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1. Anal Fissure Self Help Page Self help page for those seeking more information on anal fissures. Since hemorrhoids often appear to happen with anal fissures, I talk about them too. http://www.boardsailor.com/jack/af/ | |
2. The Bright, The Beautiful, The Anal Fissure Web Page things to never, ever type into a google image search. no pictures, please. no, really. i have an anal fissure. some traumas are more glamorous than others. let me assure you, anal fissures hurt http://www.ambiguous.org/quinn/medical/fissure.html | |
3. Treatment Of Anal Fissures anal fissures originally are a superficial tear in the tissue which lines the anal canal Most patients with anal fissures relate pain with evacuation, rectal bleeding, itching http://www.gastromd.com/education/treatmentanalfissures.html | |
4. EMedicine - Anal Fistulas And Fissures : Article By Ingrid Legall, MD Anal Fistulas and Fissures An anal fissure is a superficial linear tear in the anoderm most commonly caused by passage of a large, hard stool. This tear is distal to the dentate line. Anal Pathophysiology In anal fissures, anus distal to dentate line is involved http://www.emedicine.com/emerg/topic495.htm | |
5. HealthCentral - General Encyclopedia - Anal Fissure anal fissures are common in young infants, and studies suggest 80% of infants will have had an anal fissure by age 1 http://www.healthcentral.com/mhc/top/001130.cfm | |
6. Anal Fissure Self Help Page Self Help page for those with anal fissures. http://www.boardsailor.com/jack/af/index.html | |
7. 0.2% Nitroglycerin Ointment Management of anal fissures. Stephen Patients with anal fissures usually present with minor anal bleeding and severe anal pain. The http://www.boardsailor.com/jack/af/gorfine_paper.html | |
8. Anal Fissure - Digestion: Health And Medical Information Concerning Digestive Sy About 5075% of anal fissures treated in this fashion will heal in several weeks to months. Anal Fissure At A Glance anal fissures are tears in the anal canal. http://www.medicinenet.com/Anal_Fissure/article.htm | |
9. Community Drug disease, had been diagnosed as having chronic anal fissures. Stool softeners and the addition of bethanacol are as effective as nitroglycerin in the management of anal fissures http://www.communitydrug.com/CaseStudy_Display.cfm?CaseStudyID=23 |
10. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Anal Fissure anal fissures are extremely common in young infants but may occur at any age. The incidence of anal fissures decreases rapidly with age. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001130.htm | |
11. Treatment Of Anal Fissures anal fissures originally are a superficial tear in the tissue which lines the anal canal. This superficial tear may deepen and eventually reach the underlying tissues. These tissues are the internal http://www.gastromd.com/education/print_treatmentanalfissures.html | |
12. Anal Fissure And Fistula - Fissures Symptoms, Treatment And Healing BUPA health factsheet explaining what anal fissures and fistulas are, the causes, who is at risk and the common symptoms and complications. Anal fissure. http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/mosby_factsheets/anal_fissure_and_fistula.htm | |
13. American Family Physician: Treatment Of Anal Fissures September 2000, p. 839.) anal fissures are splits in the anal mucosa immediately within the anal verge than 80 percent of acute anal fissures will heal spontaneously with the http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m3225/5_63/71267980/p1/article.jhtml?term=anal |
14. Anal Fissure Treatment - Anus & Sphincter Pain, Symptoms & Surgery Anal fissure Anal fissure. What causes anal fissures? Frequently, no cause is found for an anal fissure. Acute and chronic anal fissures. http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/html/anal_fissure.html | |
15. Disease Category Listing (328): Anal Fissures CenterWatch Listing of Clinical Research Trials for anal fissures Clinical Trials anal fissures. There are no studies currently listed in this category on the CenterWatch web site. http://www.centerwatch.com/patient/studies/cat328.html | |
16. Encyclopaedia Topic : Anal Fissure, Section : References Nifedipine for local use in conservative treatment of anal fissures. Preliminary results of a multicentre trial. Glyceryl trinitrate for chronic anal fissures. http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/en.asp?TopicID=26&AreaID=3010&LinkID=2414 |
17. FamilyFun Health Encyclopedia Anal Fissures An excerpt on anal fissures from the Disney Encyclopedia of Baby and Child Care is usually no need for concern. anal fissures can be treated successfully and seldom become chronic WHAT CAUSES http://www.family.com/raisingkids/child/health/childhealth/dony79enc_anfiss |
18. ANAL FISSURE ANAL FISSURE. What is an anal fissure? anal fissures may be acute (recent onset) or chronic (present for a long time or recurring frequently). http://www.fascrs.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=3 |
19. Discovery Health Anal Fissure anal fissures are usually related to abnormal bowel movements. Usually, anal fissures can be prevented by maintaining regularly formed bowel movements. http://health.discovery.com/diseasesandcond/encyclopedia/182.html |
20. Bob The Anal Fissure Subject My anal fissure Bob Date Tue, 28 Dec 93 234900 +0200. Medical personnel here don t like being quizzed by foreigners with anal fissures. http://www.zug.com/scrawl/analbob/analbob5.html | |
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