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81. ANGINA PECTORIS angina pectoris (Latin for pain of the chest ), a term applied to a violent paroxysm of pain, arising almost invariably in connexion with disease of the http://20.1911encyclopedia.org/A/AN/ANGINA_PECTORIS.htm | |
82. Manbir Online ... Angina Pectoris.. Stress Induced Electrocardiogram In A Patien result on exercise indicates that the likelihood of CAD is 98 percent in males over 50 years of age with a history of typical angina pectoris who develop chest http://www.manbir-online.com/cardiac/ecg_stress-test.htm | |
83. Manbir Online ...Angina Pectoris angina pectoris. angina pectoris is the name given to a clinical syndrome used to describe discomfort due to transient myocardial ischaemia. http://www.manbir-online.com/cardiac/angina_1.htm | |
84. Angina Pectoris -413 Death Rates for Twelve Age groups from. angina pectoris 413. http://www.disastercenter.com/cdc/aangina.html | |
85. ÄRZTLICHE PRAXIS - Das Online-Magazin Für Arzt Und Patient Translate this page angina pectoris oder Ösophagus-Schmerz? Bei jedem dritten Patienten mit akutem Thoraxschmerz findet sich keine kardiologische Ursache. http://www.aerztlichepraxis.de/aktuell/artikel/1083924413/homepage/aktuell | |
86. Cardiovascular Diseases - Angina Pectoris angina pectoris. What is angina pectoris? angina pectoris (or simply What are the symptoms of angina pectoris? angina pectoris occurs when http://www.nyp.org/health/cd_rom_content/adult/cardiac/anginap.htm | |
87. MedWerk Terug naar domein, Chronische aandoeningen en werk. Chronische aandoeningen, angina pectoris. Omschrijving, Informatie over angina pectoris http://www.medwerk.nl/kr_medwerk/6548 | |
88. Angina Pectoris I - By Ballegaard S; Meyer CN; Trojaborg W. / Research Subject I This article describes research of acupuncture or traditional Chinese medicine applied to angina pectoris. This article targets researchers. angina pectoris I. http://www.acupuncture.com/Research/Angina1.htm | |
89. Angina Pectoris - Stanford Hospital And Clinics Cardiovascular Diseases. angina pectoris Angina vs. Heart Attack Angina may have What is angina pectoris? angina pectoris (or simply angina http://www.stanfordhospital.com/healthLib/atoz/cardiac/anginap.html | |
90. MotherNature.com - Angina Chest pain due to reduced blood flow to the heart is known as angina or angina pectoris. Hardening of the coronary arteries (atherosclerosis http://www.mothernature.com/Library/Ency/Index.cfm/Id/1009003 | |
91. Angina Pectoris ? What Does Everyone Want To Know About Angina Pectoris? Here's About angina pectoris What you and I might want to know. Recommended References and Products. Earlier Blogs To NOV 10 2002. Latest books on angina pectoris http://www.health.xq23.com/cardiovascular_updates_cvd/Angina_pectoris.html | |
92. Angina Angina. angina pectoris is the result of a lack of oxygen supply to the heart muscle, due to a reduced blood flow around the heart s blood vessels. http://www.fact-index.com/a/an/angina.html | |
93. THE ANGINA PECTORIS domain names and web hosting and url forwarding from V3. THE angina pectoris. the new album lakshmi is coming out next Click here to continue. http://anginapectoris.notrix.net/ | |
94. OHSU Health - Angina Pectoris Detailed information on angina pectoris, including symptoms, diagnostic, and treatment information. Email. angina pectoris. What is angina pectoris? Angina Vs. http://www.ohsuhealth.com/htaz/cardiac/conditions_diseases/angina_pectoris.cfm | |
95. Angina Pectoris . angina pectoris is a common manifestation of coronary artery disease. The pain is caused by reduced...... angina pectoris, http://ww3.komotv.com/global/story.asp?s=1230223 |
96. Burnham, Gregory By That I Mean Angina Pectoris Literature Annotations. Burnham, Gregory By That I Mean angina pectoris. Genre, Short Story (1 pp.). http://endeavor.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit-med-db/webdocs/webdescrips/burnham791-de | |
97. Paradisi.de - Health & Ernährung - Erkrankungen - Angina Pectoris - Erkrankung Translate this page Die angina pectoris tritt anfallsweise nach körperlicher oder seelischer Anstrengung auf. angina pectoris - Erkrankung der Arterien. http://www.paradisi.de/Health_und_Ernaehrung/Erkrankungen/Angina_Pectoris/ | |
98. TOPROL-XL - Angina Pectoris TOPROLXL® (metoprolol succinate) is a cardioselective beta-blocker that provides 24 hours of beta-blockade for patients with angina pectoris. http://www.toprol-xl.com/HCP/4_Angina.asp | |
99. Dorlands Medical Dictionary crescendo angina, former term for unstable angina pectoris. microvascular angina, angina pectoris resulting from ischemia caused by microvascular dysfunction. http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszS |
100. Healthnotes Angina, or angina pectoris, is chest pain due either to reduced blood flow to the heart or to certain other abnormalities of heart function. Angina. http://www.healthwell.com/healthnotes.cfm?contentid=1009003&org=newhope |
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