2. Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia (P.S.) by Marya Hornbacher, 2006-02-01
  3. The Anorexia Workbook: How to Accept Yourself, Heal Your Suffering, and Reclaim Your Life (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook) by Michelle Heffner, Georg H.Eifert, 2004-05
  4. Answers to Anorexia: A Breakthrough Nutritional Treatment That Is Saving Lives by James Greenblatt, 2010-10-15
  5. Treatment Manual for Anorexia Nervosa: A Family-Based Approach by James Lock MDPhD, Daniel le Grange PhD, et all 2002-08-29
  6. Biting Anorexia: A Firsthand Account of an Internal War by Lucy Howard-Taylor, 2009-09
  7. Brave Girl Eating: A Family's Struggle with Anorexia by Harriet Brown, 2010-09-01
  8. Beyond the Looking Glass: Daily Devotions for Overcoming Anorexia and Bulimia (Serenity Meditation Series) by Remuda Ranch, 1992-06
  9. Anatomy of Anorexia by Steven Levenkron, 2001-03
  10. Anorexia Nervosa: A Guide to Recovery by Lindsey Hall, Monika Ostroff, 1998-11-10
  11. Fasting Girls: The History of Anorexia Nervosa by Joan Jacobs Brumberg, 2000-10-10
  12. Perfect: Anorexia and Me by Emily Halban, 2009-08-01
  13. Holy Anorexia by Rudolph M. Bell, 1987-06-15
  14. 100 Questions & Answers About Anorexia Nervosa by Sari Shepphird PhD, 2009-01-14

1. Anorexia Nervosa
. Booklets. anorexia and Bulimia RoyalCollege of Psychiatrists. Magazine Articles. Cultural Factors in......anorexia Nervosa.
Anorexia Nervosa
Magazine Articles
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Internet Links to Eating Disorders Sites
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2. ANRED: Information And Resources
Information and Resources. anorexia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa.Binge eating disorder. Other lesswell-known eating disorders.
Information and Resources
  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Binge eating disorder
  • Other less-well-known eating disorders

3. ANAD - We Help Those Struggling With Eating Disorders - Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimi
Eating Disorders ANAD helps those struggling with anorexia, Bulimia, and Compulsive Overeating. We offer an information hotline, free support groups, referrals for treatment, organize advocacy to
home contact us
Eating Disorder Info

For Professionals

Welcome to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders – ANAD. Box 7, Highland Park, IL 60035 Phone (847) 831-3438 We provide help for those struggling with Eating Disorders. 
  • We offer  hotline counseling, a national network of free support groups, referrals to health care professionals, and education and prevention programs to promote self-acceptance and healthy lifestyles. All of our services are free of charge. ANAD  lobbies for state and national health insurance parity, undertakes and encourages research, fights dangerous advertising, and organizes advocacy campaigns to protect potential victims of eating disorders.
ANAD stands with individuals and families and helps them win. If you need help, please call the ANAD hotline, 847-831-3438 Monday through Friday 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Central Time.

4. ANRED: Table Of Contents
ANRED logo eating disorders anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating disorderinformation and resources. Can anorexia nervosa contribute to tooth decay?
Table of contents
Scroll through this list of all the documents available on this web site. Click on the links to read more about topics that interest you.
  • Welcome to ANRED
    • How to use the ANRED web site
    • Privacy statement
    • Definitions: the better known eating disorders
      • Anorexia nervosa
      • Bulimia nervosa
      • Binge eating disorder (compulsive eating)
      • Eating disorder not otherwise specified
      • Definitions: the less-well-known eating disorders and conditions
        • Anorexia athletica (compulsive exercising)
        • Body dysmorphic disorder (bigorexia)
        • Infection-triggered auto immune subtype of anorexia in children
        • Orthorexia nervosa
        • Night-eating syndrome
        • Nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder
        • Rumination syndrome
        • Gourmand syndrome
        • Prader-Willi syndrome
        • Pica
        • Cyclic vomiting syndrome
        • Chewing and spitting
        • Statistics
          • Anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and obesity
          • Compulsive exercise
          • Subclinical eating disorders
          • Mortality and recovery rates
          • Miscellaneous facts and stats
          • Why determining accurate statistics is difficult
          • Warning signs
            • Food behaviors
            • Appearance and body image behaviors
            • Exercise behaviors
            • Thoughts
            • Feelings
            • Social behaviors
            • Who gets these disorders and why
              • Personal characteristics of people at risk
              • Vulnerable people and stress
              • Description of people with anorexia nervosa
              • Description of people with bulimia
              • People at elevated risk of developing an eating disorder
              • Special risk factors: physical and sexual abuse
              • What causes eating disorders
                • Biological and genetic influences

5. Anorexia - Free Anorexia Information
Links to organizations, treatment centers, message boards, newsgroups, personal stories, general information, and articles about anorexia.
Anorexia Information
Our web site offers information about anorexia. Click on any of the underlined links below for more information. Our Sponsor:
This page was updated on June 3, 2003.
  • The Center, A Place of Hope está ubicado en Quito, Ecuador, y se dedica al tratamiento de desordenes alimenticios así como adicciones. Usan el Proceso de la Persona Integral, el cual trata a la persona en su parte física, emocional, espiritual y la de sus interrelaciones personales.
  • The Center, A Place of Hope The Center, A Place of Hope, located in Quito, Ecuador, is dedicated to the treatment of eating disorders as well as addictions. They use the Whole Person Approach, which focuses on the physical, spiritual, intelectual and relationship aspects of the individual.
  • Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center The Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. They provide information and treatment resources for all forms of eating disorders. They also provide referrals to eating disorder professionals, treatment facilities and support groups, etc.
  • The 1-800-THERAPIST NETWORK This is a congressionally awarded, international (US and Canada) therapist referral organization.

6. Anorexia - Ask The Dietitian
Got questions about anorexia or Eating Disorders? Ask Joanne Larsen, Registered Dietitian and nutrition counselor. anorexia. I'm so glad I found your site on the Internet Could she die? Is this anorexia? Do write back soon or she'll be 5 ft 5 and less than
I'm so glad I found your site on the Internet! Eating disorders are hardly acknowledged in the Far East and I'm starting to get really worried about my best friend. My friend has been on this crazy diet for six months since we started freshman year at law school and she's lost 17 kilos (37.4 lbs.)! She used to be a nicely rounded at 60 kg (132 lbs.) and 166 cm (5 ft 5) but now she weighs 43.5 kilos (96 lbs.). Is this too thin? Her work always been excellent and she was always popular, but now she's really changed. Sure she has a boyfriend and has even been offered a modeling job, but I got real scared when she overdosed on laxatives today and called me sick and in a panic from a fast food restaurant . I was really shocked when I drove her home and put her to bed. She had bruises on her hips and ribs and she said sleeping on them was painful! When I tried to get her to drink some soup, she cried and cried and said it would make her fat! I've only ever seen her drink coffee in the last 5 months. She never eats with us in the cafeteria anymore and would always brightly excuse herself to work in the library. We're all envious of her wonderful figure now, but she's really thin and I'm worried. She said if I tell her parents, she'll kill me. She swears she'll stop dieting once she loses the last kilo, but that's what she said at 50 kilos! I don't want to lose her friendship, but I don't want her to lose even more! Could she die? Is this anorexia? Do write back soon or she'll be 5 ft 5 and less than 95 lbs!

7. NAMI | Anorexia Nervosa
NAMI's Fact Sheet on anorexia Nervosa anorexia nervosa is a serious, often chronic, and lifethreatening eating disorder defined by a refusal to maintain The term anorexia literally means loss of appetite, but this is a

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Anorexia Nervosa
What is anorexia nervosa? Anorexia nervosa is a serious, often chronic, and life-threatening eating disorder defined by a refusal to maintain minimal body weight within 15 percent of an individual's normal weight. Other essential features of this disorder include an intense fear of gaining weight, a distorted body image, and amenorrhea (absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles when they are otherwise expected to occur). In addition to the classic pattern of restrictive eating, some people will also engage in recurrent binge eating and purging episodes. Starvation, weight loss, and related medical complications are quite serious and can result in death. People who have an ongoing preoccupation with food and weight even when they are thin would benefit from exploring their thoughts and relationships with a therapist. The term anorexia literally means loss of appetite, but this is a misnomer. In fact, people with anorexia nervosa ignore hunger and thus control their desire to eat. This desire is frequently sublimated through cooking for others or hiding food that they will not eat in their personal space. Obsessive exercise may accompany the starving behavior and cause others to assume the person must be healthy. Who develops anorexia nervosa?

8. Anorexia
Search our database by Health Topic or enter your own keywords. anorexia Nervosa Easy to Read. Printer-friendly version PDF file, 215 Kb What is anorexia nervosa? What causes it? What are signs

9. Anorexia Nervosa - The Something Fishy Website On Eating Disorders
Everything you need to know about Eating Disorders anorexia, Bulimia and Compulsive Overeating. Definitions, signs and symptoms, physical dangers and so much more. anorexia Nervosa. It is not
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Eating Disorders




ED or Diet?
Anorexia Bulimia
Compulsive Eating
Binge Eating
... Books
Eating Disorders The most common element surrounding ALL Eating Disorders is the inherent presence of a low self esteem Anorexia Nervosa Those who are suffering with this illness have a low self-esteem and often a tremendous need to control their surroundings and emotions. This Eating Disorder is a unique reaction to a variety of external and internal conflicts, such as stress, anxiety, unhappiness and feeling like life is out of control. Anorexia is a negative way to cope with these emotions. "...starvation fills a void inside when it's approval from you I crave. The desire for food is gone and you are there again... yelling... so negative. Times like this filled with the pounding urge to run far away and disappear..." The person suffering with Anorexia may be abnormally sensitive about being perceived as fat, or have a massive fear of becoming fat though not all people living with Anorexia have this fear. They may be afraid of losing control over the amount of food they eat, accompanied by the desire to control their emotions and reactions to their emotions. With a low self-esteem and need for acceptance they will turn to obsessive dieting and starvation as a way to control not only their weight, but their feelings and actions regarding the emotions attached. Some also feel that they do not deserve pleasure out of life, and will deprive themselves of situations offering pleasure (including eating).

10. Eating Disorders - Anorexia Bulimia Compulsive Overeating - The Something Fishy
Eating Disorders Everything you need to know anorexia, Bulimia and Compulsive Overeating. Definitions, signs and symptoms, physical dangers, online support and so much more. Quick Links Eating Disorders. anorexia. Bulimia. Overeating. Binge Eating
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Why are you visiting Something Fishy today? I Have an ED I am in Recovery I am Recovered Loved-one has an ED Not sure if I have an ED I'm a Medical Prof. Research and Info I Stumbled In Other view results Eating Disorders FREE SFWED Newsletter YOUR NAME YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS ex: Stop Annoying Diet-Ad Pop-Ups Press Release: We do NOT supply or display any type of diet-ad advertising. If you are seeing annoying pop-ups ads while visiting any of the Something Fishy Websites, click here We are a PRO-Recovery Website Press Release: Media attention and websites that promote Eating Disorders as a "lifestyle" or "diet" Words of Thanks - A Petition One of our members started a petition for us to receive an award... we are honored that she thought of us and that many have signed! Ephedra ban takes effect nationwide Upcoming Chats RADER RECOVERY CHAT Monthly Chat (twice a month) for FAQ's about anorexia, bulimia, and treatment options. Specific topics featured each month. Hosted by Jennifer of the Rader Programs.

11. Trastornos Alimentarios: Anorexia Y Bulimia / Eating Disorders: Anorexia And Bul
Art­culos y documentos, chat y foro de discusi³n.
04230-HUERCAL DE ALMERÍA - ALMERÍA - C/GAVILÁN ,30 - E-MAIL: FORO LOS MILLARES FORO ADOLESCENCIA Dafne Fernández y el grupo musical GRETA Y LOS GARBO participan en un corto sobre Anorexia y Bulimia: Ver Información Se inicia una nueva etapa en el FORO SOBRE ANOREXIA Y BULIMIA. Si desea participar no tiene más que suscribirse y enviar/contestar los mensajes que desee. Solamente se admitirán mensajes de autoayuda. No se permitirán aquellos con contenido PROANOREXIA NI PROBULIMIA. var site="s10PEPE1980" Pinos del Valle - El Pinar (Granada)
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12. Anorexia
Skolarbete om f¶rekomst, symptom och behandling.
Anorexia ett specialarbete av Lina Lindström vt 98 INLEDNING Detta arbete handlar om anorexia, den förrädiska sjukdomen som vi möter allt oftare hos unga kvinnor i dagens samhälle. Det är flickor som för omgivningen helt obegripligt börjat banta. Jag har valt ämnet för att jag har en kompis med anorexia, och då jag har sett vad sjukdomen gjort med henne, så vill jag veta mer om den - särskilt vad som utlöser den. Ämnet anorexia är brett, så för att avgränsa mig, bortser jag från när det kommer i kontakt med idrott, (där sjukdomen ofta förekommer) bulimia, (en annan typ av ätstörning, men som ofta anorektiker övergår i under tillfrisknandet) tillfrisknande och män med anorexia (eftersom det främst är kvinnor som har sjukdomen). Jag beskriver sjukdomen allmänt och fördjupar mig i dess orsaker. Den föreliggande sammanställningens syfte blir därför att svara på följande fråga: "Varför får man anorexia"? De metoder jag har använt är att hämta kunskap från skönlitterära böcker, uppslagsböcker, faktaböcker, filmer och Internet. De skönlitterära böckerna började jag med att läsa, men detta bara för min egen del - man kan ju inte hämta fakta därifrån. Det kan man däremot i uppslagsböcker, men där beskrivs ämnet bara kort, så då kom faktaböckerna in i bilden. Den kritik jag kan rikta mot dessa är att de ibland är mer eller mindre vinklade i fråga om vilken syn författaren har på sjukdomen, vilket behandlingssätt som är bäst osv. Filmerna hade samma roll som de skönlitterära böckerna, det vill säga att öka min egen insyn i ämnet. De var dessutom alltför gamla att hämta fakta ur. Internet visade sig ha mycket material om ämnet, och urvalet därifrån, av seriös status givetvis, tillförde en del.

13. Dit Is De Site Van De Stichting Anorexia En Boulimia Nervosa, Nederland
Nederlandse pagina over anorexia en Boulimia Nervosa. Informatie Nervosa.Welkom. op deze WWWpagina s over anorexia en Boulimia Nervosa.
op deze WWW-pagina's over Anorexia en Boulimia Nervosa.
Deze pagina's geven informatie over deze eetstoornissen, de mogelijke behandelingen, en de activiteiten van de Stichting Anorexia en Boulimia Nervosa
Ook zijn er verwijzingen naar andere bronnen van informatie op het Internet.
Maak een keuze uit de onderstaande rubrieken:
Eetstoornissen Anorexia? Boulimia? Eetbuien? ... Meer weten? Nog steeds geen browser met frame ondersteuning? Pffff...
Deze hoofdsite van De Stichting Anorexia en Boulimia Nervosa: is een frameloze versie, of naar de familie site, , of de site voor hulpverleners, . Binnenkort komt er ook een ingang speciaal voor scholen en scholieren: Trouwens, de site heeft er niks mee te maken, maar is ook aardig om te zien!

14. Recovering From Anorexia
Abandoned Beliefs. ? Recovering From anorexia. ? Abandoned Beliefs is my offering to those suffering with anorexia. It is my sincere hope that sharing my recovery will However, the torture of
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Abandoned Beliefs Recovering From Anorexia
I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. Stephan G. Rellet
Abandoned Beliefs is my offering to those suffering with anorexia. It is my sincere hope that sharing my recovery will lend support to those who seek it. Recovery is a process that often feels unbearable; I acknowledge this. However, the torture of anorexia is equally unbearable. The difference is this: Struggling through recovery yeilds gifts: the disovery of self, peace and contentment. Anorexia's only offering is imprisonment and deathof heart, of soul, of self. There is an incredible sense of peace and freedom awaiting those who bravely endure the trials of recovery. I know, for peace fills my life each dayI am free!
Whether you are beginning or are in the midst of your journey, I wish you success in discovering your sense of self and aquiring the knowledge that you are a special, lovable human being deserving of happiness. I wish you freedom.

15. Learn About Anorexia
This site contains information about anorexia what is it, what casuesit, what are the medical risks. What Is anorexia? anorexia Home Eating Disorder Pages Anorexia
Binge Eating


Eating Disorder Help
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The Secret Language of Eating Disorders: How You Can Understand and Work to Cure Anorexia and Bulimia
What Is Anorexia? Anorexia is an eating disorder where people starve themselves. Anorexia usually begins in young people around the onset of puberty. Individuals suffering from anorexia have extreme weight loss. Weight loss is usually 15% below the person's normal body weight. People suffering from anorexia are very skinny but are convinced that they are overweight. Weight loss is obtained by many ways. Some of the common techniques used are excessive exercize, intake of laxatives and not eating. Anorexics have an intense fear of becoming fat. Their dieting habits develop from this fear. Anorexia mainly affects adolescent girls. People with anorexia continue to think they are overweight even after they become extremely thin, are very ill or near death. Often they will develop strange eating habits such as refusing to eat in front of other people. Sometimes the individuals will prepare big meals for others while refusing to eat any of it. The disorder is thought to be most common among whites, people of higher socioeconomic classes, and people involved in activities where thinness is especially looked upon, such as dancing, theater, and distance running.

16. Anorexia Nervosa
Uitgebreid overzicht van dit ziektebeeld.
Anorexia Nervosa
Bijgewerkt: 23 mei 2004 Inleiding
Klik hier voor een overzicht van kenmerken van anorexia nervosa. DSM-IV-TR criteria
Klik hier voor uitleg DSM
A. Weigering het lichaamsgewicht te handhaven op of boven een voor de leeftijd en lengte minimaal normaal gewicht (bijvoorbeeld gewichtsverlies dat leidt tot het handhaven van het lichaamsgewicht op minder dan 85 procent van het te verwachten gewicht; of het in de periode van groei niet bereiken van het te verwachten gewicht, hetgeen leidt tot een lichaamgewicht van minder dan 85 procent van het te verwachten gewicht). B. Intense angst in gewicht toe te nemen of dik te worden, terwijl er juist sprake is van ondergewicht. C. Stoornis in de manier waarop iemand zijn of haar lichaamsgewicht of lichaamsvorm beleeft, onevenredig grote invloed van het lichaamsgewicht of lichaamsvorm op het oordeel over zichzelf of ontkenning van de ernst van het huidige lage lichaamsgewicht. D.

Guia sobre los trastornos alimentarios anorexia, bulimia y alimentaci³n compulsiva. Gu­a para padres y amigos. Gu­a para educadores. Gu­a de tratamientos. Prevenci³n y detecci³n precoz. Foro. Desde Valencia.
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English version
Este website fue creado el 1 de diciembre de 1.998, bajo el nombre de WANBULA

18. Asociación De Lucha Contra Bulimia Y Anorexia
The Association Against Bulimia and anorexia in Argentina is directed by Dr. Mabel Bello. Information on what are anorexia and bulimia, services, courses, contacts, news, and polls. Available in Spanish, English, and Catala.
Esta página usa marcos, pero su explorador no los admite.

19. Asociación Médica Homeopática Argentina
Causas, s­ntomas y tratamientos. Por la Asociaci³n M©dica Homeop¡tica Argentina.
A.M.H.A Anorexia Infantil Dra. VIVIANA TACHELLA Actual Profesora Adjunta a Cátedra de la A.M.H.A Artículo publicado en la revista Homeopatía Nº2 de 1997 Summary In this article it is specifically developed the great issue of infant anorexia. The most common causes that may originate its appearance are found here, as well as its symptomathology through which it is commonly expressed. The article ends providing a list of medicaments commonly used within our therapeutically arsenal to treat it successfully. Resumen En esta publicación se desarrolla específicamente el gran tema de la anorexia infantil. Se establecen en él las causas más comunes que pueden determinar su aparición, así como la sintomatología con la que habitualmente se expresa. Concluye el artículo con la lista de medicamentos más comúnmente utilizados dentro de nuestro arsenal terapéutico para tratarla con éxito. Cualquier enfermedad puede tener la anorexia entre sus síntomas, especialmente al comienzo y esta circunstancia es con frecuencia el primer signo de alarma que alerta a los padres. En un primer momento debe establecerse la diferencia entre anorexia e inapetencia. Anorexia es la falta de apetito que puede alternar con un hambre excesivo, voraz.

20. Anorexia Nervosa
, Diagnostic Criteria. Refusalto maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight......anorexia Nervosa. American
Anorexia Nervosa
American Description
Diagnostic Criteria
  • Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height (e.g., weight loss leading to maintenance of body weight less than 85% of that expected; or failure to make expected weight gain during period of growth, leading to body weight less than 85% of that expected). Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though underweight. Disturbance in the way in which one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue influence of body weight or shape on self-evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of the current low body weight. In postmenarcheal females, amenorrhea, i.e., the absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles. (A woman is considered to have amenorrhea if her periods occur only following hormone, e.g., estrogen, administration.)
  • Specify type:
    • Restricting Type: during the current episode of Anorexia Nervosa, the person has not regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behavior (i.e., self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas) Binge-Eating/Purging Type: during the current episode of Anorexia Nervosa, the person has regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behavior (i.e., self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas)

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