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         Allergies:     more books (101)
  1. Coping With Your Allergies by Natalie Golos, Francis Golos Golbitz, 1986-04
  2. Allergy and Immunology: An Otolaryngic Approach by John H. Krouse, Stephen J. Chadwick, et all 2002-01-15
  3. Dr. Braly's Food Allergy and Nutrition Revolution by James Braly, Laura Torbet, 1998-10-11
  4. Allergy Free: An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide by Konrad Kail, Bobbi Lawrence, et all 2000-09-15
  5. Lose Wheat, Lose Weight: The New Allergy-free Diet Plan with 60 Easy Recipes by Antoinette Savill, Dawn Hamilton, 2002-12-02
  6. Aaron's Awful Allergies by Troon Harrison, 1996-04-01
  7. The Allergy Cookbook: Tasty, Nutritious Cooking Without Wheat, Corn, Milk, or Eggs; Revised (Signet) by Ruth G. Shattuck, 1986-05-06
  8. Lose Wheat, Lose Weight: The New Allergy-free Diet Plan with 60 Easy Recipes by Antoinette Savill, Dawn Hamilton, 2002-12-02
  9. Aaron's Awful Allergies by Troon Harrison, 1996-04-01
  10. The Allergy Cookbook: Tasty, Nutritious Cooking Without Wheat, Corn, Milk, or Eggs; Revised (Signet) by Ruth G. Shattuck, 1986-05-06
  11. Allergy Exclusion Diet by Jill Carter, Alison Edwards, 2003-02-01
  12. The Allergy Bible: Understanding, Diagnosing, Treating Allergies and Intolerances by Linda Gamlin, Jonathan Brostoff, 2005-06-03
  13. Eliminate Your Pet's Allergies by Devi S. Nambudripad, 2006-01-01
  14. All About Allergies: 9 by Susan Neiburg Terkel, 1993-04-01

121. - Spring Passage: Pollen Makes People Sick - May 1, 2000
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Davos protesters confront police MORE ... MORE MARKETS 4:30pm ET, 4/16 DJIA NAS SPORTS Jordan says farewell for the third time ... LOCAL EDITIONS: Europe change default edition MULTIMEDIA: video video archive audio multimedia showcase ... more services E-MAIL: Subscribe to one of our news e-mail lists Enter your address: DISCUSSION: chat feedback CNN WEB SITES: Europe AsiaNow Spanish ... Korean Headlines TIME INC. SITES: Go To ... People Money Fortune EW CNN NETWORKS: CNN anchors transcripts Turner distribution SITE INFO: help contents search ad info ... jobs WEB SERVICES:
Spring passage: Pollen makes people sick
May 1, 2000 Web posted at: 4:04 p.m. EDT (2004 GMT) From staff reports WASHINGTON (CNN) The eyes have it: They're itchy and watery. The nose has it, too; it's runny and stuffy. Sneezing is par for the course, as are coughing and postnasal drip. It's not a springtime cold, but a chemical reaction to pollen and other irritants. Pollen allergy also called hay fever or allergic rhinitis affects about 35 million Americans, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a division of the National Institutes of Health. Airborne pollen, which allows flowers, trees, bushes and other plants to reproduce, can cause brutal symptoms in these people.

122. Ivanhoe's Medical Breakthroughs - Asthma & Allergies Channel
In the Archives Impact of Childhood Food allergies. Childhood food allergies can be very difficult to live with. Search Asthma allergies Clinical Trials.

123. - Health - Seeking Allergy Relief From Over-the-counter Drugs - April 21
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New treatments hold out hope for breast cancer patients


Thousands dead in India; quake toll rapidly rising

Israelis, Palestinians make final push before Israeli election
Davos protesters confront police MORE ... MORE MARKETS 4:30pm ET, 4/16 DJIA NAS SPORTS Jordan says farewell for the third time ... LOCAL EDITIONS: Europe change default edition MULTIMEDIA: video video archive audio multimedia showcase ... more services E-MAIL: Subscribe to one of our news e-mail lists Enter your address: DISCUSSION: chat feedback CNN WEB SITES: Europe AsiaNow Spanish ... Korean Headlines TIME INC. SITES: Go To ... People Money Fortune EW CNN NETWORKS: CNN anchors transcripts Turner distribution SITE INFO: help contents search ad info ... jobs WEB SERVICES:
Seeking allergy relief from over-the-counter drugs
From Medical Correspondent Holly Firfer April 21, 2000 Web posted at: 1:58 p.m. EDT (1758 GMT) (CNN) Nearly 30 million Americans spend $325 million each year on non-prescription medicated relief for allergies. But in a survey by the American Pharmaceutical Association nearly half of consumers said they don't always read the drug labels and only 40 percent talked to their pharmacist about these medications before taking them.

124. Allergies
Living with Guinea Pig allergies. This is a compilation of multiple sources about allergies and suggestions for dealing with and living with allergies.
Living with Guinea Pig Allergies " If you are truly committed to your companion animals, there is almost always a way. I cannot imagine life without mine, so a little suffering is worth it ten-fold! " by Laurie Ansberry.
The information on this page is not intended to be used as medical advice. This is a compilation of multiple sources about allergies and suggestions for dealing with and living with allergies. Please consult your physician or allergist for proper medical advice.
Signs include itchy eyes sneezing runny nose persistent cough shortness of breath wheezing a skin rash , and anaphylactic shock (a true medical emergency).
Symptoms of an allergic reaction include:
Asthma , which is a respiratory reaction that causes difficulty in breathing.
Rhinitis , which is characterized by a stuffy, runny nose.
Conjunctivitis , which is an inflammation or infection of the eyes.

125. - Home - Yamoa Powder Herbal Remedy For Asthma And Hayfever
A natural, sideeffect-free herbal remedy for respiratory allergies. Suitable for all ages.
Home ORDER Asthma Survey Results Hayfever Survey Results Yamoa Powder Testimonials ... About Us
Click above to be redirected to our NEW website! Welcome to the Home of YAMOA POWDER Yamoa Powder has been traditionally used to aid recovery from respiratory and allergic conditions.
Yamoa Powder is a herbal remedy that originates from West Africa, and has been handed down throughout the generations.
Yamoa Powder is a totally natural substance made from the ground bark of a unique gum tree found in West Africa, it contains no other additives. Yamoa’s History Asthma Survey Results Hayfever Survey Results ... Eczmend
"We feel so priviledged to have it [Yamoa] in our possession. It's like we've discovered a gold mine. We plan on telling as many people as possible about your product. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS!!!!!"
Judy Ehret, USA
"Its a 1st not to be taking steriod tablets with my usual maximum dose of asthma drugs during the hayfever season."
Phil Tibbetts Worcestershire UK
"I had a hayfever related asthma which only occurred during July to September each year. I took the Yamoa at the end of one season and had to wait until the next year to see if it had worked. It did! I had no problems with asthma this year at all."
Richard Jones, UK

126. Asthme Et Allergies Respiratoires
Translate this page Asthme et allergies respiratoires sont aujourd’hui en pleine recrudescence. Ils sont dus à un état de sensibilité particulière
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Informez-vous ... Dossiers Asthme et allergies respiratoires
Asthme et allergies respiratoires
Ce dossier a été réalisé en collaboration avec :
  • Alain Grimfeld Hôpital Trousseau, Paris,
  • Francisque Leynadier Hôpital Tenon, Paris.
Texte rédigé par Etienne Rica
Immunoglobulines E

1 . Etat des lieux

2 . Quels sont les responsables ?

3 . Des mécanismes de mieux en mieux élucidés
... 4 . Les voies de recherche sur les nouveaux traitements Publication : Octobre 1997 Imprimer cette page Retour aux dossiers Sommaire Etat des lieux Quels sont les responsables ? Des mécanismes de mieux en mieux élucidés Les voies de recherche sur les nouveaux traitements En France, comme dans d’autres pays développés, l’obésité progresse. Liée à divers facteurs, cette maladie a des conséquences graves sur la santé. La recherche se tourne actuellement vers la génétique, mais seule une prise de conscience de la société fera reculer ce fléau. Les lauréats 2004 de la Fondation Recherche Médicale Le 6 mai dernier, la Fondation Recherche Médicale a décerné treize Prix, sous l’œil bienveillant de son président, Pierre Joly. L’obésité, un problème de santé avant tout

127. - Allergy Center
Experts offer information about the causes of, along with the latest treatments and steps you can take to prevent allergic reactions and asthma attacks.

128. Rashes And Skin Allergies
Rashes Skin allergies. Rashes are a very broad topic, but this Advisory has a narrow focus dry skin and eczematous rashes. Dry
always a problem if you have eczema. What is Eczema? Eczema is a term used for a group of skin conditions having several things in common: dryness, itching, inflammation and thickening of skin, and recurrence. See the table below for descriptions of the usual types. Type Location Symptoms Appearance
Atopic dermatitis (common in kids with allergies or asthma, often gone by adulthood) See body map Itching Thickened, red, dry skin; sometimes crusty and oozing. Contact dermatitis (skin allergy or sensitivity to a substance) See body map Itching, dry skin Dry, thickened, cracked skin. Hand dermatitis (usually caused by irritants) Hands, sides of fingers Itchy, dry, painful; sometimes small blisters at sides of fingers Dry, red, skin; sometimes cracked and bleeding. Dry (chapped) skin Backs of hands, lower legs, or entire body None or sometimes itching Scaly, flaky; not thickened. Sometimes cracked if severe. What Causes It? do The Itch/Scratch Cycle Characteristic sites of atopic dermatitis. Scratching can actually trigger eczematous rashes. Initial mild itching makes you want to scratch, of course. But scratching damages the skin, worsens inflammation, irritates surface nerves, and leads to even more intense itching than you had before. This cycle aggravates and prolongs all of these rashes. In fact some eczematous rashes completely disappear without any treatment if you just stop scratching.

129. Stallergenes
Diagnostic et traitement des allergies par immunoth©rapie (d©sensibilisation).

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130. Living With Rabbit Allergies
Living with Rabbit allergies Susan Smith, PhD What Are allergies? allergies are part of the body s normal response to fighting infections.






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FAQs HRJ Articles ... Contact Us... Living with Rabbit Allergies Susan Smith, PhD Related Articles Forthcoming... The caller on the help line is in tears. "My doctor says I'm allergic to my rabbit and I have to get rid of her. I love her so much. Can you find a good home for her?" These calls are heartbreaking. It's true that the easiest allergy treatment is to remove the triggering agent. But this ignores the importance of companion animals to our health and well being. Our fosterers' experiences show that allergy sufferers can live safely and happily with rabbits and other pets. What Are Allergies? Allergies are part of the body's normal response to fighting infections. Sometimes the immune system becomes hyperstimulated and reacts to agents that normally are ignored. Common allergens include dust mites, cockroaches, and plant pollens. Allergies to animals are often caused by the saliva proteins left on the fur after licking and not the fur itself. Touching the fur transfers these proteins to our fingertips, and then to the face, eyes and nose. In turn, these entrances into our body are lined with immune cells ready to respond to any invaders. For some people the proteins on rabbit fur are considered dangerous invaders, prompting the immune system to mount a full scale defense. Watery eyes and dripping nose try to wash away these proteins. The airway constricts in response to hormones such as histamines, which recruit more immune cells to the invasion site. This response is beneficial when the invader is influenza. A response to rabbits or other companion animals can instead cause misery and trouble. For several of our fos-terers, the inconvenience of allergies is far outweighed by love for our companions. Discussed here are strategies that HRS fosterers successfully use to minimize these discomforts.

131. NeilMed Products - Sinus Rinse, Nasal Rinse, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Allergies
Most comprehensive nasal rinse kit with premixed packets. An informative brochure with educational material on allergies, sinusitis, and rhinitis is also provided with the kit.
1221 Farmers Lane, Suite 500
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
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132. Allergies
allergies. What are allergies? allergies are a result of an overeager immune system. People with etc. allergies in a Campaign. allergies
What are Allergies?
Allergies are a result of an over-eager immune system. People with normal immunities produce antibodies against diseases and dangerous substances in the hopes that these antibodies will keep "enemies" out of the body. In people with allergies, antibodies are created and overproduced for things that aren't generally dangerous: pollens, dusts, hair, certain foods, etc.
Allergies in a Campaign
Allergies can make great disadvantages for game systems which use them and can be very effective tools even in other RPGs. If characters have allergies, it makes their lives a little harder; they must be careful where they go, what they eat or what they touch (depending on the allergy). Characters with allergies may find it difficult to travel to various exotic locales with their companions. One thing to kep in mind is that some research suggests that the incidence of allergies has increased over the past 100 years, suggesting the possibility that in the medieval period allergies may have been virtually unknown (although this is far from certain).

133. Allergy And Asthma Elimination Treatment Naet Holistic Centre UK
Details about allergies and Asthma being eliminated with NAET,a revolutionary new treatment. Located in Britain.
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div> The UK's leading allergy and asthma elimination treatment clinic in Britain, specializes in: allergy treatment,asthma treatment,allergy elimination elimination of all environmental and food allergies for life. chronic asthma treatments cure for hives treatment fibromyalgia irritable bowel syndrome uk dog allergies psoriasis treatment chronic fatigue syndrome treatment allergy testing in the uk treatment fibromyalgia hives caused by allergic reaction
allergies/intolerance what can be treated?
health conditions
Top Ten Allergies

favourite links: NAET website JMT website allergy and asthma treatment at the NAET Holistic Centre UK, specializing in permanent elimination of allergies,symptoms,latest treatments for fibromyalgia,candida,with revolutionary new procedures."> The UK's leading allergy and asthma elimination treatment clinic in Britain, specializes in the: elimination of all environmental and food allergies for life. chronic asthma treatments cure for hives treatment fibromyalgia irritable bowel syndrome uk sun allergy dog allergies psoriasis treatment chronic fatigue syndrome treatment allergy testing in the uk hives caused by allergic reaction
Are you interested in eliminating your allergies for life?

134. Allergy And Asthma Recipes
Allergy and Asthma FAQ, and recipes section. Recipes geared towards common food allergies.
FAQ home general info 1/2 general info 2/2 resources ... reviews recipes links Frequently Asked Questions:
Allergies and Asthma
Revision 1.5 This FAQ is intended to answer frequently asked questions on allergies and asthma in the newsgroup. Though the comments are geared towards parents of children, there is plenty of information for adults as well. Before reading the FAQ, please read the To contribute to this collection, please send e-mail to the address given below, and ask me to add your comments to the FAQ file on Allergies and Asthma. Please try to be as concise as possible, as these FAQ files tend to be quite long as it is. And, unless otherwise requested, your name and e-mail address will remain in the file, so that interested readers may follow-up directly for more information/discussion. This FAQ is posted regularly to news.answers and For a list of other FAQ topics, look for the FAQ File Index posted to or tune in to Collection maintained by Eileen Kupstas Soo There are many contributors involved in this FAQ.. many thanks for all the work!

135. Allergies
allergies. Asthmatics are often allergic to dust mites. Most allergies are minor annoyances, but they are not something to take lightly.
An allergy is an immune system response to something which is not directly dangerous to the body. The term was coined by Viennese paediatrician Baron Clemens von Pirquet in 1906, from the Greek words allos meaning changed or altered state and ergon meaning reaction or reactivity. He observed the exaggerated immune responses of some of his patients, and concluded that they were a response to outside allergens such as dust, pollen, or certain foods. The most basic allergy symptoms are similar to those of a common cold - snuffling, itchy eyes, and sneezing. An allergy can also cause skin rashes, hives or weals such as contact dermatitis or eczema; these are often caused in reaction to medications. Hay fever is one example of a very common minor allergy - large percentages of the population suffer from hayfever symptoms in response to airborne pollen. Asthmatics are often allergic to dust mites. Most allergies are minor annoyances, but they are not something to take lightly. An allergy can also be extremely life-threatening if it is severe, causing anaphylactic shock and a total shutdown of the airways, circulation and every function of the body. Treatment The only known mainstream medicine treatment for allergy is hyposensibilization. Other medication, such as by antihistamines and cortisone, can have the effect of reducing the symptoms. A number of modalities in alternative medicine can be effective in the treatment of allergies, particularly traditional Chinese medicine.

136. Demarrage
Informations sur les allergies alimentaires, r©seau d'allergovigilance en allergie alimentaire. Par le Cercle d'Investigations Cliniques et Biologiques en Allergologie Alimentaire (CICBAA).
Bienvenue sur le site du C ercle d' I nvestigations C liniques et B iologiques en A l lergologie A limentaire

Your Animal s Health with Dr. Wendell O. BelfieldThe Web Magazine for Modern Pet Owners Skin allergies A Nutritional Approach to Treatment by Dr. Wendell O. Belfield Back Issue Index Arthritis and Related

138. Treat Celiac Disease And Autism With Gluten Free Foods!
Wheatfree, gluten-free grocery store for people with Celiac Disease, wheat allergies, or gluten intolerance.
Product Search:
Gluten-Free, Wheat-Free Foods

Gluten is a protein in all wheat, rye, barley and oat products. Many people must completely avoid gluten in their diets.
We offer over 300 gluten-free, wheat-free, and many casein-free foods, and specialize in offering hard-to-find products that taste great. Gluten-free diets are for people with:
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders Celiac Sprue Disease Gluten Intolerance Wheat Allergies
  • Whether you're new to the diet or an "old pro," if you're wheat-free/gluten-free, you could use a manual to help you live - and LOVE - the gluten-free lifestyle. "Wheat-Free, Worry-Free: The Art of Happy, Healthy, Gluten-Free Living" is that manual. Click here to order now. Site developed by Infoscaler Technologies
    This Celiac Disease Webring site owned by Bryan Van Noy [Prev 5 Sites] [Prev] [Next] ... [List Sites]

    139. Food Allergies, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Allergy Cooking, Dysbiosis
    At you will learn that there IS help for people with food allergies, even if they have IBD. Help and Hope for Those With Food allergies.

    Low Dose

    Immunotherapy Status
    Books to help you
    with your food allergies
    Help and Hope for Those With
    Food Allergies
    A speaker once said that we can live a few weeks without food, a few days without water, a few minutes without air, but only a few seconds without hope. Hope is indeed essential to life, to living rather than just surviving or existing. Some people with food allergies discover what they are allergic to, avoid those foods, and by practicing avoidance faithfully, enjoy stable health for the rest of their lives. Some avoid their problem foods for a time, and then their allergies improve to the point that they can eat freely again. Yet others develop allergies to more and more foods as time goes on regardless of how faithful they are about their diets. I was once involved in a discussion on how to prevent the development of new food allergies. One person said that using a rotation diet and not eating any one food too often was the way to keep from developing more allergies. Another said that rotation diets could lead to eating single foods in large quantities, and that eating too much of any food could cause one to become allergic to it. Finally someone asked, "So what will prevent the development of more food allergies?" The answer given was, "Death!" This does indeed seem to be the situation for some people - a situation without hope. The purpose of this website is to give you hope. Just as a rainbow comes after the rain, so too can you enjoy good health again. By treating the underlying root causes of your food allergies, you may become healthier than you have ever been before. It might not be a quick process, and most of the time you will eat differently from those around you (at least at first), but you can again be healthy enough to enjoy your activities, friends, and family. You can truly live again rather than just survive.

    140. Welcome To Pan American Laboratories Website
    Development, licensing and marketing of pharmaceutical products with an emphasis on the prevention of dehydration the treatment of allergies, coughs and colds, and pain.
    Welcome to the Pan American Laboratories Website. Learn about our Products
    Visit our product area homocysteine film now.

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