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         Angina Pectoris:     more books (100)
  1. Unstable Angina: Diagnosis and Management: Commentary on the AHCPR Clinical Practice Guideline (Clinical Practice Guidelines Series, 10) by Michael H. Crawford, 1997-01-02
  2. Angina: An Atlas of Investigation and Management by Ian J. Sarembock, Fadi M. Elahdab, et all 2007-05
  3. Silent Myocardial Ischemia and Angina: Prevalence, Prognostic, and Therapeutic Significance by Bramah Singh, 1989-01
  4. Unstable Angina (Fundamental and Clinical Cardiology) by Rutherford, 1991-10-31
  5. Coronoary Artery Disease and Angina Pectoris: Pathophysiology for Nurses Video Series (Pathophysiology for Nurses Series) by Blanchard-Loeb, 2000-01-01
  6. MemoCharts Pharmacology: Angina pectoris and its drug therapy (Review chart) (Paperback) by Howard Shen, 2004-11-16
  7. Air pollution and hospitalization due to angina pectoris in Tehran, Iran: A time-series study [An article from: Environmental Research] by A.R. Hosseinpoor, M.H. Forouzanfar, et all
  8. Lectures on Angina Pectoris and Allied States by D. Appleton and Company, William Osler, 2010-04-06
  9. Tachycardia: Myocardial Infarction, Angina Pectoris, Cardiac Muscle, Ischaemic Heart Disease, Vagus Reflex, Bradycardia
  10. On neuralgia: Its causes and its remedies : with a chapter on angina pectoris by J. Compton Burnett, 2009-10-06
  11. Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de angina pectoris; quam, ... pro gradu doctoris, ... eruditorum examini subjicit Stewart Crawford, ... (Latin Edition) by Stewart Crawford, 2010-06-10
  12. Diseases of the Arteries Including Angina Pectoris (Volume 1) by Allbutt, 2010-01-03
  13. A treatise on the disease commonly called angina pectoris. By William Butter, ... by William Butter, 2010-06-09

61. HONselect - Angina Pectoris, Variant
English angina pectoris, Variant, Prinzmetal s Angina - Angina, Prinzmetal s - Prinzmetal Angina - Prinzmetals Angina - Variant angina pectoris.
List of rare diseases: English Deutsch
MeSH term:
Accepted terms:
English: Angina Pectoris, Variant - Prinzmetal's Angina
- Angina, Prinzmetal's
- Prinzmetal Angina
- Prinzmetals Angina
- Variant Angina Pectoris
Français: ANGOR PRINZMETAL Deutsch: Angina pectoris, Variant- - Prinzmetal-Angina
Español: ANGINA PECTORIS VARIABLE - ANGINA DE PRINZMETAL - ANGINA DE PECHO VARIABLE Português: ANGINA PECTORIS VARIANTE - ANGINA DE PRINZMETAL HONselect ressources Definition: Yes Articles: Yes Images: Yes News: No Conferences: No Clinical trials: No Web sites: English Yes Français Yes Deutsch No Español No Português No Home About us Site map Feedback ... HONewsletter Last modified: Wed Apr 28 2004

62. Heart Info-Angina Pectoris
angina pectoris is a common manifestation of coronary artery disease. The pain is caused by reduced...... angina pectoris.
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Angina Pectoris
Related Stories Hormone Replacement Therapy May Still Pan Out Figs Fight Off Food Poisoning Soy May Stave Off Endometrial Cancer Related Videos Protect Your Heart, Protect Your Eyes Help For Blood Disorder Drano for the Heart Related Slides Angioplasty Atrial Fibrillation Congestive Heart Failure Related Encyclopedia Angina Pectoris Angiogram Angioplasty Definition
Angina pectoris is a term that describes chest pain caused by myocardial ischemia - a condition in which the amount of oxygen getting to the heart muscle is insufficient. It usually occurs on exertion and is relieved by rest. Angina generally is a symptom of coronary artery disease . In most severe cases, it may occur with minimal effort or at rest. Description
Angina pectoris is a common manifestation of coronary artery disease. The pain is caused by reduced blood flow to a segment of heart muscle (myocardial ischemia). It usually lasts for only a few minutes, and an attack is usually quickly relieved by rest or drugs (such as nitroglycerin). Also, it is possible to have myocardial ischemia without experiencing angina.

63. Angina Pectoris
angina pectoris. angina pectoris. Management of stable angina. Management of stable angina pectoris / drug therapy. Resource allocation for
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Angina Pectoris
Angina Pectoris Angina Pectoris / drug therapy Angina Pectoris / therapy broader: Chest Pain Coronary Disease other: Chest Pain Coronary Arteriosclerosis Coronary Thrombosis narrower: Angina, Unstable
Angina Pectoris
Management of stable angina Management of stable angina is one of the Effective Health Care Bulletins, published on the Web by the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at York University. It is aimed at decision makers and is peer reviewed. The bulletins examine the effectiveness of a variety of health service interventions based on systematic reviews. Published in October 1997, the full-text document is in PDF, requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader. N.B. As this document is now more than one year old, you will be directed to a preliminary page warning that it may not contain the latest information. However, it is still possible to access the document from that page. Review Literature [Publication Type] Chest Pain Angioplasty Angina Pectoris ... Angina One in a series of patient-oriented documents that are written by a British general practitioner. This leaflet provides information on angina (angina pectoris) and covers the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Published on the Web by Medinfo. Patient Education Chest Pain Angina Pectoris Angina This interactive tutorial on angina has been produced by the Patient Education Institute, and made available on the Web by the National Library of Medicine MEDLINEplus service. The tutorial covers the signs of angina, what causes it, treatment options, and how to prevent the serious diseases that angina may be a sign of. This tutorial requires Flash plug-in.

64. Angina Pectoris/MI Channel
angina pectoris/MI, SEARCH Doctor s Guide. The Web, Medline. Congress Resource Centre. personal edition angina pectoris/mi, News, ESC

65. CSS - ABC Zu Gesundheit Und Krankheit - Angina Pectoris, Herzenge
Translate this page angina pectoris, Herzenge. angina pectoris (Herzenge) ist eine Erscheinungsform der koronaren Herzkrankheit. Sie beruht auf einer

66. Angina Pectoris
Heart Information. angina pectoris. What is angina pectoris? angina pectoris is due to atherosclerosis. Facts about angina pectoris

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Angina Pectoris
What is angina pectoris?
Angina pectoris is recurring chest pain or discomfort that happens when some part of the heart does not receive enough blood. It is a common symptom of coronary heart disease (CHD), which occurs when vessels that carry blood to the heart become narrowed and blocked due to atherosclerosis. Facts about angina pectoris:
  • It is a symptom of a condition called myocardial ischemia which occurs when the heart muscle (myocardium) does not get as much blood as it needs for a given level of work. (Insufficient blood supply is called ischemia.) Angina feels like a pressing or squeezing pain, usually in the chest under the breast bone, but sometimes in the shoulders, arms, neck, jaws, or back. Symptoms usually begin with physical exertion, although other triggers include emotional stress, extreme cold or heat, heavy meals, alcohol, and cigarette smoking. Pain is usually relieved within a few minutes by resting or by taking prescribed angina medicine.

67. Symptome: Angina Pectoris
Translate this page angina pectoris und Herzinfarkt zeigen die gleichen Symptome, sie unterscheiden sich nur in der Dauer ihres Auftretens. angina pectoris oder Herzinfarkt?
Aggrastat Cancidas Cosopt Ezetrol,Cholesterin ... Zocor Asthma Bluthochdruck Gelenkschmerz Haarausfall Osteoporose
Informationen zu Herzerkrankungen – bei der Deutschen Herzstiftung DMKG Homepage
Angina Pectoris oder Herzinfarkt?
Die beiden Koronarerkrankungen Angina Pectoris und Herzinfarkt zeigen dieselben Symptome und unterscheiden sich nur in der Dauer ihres Auftretens. Eine genaue Diagnose kann daher nur ein Arzt stellen.
Beide Formen der Angina Pectoris - die instabile wie die stabile - zeigen im Krankheitsverlauf die gleichen Symptome: œber wenige Sekunden bis zu mehreren Minuten anhaltende Schmerzen in allen K¶rperregionen, ein beklemmendes Engegef¼hl in der Brust, Atemnot oder ein dumpfes Ziehen in der Herzgegend. STICHWORT Herzinfarkt Ein Herzinfarkt macht sich durch die gleichen Symptome wie die Angina Pectoris bemerkbar, allerdings halten die Anzeichen f¼r einen akuten Anfall deutlich l¤nger an. Meistens sitzen die Schmerzen im Brustkorb hinter dem mittleren oder dem unteren Bereich des Brustbeins. Von dort aus k¶nnen sie allerdings auch auf die Innenseiten von Arm und Hand ausstrahlen und Schmerzen entsprechend auf der rechten wie auf der linken K¶rperseite hervorrufen. Typische Anzeichen f¼r eine Erkrankung sind auch Schmerzen im Unterkiefer sowie Ausstrahlungen in den R¼cken- und Bauchbereich. In diesen besonderen F¤llen ist besondere Vorsicht geboten, da die Betroffenen die Schmerzursache nicht auf eine Funktionsst¶rung ihres Herzen zur¼ckf¼hren und vielfach keinen Arzt konsultieren.

68. What Is Angina Pectoris?
What is angina pectoris? Most of us know it means chest pain. Read on to learn more about angina. What is angina pectoris? What is angina pectoris?
What is Angina pectoris?
What is Angina pectoris? Most of us know it means chest pain. Read on to learn more about angina.
What exactly is angina? Is it chest pain? Well, it is that and more. Let's find out exactly what angina is, it causes, symptoms, treatments and more. Angina, or angina pectoris, its official name, is a disease of the heart that causes chest pain. The chest pain in angina is caused by a decreased flow of blood from the coronary arteries (which are the heart's arteries), and an oxygen deficiency (lack of oxygen) to the heart. The heart is a muscle, and like any muscle, requires oxygen in order to function. When any muscle has a lack of oxygen, then that muscle will begin to hurt, cramp and/or ache. bodyOffer(31329) Angina Pectoris disease is usually a result of atherosclerosis. However it should be known that certain other conditions can predispose a person to angina as well. These include conditions that can be hereditary, such as diabetes and hypertension. They can also include aquired conditions and illnesses such as syphilis and rheumatic heart disease. Things such as aging, smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes can cause the atherosclerosis to develop over time. The atherosclerosis then leads to angina, or chest pain. So, in effect, one condition effects the other, and so on. Some studies have found that angina occurs mostly when the work load on the heart is quite high. So, when the person exercises, works hard, is under stress, or even when eating a heavy meal, the angina can occur. Do not confuse angina with a heart attack. Angina is different from a heart attack, because with angina, no permanent damage is done to the heart muscle. Angina can be a sign of serious heart problems, so do not ignore it. Do not be stubborn or just assume that you have indigestion. Like the old saying goes, it is better to be safe than sorry.

69. Angina
Chest pain due to reduced blood flow to the heart is known as angina or angina pectoris. Angina. Also indexed as angina pectoris, Breast Pain, Stenocardia.
Angina Also indexed as: Angina pectoris, Breast Pain, Stenocardia Chest pain due to reduced blood flow to the heart is known as angina or angina pectoris. Hardening of the coronary arteries (atherosclerosis) that feed the heart is usually the underlying problem; it is important for treatment and prevention of angina (and for overall health) to learn more about atherosclerosis . Coronary artery spasms may also cause angina. There are three main types of angina. The first is called stable angina. This type of chest pain comes on during exercise and is both common and predictable. Stable angina is most often associated with atherosclerosis. A second type, called variant angina, can occur at rest or during exercise. This type is primarily due to sudden coronary artery spasm, though atherosclerosis may also be a component. The third, most severe type is called unstable angina. This angina occurs with no predictability and can quickly lead to a heart attack . Anyone with significant, new chest pain or a worsening of previously mild angina must seek medical care immediately.

70. Gesundheit.|GesundheitPro|krankheiten - Herz Und Kreislauf - Angina Pectoris
Translate this page angina pectoris. Zusammenfassung angina pectoris ist ein anfallsartig auftretender Brustschmerz als Symptom einer Durchblutungsstörung der Herzkranzgefäße.

Herz und Kreislauf

Weitere Artikel:
Angina pectoris
Angina pectoris tritt in verschiedenen Formen Vorbeugung
Formen von Angina pectoris: Chronische stabile Angina pectoris Instabile Angina pectoris Prinzmetal Angina Stumme Angina pectoris , eine Sauerstoff-Unterversorgung des Herzens, die phasenweise und auch ohne Symptome auftritt, vor allem bei Diabetikern und Personen mit bestehenden Herzerkrankungen oder Herzfehlern. Sie ist nur im EKG zu erkennen, meist entweder bei der Belastungsuntersuchung am Fahrrad (Ergometrie) oder bei der ambulanten 24-Stundenregistrierung des EKGs Risikofaktoren
mit Anstrengungen verbundene Blutdruckschwankungen
Das Rauchen aufgeben Gesundheitsbewusst essen, vor allem tierische Fette vermeiden Die Einnahme von Medikamenten und Vitaminen zur Vorbeugung eines Herzinfarktes ist medizinisch umstritten

71. MSN Encarta - Angina Pectoris
Translate this page angina pectoris. angina pectoris, Sauerstoffmangel im Herzmuskel, meist verursacht durch Verengung oder Verstopfung der Kranzarterie. Multimedia. angina pectoris.
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Spektrum der Wissenschaft: Der Placebo-Effekt Literaturangaben In diesen Quellen finden Sie weitere Informationen zu folgenden Themen: Angina pectoris M¶chten Sie noch mehr von Encarta? Werden Sie noch heute Abonnent, und Sie erhalten Zugriff auf:
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72. Angina Pectoris - Wikipedia
Translate this page angina pectoris. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. angina pectoris heißt auf deutsch Brustenge. Als angina pectoris
Angina Pectoris
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Angina pectoris heißt auf deutsch Brustenge. Als Angina pectoris bezeichnet man einen Schmerz in der Brust , der durch eine Durchblutungsstörung des Herzens ausgelöst wird. Meist beruht diese Durchblutungsstörung auf einer Engstelle (= Stenose ) eines Herzkranzgefäßes . Beim Herzinfarkt kommt es oft zu einer besonders schweren und länger anhaltenden Angina pectoris. Formen der Angina pectoris:
  • Belastungsangina nächtliche Angina stabile Agina pectoris (siehe unten) instabile Angina pectoris (siehe unten) therapieresistente Angina pectoris Prinzmetal-Angina
  • Streß körperliche Anstrengung üppige Mahlzeiten Kälte Wetterumschwung
  • tritt typischerweise plötzlich ein, dauert Sekunden bis hin zu Minuten

73. Angina Pectoris - Wikipedia
Translate this page angina pectoris. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. angina pectoris (Synonym Stenokardie) ist eine anfallsartige Enge in der Brust.
Angina pectoris
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Angina pectoris (Synonym: Stenokardie) ist eine anfallsartige Enge in der Brust Angina pectoris wird entweder durch körperliche oder seelische bzw. psychische Belastung verursacht, meistens im Rahmen einer vorbestehenden Koronarsklerose. Sonderform ist die prinz-metal angina, hier wird eine vorrübergehene Ischämie des Myokards durch einen Spasmus der Koronarien ausgelöst. Die Dauer eines Anfalls liegt zwischen Sekunden und Minuten. Unterscheidung des Auftretens in Ruhe (Ruhe-AP) oder unter Belastung (Belastungs-AP). Von der Ruhe-AP geht eine unmittelbare Infarktgefahr aus. Eine Unterscheidung von AP und Herzinfarkt ist präklinisch nicht sicher möglich, deshalb entspricht die Akut-Therapie der des aktuen Herzinfarkts. Views Persönliche Werkzeuge Navigation Suche Werkzeuge

74. Angina Pectoris
Informasjon om angina pectoris. angina pectoris er en smertefølelse i brystet som skyldes for liten blodtilførsel til en del av hjertemuskelen.
Angina Pectoris (hjertekrampe)
Utarbeidet av AstraZeneca A.S. ved Alexis Garras 04.02.2004 Angina pectoris eller hjertekrampe skyldes åreforkalkning i de blodårene som fører blod til hjertemuskelen. En eller flere av disse årene har blitt for trange. Dette fører til at hjertet ikke får oksygenet det skal ha. Når behovet for oksygen i hjertemuskelen øker, når hjertet må slå fortere eller hardere når vi anstrenger oss, kommer det ikke nok blod gjennom de trange årene. Det gjør vondt, og smerteanfallet kalles hjertekrampe. Det er litt flere menn enn kvinner som har hjertekrampe, og sykdommen starter vanligvis tidligere hos menn (50-60 årsalderen) enn hos kvinner (etter 65 år). Mer om angina pectoris Årsaker Symptomer Er angina pectoris farlig? Risikofaktorer ... Behandling
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75. Er Angina Pectoris Farlig?
I en stabil fase kan angina pectoris være plagsom og hemme livsutfoldelsen, men behøver ikke være farlig. AstraZeneca Norge, Er angina pectoris farlig?
Er angina pectoris farlig?
Utarbeidet av AstraZeneca A.S. ved Alexis Garras 04.02.2004 I en stabil fase kan Angina Pectoris være plagsom og hemme livsutfoldelsen, men behøver ikke være farlig. Av og til kan forsnevringen på åreveggen slå sprekker. Det danner seg sår og arrvev og blodplater kommer ilende til for å dekke over såret. Det skjer en endring i levringsprosessen i blodet, og det dannes en blodpropp. I forbindelse med en slik hendelse vil ofte anginasymptomene forverres. Det oppstår en ustabil situasjon som kan bli forløpet til et hjerteinfarkt. Ved en ustabil Angina Pectoris vil smerter i brystet oppstå i hvile/ro; oftere om natten eller ved mindre anstrengelser enn tidligere. Som oftest vil en da føle seg slappere og mindre opplagt enn før. Disse signaler må tas alvorlig, og lege eller sykehus skal kontaktes. Plutselige smerter i brystet som varer utover en halvtime, og som ikke bedres av nitroglycerin, kan være tegn på hjerteinfarkt. Kontakt straks lege for vurdering av sykehusinnleggelse.
Angina Pectoris og hjerteinfarkt / hjertesvikt
For enkelte vil Angina Pectoris være en mer eller mindre stabil sykdom uten vesentlige komplikasjoner eller brå forandringer. Andre igjen vil i løpet av sykdommen oppleve å få et hjerteinfarkt. For noen kan infarktet være første kontakt med hjerte- og karsykdom. Noen vil etter infarktet ikke ha symptomer, mens andre kan få Angina Pectoris eller hjertesvikt.

76. Angina Pectoris - Medical Dictionary Definitions Of Popular Medical Terms
MedicineNet Home MedTerms medical dictionary AZ List angina pectoris. Advanced Search. angina pectoris Index.

77. Angina, Angina Pectoris, Breast Pain, Stenocardia
Chest pain due to reduced blood flow to the heart is known as angina or angina pectoris. Also indexed as angina pectoris, Breast Pain, Stenocardia.
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78. RCPG-Angina Pectoris
What is angina pectoris? angina pectoris angina pectoris is the medical term for chest pain experienced by patients with heart disease.

How the Heart Works
Facts on Heart Disease Healthy Heart Lifestyle Angina Pectoris Angina Pectoris is the medical term for chest pain experienced by patients with heart disease. The coronary arteries supply the heart its blood flow, and thus, its supply of oxygen and nutrients. When there is a blockage in one or more of the coronary arteries, the blood supply to the heart is not adequate and angina occurs. Angina has many forms and is different for each person. It usually occurs as temporary episodes of discomfort which may vary in severity. Angina may be described as a pressure across the chest and can extend to the arms, neck or back. The discomfort may also be described as a dull pressure or a squeezing, heavy choking, tight, burning or full sensation. At times, it may feel like indigestion or a tightness in the neck or jaw. Some people may only experience shortness of breath and not any other discomfort. Factors which may cause angina symptoms to occur include physical exertion, emotional stress, exposure to cold, digestion and sexual activity. See American Heart Association for more information on Angina Pectoris.

79. Angina Pectoris (Stable Or Unstable)
angina pectoris is a type of temporary chest pain, pressure or discomfort. angina pectoris is a type of temporary chest pain, pressure or discomfort.
Angina (angina pectoris) is a type of temporary chest pain , pressure or discomfort. With stable angina, the attacks happen only when the heart needs extra oxygen, like when a person climbs a long flight of stairs or jogs across the street. With unstable angina, attacks may occur even when a person is at rest. Angina is not a disease but a symptom of coronary artery disease (CAD) a chronic disease in which there is a "hardening" ( atherosclerosis ) of the arteries on the surface of the heart. Drugs used to treat angina are sometime called antianginal medications (anti-anginal agents). CAD often leads to cardiac ischemia a condition in which not enough oxygen-rich blood is getting to the heart, often because fatty plaque has clogged up the blood vessels. Cardiac ischemia causes the angina symptom because when the heart is not getting enough oxygen, chest pain (angina) serves as a distress signal. Short periods of ischemia cause little long-term damage to the heart. However, the condition usually worsens if untreated and can lead to a heart attack, abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias), syncope (fainting) or sudden cardiac death. The main experience that people report when they have angina is chest pain, pressure or a vague chest discomfort. In fact, the term "angina pectoris" means "a choking sensation of the chest." An angina attack may feel like a squeezing vise or crushing pressure deep in the chest behind the breastbone (sternum), and may also be felt in the shoulders, arms, back, neck or jaw. People experiencing angina may also feel light-headed (dizziness) and feel an abnormally fast or irregular heartbeat (palpitations).

80. Angina Pectoris - Strong Heart And Vascular Center
angina pectoris. What is angina pectoris? Symptoms of angina pectoris. Angina feels like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, or pain in the chest area.
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Angina Pectoris
What is Angina Pectoris?
Angina pectoris is the medical term for chest pain, and is usually the primary symptom of myocardial ischemia, a condition where the heart does not get as much blood as it needs, as well as other heart disease.
Symptoms of Angina Pectoris
Angina feels like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, or pain in the chest area. It can occur when the body is under exertion, as in stable angina, or when the body is at rest, as in the case of unstable angina. Although angina pectoris is not a heart attack , it is a sign that someone is at an increased risk of having a heart attack, and should receive medical attention.
Risk Factors of Angina Pectoris
The risk factors for experiencing angina are similar to risk factors for developing coronary artery disease , and include:
  • High blood pressure Cigarette smoking High cholesterol Overweight/obesity
Types of Angina Pectoris
There are four main types of angina pectoris:
  • Stable angina - Chest pain is usually predictable and is brought on when the person is under physical exertion or emotional or mental stress. Pain can be relieved with rest or medication (nitroglycerin).

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