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Altophobia: more detail |
81. 'A' Phobia Quiz Question 2 A person who screams and panics when he sees dust has whatphobia? Amaxophobia Amathophobia altophobia Aerophobia. Question 3 http://www.funtrivia.com/playquiz.cfm?qid=5762&origin= |
82. Bartcop Entertainment - Friday, 19 December, 2003 Be forewarned, if you have a fear of heights (altophobia) or a fear of being trampledto death (don t know whatcha call that) then this movie might be too much http://www.suprmchaos.com/bcEnt-Fri-121903.index.html | |
83. Phobias....... :-) :-) - Architecture Students Posted by Simple Simon on January 15, 2002 at 065717 Acrophobia/altophobia/HypsiphobiaFear of heights. Aeroacrophobia- Fear of open high places. http://www.designcommunity.com/students/1702.html | |
84. Frog_rider: Phobia? Perversion Is More Like It! So let us quickly go through some other common phobias and their underlying perversionaltophobia, or fear of heights This can be caused by any number of http://www.livejournal.com/users/frog_rider/8322.html | |
85. The Risen Realm | Phobias of kidney disease Alektorophobia Fear of chickens Algophobia Fear of pain AlliumphobiaFear of garlic Allodoxaphobia Fear of opinions altophobia Fear of http://www.therisenrealm.com/phobias.html | |
86. OUTLAWS LEGAL SERVICE Heaven Ouranophobia or Uranophobia. Heights- Acrophobia, altophobia, Batophobia,Hypsiphobia or Hyposophobia. Hell- Hadephobia, Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia. http://www.outlawslegal.com/refer/phobias.htm | |
87. Competitions Translate this page Pochon Cédric, VS. 84. 4, altophobia. Maistre Christelle, Georger Barbara,Vuignier Daniella, Vuignier Hervér, VS. 82. 5, Les Banthères Bleues. http://www.oberaargauerbrassband.ch/winner SSQW 2004.htm | |
88. I Am Bored - Sites For When You're Bored. f0rk0 Female, 1829, Midwest US 6871 Posts, Wednesday, November 05, 2003 54610PM Acrophobia- Fear of heights altophobia- Fear of heights http://www.i-am-bored.com/forums.asp?page_num=1&action=read&q_id=2536&ct=10 |
90. Mistaken For The Backseat Ride Of A Journey S Night S sober. i ve not had a drink since well..last year. T - tantalizing. haha. not.A - altophobia. read acrophobia. S - serious. hehe..hehehe hehehehehe http://socialconstipation.blogdrive.com/archive/cm-5_cy-2004_m-5_d-12_y-2004_o-1 | |
91. Project-24 Archives: July 2002 Agliophobia Fear of pain. Algophobia- Fear of pain. altophobia- Fearof heights. Amaxophobia- Fear of riding in a car. Anthropophobia http://www.project-24.com/gmarchives/archive-072002.htm | |
92. .::links & Other Stuffs::. altophobia fear of heights Catagelophobia - fear of being ridiculed Arachnophobia- fear of spiders Pyrophobia - fear of fire Claustrophobia - fear of closed http://issa_811.tripod.com/links.html | |
93. Richard[WINTERS]md: The Phobia List [1] . The Phobia List 1. The Phobia List Allodoxaphobia Fear of opinions.altophobia- Fear of heights. Amathophobia- Fear of dust. http://www.richardwinters.com/richardwintersmd/2001/04/the_phobia_list.html | |
94. Phobia Search Phobialist Agrizoophobia Agyrophobia Aichmophobia Ailurophobia Albuminurophobia AlektorophobiaAlgophobia Alliumphobia Allodoxaphobia altophobia Amathophobia Amaxophobia http://hub.lcp.linst.ac.uk/archive/gmd2002/keythemes/phobia/search_phob.html | |
95. Ç¢JEZ[«¢JEZ[ The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://2.csx.jp/~counselor/phobia | |
96. Paralogics, Paranoias The Bad Systems Before The Strait-Jack-it! http://www.mail-archive.com/basics-l@locutus.csres.utexas.edu/msg00347.html | |
97. Mental Health Information And Education Health. ?. Conditions and Disorders. ?. Mental Health. Welcome to the MentalHealth page where you will find a huge range of health and medical resources. http://www.profound-health.com/ConditionsandDisorders/MentalHealth/Index.shtml | |
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