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61. GEMdatabase - Selected Title TITLE alexander disease. DESCRIPTION This review focuses on the diagnosis, management,and genetic counseling of patients and families with alexander disease. http://www.gemdatabase.org/GEMDatabase/TitleDetailsOne.asp?TitleID=820 |
62. NINDS Alexander Disease Information Page More about NINDS alexander disease Information Page. Contact us Content forthis page. NINDS alexander disease Information Page. Reviewed 1201-2003 http://accessible.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/alexand_doc.htm | |
63. SMIL - Skandinavisk Medisinsk Informasjon For Legfolk Norsk Dansk Svensk norsk, Emner, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N,O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Æ, Ø, Å, 0-9. HJELP. Nevrologiske sykdommer alexander disease . http://www.smil.uio.no/index.php?columns=3&action=subject&letter=N&subject=506&c |
64. Alexander Disease / Waisman Center http://www.waisman.wisc.edu/alexander/ | |
65. Alexander Disease Bibliography By Topic Messing, A. and Brenner, M. alexander disease GFAP mutations unify young andold. Lancet Neurology 2, 75, 2003. alexander disease a review and the gene. http://www.waisman.wisc.edu/alexander/bib-topic.html | |
66. Alexander('s) Disease/Syndrome HOME. Alexander( s) Disease/Syndrome (Dysmyelinating Disease). alexander disease;Alexanders; alexander disease; alexander disease; Alexander s Disease; http://www.bdid.com/alexander.htm | |
67. Central Nervous System Diseases alexander disease MCW Health Link (US). alexander disease - OMIM (US).About alexander disease - NORD (US). Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome. http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/C10.228.html | |
68. Neurology -- Abstracts: Gorospe Et Al. 58 (10): 1494 Neurology 2002;5814941500 © 2002 American Academy of Neurology Molecularfindings in symptomatic and pre-symptomatic alexander disease patients. http://www.neurology.org/cgi/content/abstract/58/10/1494 | |
69. Search Jablonski's Syndromes Database MedlinePlus Degenerative Nerve Diseases Stroke) Short Summary; alexander disease (National Institute of NeurologicalDisorders and Stroke) - Short Summary; Alpers Disease http://www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/jablonski/syndrome_cgi?term=Alexander disease&field=n |
70. James E. Goldman, MD, PhD We are also studying alexander disease, a leukodystrophy in which the braindoes not myelinate properly and astrocytes accumulate massive amounts of http://www.research.hs.columbia.edu/Faculty_Profiles/profiles/goldman_je.html | |
71. Cleveland Clinic Health System - Health Information Search Results The following information is available for the topic alexander disease.Please select one. Care Treatment. , alexander disease. New Search. http://www.cchs.net/health/getcontents.asp?DocID=do-query&TopicId=1272 |
72. Applied Genetics News: Gene Defect For Alexander Disease You are Here Articles Applied Genetics News Jan, 2001 Article.Gene Defect for alexander disease. Applied Genetics News, Jan, 2001. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m0DED/6_21/69709517/p1/article.jhtml | |
73. Abstract 2000 alexander diseaseclassification revisited and isolation of a neonatalform. Neuropediatrics 2000 Apr;31(2)8692 alexander disease http://www.medizin.uni-tuebingen.de/~rtkolb/neurorad/publi/abstracts/00-008.html | |
74. FORMULAIRE INSCRIPTION RECHERCHE WWW.LACHAINETTE.COM Translate this page Contacts Enfermedad seleccionada alexander diseaseId, First name, Country, Web. 1642, michéle, FRANCE, http://www.lachainette.com/ES/ContactsPathologie.php?Action=contacter&Id=1 |
75. FORMULAIRE INSCRIPTION RECHERCHE WWW.LACHAINETTE.COM Translate this page Contacts Rare disease selected alexander diseaseId, First name, Country, Web. 1642, michéle, FRANCE, http://www.lachainette.com/US/ContactsPathologie.php?Action=contacter&Id=1 |
76. Neuroguide.com - Human Neurological Diseases Web sites providing information on human neurological diseases can be accessedvia this section. alexander disease. alexander disease Information (NINDS). http://www.neuroguide.com/cgi-bin/pdistoc.pl?file=AlexanderDisease |
77. Alexander Disease: New Insights From Genetics alexander disease New Insights From Genetics. Albee Messing, VMD, PhD, a , b JamesE. Goldman, MD, PhD, a Anne B. Johnson, MD, a and Michael Brenner, PhD a http://apt.allenpress.com/aptonline/?request=get-abstract&issn=0022-3069&volume= |
78. Managing Pig Health, Treating Pig Diseases, Pig Health And Welfare. Practical manual providing detailed information on pigs, hogs, swine. This 600+ page book, written by Mike Muirhead and Tom alexander is written in an easily understandable format and is aimed at everyone involved in swine production, from the farmer to the professional. Web site gives book contents and has an order form. http://www.managingpighealth.com | |
79. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And The Alexander Technique How this centuryold method of releasing harmful stress can be of benefit to a patient with this disease. http://www.alexandertechnique.com/articles/chronicfatigue | |
80. Metabolic Disorders matter disorders include alexander's disease, Canavan disease, Cockayne's syndrome, and PelizaeusMerzbacher's has been identified in alexander's disease, so the diagnosis must http://fmri.ucsd.edu/NeuroWeb/Text/br-500.htm | |
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